Lav - re introducing the new chickens: I have no idea if this is true or not but I read that if you put the new chicken into the coop at night when all the others are asleep, they wake up in the morning and think that the foreign chicken was there all the time so there are no problems! Disclaimer: I am not a chicken farmer :H
Kaslo - I'm also in a male-dominated area (media) but the women tend to be very supportive of each other, and the attitude of the men has changed over the years too. I don't think most of them automatically assume that women can't do the job any more. Or maybe they do. :H I've had very good and very bad bosses of both sexes.
DG - any news on the condom tin?
Papmom - did the gardeners arrive?
LVT - there are probably people at the bar with alcohol problems too who wish they could give up. You're not a fuddy duddy!
Loppy - I don't remember the tiredness but I did read the other day that's it's a withdrawal symptom, along with insomnia (god, I remember that) so should sort itself out in time.
Det - when I read that you're frustrated about the car and home alone, I thought "uh oh". I hope you have your coping strategies in place and your AF batsuit on!
Mom3 - hope your back is feeling better today.
Happy 4th July to those who celebrate. Statue of Ronald Reagan being unveiled in London today

I'm now off work for three weeks, going on hols on Wednesday. Tiny improvement in mum's condition but it's very slow progress and my dad sounded quite despondent when I spoke to him last night. But my sister went to visit yesterday and she told me mum seems a bit more with it. I suppose because my dad's there all the time he doesn't necessarily notice small improvements but people who haven't seen her for a few days do. Anyway, there's a long way to go but I feel slightly better about going away having spoken to my sister.
Hot here. Going to get a few bits for holiday (sun lotion, sunglasses, mosquito repellent :H) then going to see Bridesmaids with GF later.
Have a good day all!