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AF Daily Sunday 3 July

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    AF Daily Sunday 3 July

    ((((Det)))) My car is really stupid too, if that makes you feel any better!

    P3, sounds like you had a VERY productive day. I cant' wait to see the before and middle and after pics of your landscaping endeavors! :H about the cold shower comment. It's been a long time since we've discussed _______________ here at AF Daily, and I bet we have several new folks who may not know what ________________ is. So...since YOU brought it up.... I shall leave it to you to splain it!!! :H

    I was just reading another Tom Venuto (he's a body builder and coach) newsletter. He's the one who signs his stuff "Train hard and expect success" mentioned here last week. Another line in this newsletter jumped out at me because I know it's relevant for me and I suspect some of you too.

    They say you will only change when the pain of remaining the
    same is greater than the pain of changing.
    I've seen variations on that theme in many places. It always hits home to me. I couldn't change my drinking until the pain of staying the same was greater than the pain to change it.

    And with that my AF friends, I bid you all good night. It's early to bed for me - I'm hoping to find a good movie. If not, there is always South Park and 2-1/2 Men on the faithful Tivo.

    One thing is for sure....I'm really glad to go to bed with a clear head.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Sunday 3 July

      Hello Fabber Abbers,

      Just a quick quick check in because I can't sit for too long.

      Back is feeling much better. A combination pain meds, muscle relaxers, and ice on and off. Thanks to everyone for advice and well wishes.

      P3. I am rooting for you on this job 2A and I am putting out intentions that this job will pay MORE MONEY so there!!

      Everyone is so darn busy and chatty today. I'll read messages more thoroughly tomorrow. I am avoiding sitting too long because of my back. I did manage a walk today.

      I also over dosed on tootsie rolls today. WTF? I don't even like them that much.

      I want chickens and bunnies too

      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily Sunday 3 July

        OK Desi, for all you newbies to this thread, __________ means :naughtfeet: or so I've been told. Personally I wouldn't know anything about:naughtfeet:as I am the resident 29 yo spinster and my memory fails me. Hmmm, I can think of few MWOers that could rectify that for me tho :H! G for one heh heh.

        Oh my, what have you unleashed Miss DG!! All this talk about condom tins and _______________. Naughty naughty thread!

        Glad you're able to be up and about M3 and feeling somewhat better. I like the intentions you will be sending this week!!

        DG that quote is Sooooooo true! That is EXACTLY what did it for me! The pain of one more killer hangover was too much and anything would have been better than going through that another day. Thank you for sharing that!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily Sunday 3 July

          OMG, what a busy group of crazy people here today :H

          DG - to answer your question about the chicks 'looking uncomfortable' last night. well, lets see - I found one perched on a piece of lumber (hanging over the edge of a wall cabinet right next to the ceiling fan - dangerous! I found another perched on top of the fence that surrounds their outside yard - could have gone either way really :H & the other was just running around in circles screaming :H I ended up putting all 4 of the youngsters back in the nursery & will try again next month to introduce them to the big group!

          I have finished my painting, looks good. Dresser & night table being delivered Tuesday at lunchtime. Yay!! I'll get a pick then. I'm going to look for new things for the walls, lamp, etc.

          Papmom, take a break woman!
          M3, glad you are out & about a little.

          Time for one more chicken check!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily Sunday 3 July

            I kind of felt like your chickens today Lav!! Couldn't stop. I said I had no more motivation to do anything but when I went to take my shower I couldn't stand how filthy the tub looked so out came the CLR and the bleach and scrub brush :H. It may not be sparkling white but it's totally clean with a new mat and drain strainer. My shower was very refreshing! I do need to calm down tho. Can i stay with the young chics tonite??

            I think you have inspired me to finally (16 years later) paint my bedroom!! It will be blue as I have a blue/green theme going and I like that idea of a silver blue color. Maybe next weekend!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily Sunday 3 July

              local hardware shop is out of tire repair kits so I'm destined to spend the whole freaking holiday weekend home alone until Dx gets back with her car from camping so I can get one from walmart in town.

              aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhh

              well, I'm getting a lot of things tidied up around the house. and putting up things on ebay. sigh.

              definitely no _______________ going on in this house.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily Sunday 3 July

                worked on cleaning up renovation grunge ALL DAY. that is all.

                I read the whole thread though! Hugs and smooches to everybody!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily Sunday 3 July

                  Det, does your insurance policy have any roadside coverage that would help?
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily Sunday 3 July

                    Hey Hey...checking in here. I agree DG, about your assessment of females being far harder on females than males are on males. I dont know why that is, but it pisses me off. Its especially true among females working in a make dominated field, like say, for example, Im just sayin, BIOLOGY. Jaysus and a drumstick, talk about a bag of snakes. I was once hired once, by a woman to take her place eventually and when I displeased her by not jumping fast or high enough, she conspired to set me up, and I was fired. The only job I have actually had. I am an independant contractor and have been for 30+ years. I do okay. (To whit, the discuss with DG earlier re cheques in the mail and how its nerve wracking....). I have seen women do really ugly and mean things to make other women in this very isolated pocket of science (women in biological science) fail, resoundingly. Or something. It took me several years to recover from that, the actual details are gruesome and involve a 12 guage shot gun, but if you beg me I will tell you because its actually FUNNY. but anyway.

                    here I am back from the lagoon. It wasnt very exciting. No tipping, cant remember the various strokes I am supposed to be able to use to help steer the fecker. Some Canadian I am.

                    Det, cars suck. Get a TRUCK, man! Hope you check in, cause biking in that heat is tempting fatality.

                    Love to all. OBTW. I made this killer AL free drink. Its half and half Bolthouse Mango smoothie and Soft apple cider (Xtra dry) with a twist of lime on the rocks. Delicious, and beats the crap out of any AL drink I can remember.

                    Well done on a AF weekend everyone. kas

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Daily Sunday 3 July

                      They say 'Only Nurses eat their young' :H :H

                      I'm so damn glad to be out of that profession :H
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

