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Jaunty July - Week 1

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    Jaunty July - Week 1

    Good morning July friends!

    Hello Clare, glad you are here! Please join us & post away

    Chill, Turning 50 was kind of harsh I think. I was already depressed & suffering inwardly, didn't receive any sort of support from my spouse, etc, etc, etc. Hope you can support your sister, I'm sure she will appreciate it

    Hello to rustop & Mario!
    Wait a everyone from Ireland or nearby here? :H
    I almost feel like another trip - it's been 8 years since I've been there

    OK, off to my daily chores then back to painting!
    Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Jaunty July - Week 1

      Hey all

      Happy July!

      Welcome Mario - great to see you here!

      P3 - send lots of positive vibes your way. Only advice I can give you is be positive, sell yourself and be enthusiastic. If they have been looking for awhile then they are ready to hire which gives you a huge advantage. You know you can do this job so get that avroos. Best of luck!

      Chill - well done on eighteen months. I am so proud of you! You have big changes going on and you have handled it with grace and positivity. You are a real class act and I am so pleased to be sharing this journey with you.

      Lav - glad you got through an emotional week. I hope you are spending some quality time with the grankids this weekend.

      Hello to everyone else! I am absolutely shattered. I have been caning the gym and running about daft (no change there them) I am off for a nanna nap! X
      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


        Jaunty July - Week 1

        Guys before we forge ahead with our Jaunty July I just wanted to give you a quick recap of "JOYFUL JUNE" :-

        As usual we had quite a month! Where do we find the energy from?

        We've had hot days, cold days, humid days and rainy days, happy days and sad days...... :upset:

        Tornados, thunderstorms, twisters and horrendous forrest fires.

        We have tried to reinvent ourselves, grow into our ?new shoes?, dealt with health issues, the dark side of the moon and hormones, all with our usual invincible strength.

        There has been dog walking, bike riding, pink overalls, Cass's NJ licence and Rusty's transformation from pumpkin to Cherub.
        We've reached out to in laws, had Paphut chic, job interviews, show jumping daughters and walking wallets!

        We had Chill's dating from mad Doctors to out of work grouchy Lawyers and Lav dating the even more charming EB.

        There's been Family weddings, food binges, drinking dreams, the law of attraction, more interviews and even more biking! Busy Cass hopefully to soon become ?busy Cass plus Hubby?, Lav's revamped bedroom, romantic dinner invitations, guitars, eggs, cleansing diets, zucchini's and weight loss.

        We have helped our Mums, bought cars, bikes and sewing machines, had Monday blues and new jobs.

        Our discussions have included emptiness, detachment, balance, unconditional love, gratitude and risk.

        There have been incredible emotional journeys for many of us, dealing with the pain of the past, memories of our loved ones and unresolved grief. The way we get through these difficult times is always awe inspiring and humbling. Our ability to pick ourselves up and move forward is the greatest example I have ever witnessed in a group of people. We are a diverse cross section of cyber friends with a unique love and respect for one another and I am so proud to be part of something I consider to be very special. :l

        A warm hello to Kaslo and Mylife, I hope you stick around.
        Im so happy to see our wonderful dear Speed back and look forward to hearing of her wanderings.
        Lets hope July brings more from Cyn and Paguy. Dill where are you and Sooty we need our driver.
        Rebirth you are missed here too....
        Thank you Mario for popping in to brighten our day and where the hell is Mr G??!!!:h
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Jaunty July - Week 1

          Thank you Chill for our monthly review which is brilliant as usual.

          Night night everyone the forecast for tomorrow is very good so I'm planning on being up early and into the garden.

          Dewdrop :h
          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


            Jaunty July - Week 1

            Chill is definitely our official historian! Thanks for the montly summary

            Dewdrop, hope you are well. Enjoy your nice weather!

            Hi Cassia! How was your trip to Philly this week? Did I miss that??

            I'm leaving the 2nd coat of paint for tomorrow & heading outside for a bit while it's still light out. I put my 4 younger chicks in with the 'big girls' today, nursery time is over Hope there's no hen pecking going on out there....... think i'll go check
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Jaunty July - Week 1

              Hi Friends,

              :cheering::cheering:CONGRATULATIONS, CHILL ON 18 MONTHS AF!!!:cheering: You are such a dear positive and always supportive and kind to others. Sending you my sincere congratulations and love.:h Thank you for the summary, too. "From pumpkin to cherub..." Ummm, ok.

              Lav-I'm sorry I used the word "matron" to describe you....I meant it in a kind way, in a protective and loving way. I should have used another word but I truly could not think of one. How did your painting turn out?

              Dew-how are you feeling? You asked whether I am going to France for work and the answer is yes, but I am spending an extra day for Bastille Day. My client is taking us to the fireworks in Paris.

              Welcome Clare and Mario! Clare....bravo on staying AF:goodjob: and Mario, safe journey across Ireland.

              Rustop-it sounds like your girls keep busy in the summer....and it amazes me how late you stay up with them to drive them to and from parties, etc. I admire your energy.

              Papmom-sending you positive vibes on the coveted position you want. Job hunting is so nervewracking and I am in awe of your tenacity.

              Well, it finally is summer in Wisconsin. It was a beautiful day...sunny and 90 outside. I am enjoying my new Explorer and I am looking forward to a peaceful 4th of July....alone, enjoying the fireworks, riding my new bike, running along the lake path, and swimming.

              Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful evening.


                Jaunty July - Week 1

                Chill!! Awesome summary as usual! These monthly recaps always bring a smile to my face as forgotten moments surface. Thank you so much for doing this each month-it is very appreciated by us all and we just love you for it (for so much else too!)

                Rusty-your weekend sounds idyllic! I'm so happy for you and the Explorer. A little envious sure but I'll live vicariously through you as you travel around way up high in that drivers seat!! Glad summer finally found you!

                Dew-enjoy the great weather tomorrow. The sunshine should revive you but don't forget to rest and be peaceful as well.

                Lav-hope the "kids" fit in well with the older girls! You go with the paint job-did you tell us what color your are painting your room?

                Cass-great to hear from you! Not sure what you said but it sounded like the gym and life is keeping you very busy!

                Thank you every one for the wonderful words of encouragement regarding Job 2A and the interview next week. I will make you all proud, I promise!!

                Today was a huge mix of emotions and activity. The funeral this morning was very well done but extremely sad. He was taken from this earth way too soon and I still don't know if it was intentional or not. 5 people gave eulogies and each one was so eloquent and beautiful. I learned so much about this man that I would never have known just by chatting with him at family get togethers. The most beautiful speech came from the love of his life who I've known since high school and who became part of my family through marriage when my sister married her brother almost 25 years ago. My heart aches for her and the emptiness she will face now that all the formalities of death are out of the way. I will be reaching out to her soon and hope that I can be of some help somehow. The luncheon after the service was very nice and I got to sit with people from my BIL's father's side of the family who I've never met. It was really interesting learning all about them too. Then rush home to change and go to the pool party and hang out with my bro and his family. Brought the suit but didn't swim. Quite content to just sit and watch my nephew turned fish.

                One thing that struck me today was that depite all the strong drinking thoughts over the last month of so, today I had no desire whatsoever to have a glass (or a hundred glasses) of wine or beer or anything. I did not want to dull the sadness I had felt at the service. I felt it was important to feel that sadness in all it's rawness and to escape into AL as soon as I could would have done me a grave diservice. I also had no desire to drink when I got to the party. there was booze all over the place but I found the soda and water cooler (and the dessert table :H) and was content.

                Now I'm home, exhausted and ready to crash. I'll be raring to go tomorrow unhung and energetic. For those of us struggling, please believe that this is what an AF life is all about. Being present and clearheaded no matter what is happening around me.

                Now if you will excuse me, I must go threaten to call the police if the boys next door continue to set off fireworks.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Jaunty July - Week 1

                  Good morning Jaunters

                  Papmom - what a great post! I was in tears reading about your funeral and your complete contrast to then dash off to a fun pool party really summed life up...... It goes on.
                  I love that you had these thoughts about feeling the sadness instead of numbing it with AL. I have felt this way too for a long time now and realize I'd rather feel pain than nothing. That's what being alive is about, experiencing the vast range of emotions we are capable of, from the most sad to the incredible joy of bursting with happiness. I realize now I wasted even the happy ones by numbing them with so called celebratory drinks.

                  I'm up early again and going to another spin session at the gym, I'm loving exhausting myself during the day and crawling into bed early at night with my book. Both joys I couldn't have experienced with AL in my life. I had to ditch the grouchy old smoker and he has bombarded me with about 30 text mesg in the last 24 hours proving to me why I can't have him even as a friend. I suppose out of all the lovely people I have met there had to be one exception and I will learn to listen to my instincts better next time.

                  We are actually going to have a sunny day again today and I'm going to an outdoor cafe for lunch with my Mum and Sisters. I have 6 appointments tomorrow with Clients at work and already I'm feeling slightly panicky about it. My aloof detachment has left me and my subconscious has obviously decided I can cope again with real life. It's back to what I was saying to Papmom, even although I feel uneasy it's preferable to the detachment, it makes me feel alive....

                  Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday, Dewdrop enjoy our beautiful weather, it's unlikely to last.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Jaunty July - Week 1

                    Good morning everyone

                    Quick check in from me as have to go pick up my daughter who stayed with a friend last night. Rusty I do a lot of the chauffering late at night because we live out in the boonies and am not crazy about them getting taxi's on their own. Most taxi drivers are fine but you do hear of the odd unlicensed one. Enjoy your explorer, your week-end sounds fantastic.

                    Chill - Amazing summary as always and as someone else said I too find myself smiling over something that I forgot. I always say we should listen to our instincts so good for you for ditching Mr Grumpy. I am sure you will be there for your sister when she turns 50. I have that milestone coming up in a few months and I am so glad that I am dealing with the Al problem before I reach it.

                    Clare - :welcome: Tell us a bit about yourself and jump right in. This is a busy thread but they are a great bunch.

                    Papmom - I too found your post profound. It's all about living life on life's terms. I guess we are always going to have the Al thoughts but the important thing is that we dont act on them. I'm finding that they are more just thoughts these days rather than those awful cravings when I would have acted before I knew where I was.

                    Everyone else big hello and have a great Sunday.



                      Jaunty July - Week 1


                      Papmom-Your post about the funeral was so poignant and I reread it twice. Your words hit home to me today: " this is what an AF life is all about. Being present and clearheaded no matter what is happening around me. " That is really good reinforcement for me to continue my AF life. I remember when my sister confronted me about my drinking, my mom at the time was going through chemotherapy for colon cancer. It was the lowest point in my life and I was drowning and numbing my grief in booze....hard, pffft....scotch, please, straight up.:upset: She said to me, " I can't count on you to help me with mom when you're drinking." In no way on any weekend at home alone would I have been clearheaded and present. I would have been incapable of handling any situation. I will never take my AF for granted again....but always, I appreciate reminders.

                      Chill.....your words struck me this morning and I smiled in agreement: "That's what being alive is about, experiencing the vast range of emotions we are capable of, from the most sad to the incredible joy of bursting with happiness. I realize now I wasted even the happy ones by numbing them with so called celebratory drinks." Good job on dumping McGrouchy....who needs that? Not're such a lovely blythe spirit. He obviously would never appreciate you like you deserve. He reminds me of my ex-boss.....smoked like a chimney and the most negative person in the world....and yet he always had to have a girlfriend. Of course, when he broke up with them, it was never HIS fault.

                      Rustop-I think you're wise not to trust those taxi drivers with your daughters' care. You just never know about people. Awww....what a good mum you are! I bet they love you back, and it sounds like you have a gem for a husband. If I ever change my mind about dating, you will get a PM from me to see if he has any single brothers/cousins, nephews.

                      Cassia-how are you doing and when is your husband coming back to the US?

                      Lav-please post a pic or two of the walls when they're done. Can't wait to see them.

                      Shoutout to Paguy, Sooty, Cyn-where are you guys?

                      Sending positive vibes to Shelley and healing thoughts and words to Dew.

                      A peppy hello to anyone I may have missed...Star, LBH, Mylife, Jolie, Mario, Clare....the list keeps growing...hahah.

                      Ok, get ready, on your marks....go....I'm off for a run on the lake path. Have a wonderful AF Sunday!!!


                        Jaunty July - Week 1

                        Good morning all!

                        Cloudy, warn & humid, likely to be a T storm this afternoon, oh well!

                        I had a problem in the chicken house last night ~ 3 of the youngsters were not able to settle in so I had to move them back to the nursery. The 4th one seems to be OK, so far. She seems to have a bit of attitude going on so the others don't bother her as much :H

                        Back to painting for me today - nothing else going on. I choose a silvery/blue color for the walls. The tray ceiling I'm leaving as is -off white. The carpet is a light silver color. We shall see

                        Chill, good for you to get rid of the Grouch - who the hell needs that crap

                        Greetings, Rusty, rustop, paomom, Dewdrop & all the missing!

                        Will be back later.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Jaunty July - Week 1

                          Another quick hello from me as im bursting to tell you about my Sister's lunch today.
                          I casually mentioned that I'd been AF for 18 months (they all think its because im a health nut!) and my Sister who's drinking I've been concerned about said "Im thinking of joining you soon". She then admitted that she was finding it very difficult to stop once she starts on the wine at night and thinks it would be easier to quit altogether. I dont want to push things with her but will mention it to her again in a couple of weeks and maybe ask if I can help.

                          My Mum and I discussed it on the way home and my Mum said she thought my Sister must be pretty serious about it to have mentioned it. She is a confirmed smoker and gets cross if quitting is ever suggested so with the booze im just delighted she is having the thought at this stage. As we all know it begins slowly with these thoughts and builds before we are ready to attempt it.

                          Lav - your room colors sound fab!
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Jaunty July - Week 1

                            Good morning All ;-)
                            Had a great weekend even though i was working,For me its easy work as I love driving and the weather was lovely,hope to have a more relaxing day today,we will see.

                            Hope to drop back in later have a good sober happy monday,

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              Jaunty July - Week 1

                              Good morning everyone

                              Happy 4th July to all those in the US. Hubby proposed to me this day 31 years ago!!! Where has the time gone. Bet he does not remember this date, he just about remembers the actual wedding anniversary.

                              Chill - am so glad about your sister. We all have to come to that point by ourselves. Isnt it wonderful that you are now living so close that you can be there for her.

                              Mario - Glad you enjoyed the week-end. Everything is so much more enjoyable when the sun is shining. It does not even have to be that hot, just pleasant.

                              Very tired this morning. Did not get to bed until 2.30 a.m. and had to be up this morning as the window cleaner was coming at 9. Oh well, will feel better looking out clean windows.

                              Wishing you all a wonderful AF week.



                                Jaunty July - Week 1

                                Happy Fourth of July!!!!!

                                Fireworks have been so fun to watch and we bought some too. The weather has been sooooo perfect I cannot believe it. Went to the beach yesterday, got some sun, and people watched. It was a lovely day.

                                Another today, so wonderful to finally have some great weather on the right days.!!!

                                Chill, congrats on the 18 months. So good you can spend time with your family. I agree that there is no point in spending time with a man who is negative. 30 texts? How will you handle that? I don't text so find it fascinating that there is a way to communicate that I don't even understand.

                                Rusty, your weekend sounds perfect, taking care of yourself and doing what you want to do.

                                Rustop, teens are exhausting but fun. I have a few friends who have kids about your kids age and they are very busy keeping them entertained and supervising. We are going to a picnic this evening with teens, and I love their energy.

                                Lav, your colors sound beautiful, painting and redecorating is such fun.

                                Papmom, as always, full of energy and life. Hope you get the job with good pay. Funerals always bring out thoughts of the meaning of life, and a life review.

                                To all, have a lovely AF 4th.
                                Formerly known as redhibiscus

