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AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

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    AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

    Hello Abbers!

    Just checking in quickly at lunchtime. It's hot and humid here, too. I really don't know how people survived in this state with no AC in the old days.

    Lav, our security system was struck by lightening at home a few weeks ago and it hasn't acted normal since...I guess we should do something about it some point!

    Great to meet you Place Seeker! You've come to a great spot.

    Lovely to read all the posts from everyone, hope you all have a fantastic AF day!


      AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

      X Post Bean, Great to see you!

      I'm about a week in myself this time too. (sigh) It's my last week one though.


        AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

        Bean and MyLife. Thank you!


          AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

          Hi fABbies! This is going to be short and sweet. Good day here but long! And another full agenda tomorrow so I am heading to bed shortly!

          PS - so very happy to see you here again today!! You will love this group! I too can relate to the soul sucking nature of AL. I was so mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted from it. I'm just so grateful not to be living like that any more. What good is a home and a job and a drivers license and a husband when all I wanted to do was die I hated my life with AL so much?

          M3 - HEALING VIBES!!!!!!!!

          Marshy & XNGF - You know that popcorn that kept falling on your heads out of nowhere on the plane???????

          Mylife, my parents just (finally) installed AC after living in that house 48 years without it. :egad: I think it was there "secret" to getting all the kids up and out at age 18. LOL

          Kaz - the ARCTIC???? What's it like when you go there? (besides "cold" )

          LVT - one day at a time. Please try not to envision what the future is going to be like, and then be sad about it. That is a waste of perfectly good energy!! If you are going to imagine the future, make it good!!!! Mr. LVT is going to morph into Johnny Depp. And then Johnny, in full swash buckling pirate regalia, makeup, and unbuttoned shirt is going to whisk you off for a life of excitement in the Carribean. And if you don't want to go, I will. Kidding aside - I wasted so much time in my life as a chronic worrier over future events some of which came to pass as I imagined, and many many more that didn't. I wish I had all that worry time back.

          Greenie and Lav - Pack o' Peckers. :H My zukes (all 2) are about 4 or 5 inches long now. Did much back breaking tomato stake ups today. All worth it in the end. I'm down to 7 pints left of canned tomatos so these little teeny green blobs better get busy out there! Ate another perfect strawberry today too. Peppers are coming. Not much action in the pickle section yet. Lots of flowers and teeny ones, but they don't seem to be growing.

          Loppy - congrats on the weight loss! I'm a WW'er too. Off and on. I was looking on the internet for Deter's address when I found his picture in the Garlic Man Suit. That's how I know for sure it's him.

          Lav - so glad you are getting a security system. That + Piggy Swissy and the Peckers should give you a peaceful easy feeling at night!!

          Jenny - so sorry about the car problems!!! May they resolve quickly and easily for you.

          Greenie - HUMP DAY. Forget about the trash. ________________

          Det - travel safely and AF-ly. If you decide to fly around in your garlicy tights, be careful after dark. That is all.

          Hello to anyone yet to come and anyone I missed. P3 - did I read you are loving your new sewing machine? Job and $$$ vibes to you for Friday. Getting an early start on that.

          I am realizing how much I am changing in sobriety as I continue to communicate periodically with an old friend. We used to have "lots to talk about" meaning we griped and worried about the same sort of stuff. I am really glad I am becoming less of a griper and worrier and getting more comfortable just living in the moment. I care deeply about my friend and wish I could show her how much nicer it is to just let that junk go. All I can think to do is just be how I am and leave it at that. I can only change me.

          Well, I start chairing the Thursday morning AA meeting tomorrow for a month service stint. So I better take a look at the reading and figure out what to say about it!!! Happy AFness to all and to all a good night. And unhung morning. :yougo:

          One thing is for sure....there will be no drinking AL for me today!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

            Back in the game

            Hi all - good to see everyone again - I am finishing out day 2 - shooting for the entire month of July.... Love to wake up with a clear head. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!


              AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

              Hey All-just a quick pop in before I collapse. I hate T-Storms and I spent this one in the basement-AGAIN-with the kids because the sky was looking really scary. I'm always on edge and can't relax even with the TV on.

              Test results came back today from my 3 month followup with my doc. I am pleased to announce that I am totally normal! Yep, believe it or not! All kidding aside-my A1C result was very far away from borderline prediabetes and my fasting glucose was in the high 80s!! I'm so happy and it just reaffirms that AL was destroying my body bit by bit hence the scary sugar and kidney results of last year. Now to keep working on those 50 lbs and I should be in tip top shape.

              Lav-I got the paint tonite!! I got the Allergy and Asthma free version. Can't wait to get going on it but it won't be for another few weeks.

              hey Doglvr and PS-stick with us!

              Marshy-have a great time in Greece!! We'll try not to get the hotel room to full of popcorn!!

              M3-how'd the accupuncture go today?

              Gotta go let the pups out one last time and then hit the hay. Thanks for all the well wishes for Friday. I'll need them!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

                DG just for you, re Arctic, I dont go till August, but I will be in the yukon at the end of next week, which is also very far north. I spend about half my working life in the far north, and have done for many years now. Here is a photograph of an escarpment in Yolanda Lake, which is south of the Arctic circle by about 800 kms. It was taken from the helicopter, it was about 32 degrees C, which is like I dunno, 89 F. In August it can be very hot in the Arctic now, due to global climate change and as usual in the summer the sun is up all day, (land of the midnight sun) and there is a haze from all the forest fires and pollution in the world collects there because of world wind currents and condensation effects. And also a close up of a land bridge between two lakes, also shot from the air at very low with brown water (its natural organic acids that make it brown, and one with very blue water). It is very beautiful and I am lucky to see it. These were from an old trip, so I may post some more from the next visit. BTW the rocks you see in the second photo that look like driveway gravel, are the size of volkswagens, so that should give you an idea of scale.


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily - Wednesday 8 June

                  Papmom, glad your health is good san AL!

                  Kas, lemme're other car is a helicopter? spectacular photos as usual!

                  Doglover, please stay close, good to see you again.

                  DoggyGirl, what does chairing AA meetings entail? does that mean your speaking?

                  so tired. very long day but I made it back home! I'm so happy to be home already. wooooooooo

                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

