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AF August Angels - week 1

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    AF August Angels - week 1

    :wings: Good Morning Angels
    Well it gives us another goal to aspire too......

    Here is the Hayhouse Calendar intro for August:-
    In these warm days of summer, I focus my attention on what I really want to accomplish by the end of the year. I want to be healthier and happier, have more love in my life, and see an increase in my level of prosperity. I acknowledge that I am a bright, capable person who can create anything I wish by virtue of my will and intention. I love who I am.

    I will be back tonight with a round up of our July antic!

    Dewdrop - My dear friend I feel your frustrations and interupted sleep patterns are torture. But please stop being so darn hard on yourself, you are going through one of lifes toughest challenges and its all very well practicing our spiritual calm and detachment but we are 1st and foremost human beings. Anger, frustration, self pity, sorrow and sadness are all part of that human experience and so is allowing yourself to feel them. Self love is the most powerful healing tool we have and I would like to see you love yourself a huge bit more. :l
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    AF August Angels - week 1

    Good Morning AF August Friends,

    A quick check-in for me....I have a friend coming over this morning and we are going for a long walk along the lakeshore then jumping into my pool as it wil be 95 today.

    Lav-no, a cat did not get my tongue..:H....I spent Saturday working out, swimming, getting my hair cut, and then I had my niece's bridal shower yesterday and I am focusing on staying off the computer more. I spend wayyyyyy too much time on it and I really want to enjoy being outdoors while the weather is nice, even if it is hot.

    Dew-please be kind to yourself....I know those treatments really zap your energy. I worry that if you becoming overly tired that you will be more susceptible to catch a cold, virus, etc. Sending you massive hugs.:l:h

    Will check in later tonight!

    Have a wonderful AF Monday.


      AF August Angels - week 1

      Good morning August Angels,

      Well, that's something to aspire to I guess :H
      Do not feel the least bit angelic these days.

      Another day of battling the heat & humidity here. Staying inside the AC gets kind of boring.....
      I look forward to the crisp, cooler air of the next season

      Glad you had a good weekend Rusty!

      How are you doing today Dewdrop? :l

      Wishing everyone a good AF Monday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF August Angels - week 1

        Hi everyone

        Wow, cant believe it is August already. Those of you having nice weather please enjoy. We have had the coldest July in 50 years.

        However, did get some sun in sunny Portugal. Had a lovely few days and a nice rest. We were in Faro, you probably know the hotel Chill - Hotel Eva, right on the marina. It had a roof top pool and we took a catarman over to one of the islands to the beach a few days. Nice for a short sun break.

        Hit the ground running since I came back. Picked up visitors on the way from the airport and it has been all go, go, go since. One daughter went to Tenerife on Saturday and the other one is competing in the RDS Horse show this week so I wont be on too much.

        Rusty - Have often been to Bewleys Cafe, its on one of the main shopping streets. Have never been to the Morrison Hotel or heard of the 1916 Easter room, will put them on my list to do when school starts.

        Sped and SD - congrats on your 30 days, here's to many more. Cassia - 7 months thats amazing.

        Dew - Belated happy birthday. Sorry you are not feeling the brightest but as Chill says it is to be expected. Be gentle on yourself.

        Chill - Glad you have somebody nice in your life, you deserve it.

        Star - glad your son has moved out and that you are having a more peaceful time.

        Lav - Sorry to hear about your girls.

        Papmom - still keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out ok for you.

        Everyone else big hello and look forward to things settling down in a few weeks. If you dont hear from me in a few days its that I have not had a chance to get near the computer but am thinking of you all.



          AF August Angels - week 1

          JAUNTY JULY

          Its been wet & wild, hot & humid, cool and cloudy......

          SD and Speed crossed the 30 day line together,
          Cass made it 7 months AF and Chill 18! :yay:

          We read, we quilted, we painted, we decluttered and we vented our feelings,
          we celebrated over coming our stinking thinking, rejoiced in our new
          found confidence and jigged around Lav's new boudoir! :banana:

          We chaffeured, we horse groomed, we volunteered, we made zucchini muffins
          and we appreciated each other. We discussed holistic healthcare and selfcare,
          our compulsive behaviour, our frizzy hair and our pink hair! urgirl:

          Pappy endured interview sagas & financial woes, Rusty went from gay Paris to
          rural France and endured the client from hell..... Cass continued to count down
          hubby's arrival, Star coped with ?children? behaving badly, Lav planted pumpkins
          and Chill fell in love. :h

          The insanity twins went paddling, we drank strawberry lemonade & iced tea,
          coped with 8 year olds, celebrated sober Independence Day, felt comfortable in
          our own skin, had trouble at the White House and sunsets on the Cape.

          As usual, whatever the weather we showed our strengths, continued our growth
          and were shining examples of what can be endured with grace.
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            AF August Angels - week 1

            Welcome back Rustop - glad you enjoyed your trip

            Thanks for the monthly summary chill. You have a way of putting a sweet spin on thhings

            I see a few plants popping up in my pumpkin patch so that's good!
            the rest of my garden I have turned over to the weed gods......couldn't cope with all that in this heat. I will be harvesting tomatoes for a while though.
            Ran to the dentist to get my crown glued back on. They seem to pop off fairly frequently
            Big clouds moved in this afternoon, heard thunder rumbling in the distance but no rain. Not exactly garden friendly conditions.

            Thinking about my semi-neighbor Jolie - where are you these days?
            papmom, star, Dewdrop, shelley, SD - hello to all of you
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF August Angels - week 1

              I'm baaaccckkk!

              Had a great and very successful weekend in Maine. We Q'd and placed 1st in 4 out of 5 runs plus got our Level One title (complete with a special Pink Ribbon!!). Our 5th run we disqualified. DD flew off the teeter and the A-frame-totally my fault and so very relieved he didn't kill himself. I went into this trial with 2 goals-get the Level One title and Q in our first Level 2 standard run. Met both goals. Ironically I also won my first volunteer raffle and in the basket was a T-Shirt that says "My Dog Can Fly..." Oh yes he can :H !!

              Although I have no idea how I will make ends meet for the month of august after spending over $200 on the motel (very nice btw-outdated but spacious and clean with a nice big green area to walk the dogs and only 10 min from the venue), I'm glad I went. The venue was awesome-fairgrounds that included a huge covered area that was big enough to set up 2 rings making everything go so much faster. Although the weather was hot, in the shade and under the covered area it was cool with a great breeze. My boys were comfy and cool under the sunshade I put over the OB and with their crate fans on and all the window/hatch open. Still, I was very envious of my friend's tiny travel trailer with the roof top AC unit. Luckily I set up right across the drive from her and was able to go inside on a regular basis and cool off. My next trailer will definitely have an AC unit of some kind installed (yep, I'm selling the Paphut for sure now) and will be small enough for the OB to tow-probably going back to my original thought of a teardrop trailer.
              I don't know if it was the heat or all the running around I did on Saturday (3 runs plus leash running as a volunteer) but I was in severe pain Saturday nite and could hardly sleep. It was all over joint and muscle pain, not anything specific that I could have done. I must have drank 2 gallons of water too but still it could have been some dehydration. I really don't ever want to feel that again so I'm with DG-time to work on my flexibility and strength and stop being a couch potato. I also know for sure that AL would have made it all 10X worse so I'm very grateful for being AF now.

              Not much else to say as all i did all weekend was agility and although I could talk about that for hours, I'm sure the rest of you don't share my enthusiasm :H. Looking forward to being off this week. Will try to stay cool but also get some of my projects done (painting bedroom and painting Paphut's cabinets doors and looking into a refi for the house).

              Glad to be back.

              Chill-your summary was fabulous!!

              Rustop-glad you had a short but sweet vaca in Portugal.

              Dew-be kind to yourself and follow your body's lead on this OK? It's all normal and expected.

              Lav-you are definitely getting worse heat than we are but anything over 90 sucks as far as I'm' concerned. Stay cool.

              Rusty-We're on vacation together!! Wish I had a pool tho....
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF August Angels - week 1

                Good Late Evening....

                Pap3--Congrats on your weekend!!!:goodjob: It sounds like it was fun and the dogs (as well as you) did fantastic!!! Welcome back!!

                Chill--Awesome job on the July summary...always fun to read!!! Also, nice August name!

                Lav--I'm with you on the garden...I've turned mine over to the weed gods as well as the mosquitoes gods!! :H

                Rustop--Nice to hear from sure keep busy!!! My family is currently visiting friends in brother posted a picture of the Bodega by that anywhere near you??? Or am I completely in need of looking at a map?!?!?:H

                Rusty--You too are staying very best be relaxing on your vacation too!! heehee!!
                Well...once again the night seems to escape I better get moving!!!
                Everyone take care...big hellos to all that are yet to check in!!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  AF August Angels - week 1

                  august here looking forward to a month af thanks everyone


                    AF August Angels - week 1

                    Good morning guys

                    Rustop - I lived about 20 mins from Faro, the islands are beautiful! I miss it so much...

                    Lav - I too been thinking of Jolie, JOLIE!! If you are out there please check in and say hi.

                    SD - oooh Mosquitos! Now that's something I don't miss about Portugal, none in Scotland, in fact very few insects compared to what I'm used to, it's too bloody cold here!!

                    Pap - I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend, well done on your wins and flying dogs :H

                    All is good with me, work is work, can't say I'm really enjoying it but I'm very grateful to have it and I remind myself of that every day. Mr B, (who Im fed up calling Mr B) is actually called Ken and he is wonderful. It's been a really unusual experience falling in love with a friend you have known for 20 years. I only knew the silly fun side of him and now Im seeing the sensitive, loving part of him, he is full of surprises but everything I learn about him I love. Because we were friends and know so much about each others lives, it's been so relaxed and easy. I feel so lucky to have found him and we are incredibly happy on Thursday we head to England to collect his son George, who is a great wee guy, then on Friday we fly to France to stay with a close friend of his and his wife. I also knew this friend many years ago and we haven't told him it's me coming, just that Ken is bringing his new girlfriend, so that should be fun when he see's me at the airport!

                    Right, I'm off to the gym, have a great Tuesday guys.......
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      AF August Angels - week 1

                      Good morning all...

                      Chill, work is just work isn't it? I too am so grateful to have a job, and realize that I have to keep a positive attitude as I really do like my new work. It would just be nice to have some time off and go somewhere fun. Which you get to do. So enjoy.

                      Papmom, glad you had a fun weekend, sorry you will suffer financially. That is the reason we are not going on vacation this summer, we need to save the money for bills. But I really need time off, just a weekend even. Oh, well, you can't always get what you want. So good you did this AF.

                      Just working alot this week and trying to stay cool. Rustop, sorry you are having such a dismal summer, wish we could give you some of our heat.

                      Lav, keep cool and have a great day.

                      To all, have a great AF day.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        AF August Angels - week 1

                        Good morning angels!
                        Are we really angels??? :H

                        Moving like a great big old slug this morning. I think this continued heat & humidity catches up with you

                        Well, my spouse has asked to come over for dinner & to talk........
                        can't say I'm especially looking forward to it. Wish I was picking up some better vibes.

                        Have a good AF Tuesday y'all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF August Angels - week 1

                          Good Morning Angels (I feel like Charlie :H-can you believe they are remaking the TV show? I have to watch it even if it is a train wreck!!)-

                          Lav-Please know that you have the support of everyone on this list for tonite's meeting with YB. I hope you will be able to feel the love and strength we will all be sending to you so that you will be able to handle anything he throws your way. Please remember that everything happens for a reason so no matter what the outcome it was meant to be. :l :h

                          Hi Star-I hope you can find the $$ for just a mini vaca even if it is just taking a few days off and exploring all the free and fun things you can do in your town/city. Respite is so important and it is something we certainly didn't do enough of when we were younger. I may not be in as bad shape as I thought. I get paid this week and if I can get a sneak peak at my pay advice online I may be able to come up with a half decent budget for the month. I think that increasing my withholdings may have helped more than I thought it would. I am still going to look into a refi for the house because I refuse to pin all my hopes on a new job in the near future.

                          Chill-your long weekend sounds heavenly!! I wish we could see the look on your other friend's face when he realizes Ken's new beau is you!! Could you take a sneak peak with you Iphone?? Hang in there with the job-in that area you will see more ups and downs than in another type of job so while it may be boring and unfulfilling now, a month from now you could be so busy and closing so many deals your head will be spinning!!

                          Hi Merry! Stick close to us for an AF August!!

                          Hey SD-you sound good! Keep up the great work and thanks for the congrats! Only one dog does agility but my other two love the traveling and meeting all the other people and dogs inbetween runs!

                          Another hot one today but then it cools off considerabley tomorrow and Thursday. Will save the outdoor projects for then. I've taken one dog for a short walk, met up with a neighbor up the street who was having his snowblower delivered from the service shop. He highly recommends his guy so his guy came right down and picked up my SB to take it to his shop and try to figure out what is wrong and fix it (hopefully for not a lot of money!!). It will be nice to have it working again after going the entire winter last year without it. That was horrid (remember the pics of the 6 foot high snowbanks???) and I don't want a repeat! Not much else planned except to try to set up VPN on my work laptop I brought home with me so I can catch up on some things this week and not be so far behind when I get back. I'm not going to work everyday and defo not for 8 hours a day but if I can get this thing working I don't mind a few hours here or there as long as my pups can be by my side.
                          I'm still hoping to get at least my room painted or the Paphut's cupboard doors painted. Probably won't have time to do both but you never know!!

                          OK, time to turn into a member of the Geek squad!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF August Angels - week 1

                            Evening Angels :angel:

                            Yes we do deserve that title, we have all worked damn hard on ourselves, i reckon we are real live angels, we just need Mario or Mr G to be Charlie

                            Lav - My good vibes are headed your way, I really feel for you tonight. If YB's idea of talking is his usual its going to be a frustrating evening. I really hope you get some things resolved. :l

                            Papmom - you sound like its going to be a busy week, try and fit in some "me" time and do something pampering just for you.

                            Lots of stuff going on in my head today. I have been feeling really homesick lately which is ironic considering how happy i am with Ken. Cass i wonder if you'd agree but in the 1st couple of months in a new environment, its all a novelty and you enjoy the differences you are experiencing. Then into month 3 you are totally used to the new norm and thoughts start to drift to what you left behind.

                            Part of me doesnt feel real here. Im living the life of someone else, i look like someone else and get treated like someone else. I dont seem to look on the outside like how i feel on the inside, if that makes any sense. Inside I feel like the chillgirl in her fields with her dog, meditating and doing yoga, reading my spiritual books and listening to my Buddha music by candle light. Cycling every day and being content with a simple life. Now im living like a mainstream person, doing mainstream things like going out to dinner and socializing, working a mainstream job and interacting with mainstream people. All of that is fine but inside that girl sometimes wishes the whole world would just go away and leave her in her field.

                            Im sure its quite normal to have these kind of feelings, its a transition and im still adapting, its just there is such a big part of me that doesnt fit into this life and never will. In saying all of that I truely believe our lives are not lived by chance and that there is a much bigger force guiding us. All we go through are essential experiences for our lifes lessons even though they are not what we would choose. I need to practice my art of allowing.......
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              AF August Angels - week 1

                              Chill-you are first hand example of the Universe doing it's work. I think you need to find some time in your day to do the things that feel like Chill. Maybe you won't be able to do all of them or maybe not in the exact same way but there should be a way to make it fit where you feel like yourself. Don't forget back in Portugal you didn't have a job and your days were all yours to plan as you saw fit. Now your time for 8-10 hours a day are someone elses plus you need to fit Ken in your life. go easy on yourself, but don't put Chill away. You're reinventing yourself and that is good-just try to find some time for Chill each day.

                              And yes, I promise to pamper myself in someway this week!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

