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AF Daily - Tues 7/5

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    AF Daily - Tues 7/5

    Good Morning Fabbies!!

    What a great day yesterday, Jen! I bet you have a big smile on your face all day relishing in that! Was "that night" brought up at your bosses house yesterday? When you said you were dreading the rehash, I meant to comment on that but it escaped me.

    I heard from Uni who is doing well. She said if anyone would like to drop her a line, PM me and I'll give you her address there.

    Have a lovely!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Tues 7/5

    Skim Milk, frozen mangos and All One do not for a tasty smoothy make. That is all.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily - Tues 7/5

      Good morning Greenie! :crowned: Thanks for getting us started today. What are you up to today? How did the Clean-o-rama turn out?

      LVT - sounds like you had a nice time with your gal pal! Good for you taking charge of the softball reunion. 29 is the perfect age for that sort of thing I think!! What's up on the prairie today?

      Bean, don't ever worry about the busy days where you don't have time to say peronal hi's to everyone! The important thing is to just check in. I think you are right that the is a journey and a process.

      Garlic Man - I will ask again here. Cucumber and Zuke ice cream? Are you pregnant?

      Lav - :H:H What zone are you in? I can't believe you have all the overflow of full grown stuff! I'm still eyeing my 2 zukes that have grown from maybe 1 inch long to 2 inches long in the last week! Mr. Doggy is a pickle LOVER and the last couple years I made some from total scratch but made lots using Mrs. Wages pickle mixes. Lots of consistency there! Mr. Doggy seems to like the Polish mix the best if you go that route. How are your tomatoes? I'm only just started to get a few actual very teeny round green things. Lots of flowers and not much else.

      I will have you all know, however, that I have harvested 5 strawberries from my fledgling patch!

      Mylife!! Good to see you!

      Yes - where are Inchy and Scottish Lass?

      Do we need to have more talk of ___________ so Mario and G-man will come back? (Deter, we :h you because you stick by us whether we are in the mood to talk about _________ or not!)

      P3 - I heart my pedometer. That awareness just makes a difference. I park farther away from the store and I take the stairs and I go for my long walks even when I don't feel like it (often) and I walk farther when I do go for my walks. I did 22,258 steps yesterday. Reading all your efforts yesterday, I would say you are the MWO East Coast Prairie Woman!!!!! If I ever find myself single I'm moving in with you. Just sayin...

      Yes Jenny - how was the boss party? Is that where you did your swimming? I wish I had a friend with a pool! Sounds like you got a lot accomplished yesterday! And AF to boot! :yougo:

      Condom Tin Update: Well, no exciting finish. The final bid stood at $521. LOL - usually the good stuff happens right at the end of these auctions so at first I will admit I felt (briefly!!!) disappointed! Then I quickly remembered that this is an OLD CONDOM TIN we are talking about here, and I'm shocked that anyone would be paying this kind of money for it! It's already boxed and ready to go so I'll be taking the precious cargo to the post office shortly.

      Our youngest dog chewed through the hose to my garden watering system. For all the flooding we had earlier in the season, we are dry as a bone now. water for the garden today it seems. We have too many doggies.

      I am so grateful to be AF today. Holidays like this always give me pause to remember the old days, and what that was like in the end years. Terrible. My drinking would have started probably last Wednesday HARD CORE due to the upcoming holiday weekend. I would have been passed out by noon each day, and then started round two whenever I woke up. Not fit to talk to anyone or go anywhere without making an ass of myself. I am just so glad I'm not living that way any more. Drinking might be fun for some people, but it stopped being fun for me many years ago.

      One thing is for sure...AL will not be crossing these lips today. And I have included 7 images.....

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Tues 7/5

        I'm STILL damn cleaning. I have a bunch of "high" cleaning to do before I get the carpets cleaned. A lot of it has to do with a vaulted ceiling with a row of windows and a half wall without a "lid" that I have to borrow my neighbors REAL tall ladder for. Get the picture? Spider webs wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't turned black from the fireplace or candles or whatever. Grrrrr....

        grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Tues 7/5

          P3, I use rice milk in my smoothies. Have you tried that? I don't like them with skim or soy milk but almond milk is OK. I'm into banana/pineapple these days - I really like it and they aren't on the dirty dozen list.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Tues 7/5

            P3 - Hi!! X-Post!! Job 2A meeting is Friday, right? I like M3's positive money vibes she put on it!!!! Second that!! I also second almond milk as working better than skim milk alone. Another option I'm actually going to try later today for the first time is part skim milk and part fat free greek yogurt. I'll let you know if that seems to work better.

            How is your back today M3?

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Tues 7/5

              Hey!! I think I found a picture of Det in his Garlic Man suit.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Tues 7/5

                Good Tuesday morning Abbers!

                Love the Garlic man suit!!!!!!
                I will think about Deter's ice cream suggestion & pickles too

                DG, I'm in Zone 6B. Couple that with the super -duper chicken poop fertilizer & you have a great garden My tomato plants are loaded with grren tomatoes at the moment. I think they receive a bit too much shade from the hedgerow but I did pick at least a pint of cherry tomatoes & nearly a pound of green beans yesterday along wit the other stuff.

                Greenie, my living room has a vaulted ceiling with two fans. I know for a fact those fans are loaded with dust but there is no way in hell I can do the ladder work to clean them. I will not risk falling so the dust stays until I can climb on YB's back to do the job. I think I may have found someone to paint my living room in the future who won't charge me an arm & leg

                Congrats to Jenny for having such a successful weekend!

                papmom, I also like vanilla coconut milk for the smoothies ~ has a bit more calories but the MUFAs are good for you too

                Got to get to work - have a good day all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Tues 7/5

                  Aren't there special telescoping dusters that will reach up to the vaulted ceilings, fans and half walls? If not, one of us should invent it!!

                  I switched to skim milk from almond because WW says almond, soy, rice and coconut milk cannot be counted in your daily dairy servings. I much preferred light vanilla almond milk-gave the smoothie just the right amount of sweetness. My smoothies are pretty much the only time I get the dairy in unless I remember to bring the greek yogurt with me to work, which I forgot today and I also forgot to put on one of my SIX pedometers!!! Crap.

                  No prairie here on the east coast but I do accept the title. Maybe LVT and I will organize a conference of Prairie Women someday!!

                  DG, I only counted 6. You didn't outfox the smilie police sorry to say!!

                  Congrats to Mr. Doggie on the fantastic sale of the condom tin. I totally get the disappointment it didn't keep going higher and higher but how high would have made you happy? It was exciting tho and you are totally right-who the hell pays that kind of money for something like that???? Enjoy the proceeds-do something fun with it!!

                  Chewed through hose-a simple repair kit from your local hardware store will have water coursing through your garden in five minutes. Did I tell you guys about the bag of bagels my dogs ate this weekend? Yep, right off the counter. One of them is now on meds for a very irritated lower GI system. Nuff said.

                  You are welcome to move in with me DG should you find yourself single. You can be my personal trainer :b&d:and the gardener. How are you with the snowblower?? Or is that Prairie woman territory? :H
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - Tues 7/5

                    Good morning Fab-Abstinias! DG you DO have a friend with a pool but she lives 5 thousand miles away. A dog chewed through a HOSE? thats gotta be a first.
                    Jenny well done on a great weekend!
                    Lav and Greenie, as a case parallel net evolution, i am watching the hub on a chair trying to FIX the ceiling fan as I write this. He is still in his skivies, yet so its pretty funny. hes given up now. Darn.
                    Papmom, I have made a note never to duplicate your NOT good smoothie.
                    Love the pix of Det in his Gman suit!
                    I am currently plotting how I can get out of going to Montana (NOT to throw the hoolihan) with the hub and D2, for fam wedding, in a golf resort, leaving this Thursday. I really hate golf resorts, and little touristy places. And weddings. Sigh.

                    Everyone, have a great day. Its sunny and warm, and the birds are singing. No tomatoes yet though.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Daily - Tues 7/5

                      P3 SIX pedometers? wow! I gotta get me one of those things.

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF Daily - Tues 7/5

                        Snowblower is PW territory for sure! Invite Kaz AND LVT to your meeting and it will be the North American Prairie Women's Association.

                        I had to delete a smilie, as always. The only way I ever "outsmart it" is to use smilies that have multiple smilies within a smilie to maximize the smilie impact while only using 6 smilies. Like the AF Daily Org Chart:


                        I'm just glad that MWO smilile police haven't figured a way to count 6 smilies for that wave one. :H

                        Trust me - I am VERY grateful about that condom tin!! Mr. Doggy is going to get a soft cover thingy for the big pick up truck so he can cart both dogs more easily and safely to away training and tracking. And I get to keep the explorer free of dog hair, dirt, flies, mosquitos, and whatever else the trucks fill up with during a day of dog training. I can't wait!

                        The WW plan works when we follow it, so I completely get you wanting to figure out smoothies that work well inside the plan. It's what works best for me too. Even though I have struggled mightily up and down with this "last 10" if not for weight watchers, I would be much heavier than I am today, I know for sure. I am well read and well tried on Paleo, Atkins, etc. etc. etc. Bottom line is that being over weight sends all my numbers in the wrong direction. So I will follow whatever plan is working for me at the mo to keep the weight under control and eat as healthy as possible - within what I have come to believe for myself is "healthy." And right now that is Weight Watchers, after some diversions that were disasterous for me. I understand!!! Do what works for YOU!

                        FWIW as a general comment, there is plenty of room within the WW structure for sugar free, healthy fats, organic whatever, grass fed animals, etc. For me, I gotta stay away from the sugar and just do it.

                        Lav - is PB the same person as YB? Or is PB someone new? You're not trying to poach my Johnny now are you?? :H

                        OK - now I am off to figure out a workout routine with my Bodylastics resistance bands.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily - Tues 7/5

                          Hi Kaz! Hey - if you don't want to go, DON'T! I have decided life is too short for tacking too many obligatory things onto my agenda. If it's not ultra ultra close family...well, I wouldn't go. I'm glad you are my friend with a pool!!!!! Now I just have to acquire my own private jet for my univited visits.

                          Lav, I'm glad you said what zone you are in. I am 5A so now I don't feel so :upset: about the pathetic state of my garden!!! :H

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Tues 7/5

                            Keslo what does this mean? throw the hoolihan?

                            Good Morning!

                            Lave, P3, Det, greenie, and DG than you so much for the congrats!

                            Ok here are the dirty details of the party. I at at 9am and 11am then at 2:45 and we left at 3 so I was not hungry. I took fruit and coke zero and water with me and wore my new bikini so I could see the physical effects of not drinking and use that as a reminder. We go there and I held the baby for a bit. The guys were drinking beer but that never has bothered me. The boss has 4 kids 17,15,14,and 7 months, can you say new GF LOL he's 35 same as me and Eric. All but the 17 year old was there. The 17 and 15 year old (he may be 16 now) are both addicts already the 14 year old girl is not both the boss and his GF are addicts also. All socially acceptable stuff tho nothing hard core. Anyway GF's day and step mom came over and they were drinking crown, GF was not drinking. Everyone but me and my kids and the little kids and the 14 year old girl were smoking. Me and the kids swam and played for 4.5 hours then we left to go to the fireworks. It was good. I was bored but that is ok. They served chili dogs and chips and the 14 year old girl and the GF brought up the night but just in passing. Before I left GF said she was glad I came back and she was glad I was leaving in better shape that I had last time. Honestly I didn't even feel the urge to drink. They all seamed so loud and stupid and I feel so sorry for the 17 and 15 year old already having such a hard life. I would never let my kids be addicts at that age, and never in front of me at any age!
                            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                              AF Daily - Tues 7/5


                              Ole Paint lyrics

                              I ride an old paint, lead an old dam,
                              Goin' to Montana to throw the houlihan.
                              Feed 'em in the coulees, and water in the draw,
                              Tails are all matted and their backs are all raw.

                              Ride around, little dogies, ride around them slow,
                              They're fiery and snuffy and a-rarin' to go.

                              Cograts again btw DG on huge sale. Lets face it 500+ for an old tin is sumpin' else. The Montana thing is my DHs fam. bunch of Canadian Mennonites. Very nice people, and non-drinkers for the most part. But really, I AM busier than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest!

                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

