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Jaunty July - Week 4

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    Jaunty July - Week 4

    Good morning my dear Jaunty friends

    Thought I'd get us started on our final jaunt through July.

    A HUGE congrats to SD & Speed on reaching 30 days and to Cass on 7 months! :yougo: :yougo: :yougo:

    Cass - Great to hear all your news, sorry about your friend. I agree sometimes distant friendships are the best. Maybe a cooling off period from her will reset the ground rules and you can rekindle a good relationship which is more at arms length.

    Papmom - I hope you had a great time at the party on the Cape, I know you will have coped with it AF.

    Rusty - My understanding is everyone is welcome on this thread however many AF days they have, they just need to have a goal to reach 30 days..... I found this thread very early in my sobriety, I think in the 1st few weeks and I never left, I know a good thing when I see it.

    I will catch up properly with you all tonight. I had the most amazing weekend, Mr B cooked dinner friday and last night, saturday we went to this amazing restaurant in a converted farmhouse in the middle of the countryside. Yesterday we got the ferry out to a nearby island and cycled round it. (its only 11 miles). My only complaint is that it went too quickly.
    Ok, its off to work now..... wishing you all a wonderful Monday.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    Jaunty July - Week 4

    Week 4 already and it?s my birthday today so I am having a ?be good to me day?. The weekend was mostly uneventful and I pottered around my garden, a friend dropped by yesterday with a card and pressie, my brother also dropped by in the afternoon with the same, we sat in the garden and blethered and caught up on each other?s news. It was a scorching day and wonderful to sit out and enjoy the good weather. In the evening my son and his daughter called by so I made dinner for us and they stayed for a while. He brought a bag a of fresh scallops, prawns and mackerel that a friend of his had just landed off his boat so it was seafood for dinner!

    Congratulations to Sped and SD on the dual 30 day AF anniversary it?s great to have you both back and brilliant that you are going to post regularly again, we have missed you both on the weekly abs thread. Cassia wonderful to hear from you I was wondering if you were okay, you have a mountain load of motivation and determination so I know you will sort out any and all challenges that come your way. When is hubby due to arrive? And congrats on 7 months you are doing amazingly well.

    I can?t wait to hear all P3?s
    news and also Chills
    , it?s great to be involved in everyone?s lives, I just loved reading Rusty?s
    post you are always so energetic and positive. Although I don?t always comment on everything that?s going on I do read it all. I don?t feel guilty about doing nothing and find that I really need and appreciate down time as I get older, I look forward to time alone with peace and quiet to relax and recharge my batteries. Hope you all had a great weekend.

    Dewdrop :h
    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


      Jaunty July - Week 4

      Good morning to all.

      Uneventful weekend, too hot to do much, so mostly stayed in. I can't believe it is Monday already.

      Dew, good to hear from you and Happy Birthday!!!!!

      Chill, sounds like a fun exciting healthy weekend.

      Pap, hope your party was fun.

      Rusty, as always, it is interesting to hear about your travels. I don't have any tats or piercings either, but love people watching and seeing the body art.

      Lav, nice time with your family, good for you.

      Sped and SD, so good to have you on the thread regularly, keep on posting.

      To all, have a great AF day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Jaunty July - Week 4

        :bday7: Dewdrop :bday7:

        Dewdrop - "be good to ourselves" days should be compulsory on a regular basis, glad to hear you are having one.
        You made me laugh using the word "blethered" our US cousins wont have a clue what you are on about :H I will assist - Urban Dictionary: blether
        I had fresh Scottish scallops at the weekend and I have to say they were devine!
        Enjoy the rest of your Birthday.......
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Jaunty July - Week 4

          Dew, your birthday sounds wonderful, like you didn't have too many expectations and nice things just occurred.
          Chill, I've been waiting for you to fall in love again. Remember Mr. McDreamy??
          Lav, was waiting for a prescription refill at a pharmacy yesterday, leafing through a magazine and found an article about Longview Gardens. Isn't that near you? Looks lush and beautiful to this desert rat.

          Hey Star, good morning. Hope the heat is subsiding a little for you.

          Getting ready for visitors this week, my sister today and my 2 younger sons on Thursday.

          Pap, hope you survived that party, in fact hope you had a wonderful time.


            Jaunty July - Week 4

            Good morning Jaunters!

            Happy birthday Dewdrop!!!!
            Hope you have a wonderful day & enjoy the down time

            Hi Chill, Star & Shelley!

            Shelley, yes Longwood Gardens is about 20 miles from here & I treated myself to a year long pass this year. It's a wonderful & safe place to go & just wander around, even if you are by yourself. The excessive heat has kept me away though
            Looking forward to some fabulous walks there in the Fall!

            I have plenty of work waiting & will keep me busy for a few days so I am grateful. Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Jaunty July - Week 4

              Hello by Jaunty friends!! I am back (have been for hours actually) and I am very happy to report that I had a WONDERFUL time and ate WAY too much wonderful food! I was late getting down there as my friend did NOT surprise me with a clean living space for my dogs. In fact I demanded the Dyson and vacuumed up all the crud and dirt myself!! I almost didn't leave them there I was so upset!! But, I did and they made it through just fine. Because I was late, I wasn't able to sit and chat with my friend before the party. In fact, no one was home when I arrived but there were nice notes with directions to the party. Luckily friends of hers dropped by with some fresh caught tuna to put in the fridge and after introductions I followed them to the party. It turns out that my friend's fiance actually organized and "catered' the whole affair, including the cooking! It was supposed to be their party for heaven's saked!! At any rate, except for a sever lack of chairs (must have been an oversight) it was a lovely evening. Because I drove myself I was able to leave when others made the move. My friends came back about 30 min later but everyone was so tired we all just retired. This morning however we all got eat breakfast on the deck overlooking the marsh and chat and it was wonderful!! And yes, I made it through totally AF!! Even during the toast when at least 2 people asked if I was SURE i didn't want some champagne!! Mildly annoying. I was the only person there NOT drinking AL. Seriously. And there were probably 30 or so people.

              I left around 9am and got to my friends shortly before noon. The boys were fine, had gotten lots of fresh air and exercise and are pretty tired. On the way back to my house I called my groomer to see if she had any time on Friday for DD. She didn't. I asked if she had anytime to at least clip his nails. She didn't but said I could come this afternoon after 1:30 for nailclipping. I did and she had called her assistant to come do it because her back was bothering her. We muzzled DD and after the nails Angie asked if I wanted her to give him a bath brush out. What a nice surprise!! It's not I can't do it but trying to give him a bath and keep the muzzle on all while kneeling on the bathroom floor and leaning over the tub is not my idea of a good time! So the answer was a resounding YES!! I think my groomer was happy to give Angie some extra money and to keep me happy :H!! I now have a clean and fresh DD for the trial this weekend. The only other thing that would have made this day a triumverate would have been to get a call from job #2a but alas, no such luck. Will need to make another call tomorrow I guess.

              Dew- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :bday1: I'm so glad you had a nice couple of days. You are obviously well loved!!

              Chill- I love that you're in love!! May Mr. B be the one!! I found pink hair spray!! washes right out but isn't very accurate LOL!! I also found some rub on tatoos of butterflys. I'm going to be Pappin in Pink this weekend even if I don't have my paphut with me!!

              Star-our heat has broken-hope it has for you and lav and cass!

              Cass-congrats on 7 months!! Fantastic!! Sorry about your friend but some people grow as they get older and some don't. Just be glad you're the one who grew up!

              Lav-good luck with the continuing YB saga. How are your girls?
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Jaunty July - Week 4

                Evening all!

                Happy birthday Dew! I hope this year brings you good health and happiness!

                P3 - I am glad you had a great weekend and I hope it leads to an awesome week!

                Lav - good news about the work. I hope it continues. Did it rain by you today? It is really cool up here now.

                Sped - I hope you have a nice week with your visitors.

                Star - nice to see u. Hope you have a good week!

                Hello to everyone else I misses.

                I am having a low moment. There is a lot going on here and in Scotland and i am feeling helpless on both sides of the ocean. I feel very alone. My husband should be here the first weekend. I hope anyway. His granny is sick and isn't getting any better. I don't want him to come out here and leave his family especially if the worst is imminent. I just miss him so much. X
                'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                  Jaunty July - Week 4

                  Hey Cass-there is nothing more dangerous than helplessness. I hope you can come up with something that will let you feel like you have some control over what is going on-not necessarily the outcome but maybe how you react to the events or how you offer solace to others involved or yourself. Sending you lots of pings that whatever happens is for the best and that you will handle it with your customary grace and AF and that your hubby arrives soon. :l
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Jaunty July - Week 4

                    Well, the girls had a better day today - no one died :H
                    The temp dropped all the way to 88 degrees - what a difference, really!

                    Haven't heard from YB so I guess he's still among the living....

                    Took one of the cars in for inspection this afternoon but have to take it back tomorrow. Lets just say they weren't having a great day at the garage :H Mondays suck for everyone I guess, even mechanics.

                    Glad you enjoyed the party papmom & glad you resisted the champagne (that stuff always gave me headaches)
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Jaunty July - Week 4

                      Sorry about your troubles Cassia - will be thinking about you & your family :l
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Jaunty July - Week 4

                        Hi ALL!
                        :day5::day5:Happy Birthday Dew!! I hope you had a wonderful day!!

                        Chill--your weekend sounded so amazing!!! I'm so happy for you!! I actually met my ex and my sin at the lake cabin on Sunday...we ended up going out for dinner before we went our separate ways (our son was with of course)...not sure just seems so "normal" or "natural" to be with him....never felt that with anyone else. (((sigh))) ?????

                        Lav--glad to hear everyone lived through today!!:H I went to play baseball with my son today...thought I was going to stroke out in the heat after about a half hour...OMG!!!! LOL!

                        PAP3--Glad your party went so well!! I'd be very nervous in a social situation right now I think?!?! More so because I think I'm kinda boring or nerdy without my "liquid courage"...or I tend to use humor to cover my uncomfortableness....if that makes sense??? Anyway...I don't mean to pry..but your friend you spoke she like a hoarder on that TV show that is on?? That bad? I always tease my son that he's a hoarder...I have to wait till he goes to his dads so I can throw ANYTHING of his away!!

                        Cass--sorry you are going through a tough time...being lonely is not a good there a close friend you could call...maybe get together for lunch?? I tend to comfort myself with retail therapy!!

                        This is so sad but John Cena is wrestling the Main Event right now...and my son is yelling at me..."I HAVE TO SEE THIS!!!!!!!" IT'S FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!!" I better get moving....HI to the rest....will write more later!!!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          Jaunty July - Week 4

                          Good morning all....

                          Did anyone watch the President speak last night? I am worried about the outcome if they do not come to an agreement. I already emailed my congressman.

                          Cassia, it must be hard to be alone on the other side of the ocean, hope the time passes quickly till your husband comes home.

                          To all, stay cool and AF.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            Jaunty July - Week 4

                            Hey star. I watched it last night and hope the president did a very clever thing. I think that most other countries are gobsmacked about what is going on here and so should be. It's embarrassing that our president had to go on tv last night and do what he dd. They will resolve it, trust me. They are just playing political theater at the moment. Dont worry too much! X
                            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                              Jaunty July - Week 4

                              Good moring Jaunters!

                              I email my congressman & reps all the time.......they probably have me on a list of nutcases or something but I like getting my thoughts out to them :H
                              It is embarassing Cassia but I also believe they will get the job done as soon as they finish playing around

                              SD, this 'break' in the heatwave will only last thru today then the temp goes right back up over 90 tomorrow. It has been seriously nasty, bless you for sitting out to watch your son's game.

                              Star, wishing you a great day & everyone else as well!

                              Time to get back to work

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

