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AF Daily - Friday July 22

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    AF Daily - Friday July 22

    fABbies! Happy Friday one and all. Special thoughts out to Jenny. And Inchy. And anyone else who needs a special bit of extra support today. :l Also looking for an early check in from IJM, Treyla, Doglvr, and anyone else newly (back) on the wagon!

    My favorite things about weekends now are 1) Not wasting most of it being drunk and hungover 2) Not having alcohol ruling my every moment even when I'm not drinking it and 3) Not taking risks such as drinking and driving, navigating stairs and furniture, etc.

    Our closing on the "mildly distressed property" is at 10AM. I hope everything is in order! Had a near miss yesterday with the wire transfer. The lady at the bank called in a favor to get it done after their deadline. It's going to be a busy weekend. And no electricity so no A/C (not that there is still an A/C unit there anyway!). I really do think this will be a cute little place when it's all cleaned up and repaired. It's really a shame what people do to these places.

    That's the second biggies thing on my agenda today. #1 is of course, staying AF. That makes everything else possible.

    One thing is for sure....I won't be drinking today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Friday July 22

    Good Morning All,

    Hey DG, Thanks for starting us off with your usual positive energy! I'd like to add Loppy Lugs to your list of special shout outs. Haven't heard from her in a couple of days. I often think about our newbies and how they are doing. Always happy when they check in. Well, it looks like your Horny's are living up to their names because there seem to be sooooooo many of them. Don't you think they should shrivel up and die? DG, I've been doing my own special battle with sugar. On day 12 now. I'm trying to satisfy my sweet tooth with fruit. Arghhhhh..... How is the application process going?

    P3. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE OFFER.:goodjob: That HR person sounds like one smart cookie. I have no doubt that you were the best candidate. I think her sharing about the other 2 candidates was a prelude to salary negotion discussion. One thing I used to advise my clients when I was a career counselor was to let the hiring person discuss salary first by saying something like, "I'm willing to consider your best offer, including what your benefits package would look like." We will all be right there with you cheering you on and eating popcorn in the back row.:groupluv:

    Kaslo, Thanks for providing us with updates of your adventures. I have met up with my share of sexism since most of my work used to be with law enforcement and other male dominated fields (still do some of that but not as much). Fortunately, I grew up in a working class neighborhood and developed a very quick wit and a bit of a sharp/sassy tongue. I have found that most helpful and usually ended up being great friends with some of these guys that I worked with over the years.

    Lav, Happy to hear that your son was able to help out. Has he told you how god awful hot it is in the DC area? I'm sure it's just as bad where you are. I have a friend who runs a small horse farm by herself after her husband up and left. She was very clever at finding folks to help her with heavy work. She used to do some bartering of services. Could you do something similar. Sounds like the less you are dependent on YB, the better.

    Off to pack and get ready to make the drive to Western North Carolina. I was about ready to strangle her yesterday as she was complaining about me asking her to help with the packing. Teenagers are so delightful.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF Daily - Friday July 22

      Hello friends,

      You can add me to the list DG. I hate feeling sorry for myself, but I fear I am. I went to bed last night and cried and cried asking for help from above for my family and my marriage. I am beyond frustrated with my husband. Maybe someone here can tell me, it is possible to become bi-polar as you age? I wish he would go talk to someone with me, or just talk to me for that matter, Anytime I try to have a conversation with him about stuff he gets defensive and pissed, and thinks I am calling him a horrible person. It is just so much easier not to go there, because I know in the morning light--everything will be ok again.

      I realized last night that I am almost reliving in a way, my mother's life when I was a young girl. I helped my dad on the farm, and he was not a patient man. Whenever he would get mad at me I would run to mom, and mom would get mad at dad. The main difference is that my parents were not drinkers. In our case, my sons come to me when they want to do something, talk about something etc. When it is something important I make them ask him. Most times they get a real smart ass reply--or a quick no--even before they ask. I guess he thinks this is funny, or it is his way of using his authority. Anyway, then when they don't want to ask his stuff he gets to play the martyr or blame me for giving them permission to do something he doesn't approve of. He doesn't want our oldest son to do anything. I'm trying to give him more freedom as he gets older, and obviously this means he might have to learn from his mistakes. But so far, he has done so well and seems to be growing into a mature young man, making good choices.

      Last night my son asked if he and a friend could stay in the camper at the lake overnight. A friend's son put the idea in his head, because his parents let him do it a lot. Obviously I did not like the idea, but my son's friend is VERY level headed, and is a good kid. His parents let him, another friend (that does drink) and his girlfriend camp and boat out of town for a weekend. Anyway, I told my son to ask his dad, who didn't like the idea either, but we did talk and ultimately he said ok, if it was ok with me. I laid down all the rules and reminded my son that if something happened, or he lied about anything, the rest of his summer would suck. By the time I got home, hubby had worked himself back up into being upset because the boys never talk to him, and the whole tattoo thing came up. He wants him to tell his grandmother about the tattoo. I guess she hates them. The whole gist of this conversation was that I told him he could do it against hubby's wishes. I reminded him that he said he was ok with a small tattoo of a cross. He does this a lot too, says it's ok when really it's not and then I'm the bad guy for giving the permission. Or if something goes wrong it's my fault.

      I am going to quit venting here. I have to get to work. More mechanic work today. Will try to replace the belt on the mower again today. Third time is a charm they say. Not to mention our own personal mower belt broke yesterday. UGH.

      On a brighter note, a couple of my girl friends stopped out to the lake where I was waiting for #2 son to come back from a going away party. We had a nice visit, both of them have similar situations as me, so it was good to know I'm not alone. I hope we can get together more often for a mini bitch session, so I don't have to force you good abstainers to listen to my soap opera of a life!

      DG--did those people seriously have a bonfire inside their house????

      Ok, gotta run. One thing is for sure.....even though the thought of drowning my sorrows inside a six pack is pretty strong at ain't gonna happen.

      Have a great Friday and weekend all!!:upset: :thanks::thanks::thanks:
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily - Friday July 22

        ((((LVT)))) I'm sure this has been asked and memory is not what it used to be. (killed too many brain cells I think!) Is Alanon an option for you that might be helpful? Or is DH willing to go to marriage counseling? You can vent here any time!!!! There are pits in the cherries of life sometimes. :l

        M3, I am stalled on the application process until the University recieved the transcripts from my early college years. They have the one from the University where I graduated. One might think the fact that I have a bachelor's degree from a University here in this state would be an indicator that I met the prerequisite writing and math class. And 30 hours of course work exempting me from an orientation class. But NOOOOOOO. So patiently I wait. Hopefully next week I will be able to wrap it up.

        The sugar thing sucks. The fruit thing along with relatively low fat (weight watchers) did NOT work. Low carb is hard to stick with at first, and yesterday I failed. But....the fact I made it 6 days up to that point was a positive sign. So I'm back on the low carb wagon today and will keep forging ahead. And reminding myself that the only way to fail is to quit.

        Is it today you are driving to NC? For some reason I thought you went earlier in the week. I think this heat is negatively impacting my dead brain cells. :H I really like that line you suggested for P3. I need to remember that when my job hunting days arrive.

        And YES - SHOUT OUT TO LOPPY TOO! Who else needs a big extra round of support today?

        OK. I'm off to :b&d: Mr. LVT, who needs one of our very special fABulous names.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Friday July 22

          :HGood Morning One and All!

          Another great morning without being hung over!!! I LOVE IT!

          So, I made it past the witching hour last night. You might wonder how. Well, I decided to move my haircut appointment to 6PM. That may sound lame but the place I go is one of those uppity places (I?m their token redneck) that turns a visit into an hour + event. By the time I finished and got home I was out of the mood for a drink. I cooked dinner then went to bed with my Kindle and read for about 30 minutes.

          I do have to get creative though. I don?t think I can show up at the hair stylist place every evening at 6PM. Well I could but it would get expensive after a while! :H I?ve already made plans for me and Mrs IJM to go out for a healthy dinner this evening. The weekend sort of scares me though. However I am back on AB with a slightly higher dose ? so that sort of takes the issue off the table.

          DG ? Closing on a house. CRAP! I would rather go deep sea fishing with Scott Peterson than go through another house closing!

          M3 ? I have to get back to running again. I loved it.

          Kaslo ? as I read your post of yesterday I do not think I took a breath until you described the source of the sticky substance on your sheets! Just sayin!

          LVT ? BEEN THERE! You have to give your hubby some tough love and get him in to see someone. Yes, you can have mental issues crop up at any age. When I was 45 (ok, 2 years ago) I went from perfectly normal (except booze) to a total mental meltdown in one day. Mrs. IJM being a nurse made me face the issues and I saw someone. What most people don?t understand is that mental issues are not some mysterious demonic possession that just happens. It is an imbalance in brain chemicals. I won?t bore everyone with a bunch of medical crap. Point is, anything can cause one?s hormone levels to change and when this does, you get what you are seeing. The good news is that if you can get a practitioner (and I mean an MD) to see him, he can get on something that will stabilize his levels. And if you find a good one ? you never know how things will turn out. I only admitted to my doc recently that I had issues with AL. He immediately went to work counseling me and treating the issue. I was doing really really good until I let my guard down once. But that is the past.

          Ok, I got to get some work done, so I will close with the IJM thought of the day:

          ?What hair color do they put on the driver's licenses of bald men??

          Have a wonderful, fulfilling, sober day All!!!



            AF Daily - Friday July 22

            IJM, so good to see you back this morning. Very interesting thought for the day!! Also a wonderful way to make it through the witching hour once a month or so. Now, what is your 5 - 6PM plan for the other 29 days?

            Yes - a small bonfire in the bedroom. I am actually glad Mr. Doggy described this as a "bonfire" before I saw it. When I saw it, it didn't seem quite so bad. Some repair work on the floor and that's it. I think we will be able to just patch it. If it doesn't match the rest of the floor exactly (it's a laminate floor) it is in a place where a piece of bedroom furniture will most likely be placed over it.

            The maker of the bonfire also left some clothing behind.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Friday July 22

              Good mawnin Fabstinis. Just a quick note to say hello, and esp to say well done to Pap, but hold out as best you can. I am really glad you got this warning you should be getting that job. And esp to say sorry its such rough waters for LV. That dynamic sounds very familiar to me. Except I was the one saying no when Mr Kaslo said yes. M3 teenagers can be breathtakingly self centred, non? Enjoy your trip with her north though, a car trip with a kid can be really fun. Or not. :upset: By the way, re Mr Engineer here, its not so much misogyny in this case, if I said that I would be innacurate. Its more paternalistic. The assumption that I cant handle my own shot gun, or dont know how to get up and down a steep hill with a pack, or would be especially fluff headed around a bruin, thats the thing that gets me. Type casting is what it is. He really actually cares, but he has this idea of what women are, and it does not include the bush. He should know better being from the north where most of the women can shoot, ride, drive and hike as well or better than many of the men.

              And DG that fire pit in the floor just reminds me of where north american economy is going.... I dont envy you trying to work in this wee house in this heat. In some places its going to be 50 degrees C with the humidity, and I dont know what that is in F, but F says it all:H

              But this is not the weather in the low rolling terrain of the south Yukon. Its a bit cool, the sun came out at the end of the day but its supposed to rain again. I have three whole days to do what really should take about a day and a half so its very relaxed. and not difficult, although I am not figuring out what it was that killed trees near this plant. It looks like a pathogen, and I am pretty sure it wasnt sulphur dioxide because the plant was closed down for 10 years during the injury. So I am off in my loaned suburban to try to sort it out.

              Everyone have a great day. No real AF AL discussion in this post, because, well its drawing a blank for me!!

              Kaslo, the non-choco-sheeted

              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily - Friday July 22

                Doggygirl;1151141 wrote: fABbies! Happy Friday one and all. Special thoughts out to Jenny. And Inchy. And anyone else who needs a special bit of extra support today. :l Also looking for an early check in from IJM, Treyla, Doglvr, and anyone else newly (back) on the wagon!

                My favorite things about weekends now are 1) Not wasting most of it being drunk and hungover 2) Not having alcohol ruling my every moment even when I'm not drinking it and 3) Not taking risks such as drinking and driving, navigating stairs and furniture, etc.
                Amen DG! I will not be dealing your # 1,2 or 3 this weekend. When I get through tonight tomorrow will be wonderful! If I want to drink tonight I am going to run, run down to street, run at the gym, run in place, just run, run straight away from that bottle and straight back into the AF life that makes me feel so good and positive and motivated!

                Good Job on the JOB P3! Good luck on the closing DG, Hi to everyone else! I catch up with you later! :l
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  AF Daily - Friday July 22

                  Good afternoon Abbers!

                  Hot, hot & more hot & humid - ugh!
                  I filled the chicken's water cans with ice......have no idea if that will help them but it makes me feel a little better

                  DG, Our first house was a seriously cheap, handy man's special so I know all about that stuff. Just be glad you don't have to live in it while you are fixing it. I swear it was the plaster dust that ruined my sinuses

                  M3, I hope the road trip is good for you
                  Will you be getting any mountain time in? Not totally sure about the geography of NC.
                  My son told me yesterday that the Dept dropped off a few more air conditioners for his fire house but the locker room & bathroom still have no was pretty bad.

                  LVT I send you huge hugs & a PM

                  IJM, thanks for talking about your experience with depression & thanks for listening to your nurse wife! I'm a nurse too & kicked my husband's ass right into the Psychiatrist's Office 8 years ago when he finally revealed some of the shitty things he had been doing behind my back. He cooperated with treatment for a little over a year then quit. Now he isn't even living here anymore & it was all his choice, not mine

                  Kaslo, I hate it when anyone assumes I can't do something just because I'm a girl. My Dad was like that......told me over & over that I was just a girl, just a dumb blonde, useless, etc. No wonder I developed my famous Lavan-ittude:H :H

                  Have a good day all & stay cool. The heat index right now is 120 degrees - yuck. Can you imagine adding AL to that??? NO WAY!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Friday July 22

                    Aloooha Friday AFeroooooos!

                    Doggygirl, this totally makes sense:

                    The fruit thing along with relatively low fat (weight watchers) did NOT work.

                    if you are low carb then by all means increase fat content in your diet. that's exactly what i've done (after exhaustive research on the subject) and it's working great and I feel stellar. it will dramatically increase the satiety of your meals as well as contribute to overall health from the added hormone support. Fat is a critical macronutrient that has been getting an ignorantly bad rap for far too long.
                    Ok, before I paint myself blue and run around naked.......

                    Grateful, you still with us?

                    Papmom, I'm excited for your job opportunity. sadly I don't think anyone is getting the salary they really want these days, but a foot in the door is a great start, then you can prove your value and up the ante.

                    no 1, 2 or 3 for me either. navigating furniture is treacherous enough without being chemically handicapped.

                    broken windshield (courtesy of a truck yesterday) so I'm off to the shop

                    be well
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Friday July 22

                      Hi, friends....Det-I'm always around somewhere!! Lav-I will seriously call you the next time I have to go that way....I would love to meet you! I'm glad your son helped you out....I'm sure he loves helping but he sounds very busy. Maybe some of his local fire company friends might be able to help, too! Well, I broke down and paid $2.00 for 4 zucchini.....really not a bad price, though, is it?

                      DG-I wish I could send you my 17 yo son....for the most part, he is a good kid. He thinks he wants to join the Marines....I still have a year to get used to that.......I wanted to ask you about the L-glut for sugar many do you take a day? I am also on a low carb diet and did well for about a year.....but I let some weight slip back on, if you know what I mean.

                      LVT-your husband must be my hubby's brother. I feel for you and I know exactly what you mean with your hubby & sons....mine is the same way except my boys are his stepsons...he doesn't have any kids of his own and I thought that was the reason we have so much tension, but it sounds like you have it too with the boys' natural father! :l:l

                      Hi to all the rest of you lovely folks. Thanks for inviting me to stick around..I'll probably be back now and again. Oh-but I am AF-a little over 22 months thanks to everyone here!

                      Stay Cool!
                      Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                        AF Daily - Friday July 22

                        Hi Jenny - we cross posted this morning. Good to see you back!

                        Det, I have had at least 3 windshields replaced on my cars due to trucks kicking up stones. The last one was about a year ago. I also had the back window blow out of a car that someone left sitting out, closed up in th ehot sun on the driveway because he was too lazy to pull it into the garge

                        Grateful - glad you got some zucchini
                        Sometimes the Amish farmers sell their produce almost too cheap ~ really.
                        Can't believe you are coming up to your 2 year AF Anni - :yay: awesome!!!!!!

                        Just heard the official temp hit 102 in Philly today. Think it was a bit warmer here.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Friday July 22

                          Hi guys!

                          Late check in for me today. It is still crazy hot in Ontario. 100F again today. This is not normal weather for us but gratefully being at the trailer/cottage means that we have the pool and air conditioning to escape to. I am so bloody tanned it's not even funny and I have had 30spf on all week.

                          My daughter is gone now, her dad came to pick her up, they are on holidays next week so I'm here until Sunday by myself. I plan on relaxing, reading, doing some work on myself from the treatment centre etc.

                          I love hearing everyone's positive energy! Here's to a happy and AF weekend.

                          Love and hugs,

                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            AF Daily - Friday July 22

                            Still hot here too Uni

                            I hope yo have a very relaxing weekend, take good care of yourself

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - Friday July 22

                              heck, I'd surely pay 10 dollars for a zucchini!

                              I think Lav is giving me the evil eye now. xxxxx

                              hope our mid-west and east coast AFers are keeping cool and being careful not to exert too much in the crazy heat.

                              Had lunch with a lovely couple that are good friends and the lady is from the Philipines and made an outstanding traditional meal. so yummy! then we picked fresh herbs in the yard. I needed some relaxation badly so........ yay!

                              Gratefull, some great AF time you've racked up there! what things have you found helped you the most? I'm always curious what works for folks.

                              off to peel some galangal root for tonights curry

                              xxxxxx be well everyone
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

