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Saturday, December 16th

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    Saturday, December 16th

    I'm just starting things out here today. I posted this morning at the end of yesterday's thread because of some beautiful posts on that thread. Unfortunately, I have to get ready for work now!:sigh:

    As a follow up, now Miss Maddy is grounded, She didn't come home right after work yesterday or call me to tell me where she was. I called her twice and then called her job. When she finally called and tried to say she got off work late, she was already busted! She is grounded for the weekend and can only go to work. She took it with good grace, though. I guess she knows that Mom is in a mood not to be messed with right now.

    Thank you all for being so good to me. I get so much good feedback here! So I'm feeling grateful for MWO and all of YOU .

    Today, hopefully, my billing person will be coming over to get some end of the year stuff done. It should be interesting to say the least.

    At any rate, everyone have a great day! I'll likely be back on later. Lucky you...haha! Hopefully no more trauma and drama for a bit.


    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    Saturday, December 16th

    Hello Kathy! Great chatting with you last night.
    Pansy, thanks for clearing out your mailbox! Can't wait to hopefully get together during/after the holidays... we'll figure it out.
    Nancy, thanks again for that post down in What We Believe. You are such a kind human being! Love you.
    Dilayne, thanks again for the encouragement as well.

    I posted in mods too... still feeling a little here, there, and everywhere these days!
    Day 6...rackin 'em up!
    Started the campral yesterday. So far, so good. In laws (father in law and his wife) coming over for Christmas tonight. They live a few hrs away, so we have to celebrate early. It will be an N/A event, as they are not drinkers. Whew! Good wknd to start this abs thing. If it were my family, it would be Very tough. I have New Years to look forward to with them....where the beer flows like wine...ugh. Think I'm gonna IV the Campral and Kudzu that night! Be walkin around with my dang IV pole.... asking people "what are you looking at? I'm not drinking over here! Leave me alone!!" ha ha ha.

    Happy Saturday to everyone!


      Saturday, December 16th

      Morn'in Absville...

      It's Saturday afternoon here and aleady getting dark at 4:30. Thanks Kathy for reminding me that my daughters' teenage years are sure to be wonderful too. And, they will be here sooner than I am ready for.
      She just came in the door, dropping her bag after two hours swimming at the local indoor pool and wanted to run right back out. I started raising my voice, she yelled back, I got louder and she said "Mom, count to 10" and I said "YOU should count to 10" and then she said "Okay, let's count to 10 together" And we did. We were smiling and calmed down by three. How sweet is that?

      Anyway, the tumor can't be operated on. I was on meds to reduce the prolactin.. but don't want to take them anymore (that's the drug I used to "blame" for "acting funny" when my drinking escalated and I was sneak-drinking when I started taking it 3 years ago or so) Anyway, originally I was trying to get the tumor reduced in order to get pregnant.. I was in my early 40's. Didn't work in time, and at 46 I decided it's not gonna happen and I want to stop taking the meds. So, that's what I'm working with my doc about.

      As part of dealing with my drinking problem, I told my daughter that I have stopped taking the medication and won't be "acting weird" anymore... maybe when she's older and I have more inner strength, I can tell her the truth so that she doesn't turn to drink someday. I guess I'll tell my husband then too.

      Until then, I have you all... and I can't tell you how much it helps to experience honesty about this secret. I feel like I'm getting stronger everyday. And now, with tweaking my health, hopefully I'll just keep getting better.

      Thank again each and every one of you!



        Saturday, December 16th

        Happy Saturday,
        I just finished all the posts from yesterday and feel a bit more light-hearted when I see so many of us do indeed "suffer" a bit with our teenagers. My youngest son (age14) is so sullen today. He just grunts at me. The oldest ( just home from college for vacation) is pleasant as long as he gets what he wants, which is usaually the car.Middle son is away playing in a hockey tournament for school.When he comes home he will be tired and grumpy and he's usually the one who can push me over the edge

        I received all my supps from MWO today and am quite excited. After all this time I'm ashamed to say I only took the vitamins and not the supps. It's a lot to take!!!!! They sure arrived at a great time. I need all the help I can get .
        Becca, I laughed at the image of you walking around with an IV of campral and kudzo. Just remember that misery loves company and I'll be "resisting the urge" as well.

        Olly, my best friend was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor one year after giving birth.She, too, took medication (I think for many years) and a few years ago stopped taking it. The tumor did not grow as I believe they expected it would. Although the tumor is still there it is according to her not an issue any more.

        Happy Sat all. I will have some temptation tonight but will try out my kudzo tonight and see how it works along with the l-glut.



          Saturday, December 16th

          Hey Becca, I enjoyed chatting with you too! I'm glad that you will have the opportunity to do some AF socializing without tempation all around you. It does make it a lot easier. Keep us posted on how the campral is working for you. I'm thinking of taking it because the topa dopa is getting to be too much for me.

          Thanks for sharing more about your pituitary tumor Olly. I hope that it behaves like Janet's friend's tumor and doesn't grow anymore, either. It's so hard when you get into trying to regulate hormones and everything like that. It does make it much simpler when you get past the "change"! Your daughter sounds precious! Most of the time, the teenage years are mostly terrific, if you can have a sense of humor. There's an excellent book named Get Out of My Life, But First Would You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall? that has been my Bible through the teen years. I don't know if you can get it where you are, but you can get it on or I read it Tuesday night when I was really wigging out, and it helped me to calm down a lot! It explains just about everything!

          Janet, I hope you can deal with your temptations, and yes, the kudzu really does work. Make sure you take 900-1200 mg 2-3X a day, though!! Your college son sounds a lot like my daughter, except that she has her own car. What fun, dealing with a crew of sullen young men! Yikes!

          Anyway, it's Saturday night, and thankfully, I'm feeling more at peace than I have all week. My biggest problem at the moment is that my skinny sister has made yet another pan of brownies, of which she will have one or two (she likes to lick the bowl most of all), and will leave the rest for Maddy and I to gobble down, which we will do. I have to move a dorm sized refrigerator into her room and insist that she keep her treats in her own room and stop leaving all that crap around for me to pig out on. It's enough that I'm dealing with the booze! [end of rant].

          Hugs to all!

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Saturday, December 16th

            I took 1000mg of kudzo and unbelievably I have no desire to drink any of the wine from the bottle that my husband just opened. Of course I just had a big bowl of ice cream so maybe that helped as well.
            Who wants wine after ice cream anyway????
            Have a great night



              Saturday, December 16th

              That mad face shouldn't be there!!!!!!
              I'm actually thrilled that it's Sat night and I'm sober as a judge


                Saturday, December 16th

                Kathy - you made me laugh! Skinny sisters...arrrghhh! No fair! Who can eat just one brownie when they're just sitting there? ok, one brownie and that piece that fell off right there... Well, maybe half of this brownie because it is a bit too big. And, well, may as well eat the other half of that brownie since you touched it and all and now it's actually too small......yep, been there. The smell of brownies baking is sinful....your sister should be ashamed!

                Olly- that was very sweet! Your daughter sounds so cute! Hope things work out with the treatment for the tumor. Sounds very positive though.

                Becca - hang in're doing great. keeping a sense of humor sure helps. New years is way down the road- plenty of time to worry about that later!
                Just think about the great job you did today

                Janet- glad the kudzu is working well for you. Ice cream and wine - not a great combo.

                I have to tell you all one thing from my hannuka party last night (every time I spell that I spell it differently!). Anyway, at dinners or partys I used to get sooooo annoyed when I would be asked if I wanted coffee with dessert. I didn't want coffee and I didn't want dessert...can we just have more wine please? Sometimes I could be cheered up if it was a coffee and kahlua drink. ohh....I did not like the end of wine service!!
                Well..last night I was the first to say, can we please have coffee with dessert? I was so happy when I smelled it brewing too and at that point it dawned on me I wasn't scrambling for just one more glass of wine.
                I enjoyed the evening because I didn't worry about drinking and whether I would have enough of it.
                Glad to still be af.

                Have a great night everyonge - I'm headed to bed.

