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AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

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    AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

    Good morning all,

    Thought I'd post while I am awake. What a busy day it was here for everyone. It is great when things come together for everyone.

    Garlic man.... What an image. DG what on earth were you looking for to find an image like that?

    Off to WW. Haven't really been doing it properly because was focusing on other issues but lost 1lb in week one and 1.5 last week. Not sure how I will do this week as I inhaled a mountain of food on Saturday when I was so upset. I know I am not supposed to substitute but... Incidentally I did receive a heartfelt apology yesterday. I will obviously forgive but I won't forget. Learn from yesterday....

    Take care all and have a brilliant AF day.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

    Good morning Abbers!

    Loppy, glad you received a decent apology ~ it helps

    I'm waiting for the guys coming to instal the new security system. Now I won't have to worry so much being here in cow country on my own. There's been plenty of home break-ins in the area lately & I've had no fire protection.....another worry

    Will be back!

    PS: I think today is the 6th of July
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

      Good morning - just wanting to be part of the AF daily thread and hoping it's ok to join you guys. This is day 4 AF for me (I started posting yesterday).

      I know most of you have been sober for a good bit of time, so I hope it's ok if I post here. I'm hoping to "hang out" with sober people so I can stay motivated! Actually, I'm motivated without friends, but it does help.

      I'm posting in the Newbie's Nest too. Am giving up alcohol because it severely depresses me and my reactions to things when drinking are very extreme (didn't used to be). Something changed - hormones, age?? LOL Really, though, maybe it is a chemical change of some kind.

      Anyway, I'm tired of the rut of alcohol regardless and am hoping to find support here.



        AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

        Fabberoooooos! it's trash day!!

        Thanks for the start, loppy. I'm glad you got an apology. Perhaps that gives some sort of closure to the event?

        Lav, couldn't you just sic a chicken on any unwanted visitors? Or the whole pack? A pack of peckers. :H:H Oh it's called a flock, isn't it.

        Place seeker, it's good to have you here. I'm sure you'll be comfortable - we want you to be sober and will certainly support that best we can. It's good to have a place where you can get help sorting out the stuff that comes up in a successful AF manner. Relative to changes, not just age and of the things that changes is the increasing level of depletion in mind, body and spirit that AL causes. The rut just gets deeper. I'm glad you decided to stop the madness!

        Guess I'll get on with it. Have a happy hump day.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

          Hello Loppy, Lave, Placeseeker, Greenie and all to come,

          Zoom, zooming off to Greece with my bucket and spade. See you all in a couple of weeks. Be good!

          :beach: :beach: :beach:
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

   of the things that changes is the increasing level of depletion in mind, body and spirit that AL causes. The rut just gets deeper. I'm glad you decided to stop the madness!
            Greneyes - Brilliant! You are so right. Thank you for that. And, thanks for welcoming me to a place where I can find help.

            Marshy, are you really going to Greece? Wow, have a wonderful time -



              AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

              Good Morning!

              Placeseeker! Wonderful to have you! Everyone here has helped me so much I'm sure you will find the same!

              LL-thanks for the start and I'm glad you didn't drink over the fight, eating is much better and the recovery is not nearly as bad!

              Lav- don't you have piggy-swissy still? I would think she would be a good security system!

              Greenie! Enjoy your trash day

              I have a day off cause the car quit yesterday so I'm taking hubby to work and me and DS are going to sort it out as much as possible. I had to drive his car yesterday. I had one test, one final, and a class and today I have a paper due and that is the end of my first semester! Then Monday we start again! Such is life right! If I still drank I would have been drunk and angry about the car thing yesterday, instead I was angry and tired, then after driving all day in the Texas heat (102 yesterday) with no a/c (real men don't need a/c) I was just tired. . .:H

              Ya ll have a great day and I'll check in later!

              Hi to all to come.
              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

                a sleepy blurry-eyed (but un hung) greeting ABerooooos!

                up unseasonably early for garlic breath back onto the road again.

                Place Seeker, welcome and nice to meet you

                will post more when I get into my hotel room and have more than 3 neurons firing at once.

                be well friends
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

                  PlaceSeeker, glad to have you here ! Congrats on your 4 days AF

                  Greenie - a pack of peckers, really :H
                  I'm actually surprised at the number of people who are afraid of them. They are very docile, I think. If you stomp a foot on the ground they run away from you not towards you

                  Marshy, I hope yo & XNGF have a great & safe trip!

                  Jenny, it's hot here in PA too & humid! I'm a tota weenie if the AC in my car isn't working.
                  Yes, I do stil have have my Piggy Swissy on board but she's not able to call the fire company in case of a fire! You just can't teach old dogs new tricks :H

                  One of the guys here just asked about having caps stitched up for his friend's business. OK, good for me
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

                    Jenny, Lav and Det thank you for the encouraging words. I'm feeling less alone already!



                      AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

                      Good Morning All,

                      Quick check in before I head to the doc. I'm having osteopathic and acupuncture treatment today for my back. I am hoping it provides me with some relief from this pain. It is still quite intense and I'm not able to do anything other than walk a little bit and do some very mild yoga stretches. It's driving me CRAZY!!!

                      Welcome PlaceSeeker!! The AF Daily is a mixture of old timers and newbies. What we share in common is a serious desire to be AF. I was in the same place you were when I finally quit for good. My life was an empty shell and I felt depressed and anxious. I think that my addiction got worse with hormonal changes but I had been drinking for a long time prior to that. Looking back, I see that although I was "functioning" fairly well in my job, I was a miserable and angry person and my family took the brunt of that. Al sucked the energy right out of me. I am a happy and healthy person now (with the exception of this GD back issue I'm dealing with at the moment).

                      Bon Voyage Marshy, Hope you enjoy Greece.

                      Hello to Det, DG, Greenie, Jenny, Lav, LVT, P3, Loppy Lugs and all to come. Send me some healing vibes for my back.

                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!


                        AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

                        Hello friends,

                        I just wanted to get one thing straight. No, this prairie woman does NOT do snowblowers. That is why I have 2 boys and 2 shovels.:H Please no more talk about snow--I know I'm crazy, but I'm enjoying the heat of summer (as long as I can cool of in the a/c). I get depressed when I think about summer being 1/2 over and it seems we just got started.

                        If you guys go to Lav's or Kas's without me I will :upset: I love your room too Lav! Very nice. Can you take your produce to the grocery store to sell? I know I live in the boonies, but both of our stores --yes we have 2--will buy garden stuff. I guess if nothing else your chickens will like it.

                        I wish you could have come to the rodeo with me Greenie. I have to wonder if you'd like it though. Some consider it to be animal abuse. My boyfriend throughout jr high/high school/college was a bullrider. We went to rodeos every weekend in the summer. It's where I started my drinking career. Anymore I could take it or leave it. But the fireworks were good.

                        :welcome: Placeseeker and 3 dog. Please stick around the daily AF. We are a rowdy bunch, but work hard at staying sober.

                        DG--thanks for the encouragement on the hubby situation. It seems we do so much stuff apart anymore--he works all the time. I'm telling him to consider our options as far as leaving his current job as they are cutting benefits anyway. Sooner than we think the boys will be grown and we will be sitting around looking at each other like "now what?"
                        I'll bet Mr. DG is pretty glad his tin went for such a good price if he had a little secret to share with you. Is that what he was waiting for? I keep wishing my 30 year old microwave will die. DH says he thinks I will get my wish soon as it is acting up and he was so mad because he doesn't want to spend the money to buy a new one. I practically bit my tongue off rather than tell him I could get a PRETTY nice new microwave with the money he spends on beer for the month!

                        Thanks for checking in AFM. I've been wondering about you.:h Glad your party went well Jenny and an apology is always nice, Loppy! Have a great time in Greece, Marshy!

                        I didn't get a whole lot accomplished yesterday. Got one bookkeeping job caught up, so need to spend the day at the cemetery. Baseball is over for my son, so that will free up some time however sad it makes me. I love baseball.

                        Tata for now--have a great sober day all!:h
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

                          Good morning Fabinkas. Another morning feeling NORMAL. Will be more normal when I have had a coffee. Lops how ever did you lose 2.5 pounds in two weeks. I think I found them for you. haha. But not really haha.
                          Placeseeker, it was grinding me down to the point where i just hated it, and was worried about my health. People here understand the changes.

                          Marshy, have a lovely time in Greece!! Greenie is wednesday the universal garbage take out day? I can here them starting collection at the college across the river.....must stagger around and collect it all up. and Lav, yes people are afraid of birds, its amazing. Not sure why. Those beady eyes and great big beaks. I spend my day with a senegal parror most days, and other than covering me in shit and the odd nasty nip, he is a fine companion.

                          Jennie, dont you hate it when cars start planning thier own funerals? I have to decide what to do with a lease for the company. Those shysters take us for a ride, literally, but I gotta have a truck for the biz. It takes all day and reminds me of when Ive had to walk out of the bush.

                          P3 I hope this works on your back. What about plain old physiotherapy? I have a genie here in the mountains. LVT and DG everyone welcome. Bring you water wings and a pair of binos.

                          I have a trip to the Yukon, and other points north, all spills or wrecked stuff, and another one to the Arctic to plan, the arctic one is to a diamond mine and I have to have every kind of security check known to man. So when I get back from throwing the Hoolihan, and pushing doggies in Montana, I gotta saddle up and mosey off to the xray clinic and the police for a records check..

                          Have a great day, and one thing is for sure for me, no AL shall cross my lips. Hello to all i have missed herein.

                          KASLO of the north (as opposed to Nanook of the North)

                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

                            Just wanted to thank everyone for talking about how they got here and the things they were experiencing when they decided to quit. VERY helpful! I always felt like I was the only one experiencing these things. LOL!

                            M3 - just wondering what triggered your back problem. I run a lot too - do you think it was related to running?

                            Best to you all!


                              AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

                              Hey all. I'm here, unhung, sleepy and a tiny bit grumpy...must be that assignment that's hanging over me. I decided I'm going to get a whole hour of work in on it before I have to go to actual work which means being showered, dressed, breakfasted and ready to go in 12 minutes!! So I got to get going.

                              M3 - I am definitely sending healing acupuncture vibes as you know! I'm sure it will help.

                              PS - welcome if I didn't say it already. Don't feel like you are 'way behind' everyone here. I am only a week AF this time round. Have had some AF spells of 2-3 months but fall off the horse again from time to time. Just trying to lengthen the AF times and minimize the duration and harm of the drinking times. We are all works in progress!

                              Have a great day all.

