AFM, it's great that you're being so positive, and good news about the job. I hope you go from strength to strength.
No announcement yet.
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
AFM: Your words sound so familiar: the saran wrap, the drains, etc. The saying: "This too shall pass" is so true. Doing some kind of work is so therapeutic. My daughter's friend went through chemo/rad & worked throughout (w/some adjustments to her sched.). My dauSghter's school offered her a medical leave, but she declined & is happy about that now. Some kind of tough days but she got through. Keep going one day at a time. You're doing amazingly well...I bet you're family is extremely proud of you. MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
I love you all to bits.
I am super excited. I am starting my job tomorrow and we are doing a provincial wide fundraiser to boot. Superly excited, I cannot tell you how much!!(Paws for a Cause - a walk with your dog to raise money for your local SPCA).
I haven't heard back from the surgeon yet in regards to the Pathologists findings. Monday, for sure. I will keep you posted.
Thank you all for your support. xoxox
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
Love the pink pom-poms! I love pink!
Well great news from the surgeon yesterday.... no spreading to my lymph nodes. But because of the size of the tumour, they will do chemo anyway to help prevent recurrence. But, it will be 6 months or less of treatment. My referral has been sent to the Cancer Clinic, and they will call me and consult on their recommendations.
But, me, one happy camper!!! That was the BEST news in what feels like a VERY long time! No spreading!! Weeeeeeee ha!
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
Fabulous news, AFM! You have a remarkable spirit. I know the next six months will be tough, but you seem to be ready to take on chemo and then put it behind you. I'm rooting for you.~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
Goal #1 - 7 days AF -
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
Thanks Irie! I am truly grateful for the results as to the not spreading. Chemo, well, one day at a time is all I can do. Funny, with the 'One Day at a Time' motto used by addicts, you can virtually apply it to everything in life. Becoming a recovering alcoholic has prepared me and given me the tools to apply to my Cancer battle.
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
AFM: I remember sitting in the doc's office when she said that the cancer was not in the nodes. All 3 of us (Patty, her husband, & myself), we all broke into tears. I think we took the doc a little by surprise. Keep going. You're amazing...absolutely amazing! MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
Good news for you
I hope your Chemo goes well, it's not always a terrible thing. There are several new treatments being used these daysAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
Hi AFM. I hope this post finds you well! I've been doing some research about Intermittent Fasting in it's various forms and came across this article I thought you might find interesting.
ScienceDirect - Medical Hypotheses : Pretreatment with alternate day modified fast will permit higher dose and frequency of cancer chemotherapy and better cure rates
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.