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Jaunty July - Week 2

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    Jaunty July - Week 2

    P3 please hang in there because you are definitely due a break, financial worries are such a drain on energy and peace of mind. You try so hard to keep things together and are always looking for ways to improve your situation. I?m thinking of you :l It sounds like the daily site that Lav has sent you is just what you need and you are already getting a lot out of it. Lav your story about your glasses reminded me of me! Well you must be the only person I know who has a pumpkin patch, that?s kinda cool. Is there any way that you can sell on a lot of your produce locally and make some money?

    enjoy Portugal, how wonderful to be able to get away and recharge your batteries, enjoy your time with your daughter. I think of my Mum as my best friend and I think you will have similar relationships with your daughters as they grow older. Chill
    you must tell us more about your weekend, we are all waiting with bated breath, Mr B seems to have swept you off your feet! I can?t wait.

    Hi to Rusty, SD, Jolie and everyone else out there.

    Dewdrop :h
    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


      Jaunty July - Week 2

      Good evening kids!

      Didn't get as hot as predicted today ~ sweet!

      Chill, glad things are going well for you.
      I am finally learning that we have no control over anything!!! :H :H

      Dewdrop, you're another person who has bizarre things happen to you?? :H
      Honestly, I've been like this all my life. Why? I have no idea
      I was just talking to my son tonight about a way to get rid of some of the produce. He knows people in town who I don't know, maybe........
      Tonight I picked more zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes & green beans.

      I wish you would all come over for dinner

      Wishing everyone a good night & also wishing some of our lost & missing friends would check in

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Jaunty July - Week 2

        Evening my friends!!

        Rusty-welcome back and :goodjob: on resisting the beast because of your FH client!! Do you get some time to decompress and hang out by the pool?

        Thank you Dew! You are so sweet! Something HAS to break soon that's for sure and it won't be me!!

        Rustop-how cool you'll be vacationing in Portugal! Please send pics!!

        Lav-wish I lived closer-would love some of your veggies and eggs! Hope you son can set something up for you. No farmer's markets around your area?

        Chill! You go girl! Do we get details at some point??

        Thanks Star-I think you're right about the PT job. Now to find one!! Your day on Friday sounded devine!!

        Busy 2 days. Had a breed club annual meeting and BBQ yesterday which took up the whole day. Today I was up and out working in the backyard by 7:15 am. Betting my neighbors were none to pleased the mower started then :H. I had no choice tho. I have no time in the next 2 weeks to mow and trim and it was going to be in the 90s most of the day and should be close the rest of the week. I worked for 2.5 hours and am quite pleased with how it all looks. Still have lots of weeding to do but it won't require hours and hours. I'll be able to work for 15 minutes and make a difference. This afternoon I did some long over due household chores and worked on a new webpage for my club's website. Then over to my sis's for a swim, reading and steak on the barbie. Once the sun went behind the trees the humidity went away and the temp dropped so it was very comfy. Nice evening.

        Back to the grind tomorrow and I WILL call job #2a and see if I can get an answer. Sick of the waiting game. Do they not need the position filled or what?

        Have a great nite everyone!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Jaunty July - Week 2

          Back again

          papmom, you had one busy weekend lady!!!!
          Hope you can get someone's attention tomorrow re job #2a

          We are overrun with farmers markets around here. No one wants more veggies, really.
          Actually I was hoping that my son can find someone in one of the local firehouses with a connection to someone/some organization who will take this stuff off my hands. I fed him dinner tonight & sent him home with 2 dozens eggs so he'd better pay back :H

          Just made plans to take & daughter & Ms Lily to the Brandwine River Museum tomorrow

          Brandywine River Museum - N. C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, Jamie Wyeth, Wyeth, American illustration

          Haven't been there since the kids were little so I'm looking forward to it
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Jaunty July - Week 2

            Hi All!!
            Boy are we having a HEAT WAVE here!!! Yikes!!! Heat index 117 today!!! The humidity is horrible!!!! You walk outside and your sunglasses fog over!!:H I'm not even kidding!! I took my son and two of his friends to our lake cabin--I should have only taken on e friend...3 kids together is never good--one os always left out, which always causes fights!! UGH!! But it was fun tubing, waterskiing and jet skiing, grilling out, having a camp fire and we even did s'mores and some fireworks! I'm beat!!:H

            Chill--I'm still going to have to live through you when it come to the dating scene---hope your weekend was wonderful!! I'm thinking when my son hits 18 and graduates HS, I head overseas and find man!! I should be ready to date again by then!! LOL!!!

            Pap3--WOW! You were busy!! We have a "noise rule/law" here that you can't start you mowers until 9AM....I swear my neighbor has his watch alarm set to go off at 9 AM sharp and revs his mower and begins mowing his yard at my bedroom window!!:H

            Lav--Have fun at the Museum tomorrow!!! And all those veggies sound wonderful!!!!! Ours haven't come up yet!!! I think I have one zucchini almost ready to pick..thats it!!! YUMM!!!

            Rusty--I think its so neat how many places you get to travel for your job (not sure I remember exactly what you do --sorry)....but it seems to me that last time I was posting on here you were traveling as well!! I so wish I could afford to travel and see other parts of the world!!! I will live through you and your pictures as well!!!

            Rustop--And you are going to Portugal!! How fun!!! And with your daughters....even cooler!!! My sisters and my mom, we are all very close!!! I can see us taking a "girls' trip" somewhere and doing something like that!! Have fun!!

            Well I better go get ready for bed and see if I can get a layer or two of this sunscreen and lake gunk off me!!! Have a great night---hellos to all others!!!
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


