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AF Daily - Thursday July 14

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    AF Daily - Thursday July 14

    Well, it's a dirty job but somebody's got to do it! :H

    How is everyone today?

    I am chairing a meeting every Thursday morning at AA now for 6 months. I'm glad I volunteered - it's a good experience. We had GREAT discussion today about all the summer party boozy events and how we work through them. One guy described a work situation where he ends up staying over night out of town with other co-workers. (not in the same room :H) He said that his strategy for deciding if he will go to a restaurant / bar with the co-workers involves the question "Do I need to be here?" He said that usually, the answer is "no" so he stays out of the watering holes when there is no need. (not "need to drink" of course... business need or need to eat food!) Critically asking myself "what is my reason for being here" is a good question. And I need to always be rigorously honest in my answer to stay out of trouble.

    Now I am going to enjoy some sub 90 degree weather while it lasts, which won't be long!

    One thing is for sure..

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Thursday July 14

    Good morning Fabulous Abstineros and Abstinencias! Thanks to DG for the opening salvo. Great topic, boozy foody things we hafta go to.

    Often I have to attend the bar with the other parts of the crew. Alcohol is consumed. But there is no law that says I have to consume it too, so I order a 1/2 oj 1/2 7up + ice+lime twist and no one even notices or cares. I want to be there for the conversation, and its usually about work, and I feel I have to be there (but i dont bill for it, lol!). If its an outdoor thing like a pool party (coming up here in August), there are lots of AL free drinks served, or I bring my own in a nalgene bootle. Its part of Kootenay culture to drink your own home made vegan or what ever concoctions, and people might ask but there is never any pressure, like why arent you having beer or wine instead.

    So my big announcement is, and I have been dyin to make it... SIX MONTHS TODAY!!!! Yay! It was Feb 14, I finally decided to try a month and it felt so good I made it 6, and here I am. So many of you have been inspirational in your journeys. You have taught me a lot and been very kind to me, welcomed me, and so here is a toast (with....toast, actually) to you all. :heart:And to NO MORE AL for life! :yay:

    As you know I was a closet binge drinker, never very much at all in social situations, and mostly alone, which was easy as my husband is a recluse and in another room watching hockey or other sports or on the computer in his down time. But he is changing and becoming a bit more social. So we shall see what the future brings. Meanwhile, I cant believe I made it to six months, I never thought I could do it. You folks here and at another site I visit were an incentive to knock off the sauce for good.

    So happy today, its unreal. Lots to do so gotta go. Love you all.


    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      AF Daily - Thursday July 14

      Kas on 6 months!! You go girl! I'm so glad you found us! I love your posts and of course your pics. I hope you stick with us for another 6 months and many years after that. You are an inspiration yourself and I KNOW that sharing your thoughts and stories have helped me tremendously. Now go take a dip in that gorgeous pool of yours and treat yourself to something wickedly nice today. You deserve it!!
      :h :l
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily - Thursday July 14

        Awesome Kas. Keep following your path.



          AF Daily - Thursday July 14

          :yay::wd::happy: CONGRATS KASLO!!!!
          6 AF months is awesome
          I love this group too....keeps me on my toes!!!

          I confess, I thought about starting the thread this morning but got up feeling like a limp noodle - too much heat lately I guess. I just knew someone would do it :H

          Almost finished in my shop for the day & am thinking about grabbing daughter & Lily & just going somewhere ~ anywhere. Have to make a pit stop at the PO - if I can find a parking space far enough away from those sad looking horses pulling the Amish buggies They kind of freak me out!

          Have a great day one & all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Thursday July 14

            Congrats Kaz!!!! WOO HOO!! Time sure flies when we are 29 doesn't it? :H You are deserving of your own celebration thread too. EVERYONE GO POST HERE!!!

            Lav, I would not want to be a horse in the heat you all are having! I hope you and DD and Lily find something fun to do. I hope it involves ice cream.

            Hi Bean!

            Hi P3!

            Where the sam hill is everyone today? Who is sam hill? Did Greenie's spiders eat her?

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Thursday July 14

              CONGRATS KASLO!!! 6 Months is truly awesome!!!

              Kaslo, I am on Vancouver Island and pubs, and outdoor drinking in the summer is huge culture here. Over the past 10 years or so, I am seeing more and more people choosing non-alcoholic beverages. A lot of people I seem to be meeting are choosing not to drink purely for lifestyle changes. Many people say they dislike the way the alcohol makes them feel.

              My eldest daughter wanted a ride home to her dad's last night. Broke it to me that he is being daddy-the-dick, and wants to move back home. The revolving 'teenage' door - but I am optimistic as things will be better. She did graduate, has a part time job and her attitude seems to have improved. So, the move is for this weekend. I also am feeling better 'able' to deal with her moods now that my energy isn't being sucked into my dad's illness. So, I think it shall be good. I am happy to have her back. She has been living at his house for 8 months now. I think she got a real good tasted of her daddy's dictating, strict ways.

              DG, I hope things with your dad are going OK. I hope you are taking care of yourself in the interim!!

              Hello to all others. I guess I should do some laundry and set Alison's room up. Fun! Fun!

              Hugs and kisses to you all!


                AF Daily - Thursday July 14

                Awe, thanks you guys. So nice to have someone say all this, as my fam doesnt really get it, and how can I blame them. None of them are problem drinkers, thank goodness. Accountable for me, great to read what you say about Vancouver Island. I lived on VI for 25 years before moving here to the Koots, and the same thing is happening here too. Lots of people quitting even though they may not have the pathology that alcoholics have. Lots of really great new AF drinks to be had in the stores. Right now I am having a Santa Cruz organic raspberry lemonade for a coffee break, on ice, its light and delicious.

                I am so glad I found you all.


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily - Thursday July 14

                  Kaslo - well done six months is amazing - your photos are amazing as well, you have a great eye.I'm aiming to be 5 months and 2 weeks behind you!:goodjob:

                  I went to spin class today (FEELING VERY SMUG!) and am making a low fat turkey chipotle stew to have with corn tortillas, home made guac, hot salsa and a tiny bit of cheese and low fat yogurt. Nom nom nom

                  Been doing a lot of thinking read a book' nice girls don't get the corner office' and 'women,anger and depression' and it made me think about my life in general and how I fit round others expectations and wishes,don't express my anger, turn it inwards get depressed then eat too much/withdraw/drink/smoke/don't exercise as a way of beating myself up/rebelling against myself/taking anger out on myself.It also made me think i think too much, irony anyone?It talked about 'being a nice girl' rather than an assertive woman, so you're really liked but not always respected(definitely a pattern for me).
                  It's not saying you should be a total beatch, but about being assertive,explaining yourself briefly,not over apologising.

                  I have a pattern of not sticking to af/diets/goals and i think some of it is about being angry and squashing it down/taking it out on me/temporary treats. Realising that I have felt much more empowered to say honestly what I want/think today without worrying as much about others views/reactions to me.

                  Anyway - trying to up my smilie quota like DG and dinner almost ready so I'll be off.

                  I have realised I am truly happy af - I think I have drank previously (because i have a problem!) but also the trigger that often gets me is worrying i will be rejected/not fit in socially by being AF. Hopefully this new thinking will help that.Onwards an upwards.
                  Bye for now.
                  one day at a time


                    AF Daily - Thursday July 14

                    Hello friends,

                    Just a quickie (I hear cheers) to say :goodjob::goodjob: and congratulations Kaslo. You know at times I start to think I don't need this place, it takes up valuable time, etc. etc., and then someone like you comes along and I can't bring myself to stay away. You are a very interesting and valuable asset to the monthly ab's thread.:h

                    I'm off to get my hair colored and trimmed. YAY! It needs it so bad.


                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF Daily - Thursday July 14

                      Kaz, great job! It is a pleasure to be a part of your journey; I'm so glad you are hanging out with us!

                      AFM, hope all goes well with your daughter coming back.

                      bear I'm coming over for dinner. Can the spider come?
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Thursday July 14

                        Good evening everyone.

                        So much going on... Sounds like some people still need :l. Thanks everyone for all your kind thoughts yesterday. I hope no one thought there was anything serious the matter. Sobriety is still new to me and everything at the moment is a bit too real. Feelings take a bit of getting used to if you are not drowning them and sometimes the world just feels that little bit too big.

                        Hope everyone's loved ones are improving. Although Lav I think YB knee might just be Karma for how rubbish he has made you feel at times.

                        PM3, repeat after me... I am a beautiful, intelligent, well rounded, focused individual and anyone who doesn't want to give me a wonderful job and pay me loads of wonga ..... is a moron.

                        Greenie take care in all that sun otherwise you might start driving around with a massive pregnant black spider thinking she might make a good pet.

                        Det really don't envy you your job. Love coming home to animals to stroke and my own bed to crawl into.

                        DG nearly forgot to say that I think you would make the most amazing counsellor.

                        Hugs to all I haven't got around to but I am dozing off again.

                        Take care all
                        Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                        AF 8 June 2012


                          AF Daily - Thursday July 14

                          I'm back!!!

                          All my adventures are in a separate thread. Missed you guys!

                          See you tomorrow!
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            AF Daily - Thursday July 14

                            Welcome back Uni!!!! Can't wait to read about your adventures, and to have you back with us every day!

                            Also hi to Loppy, LVT, Greenie the Spider Woman, Bear, AFM, and anyone else I missed today!

                            I'm tired. Off to beddy bye.

                            Oh - remember my stinkin' thinkin' re: O'Douls last weekend? I told that story at AA today. One of the guys 'round the table had a hillarious O'Douls story. Some guy he knew quit drinking, then started drinking O'Douls, then started pouring regular beer into the O'Doul's can. I guess he kept using the same O'Doul's can. For a really really really long time. Until it was beat up and everything. :H:H:H Oh the crazy shit AL convinces us to do!! Not. Going. There. For sure.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Thursday July 14

                              That's Greenie the spiderless woman. :H Released into the wild. It was really interesting to watch. She was so protective of that egg sac.

                              There once was a spider from Ennis....

                              Uni, so glad you are back and are so empowered!!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

