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AF Daily - July 7, 2011

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    AF Daily - July 7, 2011

    You guys are HILARIOUS! Especially DG, who should be a comedienne. I am checking in from Columbia Falls, Montana. It took forever to get here. Over hill and down dale. Just before leaving I saw that the flat tire light was on again, and the Hub said, ah dont worry about it, I have a new tire guage. Its been going down, and hes been filling it up for a month. This prompted me to go to the tire shop, where a 1 inch nail was removed from the front left side. The roads in Montana, back northern roads that is, are narrow, windy, no shoulder and its 33 degrees. So ha. The tire man showed me a bucket of extracted stuff he has been collecting including a wire garbage can lid snapper thing, which was apparently wrapped around the guys tire like a snowshoe, and a piece of metal the size of a kitchen knife. I have a date with him in Sept to take a photo with him holding his bucket of extracted tire flatteners, in front of his tire shop.

    DET LOVE YOUR BUNNY PHOTO!!! And I LOVED THE SNAKE SHOT, cool! I love seeing a snake racing away in the garden, it always gives me a start, but they are shy and beautiful creatures, it takes several years for them to reach an age where they can give birth, many are viviparous, (live birth, they feed the babies and keep them for up to another five years as a family, so they are maybe not as cute as bunnies, but they do eat lots of insects we dont like, and they are beautiful creatures. I dont think I am going to convert people who fear and loathe them, but I like them, anyway. That BUNNY is so sweet, especially his stumpy legs, quite heavier looking than the buns we get here.

    Thanks all re photos of the Arctic tundra. It is hugely variable and has complex wetlands, sand dunes, beaches, dunes, many gorgeous lakes, old icefields that remain all year, that are a kind of neon aqua color, huge boulder fields, and outwash till splayed out, valleys and low hills, and yes no sign of man in a lot of it. Huge herds of barren ground caribou on the move, deep ancient caribou paths dug into the lichens and arctic willows, criss crossing, and not a road or a post or telephone pole, a garbage can or a ATV track, nor buildings nor any trace of humans for mile after mile. Its really stunning so when I get some time in the next few days I will try to post more.

    I am so tired I cant think so will sign off, but see you all tomorrow. Lots of love but no AL. Kaslo

    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      AF Daily - July 7, 2011

      good question Bean, what on earth is A man doing behind G man? hmmmmmm.... and what's A stand for? inquiring minds must know!

      ok, I'll do my own Garlic man picture this weekend if I can put together a suitable costume. look out!

      LVT, those are pretty good pics for a cell phone! nice to see more photos coming up, Kas has started something!

      M3 have you done the acupuncture yet? I've heard it's really helpful for back pain.

      whew, it's late, must conk ooooot.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)

