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Jaunty July - Week 1

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    Jaunty July - Week 1

    We were Chill, we were!! And don't forget the classic "Just one"!! You know once you get that warm and cozy feeling you want to get it again and again and next thing you know the whole bottle is gone!! Hope you decided on a different host gift. A plant is nice!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Jaunty July - Week 1

      Good morning to all...

      Hey, loved the two stories, real life, by papmom and chill regarding messed up thoughts and overcoming them. I guess those thoughts will always hit us from time to time and we have to be realistic about it. It is true that once started, that warm feeling is not enough, another one and another, till it is just out of control.

      Pap, how odd that the interviewer had no idea about salary range. I just cannot believe that.

      Chill, good for you regarding men and romance. They sound like nice men, but kind of unrealistic. Your life is anything but boring.

      Rusty, safe trip to you.

      Lav, what a relief that your grandaughter is OK.

      To all, have a lovely AF day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Jaunty July - Week 1

        Hey Star-ordinarily yes, unbelievable but in her defense she had only been on the job 2 days and the first day got hit with a huge mistake that had been made before she got there that is costing the school hundreds of thousands of dollars. She tried to get a hold of the HR person to get the range because she did want to throw that out for me but the HR person was swamped and never got back to her in time. Now the HR person won't be back until Tues. Comedy of errors I guess. My hope is that HR and the school are trying to figure out what the range will actually be (I had given them my range a couple of weeks ago) and that's why she didn't have it right at her fingertips to give to this person.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Jaunty July - Week 1

          Good afternoon Jaunt Ones!

          Had to have Max at the vet at 10:20 am for her yearly check. I had to wake her at 10 am!!!!!
          She's so lazy, honestly :H

          papmom, I'm thinking BIG MONEY for you
          Glad you thought things thru & same with you chill!
          Why go the hell back to the beginning???? I'm not always the brightest light bulb in the pack but I can figure out that if I fall again there may be no rescuing myself again ~ just sayin

          Rusty, have a safe trip!

          Greetings to everyone else - hope you're all having a good day!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Jaunty July - Week 1

            Good morning Jaunters

            Oh I feel sooo good today! I slept for 9 straight hours, really unusual for me but my body was screaming out for it. I'm re-energized and ready to seize the day. Dog walk, spin class, house chores, the afternoon with my family then dinner date tonight.....

            Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday!
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              Jaunty July - Week 1

              Good morning everyone

              Just a quick stop by from me. Was at a show with my daughter all day yesterday. She got 2nd in jumping and 4th in showing so was pleased. It's a long day hanging around though so I was tired last night. Went to cinema with hubby to see a new Irish movie so that was nice.

              Pap and Chill - thank you both so much for posting about your stinking thinking. I think that is one of the reasons its so good to get into the routine of logging on every day. It is a reminder that Al is always lurking, even for those of you who seem to have him licked.

              So glad you had that long sleep Chill, you needed it. Safe travels Rusty. Big hello to everyone else. Off shopping with hubby this morning. Does not happen too often and he hates it!!!

              Have a lovely Sunday everyone.



                Jaunty July - Week 1

                Morning everybody,
                I'm up before dawn, running around the neighborhood, talking to every cat I see.
                22 days sober here. Had forgotten how slowly the beginning days of sobriety go especially when you're counting.
                Am reading your posts everyday. Will be around more often once I get these newly sober feet more solidly on the ground.


                  Jaunty July - Week 1

                  Good morning Jaunters,

                  There you are Shelley
                  Good to hear from you even if you are talking to cats :H
                  Hang in there ~ this time next week you will be hitting one month - great!!!

                  Congrats again to your daughter rustop. She must be very happy!
                  I hope you have a good book or some needlework or something to take along with you during these events. I don't think I'd been terribly happy watching those competitions all day long

                  Chill, I can't remember the last time I slept uninterrupted for 9 hours - I'm supremely jealous

                  Well, I have a large to do list to keep me busy today. Just as well because my YB resentment is piling up pretty bad this weekend.
                  Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Jaunty July - Week 1

                    A fly by from me to say "Speed great to hear from you!" hope you get over the cat phase soon :H

                    Saw my Sister this afternoon and she mentioned again about wanting to quit drinking....all good signs

                    Im off out on my date shortly, last time I saw this guy was 7 years ago when I had dinner with himself and his wife and a crowd of others in Portugal. He is cooking dinner for me at his home, a very brave thing I think for a man and on a 1st date. Im not sure whether we are meeting up as old friends or whether its a "date" date. Looking forward to it anyway......
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Jaunty July - Week 1

                      I was planning to potter in my garden all weekend but was rained off both yesterday and today which is frustrating so I?m lounging on the couch listening to some music and catching up on all the news.

                      P3 I?m sorry you are unsettled with the way the interview went and understand your frustration but relax and keep your spirits up, if it?s not this one your perfect job will be along soon I can feel it in my bones. Good for you lady on the victory over the glass of wine you did amazingly well and I am very proud of you for resisting the temptation. Freecycle rocks !! Lav I?m so glad that Miss Lilly is okay and can understand your worries, also sorry you are full of resentment with YB it?s annoying that he still has so much influence on your thoughts and mood, I?d hate that.

                      the dating game can be a bit of a mine field sometimes I?ve done the online thing a few times over the years and met a couple of nice guys but many were not and it takes a bit of time to weed out the nice ones. I gave up after a while and decided to just let things happen if they were going to but I?m honestly not that bothered these days, my family and grandkids keep me very busy. I completely understand your reasons though and will keep my fingers crossed that you find your soul mate soon, I love hearing all your news it?s so interesting ? you could write a book you know. Your Sunday sounds perfect.

                      enjoy France and be aware that we are all behind you cheering you on to remain AF ? you are one strong lady and I know that if you want to stay AF you will do exactly that. Indulge yourself in the cheese and pastries

                      Hi to rustop, Mario, Sped, Jolie and everyone else I?ve missed. I guess we are onto week 2 shortly.

                      Dewdrop :h
                      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                        Jaunty July - Week 1

                        Hi Dewdrop,
                        Sorry your weather has been damp. We had rain Friday afternoon but it's been hot & sunny since. Just brought loads more in from the garden and am desperately looking for people to take it all off my hands :H
                        Just had Lily & her parents here for dinner. Definitely nothing wrong with her.......she's as happy as ever

                        Rusty - I hope you are behaving in Paris girl

                        Chill, I hope your sister decides to join us on this journey. How wonderful for her to have you as a personal mentor. Hope the dinner/date went well

                        OK, going to go say good night to my feathered friends. Egg prodction down a bit this week due to excessive heat ~ but that's OK.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Jaunty July - Week 1

                          Hi folk's!

                          Jauntlily cruising along here talking to every animal i see on the street. Great stuff on your AF time Shelley, and really good to see you.

                          Rusty's in Paris? Cool. Lookout world! Hope you're well Rusty.

                          This post might get lost in the weekly transition, but either way, best wishes to everyone on their respective journey's.


                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Jaunty July - Week 1

                            I promised myself I wasn’t going to post until I had a month under my belt but once I read your “cat post” I had to. ☺ (I’ve missed you all very much by the way). BUT the reason I’m writing before my 30 days sober, which will be on Saturday was because I wanted to share with you, Sped, something that has made these days fly by for me and with each passing day I feel so empowered…something I NEVER felt anytime before when I tried to stop drinking. I read the book “Best Kept Secret” by Amy Hatvany…it just came out in June. AMAZING BOOK!!!!! Totally changed my way of looking at myself and my drinking…haven’t touched a drop since I finished the book. I also read “The Easy Way To Stop Drinking” by Allen Carr…it was recommended by several people on this website. Good book…made sense….kind of have to keep a real open mind to what he’s trying to accomplish. Basically, we aren’t missing out on anything!! We can enjoy our lives just as much…MORE actually without alcohol!! This time around too I actually found and read this “Tool Box” people spoke of..haha…there is some awesome stuff on there!!! ☺ I’ve also started seeing a new therapist. I’m very, very embarrassed to be coming back again admitting I’ve failed…but I also know you understand the struggle, shame and pain we go through as well.
                            I’ve had several “unhealthy” relationships that I keep thinking that if I just do things different, the outcome will change…it never did. It didn’t either with alcohol. It’s always stayed the same…an unhealthy relationship. I’m done.
                            I’ll be back after Saturday, if you’ll have me again? ☺
                            If you want to chat Shel, I’d love to!
                            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                              Jaunty July - Week 1

                              Welcome back!!!!!
                              I've thought about you many times & wondered how you were doing.
                              Congrats on your decision to take control & I wish you the best. I'll look into that book, sounds powerful Don't be embarrassed, be happy you're here - I am

                              Wishing you the best!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Jaunty July - Week 1

                                Brilliant stuff SD!

                                Great to see you again.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

