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AF Daily - July 7, 2011

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    AF Daily - July 7, 2011

    Good morning Abstinistas and Abstineros!!! WAKEY WAKEY as Pap says. Or is it Greenie? Or M3? I am gonna take the plunge and start this morning even though I am a newbie. And an exhibitionist.

    Somebody tell me what the popcorn joke is re Marshy? Hope she isnt too jetlagged. And Loppy, tell me your secret about losing weight. If its NOT EATING SO DANG MUCH, then i might be in trouble!

    I get that the first message should be short. mercifully short. This is the first time I have posted the lead....

    GOOD MORNING FROM THE Pacific Time Zone. Its over the yard arm (the sun)....but one thing is for sure, no AL in me today. Off to Montana...


    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h

    AF Daily - July 7, 2011


    Doesn't have to be short. Sometimes it is short just to throw one up there and get it started (well that's what the :crowned: does sometimes, can't really say for the others. But if it's long, you may need to give a "sandwich warning" at the beginning. Meaning the post is so long you may want to grab a sandwich to eat while taking it on.

    When marshy was first seening XNGF, we started "following" her on her dates - like sitting in the back of the movie theatre eating popcorn. Like lots of the jokes, it keeps going.

    FABBIE artic piccies, kas! I still want to be your uninvited assistant and/or guest.

    Later - gotta run!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - July 7, 2011

      Morning Abbers!

      Well mid-morning actually!
      Kaslo, I loved those pics from yesterday ~ pretty neat! No traffic congestion there, huh?? I've never been to Montana. YB used to dream about being a forest ranger & living there. I told him to go & have a ball :H

      Greenie, I imagine you are suffering in ths east coast heat wave as well. This is not my fav weather

      Forgot to mention this yesterday but when the guys (installing the security system) went into YB's garage (across the driveway) they said the first thing they saw was a large black snake!!!!!!! I wonder if it's the same one my brother-in-law removed from my chicken house last Fall???
      The only time I go in thtr garage is when I start feeling sorry for the few remaining fish still living in the fish tank. I just replenish the water & give them some food once or twice/week. I will not be going in there again until someone removes that snake. I have no idea how the hell it got in there

      Going to try to get my car inspected this afternnon. You can't make appointments at the place I go just go & wait, hmmm!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - July 7, 2011

        Good Morning All,

        Congrats Kaz on your first successful start of an AF Daily thread!!! :thumbs:One little trick that I use when starting a thread is to type one sentence then "submit reply." Then I use the "edit" function to add more. You also asked about the "eating popcorn;" and Greenie gave a great explanation. I loved it a couple of weeks ago when everyone said they would be "eating popcorn" at the back of the room when I was delivering a training program. "Eating popcorn" to me has also become a way for us saying that we are supporting one another when we need it. I love you guys/gals!!

        The acupuncture and manipulation on back went very well yesterday. Unfortunately, I slipped getting out of the shower last night and felt a little pull in my back. WTF? I hope it's not back to square one. I haven't exercised in almost 1 week now and that is making me a very grumpy person.

        PlaceSeeker, You asked if I injured my back from running. No, I did not. My back is my weak area and the first to go when I'm under alot of stress. My back gave out on me after 2 weeks of pushing hard with work, dealing with some family issues, etc. It is my signal that I need to slow down. Unfortunately, I keep learning this particular lesson over and over again.

        P3. Congrats on having all of your tests come back normal. :goodjob::wd: It's great validation isn't it? When I was drinking, I blamed all of my symptoms/illnesses on everything BUT alcohol. Funny how they all went away once I quit. Good luck tomorrow on Job 2A.

        Greenie, has the dust settled in the house yet? Is ex DH still testing the boundaries?

        Lav, wish I could stop by and take some of those zucchini's off of your hands. Did the security guys take the big snake away or did they leave it for YB?

        DG, How are things going with sugar consumption. I'm still battling that beast so any recommendations or insights you have would be most welcome!!

        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          AF Daily - July 7, 2011

          Just wanted to say good morning to everyone - still on track and feeling great.

          BTW, popcorn is a staple for me, so I should be a good support gallery.

          M3, thanks for the info about your back - hope you didn't reinjure it. And, I can relate about exercise - I go nutty without it. Maybe you can just do something mild that won't set you back on your spine issue!

          Lav, we have had a lot of snakes this year - don't know why. They creep me out too. I try not to freak out, but they really are hard to stomach.

          Kas, I too meant to comment on your pictures - stunning!

          Hope everyone has a good day.


            AF Daily - July 7, 2011

            Hey Everyone

            I just realized I never got to actually see the picture of Det in his AF garlic bat suit (or whatever it was). I've got a feeling it might put me off _________ though, so please only repost if he looks hot!

            Have a fab one today!


              AF Daily - July 7, 2011

              Bean, hahahahahahaha you so bad! oh man.... needed a morning laugh and that was fab.

              ok, found a more photogenic family of sunflowers yesterday whilst driving back from CA:

              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                and one for Loppy, this is one of the wild bunnies that has adopted our back yard. Pic taken yesterday afternoon.

                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                  Thanks Det for posting two of my favorites--sunflower and bunnies!!!

                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                    WOW Det!
                    That bunny was definitely posing for you
                    The cartoon my grandson watches 'Bob the Builder' is set in 'Sunflower Valley'. I think it me must be in California

                    M3, sure hope you did no more damage to your back. You're starting to sound like me........

                    Hi to Bean & Place Seeker!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                      Hi everyone or good afternoon. being very busy for me lately, All work no play, hope everyone is well and isn't it great when your not drinking what a feeling.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                        hey all - feeling pretty miserable - me and loads of others quit the skate team - very sad much sobbing - my favourite people have not been treated well for a long time. Really want to drink but am not gonna - I am sober since last Friday so day 7 here today.

                        All it will do is make me blue and tired and bloated - recently I've just felt sleepy and 'out of it' (which I have wanted,the out of it bit). Not been to gym yet but 1 skate session, cycled to work once (aim to make it twice tomorrow) and plan to fit at least 1 more gym session/swim/class in. Upping the exercise next week.Think I may need some yoga!

                        Cooking macaroni cheese with mushrooms and gonna have a bubble/aromatherapy bath and face mask and read.

                        Really want this to be forever this time - guess I should take one day at a time - I like that aspect of AA - but prefer other aspects of SMART.Reminder to self - cravings don't last forever - and I have less of them when I exercise regularly and clean my house!xx
                        one day at a time


                          AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                          *sandwich alert*
                          Geez I'm hemoraging money this week..... On gross stuff like dental cleaning, carpet cleaning and car repairs. Grrrr....

                          I bumped into this again and thought I'd post the link in case you haven't seen it. It's worth a look; Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability | Video on

                          M3, would you mind saying exactly what part of your back is hurting for moi? No long distance voodoo, just curious in a Louise Hay sort of way. However, I did put you on Jo Dunnings prayer list for the month. :l

                          Lav, yes it's brutal in this "famously hot" city. stupid slogan

                          Great photo's det! I wanna new camera!

                          Bean, "hot" is not a word I would use to describe that photo so if the link pops up, avert your eyes.

                          I flyfished in Montana. Awesome! Stayed in a little one horse town called Enis ("inis") which I fondly pronounced EEEEnis with dramatic enuciation of the long e sound and made up catchy little slogans for it which of course contained rhymes with penis. That may have been the first time I saw buffalo roam. Anyway, kaslo, I hope you have a safe enjoyable trip and wedding. We shall be at a far table eating popcorn.

                          M3, the dust has not settled but it will by tonight since the carpet cleaners come tomorrow morning. And I am impressing myself with FH boundaries, thank you very much for asking as I know you know boundaries are something that requires much effort on my part but I'm getting better.

                          LVT, I can't believe you held back on the new microwave cost VS beer consumption cost. Better woman than I am. must be the prairie

                          Mario, I almost feel sorry for you with the all work issue, but I happen to know how often you go on trips so no crying for you over here :H

                          bear, no need to cry over leaving situation in which there is bad treatment. I think it just might open up new opportunities for everyone - keep your chin up and your eyes open. Could you all start your own team or join another? Anyhooo - you KNOW drinking will not only not hep but it WILL make everything worse.

                          P3 that is AWESOME about your test results! (jumping up and down clapping hands)

                          5 days is how long I've been warding off the temptation for a McDonalds M&M McFlurry. I don't even know what a McFlurry is and I REALLY need to keep it that way. Arrrrgghhhh!

                          Doglvr, so glad to have you join in! Have you got a new plan in place or in mind?

                          back to dust duty. tally ho!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                            There was a young lady from Enis......

                            who caught a fish shaped like a.....

                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                              Third day of rehab

                              Hi, Everyone.

                              Finished third day of rehab--actually second full day. Some sessions/groups are better than others, but I am trying to learn all I can and avoid relapse triggers when I go home in a couple of weeks. I think that I am the only one not on meds, and am thankful for that, as so many of the others here are groggy and having issues with multiple meds and dosing problems. Was surprised to learn that two of the women have been prescribed BAC for anxiety! I asked the psychistrist about that, just out of curiosity, but she thought I was asking for it for myself and said my goal is to learn to live without alcohol. Okay. . .

                              We are having a cookout tonight, and three women are leaving tomorrow. Two have been here for a month. Started on the detox side. I have been a bit nervous about the weekend, but at least two other women are going to be here (you can go home if you want--I'm too far for that, and I wouldn't do it anyway.) We have no sessions on the weekend, which I didn't know about when I came here, but we can go to meetings --at least two a day--each day, and we plan to do some shopping and exploring and treat ourselves to a nice dinner one night. I'm feeling pretty positive, although i know that I have a lot ahead with the OUI charge. It's hard to believe that it was over six weeks ago. Haven't heard yet about the new court date, nor about what the attorney thinks will happen as far as loss of license time. There is an attorney from my state here and he has given me some best and worst case scenarios. One of the owmen leaving tomorrow shocked us today by telling us that her Blood level was--get this--5.5 when she was brought to the ER juts before coming here a month ago!!!! I was told that 3.0 is just about comatose, and she said the doctors said that she should have died! And she went to work the next day. Yikes!

                              Well, I will try to report each day on my progress here.

                              "One day at a time."

