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Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

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    Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

    Hello friends,

    I'm up and off early so I thought I would get the thread started today!

    Unfortunately, I don't have time to post all of my thoughts from last evening. I have to get my son to town for basketball clinic, go to work, take them to the orthodontist this afternoon, then back for 4-H shooting practice. I dislike days like today.

    I'll be back.....
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

    Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

    Good morning Abbers,

    You sure are up early LVT,, thanks for waking us up

    Never did get T storms last night as predicted......where did they go?
    Today is supposed to go to 96 & super humid. Wish I could figure out a way to keep my poor hens cooler.

    Better get my day in gear. Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Tuesday in store

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

      Hi fABbies. Thanks for getting us started LVT! Sounds like you have a busy day ahead.

      Very quick from yesterday.... CONGRATULATIONS DOGLVR on 7 DAYS AF!!!! :yougo::yougo: THAT IS OUTSTANDING!!!!!! Keep surrounding yourself with great strategies to not drink. Designated Driver is a great one!

      Lav, I'm so sorry about YB. I can understand you not wanting to :b&d: an old dog. I am willing to :b&d: your old dog for you, if you wish.... Yes I am Chicago area also - far SW. Sometimes same and sometimes different weather from AA.

      Hello to everyone else!!

      OK - urgent medical question for Lav and anyone else who might have any ideas. Here is the progression of symptoms Mr. D had on Sunday leading us to the emergency room:

      1. Nausea
      2. Sweating
      3. Progressively worse nausea
      4. Abdominal pain
      5. Really bad abdominal pain
      6. Holy get me to the ER level 11 abdominal pain
      7. Continued nausea

      At the ER, they checked heart with EKG (all fine) and administered pain meds. Then they did a CAT scan and found no cats or anything but a few kidney stones that will probably pass someday (or not) but doc did not thing this was kidney stone related. No pain in the area that rhymes with Ennis. With pain meds, pain subsided and nausea subsided and they sent us home.

      Monday - nausea gone but no eating until late in the day. Pain iffy but under control with pain pills. Dinner time - hungry - ate a small dinner with no problem. Slept fine - no pain meds - woke up feeling fine - no pain meds.

      About an hour after getting up, nausea is back. Sweating is back. Pain isn't horrible...yet.

      Mr. D does not have a regular doc and I'm trying to find him one to at least see today.

      What I'm wondering is if any of you have any ideas what might be going on? Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to have appeared on a CAT scan of the area.

      Thank you for any ideas you have my friends.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

        X-Post Lav. I hope you come back soon.
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

          Good morning Fabstinencers! I hath endured ye olde famylie weddinge.

          Thanks, LV hope you get some peace of mind in a day paced like today. Lav, what about a rotating fan? We used to have fans in the poultry barns, big wall mounted ones, but friends of mine just put an old electric fan in there and run an extension cord, for thier chickens. AGAIN, i have chicken envy. DG sorry your Mr.D has such odious sounding symptoms. Has anyone of the med people you have seen before mentioned gall bladder?

          Skimmed yesterday, have this to relate Bear and Bean, fair play to you. Bear, you are playing with fire. That is all. Bean, you as well. I cant ever go back there, just because I know now that its not possible for me to drink 1 or 2 every once in a while. I would be creeping back up to a bottle every 2 to 3 days, and that my friends, is alcoholism. Plain and simple.

          It would take me no time at all to lie to myself about it to.

          But having said that, I am here for you when you want to try to get away from it for good.

          Mario, I LOVE your avatar! I am a big Ireland buff, want to come there some day. Deter thanks for your enthusiasm, my SIL asked that I take photographs of the wedding ceremony here, along with the pros she hired, and so I did that. Will see how my shots go in comparison to the professionals she hired. They were not pleased to have me in the background shooting, and they made it clear they didnt want me there.

          I have had a nice couple of days although the wedding ceremony and reception/dinner was quite stressful for me, as my upbringing was not very warm and fuzzy, simimlar to many others on this site, so when I see family being affectionate toward each other its a bit hard. Why could I not have had that, etc etc. Also my family refused to consider a wedding ceremony when I married Mr. Kaslo, 27 years ago, and you think I would be over that.

          However aside from the stress of having photographers cursing at me, while I am trying to fulfill a family obligation and enduring all the open admiration for each other in my husbands family to the enth degree, I did make it through the whole thing and the past 5 days with no AL, I was not even tempted. Also made it out on a ten km brisk walk with brother & sister in law last night and was able to KEEP UP TO THEM. And its been nice to be out in the Montana sunshine each day.

          AA, DG and M3 if you are looking for nice weather you can find it in the northwest. Lovely weather in this part of the US folks, if your willing to endure a lot of pickup trucks, cowboy music, talk of shooting of Elk and Republicanism. Lol! Actually VERY nice people here, friendly and welcoming as only Americans can be. I know people cant just pick up and traipse off for better weather, though.

          Here is one of my shots from the wedding... Everyone have a wonderful AF Tuesday.


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

            Good Morning Fabber Abbers,

            Just got back from having a mammogram and dexascan. So fun to have your boobs squished at 9 am in the morning!!!

            DG, Sorry to hear about your husband. I was thinking gall bladder too. Here is a link with symptoms of gall bladder attack. Nurse Lav would probably know better though.

            Gallbladder Symptoms

            Did the ER do bloodwork? Urinalysis? Does he still have his appendix? Could it be appendicitis? And if yes, that is nothing to mess with. I would def get him to a doc to have him seen or go back to the ER if you have to. Symptoms of appendicitis here:

            Appendicitis Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment on

            Kaslo, good to have you here. I think Det was asking about you yesterday (your absence is noticed) What beautiful photos. And, congrats on being AF the entire time!!!

            Lav, Yes I now remember that you son is a firefighter in DC. Where does he live? How long of a drive is it from DC to PA where you live? We only got a very small part of the storm but further south and west there was some very bad storms with high winds, hail, etc. Many folks are without power today and it is going to be 98 degrees. I feel badly for those who are ill or elderly. This is no place to be without air conditioning.

            Congrats Doglvr on 7 days.
            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!


              Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

              Tended the tundra. I'm almost sick. That is all.

              DG, I had retrocecal appendicitis. Difficult to DX as usual tests are negative. That's the first thing that came to mind.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

                DG-I vote for the GB too. My brother had a number of attacks and CAT scans etc and no one said Gall Bladder until the night he got so bad they had to call the ambulance at 3am. His GB was dangerously close to exploding when they took it out. Nothing to fool with. Get your hubby to a Gastroenterologist doc (have the hospital refer if need be). It doesn't always show up on CAT. Barium enemas or MRIs are better.

                Kas! Welcome back. You were defo missed. What absolutely STUNNING scenery and place for a wedding! I'm betting your pics are better than the hired guns.

                Greenie-feel better and stay inside today.

                Lav-hope you can figure out a way to cool off the girls. Can they come inside? :H

                Gotta go-just snuck on for a few.
                No word yet.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

                  I don't care how hot it gets out there today

                  DG, a CT scan without IV contrast (the kind they do in the ER) is not going to show much!

                  Your man definitely needs to see a GI specialist! He could be dealing with anything - a bowel obstruction, volvulus (twisted bowel), appendicitis, gall bladder flareup, etc.
                  Did his bloodwork show any elevation in WBCs to indicate infection? Does he have a fever?
                  I'm sorry he's still suffering ~ he needs to find the right person to weed thru all the symptoms.

                  Kaslo, what a beautiful pic
                  I had to snicker (just a little) on your comment about close, loving families. Why are some of us just left out of that scenerio? I have busted my ass trying to make my family (huband, daughter & son) more loving but I'm beginning to believe it's mission impossible

                  M3, my son lives 8 miles down the road from me. He says it takes him less than 2 hrs to get to his firehouse. He's willing to make that commute to fullfil his full time obligation of 2 shifts/week. My DIL's parents live in Cape May, NJ so they figured they'd be better off settling here in this area. They would live closer to DC but the housing is too expensive down that way.

                  papmom. my fingers & toes are crossed for you

                  Ugh - it's HOT!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

                    Lav-change "husband" to "lavande" and you've got your loving, close family!! Screw the YB! If he doesn't want to be part of this family unit, you can't make him (insert serenity prayer here-it's not just for AAer's anymore!) and it's his loss. Focus your energy and positive light on those that truly appreciate you and want and need your love and devotion. That is all.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

                      Hi all. I found a doc on Angie's List (:H:H:H) and I REALLY LIKED HER. She's not my fabulous thyroid doc. She is a traditional doc. BUT...for this situation - perfect. Efficient, pleasant, and had good ratings that matched up at least superficially to the experience we had in her office.

                      She sent Mr. D straight back to the hospital for more tests. I am home quick to let the dogs out and wanted to THANK you guys for your feedback!!!! I will know to pay close attention to feedback related to gallbladder or appendix. Maybe that is why she wanted him ADMITTED just for tests. She is also setting up a specialist of some kind to see him.

                      More news later...

                      Kas - I love that pic. No wonder the pros were trying to chase you away!

                      One thing is for sure....clear and present and CALM and unhung is the ONLY way to handle a medical emergency.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

                        DG, I am glad that you are calm!

                        Has he been tested for cancer??? Cat scan???? Sorry to reign on any parade but those signs you listed could be that of cancer.

                        Anyway.... like you say..... one thing is for sure!


                          Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

                          AFM, good to see you.
                          I just want to insert something important here for everyone.

                          Pain is usually the last symptom to show for cancer - not the first! Cancer related pain is usually due to overgrowth of a tumor, causing pressure on nearby structures/organs.

                          I think in Mr DG's case something of a more acute nature such as an infection/inflammation is the likely culprit.

                          Thinking about you DG & the Mr. Glad you found an alert, cooperative Doc.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

                            Hey guys - just a late fly-through for me today! Finally got power back after 24 hours without, and all I can say is thank God for my generator! Didn't use it once for three years after I bought it, and now twice in once month. Mother Nature can start taking it easy anytime she wants.

                            Sorry to hear about the hubby DG - hope things turn out fine for him.
                            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                              Daily AF-Tuesday July 12

                              Hi there -
                              DG - I hope Hubby is feeling better now - or that you've at least figured out what it is.

                              Bear and Bean - hope you still come back - I know it helps me knowing that I can at least check in.

                              Kaslo- WOW! what a stunning picture - now you know why the photogs were cursing you - your relatives won't be needing to order many of their pics!

                              I'm just catching up from the posts over the past few days:
                              PapMom - I know what you mean about the vet bills - I know I'm always going to leave with my wallet about $500 lighter! Argh.

                              DG - re: your desire for O'Douls - I remember when I first found this place - back in 06 or 07, and you had mentioned O'Douls - I had never even thought of it. I'm so impressed by your thought process - and how you worked through it. I'll remember this when I get in those same situations.

                              I hope everyone has a great day. The cravings have just started for me tonight - I'm hoping to be strong.

