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Jaunty July - Week 2

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    Jaunty July - Week 2

    Hi everyone

    Just thought I would start us off on this our second week. What a wonderful way to start with both Shelly and SD back in the fold. :welcome: a million times over ladies. So glad that you both felt you could post. Lots of us did not get the whole completely AF thing down first time around and are serial relapers. Liked what SD said about comparing it to a unhealthy relationship with men, making the same mistake over and over again and expecting the outcome to be different.

    Will be back again later.


    Jaunty July - Week 2

    Good morning Jaunters

    Thanks for starting us up in week 2 rustop!
    It is nice having Shelley & SD back & I hope you both post every day

    Heatwave #4 underway here...............
    Apparently this summer is going to be as nasty as last summer. Global warming?

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Jaunty July - Week 2

      It tried to rain here yesterday and did so for about 8 minutes. We do live in a desert but by July should have received almost 4 inches of rain and we've had less than 1! At least it's overcast this morning.
      Going to a volunteer orientation this morning at a homeless shelter. Time to get out of the house and see what's going on. Need to get out of the house, period. Isolation is so bad for me in terms of drinking.
      Again thanks for the warm welcome back. SD, hang in there girl, we'll do this together.


        Jaunty July - Week 2

        Thank you Rustop for starting our new week.

        SD - Im so glad you have posted too! Lovely to have you and Speed back, we are here to lean on whenever required so I hope you stick around.

        Speed are you still doing lots of running? Im no longer cycling but instead im addicted to the spinning classes at my local gym where the trainers are the best i've ever had. I was even there for the early class this morning at 6.45.

        I had the most wonderful evening last night and was cooked a beautiful meal by my friend. We are both amazed at the coincidences of us meeting up again. We socialized in the same circles in our 20's and 30's attending all the same parties. He was reminding me of some pretty cringeing stories regarding all of our drinking in these days. His wife and him split last year after 21 years together and I had no idea they lived in this area as I knew them both from Glasgow. His house is out in the countryside less than 15 minutes from the small town where im living. We really hit it off and are planning to go out together next weekend.
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Jaunty July - Week 2

          Hi Shelley,
          Good for you getting out & about!
          I spent way too much time sitting home alone & drinking in my day. For me it was all about depression & I just didn't give a damn, you know?

          Chill, glad you enjoyed your dinner/date. I have zero desire to get into all that. Iam pretty much depleted in the love/romance/relationship area. I'll get by by hearing your stories

          papmom, where are you today? Star? Jolie?
          Getting kind of lonely here

          I hear thunder in the distance. It would be nice to have a storm clear up some of this humidity.
          We shall see
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Jaunty July - Week 2

            I'm here Lav. Been lurking throughout the day (those were my 5 min breaks from the tedium of data entry) and then I had my counseling appt. After that I did a very small food shopping run and then when I got home secured everything in anticipation of the storms tomorrow. Since my canopy swing was halfway across the deck and there were NO storms today, I'm thinking that was a warning of things to come tomorrow. Grilled up the chicken I've had defrosting and marinating since Sat on the George Foreman then watched the Extreme Makeover Weight loss edition. Not quite tired yet but I haven't taken my meds either. My Mickey is still uncomfortable but I think the infection is going away. I'm hoping tomorrow will be the tipping point where the antibiotics and pain meds finally do their jobs.
            Tomorrow I'm hoping to hear from job #2a but my therapist cautioned me not to get my hopes up as they(the powers to be) seem to move pretty slow. I'll try.

            Chill-so happy to hear your dinner went well last nite! You have such a beautiful open spirit anything can happen if you want it to.

            Sped-good for you for doing some volunteering. I bet you get a lot more out of it then you thought you would!

            time to try for some shuteye. See you all in the AM!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Jaunty July - Week 2

              Thank you all (again and again) for the warm return! I honestly don't know why I feel so different this time...I just do. Like something just clicked...perhaps it was the last day I drank, or the book(s) I read or a combination of both...I don't know....but something inside of me is different, it feels different. My sister from CO is home and all three of us sisters wanted to go out tonight (no kids)...after my sons basketball game....for "happy hour"...everyone orders theirs drinks and I order my ice tea...of course there are some looks exchanged and I sit there feeling so freakin' empowered that I WANT a cool refreshing ice tastes good and i KNOW I'm not missing out on anything and I feel good NOT deprived about ANYTHING sitting there!!! I'm completely HAPPY!!! I NEVER felt this way before!!! Feeling GOOD!!!
              Better get some shut eye...getting the hair done in the AM!!
              Peace everyone...thanks again for the welcome!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Jaunty July - Week 2

                Bonjour Mes Amis,

                Welcome back, SD! I have missed you and wondered so often what happened to you. I'm so happy for all your AF time....and I know you'll make it to 30 days.:l

                Chill-good to hear about your date.

                I am in Vaux, France, now....I am at work and taking a break. Sunday, we walked around Paris, the Eiffel Tower, Champs-Elysees, L'Arc du Triomphe....the weather was fabulous. My client is driving me nuts but I'll survive. I am determined to not cave in and drink because my client is insufferable. I am staying at a castle in Montlucon, France...and it's lovely....surrounded by beautiful gardens.

                I'll be back later.


                  Jaunty July - Week 2

                  Good morning everyone

                  Dates and nights in Castles, wow, hard to keep up with you ladies :H

                  Wish I could do a swop on the weather with some of you. It's not cold
                  but no real sun or summer weather here. Getting a bit fed up of it now.
                  Thinking of getting away for a few days with second daughter to somewhere
                  sunny. Her sister is going to Tenereffe for a week and hubby has fishing
                  booked for Russia again so if I dont do something we will getting nowhere
                  except horse shows.

                  Hope everyone is doing ok, so good to hear from SD and Shelly again. Keep
                  with us ladies. Everyone else big hello.



                    Jaunty July - Week 2

                    Good morning to all...

                    Big explosion at our house on Sunday night, my son is very unnreasonable and when asked to contribute monitarily to the household, refused and left in a huff. It was fine with me, a 25 year old baby is just ridiculous. However, I am afraid he will come back with a huge mess expecting my husband and I to clean it up and I refuse. Period. He is following the same pattern, impulsive, dramatic, and immature. I just am done. However, my poor husband is very upset. The best thing is that this has all been happening AF, and that makes all the difference.

                    I woke up to a peaceful, clean house and feel good about it. I was told I am a horrible person, and I guess if I expect you to contribute as an adult, too bad. So, there it is.

                    Lav, I think this is a typical summer, hot humid and stormy. We had huge storms yesterday, branches down and lots of rain.

                    Chill, you have the most exciting dating life, enjoy.

                    Rusty, what fun to tour France while on the job. Sorry your companion is annoying.

                    SD, Sped, good to have you back. Keep busy Sped with useful activities, and SD, I love iced tea, too!!

                    Rustop, if you have the resources, it would be fun to go to one of the islands on the Med or maybe to Portugal where Chill used to live, for fun and sun. Go for it.

                    Papmom, hello to you, feel better.

                    Dewdrop, hope your day is going well.

                    To all, have a great summer day, AF.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Jaunty July - Week 2

                      Good morning Jaunters!

                      SD, so glad your thinking has turned that corner........makes a huge difference
                      People will get accustomed to you being a non-drinker soon enough.

                      papmom, you sure do have a lot going on this summer! Stay focused & take care of yourself

                      Rusty, send me some pictures & I'll post them for you & ignore that boreass client of yours :H
                      Enjoy your week.

                      Rustop, I am trying to figure where I can take myself, my daughter & Lily for a few days It's been over two years since I've had a night away & it's time! At first we talked about heading to the beach but now we're looking at the mountains instead. We're about in equidistant from both. Hope you & your daughter can get away for a few relaxing days

                      Star, sorry your son is stuck in the same thinking pattern - must be extremely frustrating for you I have a good friend going thru this with her son of the same age. You have every right to set up boundaries, he'll just have to learn. Take care of yourself.

                      Not sure yet what's going on in my world today but I'm sure I'll figure it out!
                      Wishing everyone a good AF Tuesday.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Jaunty July - Week 2

                        Thank you rustop for starting us off in week 2 isn?t it amazing how the time is simply flying by this summer. I think your plan to go off with your daughter for a bit of sun and sea sounds a great idea. Lav you and the girls must get away soon and have some quality feet up time together - 2 years without a night away is not good for your sanity, although I guess it must be difficult with the chickens? Rusty France sounds wonderful ? fancy staying in a castle!! You must post some photos.

                        Shelley & SD
                        it?s so good to have you both back and sounding so positive too. Isn't it a fantastic feeling to get those first 30 days under your belt and really feel the difference in health, attitude etc. Chill
                        your life is just so intriguing, how amazing the people you are meeting and the opportunities that are coming your way. How are you settling in to the new job? Star
                        I am sending peaceful vibes across the pond to you and your husband and hope there is a good outcome for you all this time around. I feel for you :l

                        Nothing much to report from the Dewdrop household tonight except I had a very peaceful meditation after dinner and feel in a good place so all is well in my world. A cheery hello to everyone I missed.

                        Dewdrop :h
                        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                          Jaunty July - Week 2

                          Evening guys

                          SD - Its great you feel this time is different, I believe a shift has to take place within us for it to finally work and it sounds like you've experienced that. I used the Allen Carr method along with a jumble of other stuff and he really resonated with me. I already trusted him as I used the same method to quit smoking 15 years ago.

                          Rusty - Keep smiling at your Client through gritted teeth and telling repeating in your head at the same time "I SO wont allow YOU to be the reason I slip off the wagon!" :no:

                          Rustop - I think a break in the sun with your daughter is a perfect idea, you have been taxi-ing from morning till night non stop, its time for some relaxtion.

                          Star - Sending you hugs, Im hopeless with conflict, it hurts. To get through this AF is added proof at how far you have come and how much stronger you are, celebrate that victory :l

                          Lav - Im ordering you to get away somewhere for a few days! Go on, the mountains sound just wonderful.

                          Dewdrop - I can feel the peace from your meditation, that is truly a blissful place. I love that all the highs and true peace in my life are now found naturally. When I was exercising at the weekend really hard, I actually was having the thoughts while i was doing it of "i love this! I feel amazing!" The endorphins are the best anti depressant in the world.

                          The job is going well, its quietened down this week and its allowing me time to set up new filing systems and find my way around the computer. Its a very busy office and the day just flies past. I need to find ways to drum up new business as we have a shortage of property on our books. Our competition in town is very slick and professional compared to our old, tired and very dated office. I could do with a week off just going around town networking. Im good at talking to people and I think for now thats my best course of action.

                          My dating life is exciting and this lastest coincidence will take some beating. Mr B has been reminding me of the many social events we attended over the years which I had forgotten about. I even dug out an old photo of him last night which was taken in 1991 when we were away in a group ski-ing in the Alps. Boy do we look young! Its nice that we know lots of details about each others lives but we still have to unearth a different side to one another which we never got to know as friends. He is very excited about the prospect of us being an item. Im more hesitant, not because I dont like him but because it would kind of be too simple if it worked out. He has planned our whole weekend so I guess after that I will have a better idea of whether it has a chance. :h
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Jaunty July - Week 2

                            Good morning everyone

                            Beautiful morning here with the sun shining. Am still getting my walk
                            in every day except when I go to the horse shows. I used to get up at
                            6 am last year and walk them before the shows but I was exhausted so now I just leave
                            them for one day.

                            Still have not heard from the US regarding daughters interview. I had planned
                            family holiday there if we had heard but its too late at this stage. Will give them
                            another few days and then book a few days in the sun for end of July.

                            Lav - I think you, daugher and Lily should do the same. A break would do you good.

                            Star - so sorry to hear about the conflict with your son. You are handling it AF and
                            that is the main thing.

                            Dew - you sounded so peaceful last night. The meditation is obviously working.
                            How are your treatments going? Only talk about it if you feel like it, lots of :l

                            Chill - I cannot believe the changes in your life in the past 6 months. I am sure
                            you will do fantastic in the new job and regarding the dating, just go with the

                            SD and Shelly, hope you are both doing ok in these early days. Once you are
                            over the 30 days it will get easier.

                            Papmom, John, Cassia, Jolie, LBH, Cyn, Mario, Sooty, Dill and anyone else I missed,
                            big hello and happy hump day.



                              Jaunty July - Week 2

                              Good morning on this beautiful day!!

                              Dew, I have been meditating or visualizing too, and it has really helped me to feel peaceful and sleep deeply and soundly. Amazing.

                              Lav, please tell me more about your friend with the same issues. I feel so alone at times and know that it is his problem, and we do have to set limits. But, I hope he finds a new place to live as it has been so lovely with him out of the house.

                              Chill, it is interesting that your new friend wants to go so quickly into a new relationship. Did I get it right? I get the feeling from you that you would rather take it slowly, rather than rush into anything. Good that you are getting into your new job opportunity. You sound so busy and happy, just where you should be.

                              Shelly and SD, you will keep feeling better and stronger as your AF time continues. We are so here to support you.

                              To all, have a great AF day.!!
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus

