a hem.... composing myself....
Bean, keep the cheese and chocolate (in moderation if you can) but ditch the simple carbs and you WILL lose weight effortlessly.
Mom3, back pain is horrid...feelin for you hon. tried ice? a friend of mine with severe life-long back pain swears by ice (and never heat) for back pain and muscular spasms.
I'm home until Tue at least. Dx is off camping with girlfriends so I'm home alone. normally in my 'old ways' I'd already have gone to the store to stock up on booze and wine and be well on my way to disaster but I refuse to do that to myself.
Bear check in eh? howzit going?
be well loves xxxxx
Haaaaaaaah. DG, I love the organization structure...sums it up nicely.
Lav, I wish I could get some of your zuccinis. Perhaps you can sell them on ebay.:H:H
Were IS Jenny? Bear too?
