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AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

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    AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

    I have the biggest black widow spider in the universe! I'm glad I saw it first - in my herb garden. It is SO big I carried it (and egg sac) around with me today and took it to the zoo, but wasn't able to unload it. :H:H I really did. I can't bring myself to kill such a fine specimen but I can't think who would want it. Someone surely wants her! Her abdomen is as big as a healthy blueberry. I need to find a big bug of some sort for her.

    Fab pic, kaz - your scenery is so.... expansive!!

    DG so...what? What was wrong with him?

    I feel a little better - I think it must be the magic figs.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July


      You might as well try Freecycle-I'm willing to bet there is some crazy, uh, I mean nature loving person out there who can give her and her babies a loving home.

      DG-good job on the research so far. You have really moved fast! I'm excited for you!

      Lav-I'm with you on the heat. I just can't take it like I used too and feel like such a wimp. I mean, I used to spend hours out in 100+ degree weather during football camp in my younger days and take care of the ones who collapsed. Of course there is MUCH I can't do anymore. aging sucks. I don't care what AARP says!!

      Kas-freakin awesome pic today! You might want to seriously think about using that talent to supplement your income while you slowly retire from wandering around the Yukon and other wild places!

      Lav-glad you had a good time with your gal pals. I do hope YB feels better-mostly so he doesn't keep complaining to you.

      LVT-you win Mom of the Year! That is all!

      Still no word from job #2a. Thinking horrible thoughts and feeling very blue, like I'm not worth anything. I know that's not true but I hate being in limbo. I'm imaging all sorts of bad things now. I've got to go back and find Greenie's post about worry. it's getting out of control. No desire to drink tho-all I can think of is how horrible it will make me feel if I do. Whew.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

        LVT-you win Mom of the Year! That is all!

        :H:H Ha ha papmom, I am just sure both my sons would agree with you on that one!!:H:H

        Maybe we could move to Montana and be room mates and do this together there. You can be the prairie woman and I'll cook. Hows that? No teenage drivers either. I'll do that too.

        DG--YOU ARE ON WOMAN!!!!!:H
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

          Ouch Greenie, that is one seriously scary spider! We only get them in the hottest driest nastiest parts of the Prov of British Columbia, and they have a seriously wicked bite. Can kill ya I think. The thought of doing anything but smashing it with a good sized flat thing as quickly as possible makes my biologists blood run cold. And I am a keeper of the creatures of the field and stream!

          Pap, if you dont get that job, I shall have to come down there and kick some butt. That is all. But if you dont get it, please dont think its reflection on you, although I dont know how you could not be blue. You are a multitalented person, and they will have missed a great op to hire you.

          DG echoeing Lavs word of caution re a field with burnout. Saw my friend literally bite the dust after year 25, now she is back in it again, cause she needs the money. Year 30. But it is a great and necessary calling....

          Deter I missed your pix from yesterday, so going back to look at it.

          What a day, some mofos wanted me to leave early for the Yukon so I could show someone in an office tower in Vancouver how to collect lichen in the arctic tundra. My response was I can teach her how to do it in 3 seconds. Pick up the lichen. Put it in the paper bag. Its that simple. However the person does need to know how to distinguish Flavocetraria cucullata from Flavocetraria islandica, and that takes seeing it in its tundra habitat, up close. So you kinda gotta be there. I looked for some photos to show y'all, and so here is a ice scoured round pond. And a beach. Waters a leetle cold.


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

            Ouch Greenie, that is one seriously scary spider! We only get them in the hottest driest nastiest parts of the Prov of British Columbia, and they have a seriously wicked bite. Can kill ya I think. The thought of doing anything but smashing it with a good sized flat thing as quickly as possible makes my biologists blood run cold. And I am a keeper of the creatures of the field and stream!

            Pap, if you dont get that job, I shall have to come down there and kick some butt. That is all. But if you dont get it, please dont think its reflection on you, although I dont know how you could not be blue. You are a multitalented person, and they will have missed a great op to hire you.

            DG echoeing Lavs word of caution re a field with burnout. Saw my friend literally bite the dust after year 25, now she is back in it again, cause she needs the money. Year 30. But it is a great and necessary calling....

            Deter I missed your pix from yesterday, so going back to look at it.

            What a day, some mofos wanted me to leave early for the Yukon so I could show someone in an office tower in Vancouver how to collect lichen in the arctic tundra. My response was I can teach her how to do it in 3 seconds. Pick up the lichen. Put it in the paper bag. Its that simple. However the person does need to know how to distinguish Flavocetraria cucullata from Flavocetraria islandica, and that takes seeing it in its tundra habitat, up close. So you kinda gotta be there. :bang I looked for some photos to show y'all, more arctic ones but they are TOO BIG. Must resize.

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

              Kaslo - is that a picture taken here on earth or somewhere else? :H :H
              You know the rest of us will never see anything awesome like that - thanks for posting the pic!!!

              Greenie's black widow spider would probably bring some big bucks on ebay ! just a thought!!

              papmom, aging does kinda suck but look at the alternative
              Don't let the job worries get you down! We all know you are worth bazillions :H
              I'm not a fan of waiting for anything myself. Best thing you can do right now is take care of yourself & know that we're all pulling for you :l

              Hope everyone has a good night!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

                Yikes! Lav I tried to downsize the darn photo and it didnt work. Thats a ice-scoured pond in the Arctic. Sorry about that folks, will try not to post gargantuaned photos in future.

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

                  Whew. Finally in my hotel room for the night after a huge day. Typing
                  On phone. Too tired to setup confuser. AF at least. Catch you loves in
                  The am
                  Be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

                    Lavande;1146758 wrote: You probably would be a very good addictions counselor but beware of the burn out that comes with those professions..........been there & done it.
                    There are certain benefits to contemplating a possible new career at the age em....29.

                    Kaz - I ditto the question "is that earth? or somewhere else?"

                    Greenie - carrying around a black widow all day?? :egad: and that is all!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

                      Spider and egg sac spent the night outside at the far end of the tundra. Science teacher friend advised that if egg sac broke open and babies got out through air holes in spice jar lid... well, that would suck. I agreed and the romance may be coming to an end - although some fascination remains. Why are there no houseflies when I really want one??

                      Both are now in zip-lock baggie.

                      Web building in the spice jar! everything is suspended from the top now. Can this be my new pet? :H
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Wednesday 13 July

                        Kaslo;1146839 wrote: Yikes! Lav I tried to downsize the darn photo and it didnt work. Thats a ice-scoured pond in the Arctic. Sorry about that folks, will try not to post gargantuaned photos in future.
                        Kaz the spaces & places you get to see really are "out of this world"! Glad you like to share!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

