How is everyone today?
I am chairing a meeting every Thursday morning at AA now for 6 months. I'm glad I volunteered - it's a good experience. We had GREAT discussion today about all the summer party boozy events and how we work through them. One guy described a work situation where he ends up staying over night out of town with other co-workers. (not in the same room :H) He said that his strategy for deciding if he will go to a restaurant / bar with the co-workers involves the question "Do I need to be here?" He said that usually, the answer is "no" so he stays out of the watering holes when there is no need. (not "need to drink" of course... business need or need to eat food!) Critically asking myself "what is my reason for being here" is a good question. And I need to always be rigorously honest in my answer to stay out of trouble.
Now I am going to enjoy some sub 90 degree weather while it lasts, which won't be long!
One thing is for sure..