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AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

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    AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

    Good morning Fabulitas!!

    It is a reasonable temp here this AM so I think I'll get on down to the river and look for my mojo. I know.....I know.... I don't know what happened, it just wandered off.

    Tahlula, great to see you here!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

    Good morning fABbies and thanks Sexy Hot Spiderwoman for getting us started today! I hope you find your mojo. :l I hate when it goes missing.

    Tahlula - hope you find us on this thread today! :welcome:

    Det - I thought of you before 7AM which is downright scary. I was putting a pork shoulder in the crock pot for pulled pork. I reached in the bag of onions from my farm pickup (CSA) last Thursday, and low and behold, THERE WAS GARLIC IN THERE TOO!!!!!! So as I was stinkin' up the place, Garlic Man was on my mind. :egad:

    I was so excited when I went to e-mail this morning. Yesterday I sent the basic admissions form in to the Junior College. They sent me back an id and password. Still lots to do before I can register for classes, and I'm having to work to stay patient waiting for Monday to get here! I have to figure out how to get my transcripts over to them, etc. so I won't have to take the reading and math tests to get in. (P3 - is that an easy process these days do you know? Even though I graduated college in 1982, before I was born?) I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I need to go for a long walk today to burn off some energy.

    We are due for BIG heat today. So I'm going to head out now and walk, then hit the farmers market to see the Egg Man early. Catch you fABbies later. Where is Uni? We've got some other relatively new folks and returnees who haven't checked in either. Beware....:b&d:

    One thing is for sure...I've got WAY too much to live for to drink today!
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

      lost a post - grr

      afternoon all - skating done - loving the new team, working so hard but having great fun, really sweaty!

      M of 3 thanks for links I'll have a look - are you a coach or consultant?Your job sounds really interesting. Heard great things abut emotional intelligence but not read it yet, look forward to it. I really want lifering book to come!

      Super happy af - party was great yesterday - most people drink minimally in team - or not bothered if they drink or not. Another team member stopped drinking too for reasons similar to me - really positive group to be with!oh ran into old group of mates last night - really hammered in a bar - few years ago i would have been desperate to be there,not missing a session (partly cos of bitching that went on when others not there)Nice not to be doing that every weekend and ignoring all other activity/spending loads of money/feeling ill/not exercising.So not tempting!

      Anyway need to zooom - badly need a shower, got some washing in the machine and off to visit friend in a bit.I need to remember days like these when i am tempted.
      one day at a time


        AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

        Good morning Abbers!

        Greenie, have fun but don't stat outside too long ~ your new found mojo may melt

        DG, hope you can wait until the school offices open tomorrow morning :H
        Not looking forward to the extreme heat coming this week but there's nothing we can do about it Think I'll be adding some ice to the water cans for the girls outside. Egg production will be way down this week I'm sure.

        Hello & welcome Tahlula!

        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!
        Stay cool

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

          Morning all! Welcome Taluhla! Just came in from 2.5 hours of yard work. Had to mow the back mini tundra before the heat got here and I won't be able to get to it for 2 more weeks so now or never! Also pick a couple of cups of wild rasberries-yummo!!

          DG-super easy these days to get your transcripts. Go to your college's website, if no link right on the front page (shame on them) then go to the registrar's page. Should be there. follow the directions, pay the fee by credit card and if required, fax in the signature page. Takes about 10 days to be processed, mailed and arrive at new college. Super cool you're getting the district tuition! go for the fin. aid-can't hurt and you never know. don't forget things like the Woman in Business org or the small business orgs-sometimes they have grants and low intererst loans for getting started in a new career. Also go to the schools website and fin aid page and see what scholarships you might be able to apply for. And one final thought. I know this program isn't a degree program BUT, if being in a degree program means qualifying for financial aid, you might apply for a general studies or liberal studies degree if they will let you (might be dicey seing as you already have a Bach), then just take the courses you need and get the heck out of dodge!!

          Greenie-hope you find your mojo today. probably ran off with the BWS and her babies! have fun at the river!

          Lav-not lookinig forward to this week of 90+ degrees! Stay cool and hope the girls will be OK.

          Bear-LOVE the sound of your new team! Just what you needed!

          Went to my breed club's annual meeting/cookout yesterday. Still feel out of place-the emphasis really is on breeders, not performance people. I do help out with the website-actually have a project I need to do today-so that is good but I'm not sure I'll renew next year.

          MUST focus on my belly bands today when the website page is done. Really need to get them into Testing so I can put the Pap stamp of approval on them and get them up onto Etsy.

          Time for brunch so will be back later. It's an inside day today-not even pool time at my sis's as the kids all have some kind of tummy bug. yech.
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

            Hello friends,

            Its been a busy weekend so far for me. Friday I had to put my mechanic hat on and fix the mower again--this time it was a broken battery cable. It was hot, and I was tired and down right bitchy when I got home at 8:30 pm to see that hubby had hooked the camper up.

            Which, granted, I had mentioned doing the morning before when I had a couple of free hours to get it ready and take it out and find a good spot. So, unfortunately there were some words exchanged because hubby had a bad day too, but took the time to do everything involved to hook the camper to the pickup. To make a long story short, camper is at the lake, we have yet to make it back out there to enjoy it.

            Yesterday afternoon we went to a friend's 60th birthday party..(yes, he is quite a bit older than me) One of our friends tends to drink quite a bit and its obvious. My kids love her, she got a new sportscar and she was letting them drive--with her in the car (sticking herself out of the sunroof) stuff like that makes me feel like such a stick in the mud. But later I took the younger boys to the carnival in a nearby town so they could have fun. What a good feeling it was to see the DUI checkpoint when we left, and I could calmly tell my son, grab my wallet. Had a lovely conversation with the state patrolman and off we went when he saw no reason to check me out any further.:goodjob: I was glad at that point that drunken hubby was not with us too--reeking of brew.

            Today, I've over-extended myself once more by planning a picnic in the park to end a candle fundraiser I had my sunday school kids help me with. I don't even have a very good plan, going to buy stuff to make sandwiches, have some salad and watermelon.

            Then, we may spend a little time at the lake, since the boys helped me clean up the house a bit yesterday.

            DET- you might have chiggers. They love elastic and itch like crazy. Try hydrogen peroxide.

            Sorry, no time to comment on all, but it sounds like everyone did great at avoiding the al beast this weekend!

            ta ta for now! :h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

              Hi all, too rushed to chat, but welcome Taluhla. I will be out for ten days, and if I get a chance I will post. GO everyone! Kas

              Here is a current favorite. A bit different.... Its a shammie, if you wanna know. taken in an old barn in Manitoba. Its a bit how I feel after schlepping heavy bags into the Kelowna airport this morning... Love to all.


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                Good afternoon everyone, horrible rainy dark day here,thats outside,inside me i am all sunny & warm .

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                  Good Mornina All,

                  Greenie, if there is any mojo to be had, I would bet it would be at the river for you.

                  Bear, Sounds like you have a good group of supportive friends. And yes, I am a coach, consultant, and facilitator.

                  DG, Wow, things are moving fast. I always love when things like this come together so quickly. To me it means that you are definitely moving in the right direction in your life. And how amazing is it that our beloved P3 is right there to help you!!

                  P3. You rock!! that is all.

                  Love the photo Kas. Are you home now?

                  Lav, we have the same weather as you as you know. Can't imagine what my electric bill is going to be like this month.

                  LVT, It is amazing to me how steady you are in the midst of your husband drinking. I admire you and the positive example you are settting for your boys.

                  Mario, always good to see you here. We could use some of the rain that you are getting. Would love to make it to Ireland some day. I have a very Irish name and given my appearance, I would blend right in!!!

                  Just came back from coffee with an old friend. She used to be a big drinking buddy but now we are both older and wiser. Our get togethers these days usually involve coffee, lunch, and/or working out. We have just as many laughs without alcohol as we did with it. I am happy that we were able to remain friends through all of this.

                  Where's Jennyneric these days? And Uni? I thought she was back.

                  Happy Sunday to All,
                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                    P3! :yougo::yougo: Thank you for your help with transcripts. I am ready to push the go button on that too now, as soon as I speak with admissions tomorrow. M3 is right - so cool we can all help each other! I hope your inside day is very productive. We want piccies of your first belly bands! Will they be pink?

                    M3 - how cool that your friend is wiser too. Older????? NO. 29. That is all!

                    Mario - I love the way you put that. I am sunny and warm on the inside too!

                    Kaz - that looks like a VERY old shammie!!! Sorry you are feeling like that. I don't miss business travel AT.ALL. THAT IS ALL. Travel safely!

                    LVT - I smiled when I read about you going through the police block with no worries. To me, it's moments of clarity such as yours that remind me I am NOT missing anything because I no longer drink. Even if there were some minimal amount of "fun" to be had (unlikely in my case) the down sides are just not worth it. I'm so glad I don't have to be paranoid about stuff like that any more!

                    Lav, I am bracing for the heat too. I got to the farmers market EARLY today (wasn't even officially open yet) and it was already starting to heat up. I hope your girls make it OK and that you've been sock piling eggs for just such a weather occassion as this!

                    Mr. Doggy finally got the watering system in the garden working properly Friday (a very long hose hooked to a little ! (not)). So that dessert got water all night Friday and all day yesterday. Today? ZUKES AND CUKES!!! Amazing how fast they fill up with H2O when it's available!

                    I forgot to mention that dog trainer was on his very best behavior yesterday. This woman is very good for him so far. I'm glad I don't even take risks with AL any more. I would sure hate to lose a very special relationship (husband, friend, family member, whatever) due to making an ass of myself with AL.

                    Well, some icky :yukko:book keeping ahead, and then try to close the books on 2010. Indoor activities planned here as well. Zoom zoom...

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                      Hido Ho, ABerooooos!

                      Greeneyes, any mojo sightings? xxxxx

                      had a fun night at the NRA fundraiser last night, biggest event in local history which was grand. the only problem is they put out a mountain of tiramisu WAY to close to me! so I had sugar last night and felt twitchy for a couple hours, but ok now.

                      Papmom, a belly-band is a type of pistol holster in my biz. I'm assuming you have something different? do tell...

                      Kas, somebody has to say this. sham-wow! (if you don't see US tv then I apologize for causing you to shake your head in bewilderment).

                      for breakfast I highly recommend two eggs over/easy on a bed of arugula, drilled with browned butter and liberally covered with imported pecorino romano cheese. simple, fast, no bad carbs and loaded with nutrients. I'm sure my fellow 29-year-olds remember the ignorant blather about eggs and cholesterol that started in the 70's? I can't believe we are still fighting those old myths.

                      I'd like to be the first to wish you all a merry Christmas

                      hahahahhahahaha OMG I'm in such an odd mood. i love being AF.

                      be well peeps
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                        You definitely are the very first to wish us a Merry Christmas :H :H :H

                        Kids coming for dinner ~ must cook something
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                          OMG - our brain waves are scaring me!!

                          Deter mentions Christmas.

                          This afternoon I needed to test a print of a color thing, so I picked a photo of my beagle in a santa hat. I also saved it small for use as an avatar.

                          I was just reading a recipe that Atkins e-mailed. It's 2 fried eggs on top of red salsa on one side, green salsa on the other side. The Chef's comments say that in New Mexico, having both red and green salsa with something is called "Served Christmas."

                          OMG. NOOOOOOO we can't already be talking about Christmas!!!!!


                          Det - so glad you had a good time last night. I feel physically awful when I eat sugar too. That is in large part because like AL, there is no "moderation" for me. I want to come for breakfast at your house - that is all. Where were you with the aragula recipe when I had some from the CSA????

                          What should I do that is simple with Swiss Chard?

                          Hi Lav! How is your indoor day coming along?

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                            Good evening everyone.

                            Have caught up with the threads I missed and love the new garlic man costume. Will greenie be posting a new bws piccie?

                            DG your plans certainly seem to be coming together best of luck.

                            I have had a quite difficult weekend. Every single one of my plans for the weekend were mucked about or cancelled. I found this more diificult to deal with than I should and had an overwelming longing for oblivion. However I compromised and took myself to bed with a laptop and the box set of Sparticus, blood and sand which I hadn't seen before. OK I slept through huge chunks of it but it was a pretty harmless way of getting me through the weekend AF and in one piece. Although very racy and violent but then it is about gladiators so what did I expect? The programme I am doing discourages avoidance and stresses facing the issues that make you crave alcohol but I am not going to beat myself up about it. As long as I don't do it every weekend.

                            Congrats to everyone doing well and :l to those who need one.

                            See you tomorrow.
                            Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                            AF 8 June 2012


                              AF Daily - Sunday 7/17

                              :toohot: Hacked shrubbery in the tundra today - we could use a drop or two of rain. Found some mojo here and there at the river, though. You're right M3 - that's where I can usually find it. MY back has been killing me and I've about decided it's the bed. It's one of those sleep number jobs so I cranked up the number which hopefully will help.

                              Jenny hasn't posted since we barked in unison about husb driving son with 6 pack on board. Jenny if you are lurking, do come out.

                              I'm afraid I've got to love you and leave you - day got away from me being YB. grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful.....
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

