Last night's BB meeting is really picking up. There's an ebb & flow to the meetings that I'm starting to notice. Even though it was hot last night, every seat was filled. It was gratifying to see. We're starting to do committments: People from other groups come to speak at our group, then we go & speak at theirs. It takes service & the program a little farther afield. I'm pretty sure I'll participate.
Last night's BB story emphasized the working of the steps w/a sponsor. I see that going to meetings alone is not a way for me to progress. I needed to get a sponsor & begin work formally on the steps in order to put my program on a higher level. It's easy for me to coast, thinking that just going to meetings is enough.
The person in the BB story related that he had gone to a therapist for his "depression" & never told her about his drinking. At the end of the session, the therapist handed him a BB & told him to start going to meetings, that he was an alcoholic. I too went to a therapist & didn't reveal my alcoholism. She never asked & I never told. Obviously, the therapy didn't go anywhere, because of my deception. I've since heard others say they sought help but didn't talk about their drinking. Denial. It's pretty strong stuff!