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AF Daily - July 7, 2011

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    AF Daily - July 7, 2011

    Good evening everyone.

    9.30pm and I am still awake!!!! I lost another 1.5lbs at WW yesterday. I am thinking of patenting the diet and I will call it the sleep through mealtimes diet. That is the only thing I can think of that is making the difference.

    Bear, glad you are holding in there. As you may know I have had my struggles over the years and it is still only 3 weeks in for me now but examining the feelings around my cravings seems to help a great deal. Mind you I think I forgot how uncomfortable feelings can be if you are not submerging them in alcohol. Yesterday something happened at work that made me very angry. After deciding that Al wouldn't help and that anger was a totally rational reaction to what had happened I decided to go for a walk to put myself in a better mood. Note to self, next time take an umbrella! The heavens opened when I was about 10 mins from the office with nowhere to shelter. Came back looking like a drowned rat! Good job I have a sense of humour.

    To everyone coming off al. It does get better believe me.

    DG don't know much about AA. Have always thought it would be too robust for me. I seem to remember that you had been sober for some time before going to AA so it obviously about more than getting sober.

    Kas you are a genius with a camera and I understand that your job is tough but you do get some amazing scenery.

    PM3 great news about the results. Al really does muck up our insides.

    Det what big ears the bunnies out your way have. They are even bigger than Ludwig's. Will post pics of him and Ella when I have taught them to pose for the camera. Tell me your trick Mr Rabbit whisperer as that one was definitely posing ofr you.

    Greenie, good luck with all the cleaning I am sure it is really worth all the short term upheaval.

    Right time for me to fall asleep again. Take care everyone and pleasant AF dreams
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012


      AF Daily - July 7, 2011

      Hello Again All,

      I'm feeling much more optimistic about my back. I walked around the city today while my daughter was taking yoga. I'm a little crooked but I was able to walk!!!

      Greenie, it's my lower back that is bothering me; mostly on the right side. Second chakra isn't it? Would love to hear your thoughts. I'm happy to hear that you are making headway with the house. It is the most unsettling thing for sure. I really thought I was going to go crazy when our house was being renovated.

      Bear, I'm with Greenie. The end of this particular Roller Derby team might open the doors to other opportunities. It sounds like there was always alot of drama within the team from what you posted. Drama and alcohol don't mix well. I think we alkies are attracted to drama and if there isn't any, we'll create it. My love/hate relationship with drama went away once I had some solid AF time. So, we will rename you BAD ASS NO DRAMA MAMA.

      ThreeDogNight. I'm happy to hear that you are settling in at rehab. One day at a time.

      Mario, I always love it when you stop by to say hello with your positive spirit.

      Kas, wow. The weight loss is amazing!!!

      Det....Good to see you here. You're posting early and three times in one day so far!! I want to run through that field of sunflowers!!

      And to continue your story Det,

      There once was a young lady from Enis

      Who caught a fish shaped like a ........

      She thought it was Mars but it really was from Venus

      But how would I know? I'm really not a genius...

      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily - July 7, 2011

        Hello friends,

        Well you guys were late risers this morning. Thank goodness Kaslo started the thread. I would love to go to Montana by the way.

        A very entertaining thread indeed today. Bear, I like your new name. BANDM!
        MOM3--you should stick with your day job--I think you'd starve if you took up poetry! :H

        Did anyone hear they are going to start serving beer at Burger King and Sonic and Starbucks? Wow.

        I had some really interesting comments to make, but they have evaded me. I have the house to myself this evening and I really should go out and pull some weeds, but I'm thinking a shower and the couch sounds nicer. A friend and our kids went to a baseball game last night and then to Walmart. Found some REALLY CUTE planters that I didn't need and a cool fan with misters for the greenhouse. I will post some pictures of those later.

        I love the sunflower pics Det and I'm pretty glad I did not look at the garlic suit. It was kind of funny the subject of snakes and bunnies came up today. As I climbed back on my mower after lunch yesterday, a big bull snake came slithering out from underneath. He was obviously a little irritated that I was there. Pretty soon a bunny came hopping over and it looked like he wanted to play with Mr. snake. I was a little worried Peter was going to be a snack, but the snake moved on and he hopped away happily. I don't mind the snakes that are harmless or do good things (like bullsnakes eat mice and keep rattle snakes away). But the rattlers do scare me.

        There was a young lady from, I suck at poetry too! :H

        Thanks for the updates from rehab 3dog. I'm glad to hear Uni is doing well. Have a great sober one all!:h Attached files [img]/converted_files/1617753=6295-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/1617753=6296-attachment.jpg[/img]
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - July 7, 2011

          fABbies! Hello to one and all.

          DogLvr - WELCOME BACK!!! Good to see you.

          P3 - sorry to hear about your evening in the basement!! You need a pappin' poshy pink setup down there. Congrats on all your medical tests! AL is so insidious. Amazing how our health can improve with sober time under our belts! What a relief!

          Kaz - those pics are WOW!!! I'm going to look like an idiot here, but I was expecting one huge ice cap. Gorgeous! Do you get there by helecopter? One of those planes that can also land on water? What? Have you ever been dog sledding? I guess we can talk at length about all that while we're floating in your pool on Greenie's noodle. (Greenie - I hope you have a BIG noodle...) You did an AWESOME job starting us off today!! And now you know about "sandwich warnings" which most people are kind enough to give. I rarely remember to give a sandwich warning, but you pretty much know that all my posts are sandwich worthy. I should change my screen name from Doggygirl to Sandwichposter. And yes, we will definitely eat popcorn at that wedding you have to go to. We'll be sitting somewhere near the softball team in the back.

          Garlic Man oops I mean Det - Glad you are already home!!! (last night!!!) I hope this means you have an easy rest-of-the-week and a nice weekend with Dx coming up! Chairing a meeting generally means you start the meeting and guide it along based on whatever the format is for that meeting - decided by group conscience of the regulars of that meeting. :H In this particular one, I open the meeting and guide the various readings and announcements, and then give a lead on the topic of the day (one of the readings at this particular meeting). It's the "lead" I try to give some thought to. What speaks to me from the reading as it pertains to my sober journey. I love your sunflower and bunny pics! Loppy is going to LOVE that bunny pic I think!

          Lav, I guess YB abandoned his fish too? :b&d: Make him come over and get the dang snake.

          M3 - love your description of our virtual popcorn eating as a show of support for each other. YES! :l I am so sorry you slipped in the shower!!! I hope that did not end up setting you back. I am still battling the sugar thing. I KNOW the only way for me is abstinence. Like AL, it is SO EASY to slip a sugar thing across my lips, and so very very very hard to get back on that wagon after the fact. If I come up with any miracles I'll pass them along. For now, I'm white knuckling and failing more often than succeeding it seems.

          PS - good to see you here today and you will fit right in as a popcorn supporter!

          Bean - I can't believe you missed the Garlic Man picture!!! I don't know if YOU would think Det looks hot as Garlic Man. But the other action hero in the picture - "Ace" I believe is his name - thinks Det looks hot as Garlic Man. That is all.

          HI MARIO!!! I love when you join us!! Sorry you are going through an all work and no play phase. Or maybe that is a good thing? What line of work are you in? Mr. Doggy has been REALLY busy for the last month which is a blessing. We have our own business and we've had plenty of slow times in the last couple of years, so busy is ALL GOOD right now. Hope it's good in your world too.

          Bear - I'm sorry to hear about the split on your derby team. Will some of you be joining another, or starting another team? It's hard to describe the "one day at a time...forever" thing that I feel. I truly can't imagine ever drinking or truly wanting to drink ever again. I can't know for sure though, what the future will bring. So....I try to focus ALL of my efforts on today - not only AFness but all of life. Forever one day at a time, I hope.

          And now I see Greenie's post and I am so glad that my thinking was queenly as it pertains to the roller derby situation! I'm wondering if we should start a balls to the wall sugar free challenge? I've been sort of wanting to do that in one part of me. And then my inner sugar addict says no..... Mean time...I hope the flow of money changes directions soon!

          TDN - SO GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!! It sounds like you have a great attitude about your sessions - soak up every bit of info you can that might be useful today and down the road. I hope you are able to keep your main focus on the need to get and stay sober. What ever is going to happen will happen with your license, and worrying over it while you are in rehab isn't going to change that. :l I hope your weekend ends up being good with the women who are there, and the meetings you attend and whatever else you do.

          Loppy, congrats on another 1.5 lb loss at WW yesterday! I need to try your "sleep through mealtimes" diet, and add the "without sugar" option. Your recollection is right - I started going to AA at about 8 months sober. (something I SWORE I would never do!) I was plagued by fear of relapse, among other things. I observed some people who were going to AA who seemed to have something I wanted. So I went. I explore stuff in a similar way to what you describe. What are my underlying feelings and motivations? What strategies can I employ to keep peace and serenity in my life? It really helps me to be able to talk about this stuff with others who share the experience. I went to several different meetings before finding the groups that are the best fit for me. Each group of people (like anywhere in life) tends to have it's own personality. Also, there are several different meeting formats and some I like better than others. FWIW...

          M3!!! Love your poetry!!

          Went to see my Dad today. That's becoming a fairly regular Thursday gig since the CSA where I pick up produce on Thursday is half way there. I know it means a lot to him. It's a bit draining for me. I wish it wasn't that way...but there you have it. I mentioned somewhere upstream (yesterday perhaps?) that he finally put A/C in the house last week after 48 years without. I asked him today how he likes it. He said "what temperature do you keep your thermastat on?" I said "about 70 - how about you?" EIGHTY. He keeps it on EIGHTY. Well, that tells you how HOT that house was before the A/C. Yep - contributing factor to getting the hell outa there at 18....

          One thing is for sure. NO AL today for this girl.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - July 7, 2011

            I'm sure glad I don't know a young lady from EEEEnis :H :H

            Greetings Mario

            bear, maybe it's a sign - leaving that team may be a true blessing in disguise. Time for new & wonderful things for you

            Greenie - the drywall dust always makes me sneeze! Good idea to have the carpets cleaned.
            I'm proud to say I haven't purchased or eaten anything from McDonalds for more years than I can remember. I just know I was suffering extreme drowsiness (fat OD) after eating fast food & gave it up. Wish I had been that smart about AL

            Det's a poet - I don't know it :H

            TDN, glad things are going well for you!
            What a frightening story to hear about a 5.5 BAC! That women is truly lucky to be alive, hope she always remembers that. Hang in there yourself, ODAT.

            Loppy, sleeping through meals is a unique weight loss plan ~ may try that myself! Congrats to you on your continued success.

            M3, good to hear you awere out & about today!
            I have to agree with you on the drama thing ~ just don't want any anymore. Peace is a good thing!!

            Time to go say good night to my hens. The extreme heat & humidty always slows down egg production but they came in with 19 eggs today - not too bad!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - July 7, 2011

              Hi DG cross posted. I had to get up and check my thermostat. 78. Yup, i do not like it cold and often you will find me wrapped up in a blanket on the couch in the summertime. So there. But I am REALLY glad we have AC!!!!

              I'm on a roll with the pictures, so rather than pull weeds I'll put a couple more up.

              Now keep in mind these were taken with my cell phone. They don't hold a candle to some of the professional photographs that turn up here!

              You really like mom3's poem?:H:H:H Attached files [img]/converted_files/1617765=6297-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/1617765=6298-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/1617765=6299-attachment.jpg[/img]
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                DG - I sent YB a text today about the snake......
                He response )I actually got a response) was I'll pick up chicken feed before I come over to cut grass on Saturday. WTF??? What about the snake????

                LVT - I cross posted with you too!
                nice pics
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                  LVT - SEVENTY EIGHT??? Well, I can be an uninvited guest at Chez LVT in the winter. Oh - and I ran out of smilies by the time I complimented M3 on her poetry. :H

                  Lav. WTF with YB??? I think you should tell him to come on over for peach pie and then greet him with your shot gun. Let him be the one to say WTF??? What about the pie??? :b&d:

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                    And since nobody asked....

                    Garlic Man is in front...

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                      Doggygirl;1143373 wrote: LVT - SEVENTY EIGHT??? Well, I can be an uninvited guest at Chez LVT in the winter. Oh - and I ran out of smilies by the time I complimented M3 on her poetry. :H

                      Lav. WTF with YB??? I think you should tell him to come on over for peach pie and then greet him with your shot gun. Let him be the one to say WTF??? What about the pie??? :b&d:

                      How about if you put the snake in the pie (alive). What a surprise that would be.:H Speaking of snakes, that was one big bull snake that you came across LVT!! You ARE a prarie woman.

                      Just read an article on the obesity rates in the country broken down by states. Very eye opening. Two facts I found particularly alarming: 12 states have obesity rates above 30%. Four years ago, there was only one state that had an obesity rate above 30%. Twenty years ago, not a single state had an obesity rate above 15% and now every state is well above that. Geez

                      U.S. Obesity Epidemic Continues to Spread - MSN Health & Fitness - Healthy Living
                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!


                        AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                        Ok, I admit it. I looked at Garlic Man.

                        Speaking of snakes...the old trouser snakes don't look up to much in either of these two. And I am curious as to what A-man is doing behind Garlic man's back? Seems he might be giving him a wedgie.

                        I am liking the yellow gloves however. I have the exact same pair for doing the dishes. Garlic Man washes up as well? Bravo!!


                          AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                          M3, I was thinking 2nd chakra. when you talked about your pursuit of becoming qualified to teach yoga, it sounded like a pretty rigorous schedule and I wondered about you fitting that in to your already busy life. Do you have any mixed feelings about that? Are you considering this a possible career change and will it support you financially? How about husband? Any risistance from him? BTW, how's your love/sex life? Got any control struggles going on in that arena? Not wanting you to answer out loud. I'm just thinking out loud. The yoga decision and the back pain were so close together I wondered about the coincidence.
                          Louise Hay says Fear of money. Lack of financial support. "I trust the process of life. All I need is always taken care of. I am safe."

                          (Greenie says sleep on your side like you are sitting in a chair and put a pillow(s) between your lower legs to keep them hip width apart (like sitting). )

                          Also, you mentioned there were some areas in your life in which you felt stuck. Those areas may very well be "showing up" for you as your back pain. So you thank them for showing up etc. and I'll elaborate on the etc. in a PM if you want.

                          There was a young woman from EEEEnis
                          who saw a snake that looked like a peeeenis.
                          She baked it in a pie
                          and gave it to her guy.
                          The look on his face was hieeeenous!!
                          :kudos: thank you. thank you very much.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                            Day 3

                            Thanks for the welcome back wishes all -

                            Bean - I love your signature line
                            Det - love the pics and laughed out loud with your poetry. I'm new to this Garlic Pic though - I 'll start searching.

                            DG - love that I see you everytime I come back here.
                            3 Dog - good luck at rehab

                            Successfully made it through day 3. Big challenge was that I drove home from work with one of my girlfriends - and right before she asked me if I wanted to go out for a drink I told her how I wanted to get through July without a drink - took a walk to the grocery store - so that got rid of my craving.

                            It's weird - I committed to being AF this month online last night - and then I had a dream last night that I had a drink - and then was so disappointed in myself. It seemed so real.

                            I cannot wait to get through this weekend AF - I will definitely need to keep checking in here. Take care all.


                              AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                              Hello Abbers - just a quick check in.

                              Lav, now we're up to Snake Pies??? about a snake and zucchini pie?

                              M3 - I had back issues years ago and finally had surgery in 2008. I did triathlons before that. I was told "no more running" and haven't been able to run since. I also went through 2 years of acupuncture and chiro before the I can relate to the back problems! Luckily for me, the surgery worked. (knock wood!) I'm just now getting back into regular exercise. - No running though!

                              Det and Kaslo - loved your pics! I don't know how to post pics on here and really haven't taken the time to figure it out. If I do I'll post a couple pics of my trip to Alaska this summer.

                              It's great to read all your positive posts! DogLvr - we can make it through this weekend! No problem - we'll just keep posting and thinking positive thoughts.


                                AF Daily - July 7, 2011

                                :H Greenie - I laughed so loud reading your poem I scared my piggy swissy :H

                                Great suggestions though everyone - snake/zucchini pies, shot guns :H
                                I honestly don't understand YB's thinking (or not thinking) anymore

                                Hi DogLvr, good to see you back!
                                Stick around this crazy group of people & see what happens! Getting through the first 3 days is great! Fill your weekend with lots & lots to do, push the drinking thoughts right out of your head.

                                Good night all!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

