Good evening everyone.
9.30pm and I am still awake!!!! I lost another 1.5lbs at WW yesterday. I am thinking of patenting the diet and I will call it the sleep through mealtimes diet. That is the only thing I can think of that is making the difference.
Bear, glad you are holding in there. As you may know I have had my struggles over the years and it is still only 3 weeks in for me now but examining the feelings around my cravings seems to help a great deal. Mind you I think I forgot how uncomfortable feelings can be if you are not submerging them in alcohol. Yesterday something happened at work that made me very angry. After deciding that Al wouldn't help and that anger was a totally rational reaction to what had happened I decided to go for a walk to put myself in a better mood. Note to self, next time take an umbrella! The heavens opened when I was about 10 mins from the office with nowhere to shelter. Came back looking like a drowned rat! Good job I have a sense of humour.
To everyone coming off al. It does get better believe me.
DG don't know much about AA. Have always thought it would be too robust for me. I seem to remember that you had been sober for some time before going to AA so it obviously about more than getting sober.
Kas you are a genius with a camera and I understand that your job is tough but you do get some amazing scenery.
PM3 great news about the results. Al really does muck up our insides.
Det what big ears the bunnies out your way have. They are even bigger than Ludwig's. Will post pics of him and Ella when I have taught them to pose for the camera. Tell me your trick Mr Rabbit whisperer as that one was definitely posing ofr you.
Greenie, good luck with all the cleaning I am sure it is really worth all the short term upheaval.
Right time for me to fall asleep again. Take care everyone and pleasant AF dreams