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AF August Angels - week 1

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    AF August Angels - week 1

    Hi everyone

    I wish you luck Lav. One thing is for sure you wont be bored this week-end.

    Cassia - Congratulations on the job and delighted that hubby will soon be joining you.

    I am off to the airport in a few minutes to collect my daughter. So much has happened
    this week that it seems much longer.

    Have a great AF week-end everyone.



      AF August Angels - week 1

      Good morning to all...

      Lav, I really need a vacation too, but it doesn't look as though I'll get one. Oh, well. You are very generous taking care of the doggies. My daughter now has two dogs, and I will not let her bring two dogs to my house when she visits, as the other dog ripped a hole in the furniture and destroyed another item. Two big dogs would wreck my house. She is annoyed, but if you have pets, you have to figure out how to take care of them if you leave the house. I don't expect to bring my cats with me whereever I go, and I have to set limits. It is hard though.

      Pap, probably a good idea to sell your camper, but what a hard decision to make. I loved the picture your nephew drew, what a cool young person.

      Rustop, congrats, your girls could never do what they do without your continued support. Glad you are able to relax a bit.

      To all, have a great Saturday, AF.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        AF August Angels - week 1

        Checkin in from my phone so excuse the typing
        I'm having far from angelic thoughts myself guys, got so much going on in my head! Not relating to AL thankfully, in fact the more I'm with drinkers the happier I am to be AF, they really are a boring bunch. Being here is unsettling me even more about my new life, I don't know if I can settle for mainstream life..

        Glad you are all having a busy weekend, love u all xxx
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          AF August Angels - week 1

          Chill- deep breaths and feel the :h and :l from across the pond. Serentity prayer if you need it. Let everything unfold at it's own pace and keep your mind and heart open. You will get what you need-it might just take some time. You haven't been wrong yet!!

          Cass-WHOO HOO!! I'm so excited for you and hubby!!

          Lav-hang in there! wish I could be of help!

          Star-my family isn't very dog friendly either. My bro is but because my neph is so young, i can't ever bring DD. so then it becomes a question of who gets left behind with him and usually the answer is they all stay behind and that means I can't stay overnight. I have to say I am very envious of my dog friends who can bring their pups anywhere they go. Oh well, I chose this life so like you say, I need to figure it out.

          Rustop-zoom zoom-welcome home to your daughter and congrats on the fabulous showing at the show!! That is quite an accomplishment!!

          Quilt shop had a great sale today so got my material for my dad's boat tote and a pillowcase for my nephew for his birthday present. 2 easy and fairly inexpensive items to make. Hope they like them!

          Too hot and muggy to do anything outside so will be working inside today although I'm so tired I don't really even have motivation for that! Maybe I'll just take a nap! :H
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF August Angels - week 1

            Well ~ the Twins are napping, I'm not :H :H

            papmom, my dogs are too big to travel with - that's why I don't go anywhere
            My son's dogs.......same thing. They are driven the 8 or 9 miles to get here & that's it!!!!
            And I'm sure as hell not going to travel with 25 hens :H
            Still, I am longing to disappear for a few days

            Just had some rain here & the temp is in the high 70's but still humid. Looks like more rain coming tomorrow afternoon - wonderful. The smell of 4 damp dogs is a nightmare!

            Chill - I had the mainstream life & now I don't!
            I'm beginning to wonder if I had it all to do again ~ would I?????
            Just get thru the weekend safe & sound, the rest will wait
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF August Angels - week 1

              Hi everyone

              Today is the last day of the Dublin Horse Show. Drove my daughter and friend in and was going to go in as I have access for the week. However, I could not find parking, it was crazy so I just went home. The doggies are happy as I now can give them a walk.

              Having animals is a responsibility and a financial drain when you want to go away. We have Pet Patrol, a girl who comes into the house and looks after, rabbit, cat, dogs etc. Its expensive but works out well when you have a lot of small animals.

              I think we all wonder if we made the right decision after the event. I know at times I question if we should ever have left Canada. No point dwelling on it though, what will be will be.

              Hope everyone has a nice Sunday and a great AF week.



                AF August Angels - week 1

                Good morning Rustop & everyone!

                I actually try to not think about that stuff rustop but some strong feeling just seem to break thru the barrier ~ if you know what i mean. I actually feel better when I keep my thoughts in the present but at some point, sooner or later I am going to have to make some decisions about my future I also have had some extra expenses with my dogs this summer, it is tough. I know the Vet is not happy with me in turning down offers to do teeth cleaning procedures on my dogs costings hundreds of dollars each - yikes!

                Looks like a damp day here today - not fun being cooped up with large smelly dogs :H

                Wishing everyone a good AF Sunday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF August Angels - week 1

                  Good morning everyone,
                  Think it's day 50 for me; is that right SD.
                  I am so tired of the heat and the drought. Looked on Weather Underground this morning and this coming week it's going to be near or above 100 degrees all week.
                  Had a kind of rough week. My father in law died on Thursday. He was 89 and it was one of those deaths you just want to happen sooner or later. He was in hospice, had advanced dementia and probably a recurence of colon cancer. My husband's family deals with grief in such an odd way. They want to talk about any other than my father in law, the stock market, politics, baseball (!!!). Plus their "grieving" involves a fair amount of drinking.
                  Still going to 12 step meeting every day. Gets me out of the house. School starts next week.
                  Have a peaceful Sunday, all.


                    AF August Angels - week 1

                    Hi Shelly-so good to hear from you but so sorry to hear about your FIL. Sending you :l and support that you are able to grieve in your own way and can handle the oddness of your hubby's family. So glad to hear you are taking advantage of the 12 steps program and continuing to do so through this stressful time.
                    School starts early where you are huh? Is that good or bad for you? Hopefully you won't get too much more of the oppressive heat and that the colder, grayer weather you love will be back soon. :h
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF August Angels - week 1

                      :yay: Shelley & SD too on 50 AF days! You girls rock

                      Shelley, sounds like it was a blessing that your FIL passed. Just went thru all that with mine a few years ago. His four children (YB the oldest) didn't even have a memorial service for him let alone a funeral. Some families are just strange. Glad to hear your meetings are helping you :l

                      I am also ready for a change in seasons. I have had enough of the heat & humidity as evidenced by my freaky hair
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF August Angels - week 1

                        Hi All!
                        Pap3=You have such a kind way with seem to know the right or comforting things people need to hear. Your advice always comes from the heart! :h I wish there were some way you could keep your camper...maybe I should start playing the lottery and if I win I could share the wealth!!

                        Speed-I'm very sorry for your loss...I will keep your family in my prayers, and send you some positive vibes!! As for days??? I dunno...50 doesn't seem like a lot :H Why do everyone elses numbers seems to go up faster??:H No, I'm sure you are right...we are nearing the 2 month marker...again, a months??? Haven't we been at this a lot longer??? heehee....

                        Lav--4 dogs...ugh!!! I only have one small one....and I can barely stand her (sorry P3)! I like's just she is soooo damn hyper...I seriously avoid eye contact with her just so she won't start freakin' out!! I want to slip her one of my son's ADHD meds!:H KIDDING!!!!!.......kinda.

                        Rustop--Way to go at the horse show!! I bet you are SOOO proud of your daughter!!! I can only imagine the booming smile!!! When my son does something awesome at a sporting event the first thing he wants me to do is call his dad and tell him all about it because I get all excited and tell him play by play what happen...I've been known to jump up and down while on the phone. My son loves hearing me retell what happened!! Being the proud Mama of a wonderful child is awesome....ENJOY--well done MOM!!!

                        Star--having cats would definitely be easier if you were going to be taking short trips! Can't you just leave out some food and water and a clean liter box...or do they require boarding as well?? My son is horribly allergic to cats (and dogs, but not nearly as bad as cats...YIKES)...our dog is "hyper"-allergenic!! LOL!!!!!!

                        Rusty--I often wondered too if people knew the days I came in hungover...there weren't many...but when I was...I knew I looked like hell!!! I remember one of the kids commenting on why my eyes looked the way they did....soooo puffy!!! I instantly went to the nurses room and grabbed to ice packs and told the secretary I thought I was getting a migraine!!! UGH!!!!!!!! I'm SURE she more!!

                        Oh gosh....well I spent the weekend at the lake with my son and his friend (only one) and it was really fun...last night I took them out to dinner (way to late) a place on the lake we used to go when I was younger...its a restaurant/bar....until about 10:00 then it's just bar pretty much...well we got there about 9:20...and the music had already started people were in the big room having fun...lots of drinking, laughing...couple people started dancing (like two-stepping...or whatever?? it's also cow country remember)...I just sat there watching everyone, remembering how much fun I had back in the day...when I never gave one thought to my never occurred to me I'd ever have to worry about it...I was 21, what did I know...summer after summer we went out there...laughed, danced, shot pool....not a care in the world...only to wake up in the morning to jump in a boat and waterski our days away...

                        I also watched a gal at the bar (probably my age) continue to throw back her beer...and "try" to flirt with these 2 guys at the bar...the more she drank the more "friendly" she got...she started putting her arms around one of them...grabbing his face...and this whole time he was hitting on her friend!!! LOL!!!!! GAWD....was I THAT stupid....did people sit back and watch me in disbelief???? I miss those younger years...but OMG I love what I have SO much better right now....I loved that when Shak-a KAN came on the Jut-Box I could get jiggy with it at the table and embarrass my son TOTALLY sober!!! LOL!!!

                        Well my parent are back from Spain and we are heading over there for dinner!! Very excited to see them...and meet their foreign exchange student they will be hosting for the next school year!!! Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          AF August Angels - week 1

                          SD -
                          One of these dogs was on Prozac for a while because she is friggin crazy :H
                          But my son stopped giving it to her because the Vet was charging too much for it. I told him to go to his own Doc & get an Rx for generic Prozac & I'd pay for it just to keep this dog quiet :H
                          Of course he refused....
                          Glad you enjoyed your weekend & had a chance to embarrass your son
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF August Angels - week 1

                            Hi everyone

                            Looks like everyone had a nice week-end. Hope you survived Lav. I too have had battles with the vets over costly procedures. If they had their way Harry would be on a very expensive medicine costing a few thousand a year over the last 6 years!!! They now insist on blood testing him because he on cortisone. He used to go once a year for his shots and I used a horse barrier cream on his tummy for his allergies in the summer (this has saved his life and no thanks to the vets). After a battle they agreed he goes in just once more for bloods. I listen to what they say and then make up my own mind. I would never have been so assertive in my 20's and 30's, the joys of growing older.

                            Had a nice walk in the woods with my friend this morning but have a huge list of things to do today so this is just a quick check in. Have a great week everyone.



                              AF August Angels - week 1

                              Good morning rustop & everyone!

                              Since today is the 8th we are actually into week 2, huh? Good for us!

                              I have survived the weekend & hope to get thru today & tomorrow with the Twins without going completely insane :H
                              We really do have to assert ourselves when it comes to protecting our $$ at the Vet's office rustop. I agree - being way over 29 can be an asset

                              Heat, humidity & pop-up thunderstorms predicted for a few more days - oh well.

                              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                AF August Angels - week 1

                                Hi, I'm back....

                                Lav-I started a new thread for Week 2......are you having a Going-Away Party for the Twins tomorrow?:H

                                Shelley-so sorry to hear about your FIL's passing. I hope you and your husband are holding up ok.:l

                                Chill-I forgot to mention that I saw your last post where you say you're having a hard time adjusting to the mainstream lifestyle. Do you mean working a full-time job in the city while maintaining a relationship, etc....and having to interact with drinkers? I just want to understand you, dear friend.:l I am so glad you're not having drinking thoughts, though.

