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monday 11 July

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    monday 11 July

    Ohhh vacation AA! Wheee! Back to the grind!

    Mario, that's great you have lots of work - you can save up for your next vacation. :H Make hay while sun shine, gasshoppa.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      monday 11 July

      Hi again AF friends! I echo Greenie on all fronts!! TDN - so proud of you for soaking up what good info and experiences are available to you there! How much longer will you be there? There are definitely ways to get rides to AA meetings - let me know if some suggestions would be helpful. Good that you are focusing on YOUR recovery rather than worrying much about what others are doing (leaving early or whatever). I have to take responsibility for my recovery and other people have to take responsibility for theirs.

      Which leads too.....

      Jenny, I was thinking what Greenie articulated as I was reading your post. If I were in your shoes I would definitely discuss expectations re: drinking and driving with kids in the car. That is a tragedy waiting to happen. I too would encourage you to consider that on it's own merit and examine some of the other resentments separately. "Getting even" is something I used to try to do - usually by trying to drink AT my husband. (:H) That was very unproductive, as were any other "mean" tactics I could devise. These days (for the most part) we are able to handle differences like adults (calmly and rationally and soberly) and that is SOOOO much better. FWIW.

      I can't believe we retained power today. The blustery weather had power out in half the area today. This year, Mother Nature and I have something in common. Neither of us can moderate.

      Made a casserole tonight utilizing my ONE harvested courgette and a number of other ingredients. Lav, I thought of you! And all the Brits who have changed zucchinis to courgettes at my house forever.

      One thing is for sure..

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        monday 11 July

        OMG that is just so funny

        "Getting even" is something I used to try to do - usually by trying to drink AT my husband. () That was very unproductive

        and so ironic because I can relate. I used to be so dark, introverted, demure and even demented when I drank. whew! don't miss that horrid mess of emotions.

        hey, where is Kas?

        we want our photo fix!!!

        Threedognight, fabulous!

        be well friends
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          monday 11 July

          Busy here today!

          TDN, just want to congratulate you for hanging in there & getting the most of your rehab experience. I'm sure the results will be well worth the effort.

          DG - I'm not sure but I think by the time YB shows up I've already decided to just not bother trying toireason with him. Afterall, I did waste most of my life trying to do just that. He's kind of in pathetic mode. The same hip that he's been complaining about for years is now causing him pain down into his knee. BUT he never wanted to listen to his wife - the nurse & at least get it xrayed but he's thinking about it now. He also told me he accidently knocked his whole 3 month supply of B/P pills into a sink of water & they immediately melted - no shit! I just don't feel like beating up an old dog

          jenny, I would be seriously pissed at anyone driving my kids around with a 6 pack on board. That's just stupid & dangerous!

          bear, good to give that bottle away asap!

          M3, my son was here for dinner tonight. He works in DC tomorrow - 24 hr shift & is not looking forward to the heat - yuck!

          Mario & Det - nice to see both of you.

          Bean, be safe whatever you decide to do.

          AA, I heard Chicago had super big T storms today with power outages. That's your area too, right DG?

          Hot, hot, hot Greenie. I only got 12 eggs today from 25 hens

          OK, time to say good night to the girls
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            monday 11 July

            Lav, Does your son work in DC? Yep, it's going to be a hot one here tomorrow.

            TDN, Nice to hear that things are going well for you. Please keep us posted.

            DG and Bean, I too had difficulty admitting that I was powerless over alcohol. But, after awhile, I really got it. I see myself as powerful each and every time I choose not to drink. And, I think this is true in many areas of our lives. Having the wisdom to walk away from something/someone that is not good for you is very empowering.

            Jenny, The part of the story that is the most tragic to me is that your husband drove your son after drinking a six pack of beer and that was an okay thing to do. I also find it sad that your son was subjected to seeing his father getting progressively shitfaced til the wee hours of the morning. I shudder when I think about the effect this type of behavior is having on your son and what he is learning...(a) it's okay to drink and drive, (b) it's okay to drink yourself into oblivion. Whether or not you "should be" angry at your husband doesn't really seem to me where the focus should be. Having a frank discussion and admitting to one another that both of you have put your childrens' safety (physical and psychological) in jeopardy because of drinking (and what you are going to do differently) seems to me to be the top priority.

            G'night all,
            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!


              monday 11 July

              Yep M3 - my son is a firefighter in DC - Engine 27.
              (not a particularly nice part of the city but he loves his job).

              I have to agree - it is a powerful feeling each time I choose not to drink - who knew????

              Just had a heavy downpour but I think the real thunderstorm is holding off for a while.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                monday 11 July

                Day 7 success!! Will post more tomorrow. I'm liking this designated driver thing - it certainly eliminates all the pressure .. Hope everyone has a great day!

