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Jaunty July - Week 4

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    Jaunty July - Week 4

    Good Morning Jaunty ones

    My weekend is going great, little George is an absolute joy and I think its me who has fallen in love with him. Our dinner party also went well, everyone was good company apart from one guy who drank too much and started to make a fool of himself at he end of the evening as we called him a cab. Of course he was the only one who commented on my not drinking and what I was missing out on. Its such a wonderful reminder to me of how I NEVER want to behave again in my life and I spared him a thought this morning :H as I bounce out of bed clear headed and happy!

    I have discussed the short version of my drinking with Mr B who obviously remembers me as a hard party girl from our past. Him and I were partners in crime on many occassions with our excessive drinking. He luckily matured and out grew that lifestyle where as I never did. When we were 1st together I felt he was a bit disappointed I didnt join him in a glass of wine but last night he told me how proud he was of me, especially coping in social occasions. The way he shows me off to his friends is very sweet and he makes it very clear how in awe of me he is. It makes me burst with pride to have become a person a loved one can be proud of, its so very different from the cringe worthy way I used to behave.

    Rusty - How we cope with everything in life is different and well done you on your latest victory. The inner calmness being AF brings is just wonderful. Enjoy your vacation, it sounds fantastic, tell us about the new hair do.

    Cass - I think I saw on FB that your new apartment is great! How wonderful, is it now just a few weeks till hubby can join you?

    Star - I want some of that weather please! Lav, its funny, i love my hair poker straight and its not the humidity here that plays havoc with it but the rain! I end up with frizz and waves I dont want :upset:

    Wishing you all a fab Sunday, I managed to get out of meeting the Parents as I need to get to the gym and play catch up before going back to work tomorrow. Im joining Mr B and George again for dinner tonight, they're making me chicken risotto followed by raspberry pavlova. Im feeling very spoiled and loving it.......

    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Jaunty July - Week 4

      Good morning Jaunty Ones!

      Chill, make up an August name when you get up tomorrow......we'll find it :H

      I'm happy that you are feeling appreciated & loved but I'm sure not
      I wish I knew what the hell to do with myself but I honestly don't know. Tired of it all.

      Temps still over 90 degrees today but the humidity is supposed to be lower ~ we';; see. Maybe my hair will have a chance to relax a little.

      Wishing a good day to one & all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Jaunty July - Week 4

        Lavande;1156068 wrote: Good morning Jaunty Ones!

        Chill, make up an August name when you get up tomorrow......we'll find it :H

        I'm happy that you are feeling appreciated & loved but I'm sure not
        I wish I knew what the hell to do with myself but I honestly don't know. Tired of it all.

        Temps still over 90 degrees today but the humidity is supposed to be lower ~ we';; see. Maybe my hair will have a chance to relax a little.

        Wishing a good day to one & all!

        Well Lavster,

        You are very much loved and appreciated on this site, and i'm sure by many folk near you.

        Have a great sunday, and just remember that you have come a long way, are amazing, and you totally ROCK girl.

        A safe, sober, and magical week to all.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Jaunty July - Week 4

          Awesome august! That is all...
          'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

          "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

          AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

          "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


            Jaunty July - Week 4

            August Names

            AF August, Please, Por Favor, S'il vous plait


              Jaunty July - Week 4

              I haven?t been posting much because I am a little ?turbulent? at the moment, just can?t settle and having sleepless nights then sleeping through the day and can?t sleep the next night. Honestly I am driving myself nuts! I?ve had a friend staying for a few days which has helped but had my final visit with my Consultant on Friday and unfortunately I have to have another week (possibly two) of radiotherapy. I seem to have a very tenacious little parasite holed up in my body and I?m not a happy bunny and I need to give myself a kick up the backside and just get on with it, right

              It?s lovely to read all your posts and take my mind of things and I am AF so no worries on that front, funnily enough that hasn?t been an issue at all, it?s my attitude I need to work on. I am a bit irritable and short tempered, a bit emotional and all over the place. I am still managing to meditate and do some yoga most days when the mood strikes but all form of exercise ie power walking, jogging have gone out the window, I?m just too tired.

              What about amazing, aspiring, abundant, awesome, astounding, adventurous August ???

              Dewdrop :h
              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                Jaunty July - Week 4

                Hi All!!
                I just typed a long post and for whatever reason it didn't post ull I just hate it when that happens...and it hasn't happened in such a long time!!! UGH!!!!!

                Just wan't to pop in and apologize for not posting much this weekend...I've not "been in my happy place". :H Hoping this is all just part of the process....I feel so emotional...hoping it's PMS...ha!! Dew--(((big hugs))) to you!!!!

                Chill--so glad your weekend went so well!!! That's awesome!!!
                Rusty--I don't know if I could have remained so calm if someone ran into my car?!?!? WTG!! Enjoy your deserve it!!!!:l

                Lav--You're amazing!! Nuff said..:l

                I really need to get movin....I'm hoping if I accomplish something today it will lift my spirits!!! I'm game with whatever you all want for matter what it's AF for me!! Hello and happy Sunday to all that follow!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  Jaunty July - Week 4

                  Thanks Mr G - you know that's why we all love you

                  Rusty, Cassia, cat got your tongue today? :H

                  Dewdrop, glad you checked in. You do know that being tired during your treatments is pretty usual, right? Sleep when you can, exercise when you can & don't worry about anything else, OK? :l

                  SD, this must be the weekend for crappy moods.......I think it's going around :H
                  This afternoon I treated myself to chocolate covered caramel - just a little - thought it would make me feel better - NOT! It pulled one of my crowns right off WTF?

                  I think I'm going to sit on the sofa & watch stupid TV until bedtime so I don't get into any more trouble......
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

