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AF Daily - Sunday July 31

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    AF Daily - Sunday July 31

    Thanks you guys, I needed that. And thank you for the affirmation, I actually always feel a bit like an outsider regardless of where I am or what I am doing. I also really appreciated the opinion that if you think its a problem, its a problem. Booze that is.

    I agree that there are grades of AL related problems, and Lav, your words make a lot of sense to me. And M3 I do expect tough love. For example if I were to seriously fall of the wagon and start binge drinking again, I would simply feel I have to leave here. Or expect to get my arse kicked. But on the other hand I also feel that I have not had to struggle with quitting as much as others, or struggle with addiction as much as others. Alcohol was making me feel sick for years, and yet I kept drinking it even though it was making me sick. Is that some form of addiction? Probably, yes. I never got drunk in public, or had blackouts or drank during the day, and I could go for weeks without it, but when I did drink, it did make me ill. I understand now that there were times when it affected my performance at work, and times when I was not a fully engaged parent, and times when I used AL to dull the pain of being part of a dysfunctional family. Or because I was lonely and bored.

    I actually would like to see others quit drinking just to see if they feel better, which is what I did, and I discovered it influenced my arthritis and general health. I wonder how many medical problems there are out there that would be improved substantially by simply knocking off the sauce?

    I guess what I love about this place is the committment to waking up with no aftereffects of AL. When all it takes is two glasses of red wine to make you feel sick and or sore the next day, having a daily celebration of being free of that is so wonderful, and lets face it, this is the only place I know of where it is recognized on a daily basis.

    Anyway, I am back from the maiden voyage of my new kayak. Very pleasant, I saw some loons, and water lilies and it was very peaceful. Nancy Green Lake is named for a Rossland skier, she was a great athlete. I can get out without soaking myself by reaching behind me, and hauling my legs out over the side and getting one foot down in the shallow water. Then pushing up with my arms. So i didnt have to just toss myself out in the water like yesterday, lol! Sat in the restaurant eating lunch with a soaked pair of pants on.... ha ha, thats the Kootenays for you. And I can carry the whole thing myself back to the truck, camera and paddles etc with no help.

    I was curious to see if I still liked the flavor of champagne. I found out that no, I dont. I felt as though I had to find that out, because a part of me was still wondering if I was missing anything. I found that I was not missing a darn thing, really. I can safely say it tastes bad. Sour, musty, claustrophobic sort of, hard to explain. No great addition to a lovely meal, regardless of what my sommellier husband says. Give me a raspberry spritzer any time, instead. And you know what, he is starting to drink the AF drinks I buy too. And I notice he does not drink any where near as much as he used to. I seriously believe that our society has gotten hoodwinked by the booze industry, governments, antiprohibition, etc into thinking booze is good for us in moderation, when if fact, very few of us really moderates all that well...


    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      AF Daily - Sunday July 31

      Uni: I am so glad to hear you doing so so well! you have made so much progress since I've been here, I hope you're truly proud of yourself

      Momof3: what you said about drinking at 15 really resonated with me for obvious reasons - I started drinking on the odd occasion when i was 12, and was drinking daily before I was 14. I used to be so much worse than I am now, a real mess - I never learned to cope with life sober. So far as I'm concerned its all chemical with me - there's no issue I won't attempt to solved with cigarettes, alcohol and (on occasion) pot. I'm still young, but a part of me feels too old to change that already because it has been a third of my life spent coping that way. I'm sure one day I'll work it out though, just takes time
      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



        AF Daily - Sunday July 31

        YB was here, actually cut grass then hobbled on his crutch back to his truck. But, he did ask if he could come over Tuesday for dinner & to talk.

        Hi M3, greenie & DG again

        Kaslo, what a bee-you-ti-ful picture ~ so peaceful & pleasant. Glad you enjoyed yourself

        IC, good to see you!
        I understand your thinking but......
        If you asked us '29 year olds' what percentage of our lives were spent drinking AL I'm damn sure most of us would say 50% or more. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO STOP THE MADNESS!
        Please just remember that, OK? :l
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Sunday July 31

          Hidy ho ABerooooos across the wild frontier,

          DoggyGirl, thanks for the nice kickstart.

          Treya kudos to you dear!

          Great material and thoughts Mom3. I can relate so well

          Lavande, I hope things work out with your estranged yard dude. dunno what to suggest aside from the obvious: electro-shock therapy

          had a fabulous time at the gunshow yesterday and helped a friend select a new chefs knife (they have knives there too) got some non-sugary goodies at whole foods and managing to steer clear of the sugar another day. boy, this sugar thing has been rough on me lately. I haven't been keeping to my paleo/primal eating very well and it really shows in sugar and carb cravings.

          Kas, a new kayak? how cool is that!

          Greenyes, I'll pop by the mojo store and see what we can find you

          Inchains, you should be proud for being here at such an age. i was verrrrry hard headed and in a state of militant denial until my 30's.

          sorry if I missed any of you loves,

          be well
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - Sunday July 31

            wow, that's weird. I had typed in a made up link for mojo and a website for the occult and "mystical" supplies came up. how sneaky
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily - Sunday July 31

              hya....glad that there is a bit of mojo-ing going on here....good times!!!!

              Nitey night! x
              ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                AF Daily - Sunday July 31

                Inchy - I join the others in being SO glad you are here. You have such a leg up on this thing by being part of a recovery community at this stage of your life, even if you are not always sure where you want to be with it all. You are so far ahead of where I was at your age and far, far beyond. I was with Deter floating on the river of denial. I am finally learning that facing stuff head on might be hard in the moment, and painful in the moment, but by facing it head on I can deal with it emotionally and move on. I hope you experiment and find that can be true for you too. :l

                Det - I somehow got on somebody's mailing list for a catalog that is mostly witch clothes but also some ...... strange items that I can only imagine might be useful for casting spells.

                Lav - maybe I should order up a suitable costume and a few frog toe nails and mix up a potion for YB? :b&d: I hate that "We need to talk!" thing - specially with the "talk" is days away....

                Kaz - gorgeous photo as usual!

                Queenbug - nighty night to you as well!

                Something is wrong with my beagle. His tummy is distended like bad constipation, but he's been pooping. Normal seeming poops. Poor old guy. We are going to fast him for a couple of days to see if that straightens out the upset. He's not too happy about it.

                Tomorrow I am on a mission to get an early start on the on-line learning system tutorial. This 29 year old might need an extra couple of weeks to get it figured out before classes start LOL!

                One thing is for sure!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Sunday July 31

                  Deter - my former best friend announced years ago - out of the blue - that she was a witch! I responded with - yeah sure, you need a new hobby :H We are no longer friends because she just took it a little too far! But I'll bet she gets that witch catalog :H

                  DG, I've taken classes online & actually prefer them (since I turned 29). It's not that much fun sitting in class with teenagers - really. You'll love it!

                  Not sure what to expected from this 'scheduled talk' but I will not be disrespected
                  Oh, & I won't be taking any hostages :H
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Sunday July 31

                    Lavande;1156299 wrote: Oh, & I won't be taking any hostages :H
                    No kidding! Send him BACK WHERE HE CAME FROM after that talk!! :b&d:

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Sunday July 31

                      oooh yummy. I made meatballs and fresh asparagus with a heavy cream burre blanc scented with green peppercorns and juniper berries.

                      and of course a crapload of garlic, but that's a given.

                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Sunday July 31

                        Treya, one thing that was critical for me was FULLY accepting - 100% - that I can't safely drink, ever. I was a walking relapse waiting to happen until I came to believe that deep down inside.
                        Aint that the truth. And I'm not running from that one either. If I could just come to a definition of 'safely' I'd have it in the bag! Food for deep thought DG. Thanks.
                        AF since 11 July 2011
                        You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                          AF Daily - Sunday July 31

                          Treya, for me, "drinking safely" would mean I can predict the outcome. It would mean that I could decide to have just one drink, and then stop. (i.e. if I were driving) It would mean that I could be in charge of all my decisions around alcohol, and especially the decision about stopping.

                          Sometimes I could stop appropriately, but lots of times I couldn't. I couldn't be safe with my drinking because it was a real crap shoot when I would stop once I started. Therefore, it was never safe. Even at home LOL where I fell on my ass, passed out and left food cooking on the stove, wasn't fully present for emergencies, etc.

                          The choice to drink will always be out there for me. What I know for sure is that it's not a safe choice, ever.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.

