there was a young cat with the snivels
who loved to puke up her kibbles
she met a nice dog from EEEEnis
and tho they aren't from the same genus
they lived happily ever after.
the end
ok then....
DoggyGirl, sounds like a day of deep introspection. glad your good and well! I had an O'douls on Thursday night at dinner and couldn' t even finish it. weird but that's normal for me with NA beers.
Doglvr, good job! so glad your sticking with us and kicking butt
well, hauled myself off to Systema class which I haven't done in ages and I think I'm going to be pleasantly sore. whew! good clean fun.
Bear, I'm concerned you may not be getting adequate dietary protein and good fats. they are so critical in mood/depression and our ability to cope with stress.
Guitarista, how did you come upon such an interesting job?
ok, must work on my Gman suit......
be well everyone and all to come