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AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

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    AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

    Hi Loppy. Glad you made it through the weekend AF. That's important!!! I'm sure you will have a chance in the coming days to evaluate, and determine what (if anything) to do different next time.

    Hi Greenie. Glad you have found your mojo - or at least part of it! Knowing where to go looking is a good thing I think. (I'm still trying to figure that out!!!)

    Jenny - I hope we did not run you off with strong opinions. We mean well....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

      oooh Swiss chard is deloverly.

      in a hot saute' pan:

      real butter (or olive oil) and a crapload of garlic

      add cleaned and dry (important) Swiss chard and saute just a bit until it tells you it's ready.

      (vegetables talk to me. I hope that's normal)

      salt and pepper to taste and voila!

      Loppy, I bet you have a bunny costume for dress-up days?
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

        Thanks Det! will I know when it's talking to me? Does it talk when it's a little bit wilty? A lot wilty?

        How far down the stems do you cut off? Do you include a large part of the colored stems in the sautee?

        Will be making it tomorrow!!!

        Just had pulled pork for dinner. From a local pig to boot. With coleslaw from a local cabbage. And some almost local (Michigan) green beans to go with it! I love summer.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

          I'm here guy's. You could never run me off with your tough love. I am struggling so I haven't been posting. I'm really quite happy right now. Haven't gone overboard or anything, getting everything done. Kind feel like a normy but we all know. It's only a matter of time. I'm not totally stupid, just a little bit some days. Thanks for your concern. I am always lurking. When I feel I am doing right I will post. I just don't want to violate the rules of this thread or discourage any newbies or anyone else who is trying to stay the path.
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

            I just run the knife along the stems to remove them from the leaves, and generally I haven't used the stems but I'm sure they'd be great in a stir fry.

            yah, wilty but not snotty. I guess that's the key. I cook mine at a high enough temp that they even get toasty spots on them.

            whats that..... up in space? OMG it's...... Interstellar Garlic Man!!!!

            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

              Intersteallar PINK PAPPIN' Garlic Man!!!

              P3! I think Deter is reaching out for a little doggy all his own!!!!!

              Thanks for the stem advice. This whole greens thing is a new and exciting world for me LOL! Kale got a whole lot tastier in Doggyland when I found out you're supposed to cut the leafy stuff off of those tough stems. :H I guess this is something to be done with all/most stemmy greens???? :chef:

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                Deter - goodness

                DG, I do Swiss Chard just like Deter does but I also add a pinch of red pepper flakes to give it a little kick - yum!

                Didn't get as hot as predicted here today :yay:
                Picked a bunch more from my garden & need people and/or chickens to help me eat it all :H
                All those stems & stuff you chop off will be happily consumed by my feathered friends - that & any leftover garlic bread :H

                Hope your back is OK greenie!
                YB emailed me today ~ he won't be around to cut grass or pick up chicken feed for me due to increased pain in his hip/leg. Oh well. Too bad he doesn;t have a nurse/wife to help him out
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                  Love the Pappin in Pink Garlic Man Deter!! He's my hero!! Oh, and have I got a dog for you! Not sure how he'd do around all the fire power tho.

                  DG-you go girl with the new cuisine! can't wait to hear what Admissions has to say tomorrow! Wow, the whole xmas vibe thing today was freaky!! Must be the hot weather :H

                  Lav-I would LOVE your extra veggies since I never got my garden going this year. Wish we lived closer!

                  Hi Jennie-so you're trying to Mod now?

                  Greenie-hope the bed adjustment does the trick for you! I got one of those pseudo temperapedic mattresses about 5 years ago and I don't think its a good fit for me. At 29 I shouldn't have the back and hip aches that I have upon waking so it's gotta be the mattress right???

                  Loppy-I think you handled the tough weekend just great! The more I delve into the whys of addiction, the more I want to know just what I'm trying to avoid and why and why I'm self sabataging. Let me know if you find the answers first K?

                  I made one of my new belly bands today. It's in testing now and so far so good. The vinyl definitely makes it a stiffer band that the regular ones but LM doesn't sem to mind it so fingers crossed. I'll definitely have to perfect my sewing skills if I want to put these up for sale and invest is nice fabric. But for my guys, the scrap pile will do.

                  Did some long over due house work after lunch, worked on my club's web project then headed to my sis's afterall for a swim. The boys are feeling better (good enough to go to the beach tomorrow!) so I shouldn't have to worry about catching their bug. Got some nice pool time as well as reading in then a yummy grilled steak dinner with homemade mashed potatoes and salad. Ahhhhh.

                  Back to the grind tomorrow and I WILL be calling job #2a. I've about had with the delayed decisions. Hrmmphhh. That is all.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                    OH Deter-forgot you asked what I use the belly bands for. They go around the male dog's pee pee and velcro on top of the back. Typically you put an incontinence pad inside it to catch the urine. 2 of my dogs mark in the house and one is also slightly incontinent. They are good for intact males too when there are bitches in season around. Since I'm spending a good $40 a month on disposable pads, I was trying to come up with something that was reusuable and washable. If it works, I'll try selling them on Etsy and see if I can make a little bit of cash for not much effort.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                      ah so! grazie

                      or should I say oui oui

                      hot peppers in the chard sounds yummy. now I'm hungry....
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                        Determinator;1148843 wrote: or should I say oui oui
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

