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Thursday, December 14

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    Thursday, December 14

    Morning all!

    I guess I will start off the day! Can't believe that it is already Thursday ...but that makes tomorrow Friday - YAY! Too much to do. This is Day 6 AF ... and I am thinking that maybe I don't want to break my streak this weekend. Generally, I have not worried too much about consecutive abs days and have counted monthly AF days. If I am in the very high 20s (like 27 or 28) I am not unhappy. I am feeling a bit more peppy (even though I am going to take a little nap before I start out on my errands). Perhaps this is not necessarily abs, but is a result of actually sleeping?

    Anyway - I wish all a good abs day. Sorry for not addressing folks. I've forgotten exactly who posted yesterday and since I can't remember most, I won't address any specific individuals.

    So, keep posting. Call your buddies if you are having hard time!

    Pansy is laughing so hard right now, just like Bob Dole. Pansy has NEVER seen cats scrap over the dregs of a cereal bowl filled with ALL- BRAN ... better add kitty litter to list. Felix hates All-Bran.

    Hugs all,

    Thursday, December 14

    Hello Everyone. Everything went fine with my wife last night. Frankly, it's happened so many times (but not for a long time) she is used to it, and she understands it's the booze talking, not me. Still, it was a good wake up call and more motivation to start another period of ABS. Day 2 for me. Check you all later.


      Thursday, December 14

      Glad to hear that things went okay with wife, Andy. She is a real trooper. Congrats on Day 2. I am going to buy some bleach now ... and other cleaning supplies.
      Hugs, Pansy


        Thursday, December 14

        Mornin' darlings................Andy..............Glad that things were better than you thought they were going to be...keep up with the abs, the morning after situation is ALWAYS a killer, this is one of the memories that I try to replay in my mind every evening when I want THAT drink....sending you good vibes and a day 2 did mention about sharing this site with your wife, did you do that? if so, did you find it helped...??? Keep going bud, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again...lots of love WMH xxxx
        Pans, after you've finished your place...mine could do with a good buffing. I spnd so much time now on this site, I have dust balls the size of planets roaming round my front room. Actually, now I come to think of it...yes, you're all to blame for my lack of housework...( see, it wasn't just the booze that made me accuse other people...I am genuinely a shirker of responsibility) therefore, am apportioning jobs..Pauly are on dusting ( superman can fly up to reach the cathedral ceiling crevices can't he??). Olly..just grab the hoover will you there's a duck...scarlet missus, I can't help but think of you as a gorgeous jessica rabbit type with that name, so you are my public face, meeter and greeter and luscious secretary (although please wear a skirt....Pansy, my first girl friday, seems to find it necessary to discard this vital piece of apparel and so had to go I'm Pans). Drunkinslayer...with that moniker, you are the only guy I feel that is strong enough to walk my hell hound and actually keep him under control...Lisa babe, Wot's for dinner?? I do so love a nice curry, (don't you dare put sultanas in it!!!!that was always my mothers idea of exotic!!) and's to an increased fitness get to dig the top of my section ready for planting..oh, yes and there's a spot of weeding by the front door as well. Oh and yes....I also very rarely have time to make my lunch anymore to take to work as I'm always here util the last mad rush for the bus, so anyone else who isn't tying their pinny on can bloomin well chip in with $5 each for my cheese, olive and pesto mousetraps that I am FORCED to buy from the local cafffff...................Thanks guys....I'll be the one on the chaise longue with the pooter on the lap tuned to radio MWO eating grapes....gaaahhhh NOT grapes...too close to wine, why, I'll be eating melon of course.....clock out when you're to all, Weelazyexcuseriddenmelonbrain


          Thursday, December 14

          Good Morning!

          Hello all, another great day of being sober!

          Andy: So good to hear about your wife being understanding!

          I just came back from a walk to the store with my daughter to get some stuff before, yet, another wind storm hits us later today. We have lost power here on the West Coast sooo many times since November. Very weird weather I might add! It sucks to loose power all of the time. But I guess it is the price for having all of those beautiful trees around.

          While I was out, however, I had this HUUUGE sense of something bad was going to happen. I am so happy to be home, but man, I can't wait until that part of the paranoia withdrawal goes away!

          Anyway, just wanted to wish you all continued success for another day!


            Thursday, December 14

            Hi Accountable
            Sorry, I may have asked you before - but whereabouts do you live? You said "West Coast" so just curious...
            Over 4 months AF :h


              Thursday, December 14

              Hi Jenneh

              I live in Abbotsford, BC. Close to Vancouver. Most of my family live on Vancouver Island - Victoria, BC. This weather has been a nightmare! We had record snow falls in November ever recorded, and not to mention the rain. And now, in December it has been one storm after another. This apparently will be the worst storm (wind and rain) for the rest of the year.

              My sister who lives in Port Alberni, on Vancouver Island has spent the last three days in a hotel due to power outages. They seem to get the severity of them. Ugh. Anyway, was just watching the news and they say it should hit here at about 4am tomorrow morning. At least it will be daylight a few hours later. This too shall pass LOL!


                Thursday, December 14

                Thanks to everyone for all your support. I spoke with my doc today because I've been having these awful nightmares (see my post if you'd like) since I cut down on the drinking and he said that was normal. Basically, the chemicals in my brain are sorting themselves out. Anyway, I know some of you have suffered similar episodes, so try not to worry, he assures me things will get better. Alcohol is the problem, not the answer. It is poison and I am really beginning to fucking hate it (sorry for language!).


                  Thursday, December 14

                  Andy, I can relate to the nightmares.
                  I had dreams ALL NIGHT that people were trying to kill me. Shoot me, stab me, I was constantly running and I think even a couple times I felt as though I had been hit by a bullet. Kept waking up in cold sweats.

                  My family doc called today, said he got a fax from my shrink about the antabuse and campral and HE wants to talk to me asap. F-ing greeeeaaat. So now, I have to waste my whole freaking day off going to doctors and shrinks because I can't f-ing get this under control myself.

                  I feel like such a goddam loser today. I can't believe this crap. I want to punch a hole in the wall.

                  And that's just not like me.

                  make this sh*t stop before I can't take it anymore. I HATE THIS.

                  ps: still not drinking. Stupid day freaking 4.


                    Thursday, December 14


                    by the way, I had been feeling better all day today until this!

                    Sorry about the rant.

                    I truly truly hope everyone else is having a good day. I hate that I lack the capacity to be as supportive as I want to be. I'm in a self serving -feel-sorry-for-myself hole.

                    I do love you guys. Thank goodness you continue to allow me to come here!!:l


                      Thursday, December 14

                      Hi All,

                      Wow, yesterday was a big one, eh? Must be the ?Holidays.? Someone in another forum said the other day, ?Aren?t you glad they come around only once a year?? I hear you on the West Coast, and I?ve been worried about the rescue attempts going on at Mt. Hood.

                      Day 13, and thankfully all is well. Best, Cap


                        Thursday, December 14

                        Hey Becca,

                        I'm routing for you!! Day 4, that's great. I'm hoping that this stress will soon lift like a heavy fog and you'll not only see clearly, but you'll have a fantastic view!! Hang in there. You are such a kind spirit.

                        all the best, Olly


                          Thursday, December 14

                          Hi Accountable
                          I lived in Victoria for 3 years. I am now back in Toronto but making plans to move back to the West coast. It was so hard to leave.
                          I hope the weather is improving
                          Over 4 months AF :h


                            Thursday, December 14


                            Yes, we were very lucky in regards to the 'big one' last night. Thankfully we were unaffected as I posted in the December 15th thread.

                            Jenneh: Hey! That is awesome! I was born and raised in Victoria! I lived there for 31 years until I moved to the mainland! Cooooool!

