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AF August Angels - week 1

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    AF August Angels - week 1

    Happy Thursday my Angelic friends

    I should be packing but can never resist seeing what you are all up to! I leave straight from work this evening to drive south then fly early tomorrow to France for the weekend.

    Thank you all for your input, I love you guys so much and you always give the best heart felt advice. SD you cant overstep the mark here, we bare our souls to each other and feedback is so welcome. Im a bit the opposite from you, i dont loose myself, im much to set in my ways and actually need to be more flexible to allow people to get close to me or im in danger of alienating them. Rusty you are one intutative girl! The mad dog lady in the hills is indeed my role for later years if life doesnt take me some place else.

    Lav - love SD's idea of the take out menu :H oh we are notty!

    Rusty - Never tire of cringers, I have so many and am happy to share them. They are absolute necessary reminders to me whenever I think I wasnt really that bad, facing them is all part of our growth and right before our eyes I see us all becoming such wonderful people. Sometimes I feel blessed to have had this addiction as without it I would never have looked so hard at myself and how I want to improve.

    Sorry I cant respond to everyone as Id have liked but I have to get back to work, I will be away until Tuesday and will miss you guys. However, its going to be a bit of a party weekend so I will be taking you all with me as my conscience just incase AL tried to get a foot in the door, Rusty, you know what its like in France! They drink wine instead of water.....
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF August Angels - week 1

      Goo morning angelic ones,

      Happy AF Thursday to all!
      Nothing earth shattering to report here - another restless, sweaty night, dog had me up at 4:30, went back to sleep, woke up in more sweat, blah, blah, blah

      chill, hope you have a wonderful weekend! I would just love to be able to get on a plane & disappear for a few days

      Star, I worked full time until late 2000 when I injured myself pretty badly falling down steps. After that near death experience I decided enough! After a little over a year of recupertaing is when I decided to open my very small biz & just be happy with whatever earnings I managed.
      Hope your son is able to manage his $$ as well.

      OK, time to take care of a little biz
      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF August Angels - week 1

        Good Thursday Morning August Augmenters,

        Papmom! What are DU and PMI? Ok, now did you take the OB to PF after AT for DD?:H Seriously, I admire your tenacity in being so proactive and trying to find solutions to your financial situation. You just don't give up and you are one tough lady.

        Cassia-congratulations on your promotion!:goodjob: You will be so good in that position, and I can just tell that you will be a great advisor to those people wanting to start a small business. It's risky business but I have great confidence in you and obviously, the senior people saw that quality in you, like we all did here. I DO know, however, what an SBA is.

        Lav-I am totally flummoxed by YB. He must be filled with loneliness that he keeps coming over and expects dinner. I'm glad you had fun with your two grandsons though. You certainly deserve all the happiness.

        Star-my friend's son is not an addict. He has never taken drugs and doesn't drink. He has Tourette's and a severe avoidance/anxiety disorder. He is unable to go to work or school. He lives alone in a subsidized apartment and has a miserable life. His parents support him. I'm glad your son likes school and is doing well on his own.

        Chill-oh yeah,, wine, wine....everywhere. Oh friend, you've had a lot of AF time under your belt. I don't think you have to worry. Chill, did I tell you that I think my client (the PIA one I was trapped with in France) has an AL problem? I just get this feeling...he's only 52 and physically, he's in pretty good shape but his eyes are always bloodshot and when we were in France, I would go back up to my room after dinner and he always insisted on staying down at the bar to have a nightcap. How is your sister doing?
        Ah, so you'll be gone until Tuesday, huh? Well, of course, I expect a full, DETAILED report about what you did. Um...what did you can't mention certain'll PM me instead? Ok, that's fine.:H

        I heard from our beloved John this morning. That man truly amazes me....he is so disciplined with this training for his marathon, despite the fact that he has a very stressful career.

        This is a shout out to some people I miss dearly....CHECK IN WITH US, PLEASE....Cyntree, Jolie, Dill, Sooty, Shelley.....let us know how you are. If you're drinking, struggling, upset, happy....we care about you and miss you.

        Ok, I'm on vacation so I am off for a run along the lake path. Have a happy and vibrant AF Thursday, friends!!!


          AF August Angels - week 1

          Good Morning!!

          My son had a sleepover last not only were we UP late last night, we are UP early this morning as well!!! grrrrrr....not a morning person here...even less of one with little sleep!:H

          Rusty- I'm sure you didn't make as many (bad) errors as you think you did...we are always much harder on ourselves, as you know. However, I do understand how you feel as I've often looked back and thought about the times I've gone into school/work feeling less than 100% and thought I gave my all to the CHILDREN I worked with...that about makes my sick to think of the kids that probably don't get crap at home, the ones that need me the most, I wasn't there for 110%. I was nominated for Counselor of the Year last year in SD...and I thought how absolutely undeserving...if people only knew....and then I thought imagine what I could do if I came to work, working at 100%!!! Talk about guilt...I think the bottom line is though, you and I ARE doing something different now...we are going to work and giving our clients or our children everything we got.....because we do care!! :h:l

          PAP3 and Cass--not gonna lie, got a tiny headache from all the talk of refinancing, mortgages, credit scores....had to take an asprin and reread most of it a second time...much like when I bought this house!!:H Good luck'll get it done!!!

          Lav--you with your with these kids.....I swear I feed most every kid in this neighborhood and have at least 3 sleepovers at my house a week!!! Although last night I cooked for my sister and was AWESOME (toot-toot)--that's me tooting my own horn!!--anyway..I made grilled chipotle shrimp with cilantro lime sauce/dip...we ate them as tacos....SOOOO YUMMY!!!!

          Chill--Have a fantastic weekend!! awesome is THAT!!! My son wants to go there next summer....I asked if he could go anywhere next summer for a vacation where would he want to go...he said Paris!!?? I was shocked!!! Didn't seem like a 9 year old boy response to me...what do I know???

          Star--glad to hear things are going well for your son!

          Speaking of sons....mine is getting restless....yikes!!! That's never good....I must go tame the wild beast!!!:H I'll check back in later!! Have a great Thursday!!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            AF August Angels - week 1

            Hey SD-it give me a headache too but it's a necessary evil. However Cass and I will take this conversation off line to spare everyone further boredom and illness :H

            Rusty-no, I haven't been to PF in a very long time. Bad girl I am. I really must cancel that membership. PMI = Private Mortgage Insurance. They charge you that (and it's hefty) when you put less than 20% down. IMHO it's a big fat scam especially if you are refinancing and another way the big fat cats put more of our hard earned $$ in their pockets. DU=Desktop Underwriting. Don't ask me why they named the program that. All I know is that supposedly there is less documentation required than normal. We'll see. OK, no more banking talk!!

            I have mowed my mini prairie but will have to wait to do the finishing touches (i.e. trimming) for tomorrow as I forgot to recharge the trimmer batteries last nite. I've done a load of wash and hung it out and now I'm about to hit the shower, the farmer's market and my sister's pool. THEN hopefully I'll be recharged enough to begin the cabinet painting for the Paphut. My sis is very upset I''m selling it. If she wants to buy me a new Tow Vehicle then be my guest :H but if not I don't think I have a choice.

            OK, zooming now!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF August Angels - week 1

              Get your sister to buy the Paphut papmom :H
              Then you can borrow it & their vehicle to tow it

              Just had a lovely 2 hours watching my grandsons! My DIL is now taking karate classes on Tuesday & Thursday evenings. Unfortunately I am going to be stuck watching the Insanity Twins for a few days starting Saturday - can't say I'm looking forward to that

              When is it going to be my turn to get out of cow country for a few days?? Moan, groan.....

              Have a good night everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF August Angels - week 1

                Rusty, I am so sorry for my mistake about your friend's son. I wonder who I confused him with?

                Chill, have fun on your trip.

                Pap, my refinance is not progressing as fast as I'd like.

                SD, I used to have tons of kids at my house in the summer too. And lots of cookouts, snacking, etc. It's fun!!

                Lav, lucky you to have your family around.

                Have a great weekend.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  AF August Angels - week 1

                  Good Friday Morning AF August Friends,

                  Jeez, why is it when I'm home, the days just fly by! I wish work could be like that.

                  Star-no worries....I think you confused my friend's son with the son of Lav's friend.

                  Star and Papmom-good luck on the refinancing. I refinanced a few years ago and fortunately, my mortgage payment is now under $900/month.

                  SD-Congratulations on being nominated Counselor of The Year. :goodjob: I'm sure you EARNED it all. Thank you for your supportive words. I look back, and even though my out-of-control-drinking was relatively short (3.5 years) compared to some, it just took SOOOO much more time and energy to try and do my job well and I am haunted by thoughts of....jeez...could they smell the leftover booze on my breath on a Monday morning...or did I look hungover? I know it's wasted energy but I'm really hoping I can forgive myself and show my clients that I'm all there now. Thanks again, SD.:h

                  Lav-wow, more looking after the kids while your DIL is practicing martial arts. I think you need a vacation, dear friend.:l

                  Dew-haven't heard from you...are you ok?

                  Papmom-yup, if you can sell the Paphut it will ease your financial worries a bit. Brave move.

                  Must run now. It looks like it's going to rain so I've got to get my run in.

                  Have a wonderful AF Friday!


                    AF August Angels - week 1

                    Morning all,

                    Still not feeling very angelic :H

                    Star, it was my friend's son I mentioned with ADHD & dual addictions, prison time, Dui, etc....

                    Yes Rusty I do need a damn vacation but have no idea how to have one at this point. I'm kind of angry about it so I'd better not get started on the topic :no:

                    I jumped thru all the damn hoops with my mortgage company Wells Fargo last winter only to have them turn me down for a refinance. WTF? If they had just told me it was due to an open LOC at another bank for $4000 I would have closed the stupid thing. Are they really that stupid??

                    Looks like the weather has improved a bit so maybe I can have some outside time this weekend

                    Hello to Dewdrop, Shelley, LBH, Dill, John, Sooty, Cyntree - hope you are well!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF August Angels - week 1

                      Just when I made peace with the thought of selling the Paphut, my nephew makes me this:

                      Mind you he's 19 yo, starting a new college in a few weeks, working full time and has a very serious GF of 4 years. And he takes the time to think of me????

                      :upset: :h
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF August Angels - week 1

                        Hi Angels

                        Ah Pap that is so sweet, regardless of whether he is 9 or 19. All the sweeter that he is a teen imho!!

                        Have lots of catching up to do, hope everyone is doing ok. Have had an absolutely hectic week but the good news is that my daughter was placed 4th in the Ridden Connemara class for her age in the Dublin Horse Show. Its a huge achievement. Dublin is the show of the year with 1500 horses competing and goes on over 5 days. You have all the international showjumpers in the main arena and then all the different classes in the smaller rings. She worked so, so hard and I am so happy for her. I am delighted I gave her the opportunity and was there for her every step. I cannot imagine even trying to cope with 5.30 a.m. starts and 12 hour days this week without being AF.

                        Trying to have a little down time today. Thankfully my visitors left on Wednesday. My other daughter is back tomorrow. It's been quite a summer so far. Big hello to everyone.



                          AF August Angels - week 1

                          CONGRATS to your daughter & to you rustop
                          You are a great Mom ~ I hope she knows how lucky she is to have you!!!!

                          I am so not looking forward to dog sitting the Insanity Twins this weekend :yuk:
                          The cost to board both of them is pretty high & I know the kids are living on a pretty tight budget. I just hope to get my just rewards in heaven :H
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF August Angels - week 1

                            You will Lav. We do these things for our kids but think of how empty our lives would be without them.

                            My doggies are not very impressed with me. Their routine went out the window this week. The JR was disgusted the night we did not come home until 10.30 and he had not been fed!!! If looks could kill I would be a gonner.



                              AF August Angels - week 1

                              Hey all. Just to let you know that my husband booked his flight today! He arrives in NYC on 3rd Sept! X
                              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                                AF August Angels - week 1

                                Good morning all angels!

                                Great news Cassia

                                Well the fun is already in progress - the Insanity Twins arrived at 6:30 am. I had no idea they were coming over so early They will be here until sometime late on Tuesday ~ I think.

                                I'm sure I will be checking in as often as possible this weekend. I will need some doses of sanity

                                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

