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AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

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    AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

    Yeah! I made it!

    This will be brief because I haven't had my coffee yet but I'll be back. Suffice it to say I feel so much better!

    I'll pop in soon with some of the info they gave us there.

    Love you guys, glad to be back!

    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

    Big welcome back to you Uni!!!
    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

      Thanks for kicking us off today Uni!! So good to have you back and can't wait to hear more about your new tools.

      I refuse to believe that Greenie really released her spider. I wonder if she also released her costume?

      Greenie - Bad Ass Sexy Spider Woman

      I wish we could get a picture of her and Garlic Man aka Deter

      We are so fortunate to have TWO super heros on our thread!!!

      And with that profound writing, I am off to leads group meeting.

      One thing is for sure...there will be no AL for me today!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Friday July 15th!


        Uni thanks for the start! I also can't wait to hear more about your new tools!

        I was supposed to drop off the car but FH is nowhere to be found. How many times must I learn this same lesson? :H Where's the whip DG, I need it. For myself really for even putting myself in the situation. It's like Charlie Brown and Lucy holding the football, right?

        I kept the costume and det, I have to say it's way hotter than yours. :H
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

          Hello friends,

          A special hello to you UNI! Welcome back! I can't wait to hear all about it and I am so happy you feel better!!!:l:h

          Lav, I hope you are feeling better today too. The heat can really take it out of us if we're not careful. I know I am guilty of staying out in it too long and not drinking enough, and when that happens, I feel like crapola. This time of year, I try really hard to get up and out early while it is still cool. Except today, we got rain again last night (YAY) and it is too wet to mow and there is a funeral later. I'm still trying to figure out what to do when today. 3 jobs to get to today. It is suppose to be 98 degrees this weekend. Our friend is having the birthday celebration at 2 pm outside. Hard to get too excited about that.
          What I really want to do is take the camper to the lake, but with the thunderstorms and possibility of hail every night we kind of hate to get it out of the shed.

          The ongoing drama in our household is my son wanting a tattoo. He wants a small tattoo on his chest where it won't show during sports, etc. At first he wanted a cross, then last night it was a bible verse. I'm making him take this up with his father. I don't know if this is true with all teenagers, but this one is so strong willed and once he makes up his mind about something he won't back down. He has to have everything right now too. When I got home last night I walked into another discussion about it. Hubby was doing his usual "I'll just make a joke and walk away" routine and son was trying to get him to have a serious talk. I have reservations, but honestly I feel like it's one of those, you have to choose your battles type thing. If he wanted a satanistic symbol or something stupid I would say no. But it seems this son is turning out to be a pretty good kid, and a cross to remind him of his relationship with Christ? What is wrong with that? I told him he needed to remember to walk the walk, he couldn't do something like that and then be a hypocrite.
          Apparently, my MIL is dead set against tattoos, and DH is afraid son will be like a lot of others that get one tattoo, then next thing you know the whole body is covered in them, which personally I do not like either. But, I am trying really hard to not be concerned with what others think about it. This is our decision because he needs our permission.

          Greenie--I'm glad you got rid of the spider. I dislike spiders. Baby black widows in your car or your yard even--yuck! But I LOVE THE POEM!!

          Hi MOM3!

          It is time to get busy. Have a great sober weekend all!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

            Good mid-morning Abbers!

            Just can't get my 29 year old butt in gear this morning......actuially been like this all week. Qustion is why?? No hangovers involved, that's for sure

            My son-in-law came over for Maxie just before 10 am. He occassionaly uses her as the 'distraction dog' when training a client's dog & believe me Maxie os one great big didtraction :H

            LVT, my sweet daughter ended up with a tatoo just a few weeks into her first semester at college. She had been talkin about it & I did my best to talk her out of doing it BUT when the kid is in a dorm clear across the state (4 hr drive) I couldn't do much. It's just a daisey outline on the outside of her ankle (kind of stupid looking). A few years later she was covering it with large band aids when going on job interviews & talking about saving $$ to have it removed I guess we just have to let them go thru the learning process & hope for the best

            Uni, it is wonderful to have you back!

            Greetings M3 & DG!

            Greenie, I could kick myself everytime I set myself up for yet another disappointment with YB. I just find it very difficult to break the habit of believing in him & trusting him when he makes a promise to help with something. I am determined to learn this lesson eventually!

            OK, gotta go!
            Have a great AF Friday one & all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

              Good morning Abstinuks! Congrats AGAIN Uni! Way to go. DG enjoy your group, I dont do groups I am afraid. Need I ask what FH stands for? or Query as to why you must wait? LV I get what you are saying about tatoos. I feel the same about facial disfigurement with jewelery. Both my girls have done this, and its annoying to me. But to them its beautiful. I guess there are worse things. Hi Lav, it sounds like there is dog training going on. We used to train Goldens Rs in my fam, such as it was. My uncle raised them for almost 50 years now. Wish I could have a dog again.

              Well today I must pack up for a trip north, (not Arctic yet) to an old blowout (explosion site) I went to 10 years ago, and will be brought back in for the vegetation and soils recovery assessment. Then to a gas plant in the Yukon Territory by small plane from Fort Nelson, then drive down half the province (Canada is very tall) to an ancient spill site (still in the north, about the same latitude as southern Alaska). This spill is older than me, (so 29 years old, right?) and i need to see how well its done since we last took out a bunch of soils. At each site there are three different techncians to bring me a shovel, pickaxe, etc. I dont have to drag this equipment with me this time, but I still have to have a tonne of personal gear, and references, and my cameras. Will see if I can get some nice landscape photographs for y'all. I leave tomorrow so will check in before I go, and try to see if I can log in on the trip from various camps / hotels etc. Will be gone 10 days. Including some overnights in Vancouver there and back where I will see old friends. Off to start the packing and horse shyting around in my lab and office and equipment room and library.. Its supposed to be bad weather up there.

              Hopefully nonathis

              Love yez. kaz

              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

                Kaz, FH stands for former husband or f**k head, depending on his behavior. I generally get along with my exes so I prefer not to use ex, which to me, has a negative connotation. Unlike f**k head of course. :H I was waiting because the bethroom guy and the garage door fixer guys were both coming this AM and it would take me too long to walk home. Bathroom guy met me there & gave me a ride. He's fini! And it's mahhh-va-lous! Just need blinds and shower door!

                LVT, my mother used to warn me about baking my skin in the sun. I wouldn't listen and now wish I had. He's the one with the long term realtionship with it so.... long as it's not obscene or gross, well.... of course this is coming from me, an un-parent. I think I actually had stronger feelings about painting his room black. "Non-versation" came to mind when you described how your husb. deals with it. :H I remember myparents telling me I couldn't pierce my ears or streak my hair. They came to pick me up after visiting my sister at college and I had pierced ears and blonde hair. My dad...erm... didn't recognize me. :H

                Lav, my arse has been out of gear all week too. I was blaming it on the tundra but this AM actually wondered if I was sick! It does feel a bit hangoverish in the AM now that I think about it. Gawd, how did I live like that???

                Kaz I'm glad you're not a stinge like Marshy is on her traveling pics. :H:H:H that is all.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

                  Sucks to feel hangoverish without a damn good reason

                  Why does the universe insist on fecking around with me?????? I just need to know :H

                  Sometime during the afternoon/evening of Tuesday June 28 my reading glasses disappeared! I looked everywhere but they were just gone. I gave up & went & ordered a new pair a few days later, costing me $279. (My insurance company pays for a new pair every two years but I can't wait another year, right?) This morning I get a call - the glasses are ready. Thank God because I've been having a heck of a time threading the 30 needles on my emb. machines, reading, writing, etc.
                  I get in my car, pull out of the garage & stop to refill the outside water can for the chickens (had forgotten to do so earlier). I walk the water can into the chicken yard, turn around to walk out & there are my old glasses lying on the ground. They, apparently, having been there all this time covered up with staw & dirt (but no chicken poop :H).

                  Why does this crap always happen to me?????

                  Hi Kaslo, love your pics as always!
                  My son-in-law trains dogs for a living (for now anyway)!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

                    Aloooooohah Friday Aberooos from sea to shining sea.......

                    so nice to be home, slept like a sedated rock for a good 9 hours with my sweetie. wooooo!

                    Uni, what a treat to have you kickstart us today

                    I think tattoos are juvenile and vain but that's just my overly judgemental opinion. i also hate spiders and would like to eradicate them from this planet. eeeeeeeeeek! living in Aus was a real challenge with the crazy Jurassic insects they had there. I don't think I slept for 9 years.

                    must search for the rest of the garlic man suit...but have much work to catch up on first dang it.

                    Lav, it's good to have a spare of anything important, so... a silver lining perhaps?

                    be well everyone
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

                      Hi fABbies!

                      Lav - maxie = Piggy Swissy, right? Distraction indeed! I'm with Det - maybe a backup pair of glasses is a silver lining?

                      Det - so glad you are HOME! I think you are one pair of plastic dish washing gloves away from a Garlic Man suit.

                      Greenie - here you go. :b&d: use liberally.

                      LVT - I had a discussion about tattoos with the fun young clerk at Eddie Bauer not too long ago. He had a bandaid on and I asked what happened. He said he has to cover up his tattoo at work - EB policy. It seems that the young people these days have tattoos in record numbers. Like when my mother was young, "everyone" did not have pierced ears. But when I was (am) young, "everyone" has them and it's really no big deal. When I was "young" it was really edgy to have a tattoo and only the REALLY WILD people had them. But I don't think it's that way any more.

                      So....if he is wanting something that is not outrageous (a religious reminder that you approve of) and he is wanting to put it in a spot that is easily and usually covered for work / professional situations (chest) I think I might let him do that. Better than a rebellion and something outrageous in a more conspicuous place! All this comes with the HUGE non-parent disclaimer! :H

                      Kaz, travel safely "up north but not to the Arctic yet." I must tell you that Mr. Doggy is quite intriqued. I told him of your pictures and how different "The Arctic" looked from what I expected. And what you said about the international flavor of the scientific community who are there. He would love to get into his starship and beam right into that!!!!! Also, I am very glad to hear that Mr. Kaz is a feminist. :yougo: Please tell him he scored some fABbie points today.

                      Hi M3!!! X-post this morning. How are you? How is your back? What's up for the weekend? How hot is it in DC today?

                      Addiction Counciling Update: A special set of college courses required. Not a degree though - just the specific set of classes. (so no worries about having to take extra general course crap where requirements differ from my early college days, etc.). All though Junior College. Courses are not offered at my towns Junior College, but since they DON'T offer it, I supposedly can get some sort of piece of paper that will allow me to get the "in district" tuition at one of two reasonable distance Junior Colleges. So the cost of the course work will be about $130 per hour for 44 hours. Not horrible spread out over a few semesters. Who knows about financial aid - I can fill out forms for $$.

                      Apparently the job prospects are very good too. Sort of sad about the demand....but it has to be met.

                      My only frustration today is that the Junior College is closed on Fridays in the summer so I can't get more info on exactly what I need to do until Monday. Patience is not my virtue, but the Universe is sending me practice sessions.

                      One thing is for sure...

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

                        Junior colleges like to be closed on Fridays all year long if they can. I went to one back when dinosaurs roamed the earth :H They offer a lot of courses online now so that may help you a bit. I wish you good luck!

                        Well, I cleaned up those found glasses & they are perfect! No scratches, nothing wrong with them so yes I now have a spare pair. Feel like an idiot because know I know I must have had them hanging on the front of my shirt (bad habit) & they probably fell off when I bent over to pickup a feeder - duh!

                        I just made some fresh pasta sauce for myself with plum tomatoes & basil from the garden, a little olive oil & plenty of garlic - good

                        I want to travel with Kaslo!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

                          OOO I figured out a schedule based on their recommended course layout. 2 classes on campus on Tuesday & Thursday and 2 classes on line. That would be their "full time" suggestion for the first semester. Don't know if I will commit to it at all, or full time yet. But it sure is fun to think about! I have Mr. Doggy's full support if I decide to go for it which makes me incredibly happy. He is a closet feminist too. :H

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

                            DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT!! (from a commercial on tv these days about some laundry detergent but I LOVE the mom egging her son to slide down the hill on his tummy!!). DG-boy when you put your mind to it!! Most financial aid requires you to be matriculated in a degree program so I would look very thoroughly into each school's financial aid program and make sure there is some money available for non matriculated students. It wouldn't be federal funds but perhaps they are lucky enough to have some institutional money. Also, look into outside scholarships for this type of career training. Fastweb : Scholarships, Financial Aid, Student Loans and Colleges may have some ideas for you as well although typically they are geared toward traditional students going full time. $130/credt hour is CHEEP! Up my way it's around $170 I think.
                            Ya gotta love technology! You can now do half your program from the comfort of your own home!! If you had ever worked in a community college you would be super happy you had every friday off in the summer!! My University will not do it and it's just plain stupid from and energy savings point of view. Well, at least we get the week between christmas and new year's off now. Not free, but off.

                            Tatoos-my secret desire is to get a pretty butterfly on my shoulder. My nephew just got his 2nd tatoo. It's a Bruins Believe tatoo. I've only seen it via texting but I understand it is gold and sparkly. He got his first one last year. I wouldn't be surprised if his brother gets one soon. My sis is fine with it but they are older than LVTs son I think. Both tatoos will be covered in a work environment unless that work environment is construction. Not gonna happen with this kid! :H

                            $600 car repair bill today. Dad took care of it. Spent the better part of my afternoon job hunting online rather than doing my work. Very depressing. Nothing available for evening or weekend hours. No word still. Probably going to cancel the agility trial in Maine I JUST found out I got into. Probably also going to sell the Paphut. Next wed. nite about 30 min away is a state government sponsored workshop/fair type of thing to avoid foreclosure. My lender is going to be there-the one that denied my modification. Guess who else is going to be there??? :b&d:

                            Kas-safe travels! Will be waiting for those promised pics. I want to join Mr. Doggy and beam up to be with you. (I promise you can trust me DG )

                            Deter-glad you got some much needed sleep! Wish you could find a different job. I worry about you!

                            Lav-Yup. Silver lining!! Pasta sauce sounded good!!

                            Hey AFM, M3, Uni and anyone else lurking about!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily - Friday July 15th!

                              LVT, here's the way to discourage your son to get a tattoo if helpful:

                              you and hubby go out and get some really gaudy temp tats but don't tell son they are temporary. then wear tank-tops around the house and talk constantly about how 'cool and groovy' you both feel.

                              he'll never want a tattoo ever!

                     consulting service is available for a nominal fee
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

