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AF Daily - Monday July 18

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    AF Daily - Monday July 18

    Ahoy ABeroooos!

    quick check-in amidst the Monday mania.

    Doggygirl, what may you be going to school for? how exciting!

    Treya, big kudos on your week AF!

    Jenny, ditto what everyone has said and a few more hugs xxxxxx

    zoom zoom
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily - Monday July 18

      Good evening everyone.

      Lots of very positive vibes here. DG I am getting excited for you about your course and everyone else whose plans are coming together.

      Fingers crossed for PM3 and that ......... job.

      M3 is the yoga course on hold until your back is fully recovered?

      Jenny, I have said it before to anyone who'll listern, so forgive me if it is boring but don't stop trying to give up. Giving in and wallowing in the alcoholic fog is too easy but it just drags you down and doesn't solve anything. In the end it doesn't even begin to take the edge off the stress but it does stop you really enjoying the good stuff. So even if you are not always as strong as you would wish.. No surrender!!!!!

      Greenie, sending you some of our rain as share and share alike. London has been very soggy since Friday and since it rained on St Swithins day we are due 40 days and nights of it!

      Found out something surprising at the weekend (although not sure how surprised I am in retrospect). You might remember how upset I was a few weekends back about that chap who let me down. Well it transpires he has a problem with the sniffy stuff. Says it is ruining his life but he can't stop. He was always high spirited and excitable but I can be, so didn't think too much about it. Must be a bit naive because I should have spotted the mood changes whenever he came back from the loos. I have recommended some professional treatment because I would be totally out of my depth trying to help. Moral support only as I have to take care of myself.

      Well I have survived the first 30 days and am in a pretty good space headwise to attack the next 30.

      Take care all
      Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
      AF 8 June 2012


        AF Daily - Monday July 18

        Evening Det we cross posted.

        Also forgot to say PM3 I had no idea what belly bands were and didn't like to ask but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine they had anything to do with incontinence pads for dogs. Good idea for money saving though.
        Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
        AF 8 June 2012


          AF Daily - Monday July 18

          :groupluv:Whoo Hooo Loppy on the 30 Days. This is a Biggie. I hope you take some time today to celebrate You.

          Keep up the good work Loppy.

          Back is feeling much better Loppy. Thanks for asking. And no, yoga training is not on hold. I officially begin the program in September. Currently, I am taking an assistant teacher training on Wednesday evenings as a warm up. It's lots of fun and really great, positive people. Yoga folks, in general, are a very healthy bunch.

          I do remember you talking about that guy. It's amazing how many folks out there who are struggling with one substance or another.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            AF Daily - Monday July 18

            Last day of rehab!

            Hi, Everyone.

            Wrote a pretty long message on Saturday, only to have ti disappear before I could hit "send!" Anyway, it will be easier when I get home and have access to the Internet all the time.

            DG, the Hazelden thought you posted is so true, and you always write such wise things! I am so focused on staying sober when I get home, and have said several times to my groups here that 99% of my depression and anger has been a direct result of my alcoholism. I don't want to live that way any longer, and pray every a.m. for another sober day. We all went kyaking yesterday, then had a late lunch and everyone had such a good time without drinking!! I am trying to stay in the present and take one day at a time and not pity myself for things that happened when I was a child, etc. That is over and I am moving on! The stories I have heard here have made me realize how lucky I am to have a nice home to go to, a husband who sometimes tries my patience, but has stuck by me, and, of course, my three dogs! Also have a waitressing job ( and gift shop, too) at a beautiful castle where it is hard not to be grateful to be in such a setting. No high pressure sales or travel for me any more!

            After we got back from the great day yesterday, a young man who'd been part of our group for six weeks (only a week and a half of my stay) was driven back by his parents to go back to in patient treatment. Seems he didn't come here for his half days on Thursday and Friday and was probably on a bender. He was drunk, and was crying, etc. So heartbreaking. His wife was driving him back and he jumped out of the car and she had to call the police. I don't want to go there!

            I'll be posting here daily, and cannot tell you how much I appreciate all the support!

            It was two months ago today that I got my OUI. Not happy with the attorney who was going to reschedule my court date, which was last Thursday. New date is August 29. and this seems unreasonable. Over three months. But I feel more able to deal with this now.

            "One day at a time."


              AF Daily - Monday July 18

              Congrats Loppy!!!!! WOO HOO!!!

              And a huge hello to all other fabbies. I've been multi-tasking like a mad woman all day long. Nothing has gone exactly as planned but I am OK with it!!

              Det, I am hoping to register soon for the course work that is required to become a certified addiction counselor in my state. There are other requirements besides the courses, but it starts with the courses! I'm stoked!

              Upstream I mentioned that important form that popped into my inbox. Well, it disappeared!!!! Even Mr. Doggy the computer geek SAW it, and then didn't see it. So...after much futzing around trying to figure it out electronically, I decided to just go to the one college (the one I need the form from to be able to get in-district tuition - not the farther away one I will be going to) to see if I could just get the form in person. That worked!!!

              I also ordered all the rest of my transcripts today thanks to the lovely guideance yesterday from P3.

              My next step is to go talk to an advisor. No appointments - it's walk in only. So I'm going tomorrow. I hope he can look at my receipts and trust that my transcripts are on the way. That will save me having to take a competency test in reading and math.

              I hope by this time tomorrow I will be official as a student again! It might not work out quite that smoothly, but that's OK. I know I will be closer than I am today. Progress, not perfection.

              TDN!!!! Just saw your post and you sound very grounded for your trip home and "re-entry" to regular life "back at the ranch." Are you planning to go to meetings once you get home? It almost brings me to tears reading about the INSANE stuff that we do when we are drunk -like the story about the guy jumping out of his car and the wife having to call the police. I did some really, really insane things that seemed completely logical at the time (when drunk). I look back now and just can't imagine ever thinking of doing that crazy stuff sober! Just wouldn't happen. Good luck with your court stuff. One day at a time on that too.

              M3 - so glad you back is feeling better! Progress!

              AA, Mr. Doggy will do some rehab work and some of it will be contracted out. There is a guy I know through AA who lives near this place and is looking for some work. He is very well qualified to do quite a few things so will probably engage him as well. I am in charge of book keeping. Well, and cleaning. Which our cleaning lady will do.

              Lav - I LOVE museums!!! Reminds me that I haven't been to any of the big Chicago museums in decades.

              Treya - SO GLAD TO SEE YOU HERE!!!!! Seems like you fit right in. Keep talking to us about your journey!! It always helps me to be reminded of what the early days are like, in addition to looking a bit ahead and getting hope from those who are further along the path.

              Kaz - hope you are having a good day! Sounds like it's a busy one.

              Greenie, I'm glad you shared a fig piccy because this is what I thought figs looked like.

              OK - off to wrap up a few loose ends on my desk and then chill out. My day started with cleaning up dog pee off the floor at 3AM, but I didn't let that get me down. LOL - I can't believe I started the thread and forgot to even mention it! If that doesn't say something about my mental progress, nothing does. :H

              One thing is for drinking AL for this girl today! Too much to look forward to!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Monday July 18

                Treya - SO GLAD TO SEE YOU HERE!!!!! Seems like you fit right in. Keep talking to us about your journey!! It always helps me to be reminded of what the early days are like, in addition to looking a bit ahead and getting hope from those who are further along the path.
                Sure you really want to remember dem early days? The phrase 'winning ugly' sums up how I feel tonight. Mad as hell but not going anywhere near the stuff. :-)
                Re your ambition to become an addiction counselor. What better way to use your experience of three years sobriety and turn it into a gift. Go for it!
                AF since 11 July 2011
                You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                  AF Daily - Monday July 18

                  Good evening all!

                  Loppy, congrats to you (big time) on your 30 AF days

                  Jenny, it's ultimately your choice, you know that. If I was in your shoes today I'd just say F____the drama going on & do the right thing for you & your kids. They need you & you need to hold it together - classes will resume soon

                  Treya, glad you are here with us - hope we don't drive you crazy :H

                  TDN, glad to hear you are doing so well. Sad story about the young man but there are always going to be stories like that, huh?

                  Nice figs Queenie Greenie!

                  M3 - is it hot or what???? I am so grateful for the AC in my home, in my car & in the museum I visited today! We had a great time & my almost 5 month old granddaughter was excellent! My daughter carries her in one of those Baby Bjorn carrriers (on the front of her) so Liliy sees everything we see - it's pretty cool.

                  Hello to Deter, DG, who else did I miss???

                  Yesterday my nearly 31 year old son thought to take a picture of the Insanity Twins raiding the baby pool on my deck & post it on FB ~ he could have told them to GET OUT!!!! Sometimes I just wonder..........

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Monday July 18

                    I'm thrilled to see the insanity twins hard at doggy work Lav!!! :H:H (oh, the life!)

                    Treya, it's not always that I WANT to remember the early days, but I NEED to remember them. My brain has a way of glamming things up. The last thing I need to do is (once again) think "well, I'll drink - and if it's a problem, I can just quit again." "Quitting again" involved 8 months of continued misery, and then 8 more months of various degrees of nail biting to get to a happy place. Not goin' there again!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Monday July 18

                      Great pic of the pups Lav! They might be insane but they aren't dumb! Thank goodness the pool is easily cleaned and refilled.

                      DG-tomorrow morning, call your old school and see if they would be willing to fax you an unofficial transcript so you can bring it with you to your advising appt. Most schools will not do unofficials no matter what but you never know. They might. The officials will come in handy if they are required at some point in the program. I'm sorry I didn't think of that yesterday-might have saved you some $$.

                      TDN-congratulations on completing rehab. We will be here to help you transition and then forever after. Very sad story about the young man but one well worth keeping in the front of your mind.

                      Jenny-I'm so sorry you are struggling. All I know is that no matter how bad things are, AL will not help one single bit. I truly believe that abusing AL the way we do/have done is some sort of self sabatage. Same with overeating and a host of other stuff. The key is to find out why. I hope you find your why very soon so you can start treating yourself with the respect you deserve. :l

                      Loppy!! CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 DAYS!! Well done!

                      M3- so glad you're feeling better. September will be here so soon (and with this heat I'll be looking forward to it!!).

                      Treya-way to go on 1 week. One foot in front of the other, ODAT. :goodjob:

                      So I held off on calling for a status update. Guess I just wanted to give them one more day/chance. Tomorrow it is! Very nervous but it has to be done. I need to move forward if I'm not the one.

                      Papasan chair and pink tray arrived in post today along with surprise package from a dear sweet friend. It was like christmas!! No storms predicted for the rest of the week so I have time to continue looking for a rug. Need to do some computer work right now but I REALLY want to set up my chair instead :H

                      Belly Band test #1 passed with flying colors. The special hospital pad kept him dry but the liquid did leak out onto the fabric side of the band. No worries tho, the vinyl kept it all in check. It's even dry after hand washing and hanging it on my clothes rack. Ready for test #2!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily - Monday July 18

                        Sorry guys, I didn't have a chance to read everything - I am at the cottage with my daughter having a great time! And Boo of course! He grew a little while I was gone but not much. He's 5 and a half months now and hitting doggy puberty - he is psycho!!! Apparently that is normal - LOL - he runs around in circles at I swear 100 miles an hour! He gets fixed on Friday though so that should calm down.
                        I am tired, been at the pool - weather has been amazing - in the mid 30's here which is like high 80's I think. I feel like I'm on vacation, we are swimming, playing soccor, going for walks, paddleboating - it's been great! I will check in tomorrow and give more details on my treatment - I have to go take my underwear out of Boo's mouth! LOL

                        Love and hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          AF Daily - Monday July 18

                          UNI!!!!!!! xxxxxxx there you are

                          great cute doggy pics Lav

                          great to see some new faces around here, looking forward to getting to know you all

                          been an insane Monday. whew! I really truly cannot believe I used to do this with the physical and mental pain of Monday hangovers. WTF?

                          be well everyone
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily - Monday July 18

                            Hi all Astineras and Abstineros. Its late for me. Lav, I Love the photo of what I am sure are Goldens at the wading pool. Any water for them. My father and uncle used to raise them and ran them in dog trials and used them for hunting birds. I grew up with that breed, and have a real soft spot for them. ANOTHER thing we have in common.

                            DG I enjoyed reading your post about how different your personality was, I cant imagine you being as you describe, you are so completely changed from that.

                            Jenny believe it or not the things that you find hard to cope with, that you use AL to help you cope, are actually less easy to cope with overall because of the AL, although it seems at first that it relaxes you, etc, I think it just adds to the anxiety and worry and depression over the longer term. And of course once it was completely out of my system, I found I could then cope so much better with problems. But everyone has to find thier own balance. I am sure you will come back to us in the long run. Eventually.

                            Pap, I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you tomorrow.

                            Sorry I am not very conversational. I am pleasantly tired, I had a long drive out to my site, and a long day in the bush, on this site that had a spill and that I havent seen since 2000, and now I am sorting throught the photos and trying to decide what else I need to do there. I never drank when I was in the field, but I found as I past the new 29 (50) it didnt matter if I quit before and during the field work, I still felt tired and out of it with a 20 pound pack, heavy gear, sample equipment camera, shovel, shotgun, etc. Now at past 6 months AF, I feel terrific. I am not so spry because of the hip replacements, but I can cut the mustard with the young PhD in the zootsuit from the city, and the technicians. I love the physical and mental WELLNESS I have now. Its such a treasure. When you feel like crap all the time, its no fun. I can see why seniors with drinking problems are so crabby and negative all the time.

                            Anyway I aint a senior yet. Here is Equisetum fluviatile from a site with soil compaction issues. It may be kind of weedy but its still pretty to me.

                            Love to all.


                            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                            Status: Happy:h


                              AF Daily - Monday July 18

                              Kas, is that also known as horsetail? does it grow by fresh water streams?
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                AF Daily - Monday July 18

                                Hey Deter, yes its a silicate accumulator too, not that that matters. We have about 10 species in western North American, and some of them are impossible for me to tell them apart. The common one is E. arvense. Often in mud on the edge of little freshwater streams. Lakeshores, etc. Was dried and used to line the inside of mattresses by First Nations. Its so pretty.

                                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                                Status: Happy:h

