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sat 16 July af daily

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    sat 16 July af daily

    morning all - 15 days af today.
    I bought load more books yesterday - working with emotional intelligence, difficult conversations, life ring sobriety book, don't let the bastards grind you down( 50 things newly sober should know), susan powter autobiog re her alcohol probs and high sobriety confessions of a binge drinker.I was bored at work yesterday and downloaded a chapter of lifering book on relapse - really helpful to map out the bonkers thinking.

    Today is lazy start - missed gym class wanted to go to - trying not to awfulise it.
    I can still do bodypump at 4pm.

    Need to buy stopwatch for tabata training that derby team are starting to do at home.Meant to be goign to free outdoor music in town but it's raining heavily and also i feel really anxious about running into someone. That annoys me - I can say hi and move on, damn anxiety - I can handle it.Good day all to come and Happy Saturday.
    one day at a time

    sat 16 July af daily

    fABbies!!! If you missed the late night action on yesterdays AF Daily thread - don't cheat yourself out of it. Go look at it now. It's a sandwich! It's an ice cream cone! No...It's.....GARLIC MAN!!! :H For real. Check it out.

    Good day Bear and thanks for getting us started. Sounds like you have a lot of good reading lined up. I like the term awfulizing - it sure describes it well, doesn't it? I was just thinking of that term the other day. That's from SMART, yes? Lots of good stuff in that program.

    P3 - thank you for the web link and also the pointers on financial aid. That will save me some time!!! I'm not sure if I will get any, but I figure - what the heck? I can fill out some forms. I am so sorry that your $$ issues continue. It's so sad that people can work hard at a job, and yet not make enough $ to cover the bases for a modest, decent life style. I really really hope something turns up for a part time, or a new job all together. :l How long ago was it that you applied for the loan modification? Some of the people in my leads groups are in that industry - mortgage lenders and realtors. I want to say I heard one of the mortgage guys say recently that it's easier to get the modifications processed right now than it was before. I wish I could remember the details. Don't be afraid to chase them down at that event! :b&d:

    Well, in the dim light of a new day (the sun isn't up yet LOL) the second career is still seeming like a good idea to me.

    Well, I think some breakfast is in order and then off to AA. Life is good here and I sure hope it's good today for all you fABbies. One thing is for sure....

    It just occured to me that last Saturday "O'Douls" was on my mind. Not today and not yesterday and not the day before. So funny how those thoughts work. Learning how to just let them pass without acting on them is the core of this sobriety thing, isn't it.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      sat 16 July af daily

      Good morning bear, DG & everyone!

      AWESOME pics & interview Deter
      I feel like a know a real movie star now - when does your movie debut :H :H

      My goal today is to get as much done outside as possible. Tomorrow is the beginning of heatwave #5 and we all know I loathe the extreme heat & humidity. Yes, I am a weenie

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        sat 16 July af daily

        Kinda struggling

        Hi all - just able to check back in. I've been reading all the threads.

        Kaslo - Congratulations on 6 mos - that must feel AWESOME! :goodjob:

        DG - As someone who has come back to this place several times - I cannot tell you how impressed I am by your thought processes when you have the cravings. You would make a great Counselor - I hope you know I already consider you one!

        Lavande - I've been in the same boat as you every morning - feel like I heavy head - must be my confused body...

        Major cravings Thursday and yesterday - definitely thought I was going to breakdown. Thurs nite went on a "canine cruise" down the potomac - so NICE and relaxing - and the Coke was better than everyone else's Bud Lights - I am sure!

        On Friday - was craving since 2pm - but I changed into workout gear and walked home - then went to the dog park while my new 3 yr old went crazy with the other dogs - without really knowing it - it got my head out of the way for a while.

        Went out to dinner on a rooftop last nite and part of me was saying - you made it 10 days - you can take a break now. But I ordered by Cranberry and Soda and after I kicked it off that way - things seemed to settle down a little bit. Laughed so much last night with my friends - happy that I didn't break.

        Det - love your advice on the Tattoo - and your interview cracked me up.!

        Off to the gym - I guess I had better start really training for my big tri in September.

        Everyone have a great weekend.


          sat 16 July af daily

          Bear - how was the emotional intelligence book? A group of our managers just got a 2-3 day training course on it - and I think they really got a lot out of it.


            sat 16 July af daily

            Good morning Weeniestas! All is well on my way north. Left early to help my daugher, so instead of being in a fab hotel in van, I am in a not so fab motel in kel. wtf. More to say about helping her later in another thread. Give me strength. That is all.

            Holy hummous, Garlic Man, did you see the dead plants behind you in the background of that pix?! Wooo-eee!

            Bear congrats on 15 days! And if all those books and ideas help you, so much the better. Not that I am anti book. I am not anti book. But I am anti booze. For me anyway.

            DG you seem to be made for councilling. Not only are you a great listener, and responder but you have this positive 'tude. It should be bottled and sold. AF, too.

            Lav, I have had to leave my garden without taking pix of the lilies and stuff in bloom, and in ten days with my version of YB looking after it, its going to look terrible when I get back. Into the august blahs by then for sure. So garden for me while I travel, 'kay? Even weenie style, i.e early when it is cool is better than no gardening.

            Cross post with Doglvr, hi, well done on getting through by switching to something non AL. It worked for me. And all the thought process stuff as well. Good thinking!

            Now I am on the back deck of my motel suite (thats all they had left... a kitchen-lr and bedroom) and it WOULD be peaceful, but for the roaring of some kinda hydraulic truck thing. Chickadees. Crows, Robin juveniles.... And it is cool, at the moment. Gotta play with the GKs today a bit, and perhaps I need a new 16 gig card... Also I could work here too. I can work anywhere. Bathrooms of hotels where the fam is sleeping in the other room, on the floor of empty buildings (with power). All I need is E-lec-tri-ci-teee.

            Will check in later, meanwhile have a great AF day.

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              sat 16 July af daily

              Good Morning Abber Dabber Doos...

              Det, the photos and interview are out of this world. I see a new career in your future!!!

              Bear, It sounds like you are really digging deep to learn more about yourself. Awesome!! Re: the anxiety you spoke of. When I first quit drinking, I used to have alot of anxiety when I was in social situations. I think it was because I did not have my old crutch "alcohol." I also learned in my sobriety that I do have generalized anxiety. It's not so bad that I have to treat it, but it is there. Exercise, rest, healthy food, and yoga keep it at bay. BTW, my anxiety in social situations has decreased greatly. It was the anticipation of social situations without alcohol that did me in. FYI, I teach courses in Emotional Intelligence and Difficult Conversations to managers...good stuff. Two great reads if you are interested in the whole topic of having Difficult Conversations are this:

     Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High (0639785375159): Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, Stephen R. Covey: Books

              and this...

     Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most (9780143118442): Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen, Roger Fisher: Books

              LVT...I would love it if you came to visit again. We can tell you hubby that we know eachother from an on-line parenting forum :H

              DG, It is so cool that are exploring alcohol counseling. You will rock!!!

              P3...Thinking of you and hoping you hear about that job soon. If not, I think a follow up call is warranted!

              Hey Kaz, Greenie, DogLvr, Uni and all to come.
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                sat 16 July af daily

                Happy Saturday ABerooooos near and far!

                so glad your enjoying my humiliation of myself

                you know, I'd never do fun silly things like that back when I was living a life of pain and depressed behavior. but now the true fun-loving spirit can come out and play.

                Doglvr, kudos on keeping it together on your pet cruise. (what a cool activity BTW)

                Doggygirl up before the sun on a Saturday? holy knockout-gas batman.

                Mom3, did you do the accupuncture? just curious how that worked for your back pain.

                Kas, I stay in far too many un-fabulous hotels myself. in fact I think I've contracted some kind of bedbug from last weeks adventures. eeeeeew! little bites around my ankles and waist line. ?? and it's itchy dammit. driving me bonkers.

                Lav, your not the only one that melts in the heat/humidity

                well, off to my Russian martial art class today for a thorough beating, then getting dressed up for an NRA fund-raiser tonight. it's a dress-up dinner and auction/raffle with guest speakers and all kinds of fun things.

                be well loves
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  sat 16 July af daily

                  Happy "outside day" Lav! We are supposed to get a big rise in temps tomorrow too. I have the same thing in mind - do all necessary outside stuff TODAY!!!

                  Is Greenie going to appear in her Super Badass Spiderwoman costume??? Will it be as awesome as Garlic Man's? Will there be an interview? Holy moly I can't stand the wait!!

                  DogLvr - so glad you made it through those urges! I know it's a PIA but stick to your guns and it WILL get easier. Mary (reteacher) doesn't post here so much any more but still posts on the AA thread. She has often talked about how the "urge" in social situations came for her at the "moment of entry" (not her words) to a social situation. Once she had her AF drink in hand, the worst of it was over. I think it's good to break it down like that. Maybe it's not really a whole evening of difficulty to worry about - just a few minutes upon arrival to get settled with an AF beverage. Anyway....rambling thoughts! :goodjob:

                  Kaz, I have an image in my mind of you and a computer hunkered down on a bathroom floor somewhere. This is NOT a pretty picture! Love the barn. You have an awesome photo collection!

                  M3 - how are YOU!!???!!

                  Garlic Man - will you be going in your super hero outfit to the dinner tonight? Or "incognito" in a suit or tux? Will there be a phone booth nearby in case a super hero is needed?

                  I found the thing I needed to fill out to get the "in district" tuition rate at the out of district school. It's called a "Chargeback" and there was an on-line form which I promptly filled out. They suggested doing it 30 days before the semester starts - so timing is accidentally right on target! OOO I'm getting excited.

                  This is WAY BETTER use of my mental energy than thinking "do I or don't I" over a stinkin' O'Douls. By a LONG country mile. So. One thing is for absolutely sure!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    sat 16 July af daily

                    Hey Det and DG,

                    Thanks for asking about me :l

                    I finally went to see my #1 doc yesterday since she was back from vacation. She worked on me for over 1 hour...combination of manipulation and accupuncture. I feel loads better today and think I am finally on the right track. I woke up this morning feeling like myself and can see exercise in my near future. My sacro-iliac joint (SI joint), the joint that coneects the lower spine to the pelvis was way out of wak so she worked hard to realign it. It was pretty painful (the manipulation part)...lots of deep breathing on my part.

                    Det, This doc (and my back up doc) practice medical accupuncture which is different from the traditional chinese accupuncture. It works wonders with settling down the inflammation in that area and helping with the pain. I've also had sinusitis and archille's tendonitis treated with medical accupuncture and it worked wonders.

                    I've also had the traditional chinese accupuncute and think it is awesome too. From my experience, it appears to help to increase the strength of my overall system. It is also a very pleasant and relaxing experience...really gets those endorphins rockin'

                    Det. Glad to see your fun, playful and creative side and it is so true that those parts of ourselves are not readily available when drinking.

                    Dg...Wow, you've made great progress with exploring counseling. It starts with a dream....

                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      sat 16 July af daily

                      Love reading these posts and thank you for welcoming me...

                      I forgot to mention that I started acupuncture and hypnotherapy 3 weeks ago ~ I have made the decision - that is the first step isn't it - now to follow through...

                      I look forward to a SOBER night tonight, watching a movie; then heading to bed and listening to a hypnotherapy cd - has anyone else used hypnotherapy?

                      Have a great day,

                      Tahlua x
                      :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                      Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                        sat 16 July af daily

                        Tahlua, hang tight! yes I like the hypno very much. I started with the MWO mods some years ago then got the 'total ABS' pack and listened to that quite a lot. I need to get it on my new phone/ipod, thanks for the reminder.

                        gnight loves
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          sat 16 July af daily

                          Morning all!

                          Det - I also got the Mods hypno CD's - when I first read the book Modding was my illusion! I never did get the ABS pack - but maybe I should... Thanks for bringing it up Tahula! I think a lot of us have used the CD's. I'm not very suggestive - at least I don't think so - but they were great for relaxation for me as well as reminding me nightly of my resolve.

                          Have a great AF Sunday all!


                            sat 16 July af daily

                            Tahlula - welcome to the Daily AF crowd! I used the MWO abstinence CD's when I first got started and I think they helped me a lot. I loved the "Sleep Learning" one the most I think. (like the others - this is a great reminder to find it again!)

                            Off to find the Sunday thread!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.

