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Jaunty July - Week 1

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    Jaunty July - Week 1

    Good morning Jaunters!

    I'm up & ready (almost) for the guys coming to install the new security system.
    I'm not paying the bill - that's YB's problem

    Will be back - have a great day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Jaunty July - Week 1

      Good Morning Jaunty Ones,

      OOOOH LA LA!!!! I am off all this week and boy, I am having fun! I've been running along the lake path, riding my bike, and swimming, too....all in the same day. I've been competing in my own triathloan and I've gotten first place in every event every day!:H I have not only been having fun but I've managed to clean out 2 closets and there are more to come. I leave for France on Saturday. You guys probably think that I'm dying to go...right? Wrong! I will be trapped for a week with my client, who talks non-stop about his previous accomplishments...and I have to travel with him, too. He is an incredible bore.

      Dew-I love hearing about people's work....what do you do for a living? I know you're self-supporting, very independent, and judging from your e-mail, very competent and valuable as your boss is offering to reduce your hours so you can continue with your treatment. Take him up on his offer....he obviously feels you've earned this break, and he is right.:l

      Lav-the walls are just beautiful! They are a very soothing color.

      Chill-I am so glad your sister is reaching out to you....and with your class and gentle nature, you've never approached her about her are just serving as an excellent role model for her. Good for you! I know it must be overwhelming at your new job, but I know you will make it all work out. Hey, I thought of you yesterday as I was running along the lake path. Someone has a boat named "Casa de Chill."

      Jolie-your comment about taking off the wallpaper "it's a shitty job" made me smile. Especially when I see your avatar and then make a statement like that, I just chuckle. :H

      Cassia-fireworks over the Hudson? How cool is that? Glad you had fun!

      Star-Hope your new job is everything you wanted it to be.

      Papmom-any word on the coveted job that you applied for?

      A big hello to Rustop, LBH, Mylife, Mario, Shelley, and anyone else I may have missed....have a wonderful AF humpday!




        Jaunty July - Week 1

        Hi everyone

        Happy hump day to one and all.

        Bit later checking on today. I had to walk the doggies and then my 17 year
        had her first 2 hour driving lesson. She has already passed the theory part
        and is very keen to drive. Her sister has no interest but to each his own.

        Dew - take your boss up on his offer. When you are not firing on all cylindars
        take any help that is offered.

        Lav - Love the room, it looks so restful.

        Rusty - Your holiday sounds like my idea of heaven. Enjoy and you will get through
        your trip to France, you have the right attitude.

        Papmom/Jolie - what a busy week-end you both had but I am sure you are both
        feeling very proud of yourselves for achieving so much.

        Star - your 4th sounded great too.

        Everyone else big hello.



          Jaunty July - Week 1

          Hi everyone, well I?m feeling good today and I feel like I have turned a corner, not completely there but I can feel a shift in my thinking which is all good. To be honest my close friend who was supporting me quite a lot recently went off to France on 3 weeks holiday at the weekend. I now realise that I was leaning on her quite a bit and I actually feel bad about that (for her, and I plan on speaking to her about this when she gets back). I have another friend who has stepped in to help out and support me and I am aware that I don?t want to put too much pressure on her. I am feeling a bit ashamed about how self centred I have been feeling lately and I want that to stop. Let?s get on with life and focus on today ? not the past, not the future just today. Enough of me. I realise with the statistics that some of you on this thread will have been through this already, so huge apologies. Enuf said...

          Lav I just love the colour of your bedroom, it?s a very cool blue and one that fits in with lots of other colours, I hope you really enjoy taking the time to redecorate it just for you. The chair in the corner (if you are keeping it there) is pink which will soften the blue and gives you many options around that lavender (pink & blue) scheme. I think you and your daughter will come up with lots of lovely things to make the room a lovely relaxing place to escape to. Isn?t it a blessing that she is supporting you with this and really a sign that she wants you to move on with your life? Never mind the walls what are you going to do with that lovely bed ? I would be buying a lovely big fluffy duvet, new bed linen, fat, comfy pillows, a chandelier? Make it a real sumptuous retreat with candles and aromatherapy oils so you enjoy going into the room and relaxing. Lots of love :l

          Jolie I am so with you on the MIL, unfortunately mine died early but we had the best relationship and I use that as a benchmark with my own DIL?s because I want to have the same relationship with them that I had with her. She was a wonderful woman with so much compassion and she is greatly missed by all of us, funny but I have been thinking about her a lot recently and how much I miss her. Thank you for the prayers, I so do appreciate them and they will come back to you in many ways. P3 well I am exhausted reading your post! I have no idea where you get your energy from but I?d like to have some of it. I don?t think you should be doing work on your weekends but I do appreciate the pressure we are all under to deliver the goods, I do it myself often and do resent the time taken away from family etc. Good luck on Friday with Job 2A I will be thinking about you and sending lots of positive vibes from Scotland. I wish you so much luck and wellness (is that an actual word!).

          I am so glad that you came first in your triathlon ? well done, you deserve a medal :grouptrophy: Now, on the should we be excited to travel for the company - well I?ve been there before and to be honest it really doesn?t ring any bells with me so I know where you are coming from. I spent a long time on the road travelling and grew to hate time away from home, soulless airports and hotels and hotel rooms, soulless people and lots of drunks around the bar at night. It?s very depressing really but I am so happy that you rise above all of that and find interesting and engaging things to do everywhere you go. It?s a challenge but one where you rise above all the crap and float to the surface! I will be thinking of you on Saturday with the French bore! C?est la vie! Cassia
          lovely to hear from you and I am so glad things are really working out for you and your hubby/best friend will be with you soon, not long till then really but ages when you want it so, I know. You have achieved so much in such a short time space really when you look back on things but I recognise how determined and focussed you are with your life ? you would do well in my company !

          Chill hang in there honey, I know the 9 ? 5 can be a bit of a buggar at first but you will get used to it and I know you will be excellent at your job and a real asset to the company. On the exercise front I tend to do it all in the morning first thing, I get up at 6am do my meditation or go for a power walk/jog and alternate either days and then by 7am I am in the shower, make up etc and by 8 am I am out the door and off to work. On the days I don?t meditate I try and fit it in in the evening right after work otherwise I am too tired later and fall asleep! However many days I have to be in Glasgow, Aberdeen or Edinburgh for 9am meetings which means a 2+ hour commute so that all goes out the window and I have to put my meditation and power walking into the evening, on those days I often don?t get home till 8pm so it?s a case of go and exercise or chill and relax. I do the best I can but sometimes I am too tired and I just have an early night. Such is life.

          Dewdrop :h
          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


            Jaunty July - Week 1

            Evening all

            I decided to take advantage of using a PC instead of my normal ipad which is difficult to type on!

            Dew - I am so pleased that you feel like you have turned a corner. I am sure your friends are more than happy to give you the support you need and I doubt very much they will see it as pressure. That's what friends are for! We also want to hear as much as possible about how you're doing - there is never too much about you!

            P3 - wow - you are a busy busy bee. I just love it how you are so self reliant and just crack on with things when they need done. Really inspiring! When is the job interview/chat? Have you been preparing for it at all?

            Rusty - V jealous of your exercise! I am just glad that you can't take advantage of the good weather! Have an awesome time in France - have lots of cheese for me.

            Jolie - how was the rest of your fourth of July and how is your week off going?

            Lav - did you get your new security system installed? Was it hot down your way today? We got some rain a couple of hours ago and that seems to have sorted the weather right out.

            Rustop - wow! I remember when i did my driving test and practiced for it. I am sure your daughter will do grand!

            I agree with everyone - exercise in the morning is key! For example, I can't really motivate to go after work but I always feel so much better for it. I find if i go in the morning that solves my problem. I have the trainer tomorrow and Friday and then hot yoga on Saturday. I would really like to get back up to training five days a week but I am not sure how possible it will be. Work has been manic but it should calm down for the end of the week.

            Otherwise, no other chat.

            Speak to you all later.

            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


              Jaunty July - Week 1

              Hey All-just a quick pop in before I collapse. I hate T-Storms and I spent this one in the basement-AGAIN-with the kids because the sky was looking really scary. I'm always on edge and can't relax even with the TV on.

              Test results came back today from my 3 month followup with my doc. I am pleased to announce that I am totally normal! Yep, believe it or not! All kidding aside-my A1C result was very far away from borderline prediabetes and my fasting glucose was in the high 80s!! I'm so happy and it just reaffirms that AL was destroying my body bit by bit hence the scary sugar and kidney results of last year. Now to keep working on those 50 lbs and I should be in tip top shape.

              I agree with everyone on the morning exercise-my problem is I just can't get up when the alarm goes off. I try but I feel drugged every morning and it takes about 45 min of the snooze going off to finally get awake enough to get up. Night time exercise isn't an option but IF I get this new job it might be as I will shave 45 min off my commute each way.

              Cas-I have been mentally preparing. Nothing on paper yet. Tomorrow nite my sis takes me shopping for a light summer weight suit/outfit that is cheery and positive and professional. I'm sure we'll talk about the interview and what to possibly expect at dinner. She's a whiz at preparing.

              Lav-I got the paint tonite!! I got the Allergy/Asthma Free paint that Valspar just came out with. And it was $10 off!! Can't wait to do my bedroom at the end of the month!!

              (((Dew))) It's OK not to be strong every once in a while. Really it is!! Let your friends help you and please don't worry about them!!

              time to let the pups out one more time (storm has passed) and then to bed!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Jaunty July - Week 1

                Bedtime for me but just wanted to say hello!

                Yes, new security system is in ~ now I can give my Piggy Swissy the rest of the summer off :H
                She hates the heat & really prefers to be indoors in the AC :H She actually met the guy out in the driveway when he pulled in this morning - I had to go out & tell him it was safe to get out of his truck!!

                Dewdrop, so glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better
                In the midst of everything today I made a batch of your muffins ~ yummy!! My daughter & her husband stopped in & gave them the thumbs up too !!!! Thanks for the recipe. I harvested tons more zucchini from the garden tonight. It just won;t quit!

                Cassia, yes it's still hot & humid but the rain completely missed this area. It's actually getting pretty dry around here.

                Chill, you'll get into a routine soon. It is hard to make changes in our lives!

                Greetings to rustop, Rusty, papmom & all of the missing others - where are you???

                Good night all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Jaunty July - Week 1

                  Good morning to all!

                  Dewdrop, so good for you to share your journey with us, we care and want to hear everything you want to tell us. Especially the work piece of your life, as we are all dealing with work in one way or the other. I guess it is time for you to focus on your health, as in the past you were so totally focused on your work and did such a good job, that now you can afford to take some time for yourself while you are going through the treatments. It seems that your supervisor has a heart and some good in them. I too am hesitant to ask for help or assistance, but find that when I get the courage to ask or accept help, people can be endlessly kind. Wow, it is amazing.

                  Lav, love the new color in your room, beautiful.

                  Papmom, good to hear that you are busy and healthy. What a relief that must be. I too noticed that my health is much improved. I used to have dry eyes, skin problems, and weird things when drinking regularly. The symptoms are gone now. To health and wholeness.

                  Chill, it is wonderful to hear your confidence in yourself. How true that it takes time to adjust. AF we can do just about anything, manage all situations and make good choices.

                  Cassia, Jolie, good to hear you are continuing on your journeys, AF.

                  Rusty, how great to have some time off to just do whatever you want to do.

                  I have a little time this morning before going into work, as I am kind of slow again. I knew that this could happen in the summer. My attitude is to accept where I am at, take this time to learn and grow through reading and self-study. I am developing an interest in energies and meditation, so have time to indulge myself. I am trying to focus on holistic health, not material things. Easier said than done as money only matters if you don't have enough, then it is all that matters. Normally I take a week off in July, but this year cannot have any time off due to new job. So, the Universe is helping me with down time, right?

                  To all, have a great day, AF.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Jaunty July - Week 1

                    Good Morning Everyone!

                    Just a quick check-in for me as I have a guy coming in a bit to install my new water heater. I have to clear out my laundry room so he has some space. YIKES...the expenses this, water heater....better keep working hard!:H Better not bitch about my loud-mouth, obnoxious client. Dew, he's not French....he's American! We have a long car ride from Paris to Vaux, and I'll be stuck in the car with him. Good thing I have my music on my Iphone.:H

                    Lav-I'm glad your new security system is in, and Maxie spared the life of the guy installing it.

                    Papmom-WHOO WHOO on your test results.

                    Dew-I think your attitude about trying not to be self-centered is soooo admirable. I am proud of you for being so level-headed and brave. The absolute worst part of my best friend's cancer was that she wallowed in self-pity and demanded, demanded, that people show her pity, and when she didn't get enough, she got mad. I have to admit, I was really disappointed in her attitude and it made it very difficult to be around her a lot of times.

                    To everyone else, a cheery hello and have a wonderful AF Thursday!


                      Jaunty July - Week 1

                      Hi everyone

                      Just a quick check in as am rushing as usual.

                      Lav - so glad you got your security system sorted. When we were broken into
                      both dogs were in the house but the alarm was not on! My fault, I was only down
                      the road sledding with the kids in the snow.

                      Papmom - Wow, what a difference being AF makes, bet you are really pleased with
                      your results.

                      Dew - Hang in there and vent away, thats what we are here for.

                      Rusty - Safe travels.

                      Star - Sorry you wont have any vacation this summer but you are a wise woman,
                      making time for yourself with the meditation. I plan to take it up again in
                      September when I have something resembling a life of my own.

                      Everyone else big hello and maybe those MIA's will check in to let us know they are ok?



                        Jaunty July - Week 1

                        Good Thursday morning Jaunters!

                        Hot & humid again today, oh well! Day 5 of the heatwave Totally grateful for the AC!

                        Star, isn't it funny how hard it is to deal with down time at work? The very occasional times it happened at the hospital we used to kind of freak out. Fortunately those times never lasted more than a day or two I listen to lots of webnars, Hayhouse radio is good too.

                        Rusty, I loved watching the view change while riding a train or a bus from Paris to outlying areas - city vs. countryside! I hope your client doesn't bore ass you too much :H I need to not spend anymore $$ myself for a while......adds up.

                        papmom, congrats on the excellent bloodwork results! Preventing the onset of Diabetes & all it's complications is huge! Good for you

                        Dew, I'm going to eat & make more zucchini muffins - yum! Hope you are well today!

                        Greetings to all & wishes for a great day!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Jaunty July - Week 1

                          Greetings to all, Its 6 in the evening here and I am not long in from work,did a lot of driving the last few days,feeling a bit tired now.hope to drop in tomorrow morning, no work for me :-)till then be safe happy & smiling :-)

                          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                            Jaunty July - Week 1

                            Lav I am so happy you enjoyed the muffins, my grandson loves to bake scones and we eat them warm from the oven with butter, jam and cream all melting and oozing everywhere ? very indulgent! I have to make sure he takes any leftovers home otherwise I?d be stuffing my face until I was sick! Star it?s lovely to hear from you and I often feel that we are at the same stage in our lives on the spiritual and healing path, I agree that materialistic ?things? don?t do it for me these days but I also agree that when money is tight is when we suffer most from stresses and worries. We need a balance, right? I hope you don?t miss your week off in July too much. I have been recommended a book and cd called The Open-Focus Brain by Les Fehmi & Jim Robbins which I plan to read and listen to as soon as I can, check out the reviews on amazon, it might be something you would enjoy.

                            you will be delighted to hear that we do have freecycle right here on my doorstep ? how cool is that! I am going to spend a bit of time at the weekend researching it and once I have decluttered I?ll post some things on it so thank you very much. I am planning to find some time over the summer to look out lots of things and have a carboot sale to declutter and streamline a bit but some things can go to freecycle. This is part of my move towards a simpler life

                            Well tomorrow is Friday YYYAAAAAYYYYYYYY the weekend is close. I hope everyone is good.

                            Dewdrop :h
                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                              Jaunty July - Week 1

                              There you are Mario! Get some rest pal

                              Dewdrop, I'm trying to not stuff myself with muffins but.............
                              I will definitely make & give many to my friends!
                              I have been doing a LOT of decluttering since you know who left. There is no need for me to be looking at his stuff. I give him one warning to take it or leave it. When he leaves it I dump it :H
                              This is extremely therapeutic for my heart & my soul

                              I hope everyone has a comfy evening!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Jaunty July - Week 1

                                It's Friday, the best day of the week, with the entire weekend to look forward too.

                                Rustop, you are such a faithful poster, and sound like you are steady on your AF journey. So good to hear from you.

                                Rusty, I had to have car repairs this week, an unexpected expense, but necessary. I am just glad it could be fixed.

                                Lav, sounds like you are moving along on your journey with your husband. Good for you.

                                Well, today I will be cleaning as I am having some friends over for lunch tomorrow and want everything to look as good as possible. Also, some exercise will be in the mix, and reading.

                                Dew, thanks for your comments and suggestions for a new read. I will definitely have time to look it up today. Interesting about your spiritual practices, and especially important now, when dealing with health issues. I find that centering myself and visualizing my energy centers is really helpful to me, promoting peace and it just plain feels good. I know meditation promotes relaxation and health too, so you and I will defintely benefit from continuing these practices. I plan on sitting outside today and working on these things. Nature is a great positive energy producer for me,and the weather here is so perfect this summer. I like it hot, and can go inside with the AC if it gets to be too much. I will be sending you additional thoughts of healing and strength.

                                To all, have a lovely AF Friday.
                                Formerly known as redhibiscus

