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AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

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    AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

    Goooooood Morning Abberoos,

    Workout done and I'm on my second cup of coffee.

    DG, Sorry about Buck. Dogs are a true example of unconditional love and devotion.:l Also, I really appreciated your story about the man at the Mission. Sober time is indeed not "curing time." Well stated and very humbling. It is a good reminder. I liken it to diabetes...if a diabetic stops eating sugar, it's not going to cure the disease. And, if the diabetic starts up with sugar again, he/she is going to be right back where they started from.

    IJM, Sounds like you are doing well despite some uncomfortable moments. I just love your sense of humor. It will certainly go along way for your sobriety. I had a good chuckle about the four Britany Spaniels (At first I thought it read Britney Spears) and how they all ended up with collars on.:H

    Kaslo, I have been yearning for a kayak for awhile. Great places to kayak on the Potomac River. I look on Craig's List every once in awhile.

    Pap3. WELCOME BACK!!! Happy all went well this weekend and it sounds like you had a good workout.

    Uni is 61 days today!!!

    I was thinking about Marshy this morning for some reason...about her mom going into hospice and her girlfriend moving in....the contrast of joy and sorrow that she must be feeling just struck me. Anyhow, big shout out to Marshy.

    Thinking of AFM today is she goes for her pre-op work and meets with the surgeon.

    Det, I read your posts from yesterday and I love your enthusiasm. You are really rockin' the AF life these days!!

    Greenie, it sounds like your family trip is not going to be fun. I hope you can maintain some of your mojo.

    Off to get my big girls today. I'm going to drive about 6 hours , stay overnight and then do the final three tomorrow morning. I'll probably push right through to get her home tomorrow after I pick her up.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!

    AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

    M3, thanks for starting us off this morning and hope that your drive today goes well! You're way ahead of my both in workouts (won't be mine until Noon) and cups of coffee (I've only had one), and I think I'm a little jealous!! :H

    That's a good analogy about the diabetic, and its a trap that we need to make sure we don't fall into. It can be way too easy to start romanticizing about alcohol and lamenting our inability to tolerate it, and when we do all too often we end up drinking again. Thanks for reminding me of that...

    Have a great day everyone!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

      Morning aberoos! P3, I have used the analogy of diabetes with my family to help explain the disease, it's a good one to use - we must manage our disease.

      DG, sorry to hear about Buck

      I am going to a meeting today with 3 girls in the program and then out for coffee after. Looking forward to it.

      Was woken up to Boo licking my face - silly puppy! But I'm up, having my coffee. Looking forward to another good AF day!

      Have a great one everyone!

      One thing is for sure......

      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

        Hello friends,

        Thanks for starting the thread this morning mom3. Even though the story about DG's man at the mission was very sobering (sorry about the pun) it reinforces the notion, that this is my support group, and without you all, I wonder what kind of different choices I might make at times. You all are my friends, and I need you.:h

        Congratulations on 61 days Uni! I'm so happy you are doing so well!

        I've been thinking about AFM too. There were about 3 people in our small town diagnosed with some form of cancer lately. A couple of them younger and have lived a healthier lifestyle than me. Frightening. The good news is early detection saves lives and they are making advances here as far as treatment goes. Hang in there AFM--we will be there with you in spirit all the way girlfriend!!

        The afternoon at the lake Sunday with my in-laws was actually quite fun. It brought back lots of memories, as we used to do stuff like that together alot. Hubby was in a loving mood and didn't get too drunk. BIL kinda did, so he went on and on about the ticket he got upon docking the boat for too many people in it. I mentioned a couple of times that it probably could have been a lot worse if the game warden had asked to see what was in the 2 coolers they took off the boat. I'm not sure what they are going to do when their son graduates from high school this year. He is there full-time designated driver.

        Yesterday was fairly unproductive and hot. The rest of the week is supposed to be cooler, and I hope to get some work done around here as well. I'm starting to think the chicken project may have to wait until next year now. I can't believe fall is just around the corner. I love fall--my favorite season. But I do not like what follows.

        DG-- I am so sorry about your beagle. I know all to well what that is like from a couple different sides. I worked as a Vet tech for 26 years, and the euthanizing of animals was almost always extremely difficult for me. But I sucked it up, and tried to make it as easy for the people and their pets as possible. Many times I could be found holding back tears during the process and then finding a private spot to bawl my eyes out. I was always grateful we do have the option to putting our beloved pets out of their misery when their quality of life declines. I put my own golden retriever down (Acer) with my boys several years ago. He was the best dog I've ever had. :l:l Hugs to you.

        Wish I could reply to everyone, but I best start my day. Cherish your sobriety today and your support group!!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

          Hey Girls and Boys,
          Have a great day all!
          Is all I have to say today
          AF since 11 July 2011
          You can never get enough of what you don't really want


            AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

            Good Tuesday morning Abbers!

            I'm rather sluggish this morning & allowing myself 2 cups of coffee

            Have a safe drive M3 & I hope you find your daughter happy, relaxed & full of stories about her awesome adventures

            Greetings to AA, Uni, LVT & Treya!

            I think this consistently hot & humid weather has gotten to me as evidenced by the sluggishness. I'm taking my tons of vit/mineral supplements & moving about as usual but still starting to feel yucky

            Not especially looking forward to cooking dinner for YB tonight ~ hard to keep positive when dealing with a chronically depressed person if you know what I mean!

            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

              Good morning Abstineros and Abstineras.

              Condolences to DG. Its very hard to lose a little dog.

              Not much to report, have tried posting some shots from Champion Lakes yesterday but they are too big. Must write today so perhaps I will check in later.

              I hope everyone has a lovely day.


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

                Mornin Dudes and Dudettes –

                I hope everyone’s day is off to a great start. It is sunny here in God’s country.

                Last night was interesting. I had to have a long chat with my oldest son regarding the perils of alcohol. Long story for the reason why – fortunately not bad yet. The problem is that he cannot learn this by example – I am the poster boy for ‘Don’t let this happen to you’. So, I just went for it. I opened up and told him of my problem, the fact that it started when I was his age in college and 27 years later where I am today. I actually told him of my current struggle. Surprisingly, he was unaware of any of any of this. He knew I drank but not to the extent. He also had not yet noticed that I have not had my evening cocktail time in over two weeks. I was an extremely frank in my discussion and told it all. I also explained that drinking under age is a serious offence in GA. Even more so, his GF who is of legal age WILL go to jail if caught buying AL for him. In addition, she will lose her nursing license – GA will revoke a nursing license for a felony. Mrs. IJM is an RN so I was at least armed with some factual knowledge in that area.

                So I can only hope that what I said makes sense to him. He seemed to ‘get it’ and took the discussion very seriously. Jeez – teenage drama! Life is so much simpler with my 13 year old. His only drama is the struggle between him and Mrs. IJM to bring his dirty clothes downstairs! With the other – it is either girl trouble, car trouble, school issues, or girl trouble. Yes I know I said girl trouble twice. It needed to be said twice!

                Lav – the only advice I can give you is to try to go into it with no set emotions – positive or negative. Go into it with no planned outcome – that way regardless of outcome you will not be disappointed. If the dinner goes well then that is gravy. If it starts going downhill, you can end it. The worst thing you can do today is fret over this, wondering what he will say, then what you will say to that, then what he would respond with and on and on. There is no good that can come out of that and before the dinner even starts your emotions are already torn up. I know that is a tall order and easy for someone on the outside to say, but if you can, give it a try.

                Ok, off to work.

                IJM Thought of the day: If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

                Have a great day everyone!



                  AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

                  DG....I am so sorry about your little doggie. I know all too well the pain of holding your beloved pet as he passes from this world to the next. It is so heartbreaking....please accept a hug from me:l:l

                  Lav....I am also thinking of you today and especially tonight. You are one very strong and patient woman. Hugs for you too!:l

                  And a big hello to everyone guys are such an inspiration!!
                  Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                    AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

                    Hello Abbers,

                    I see so many new abbers on here since the last time I visited!! :welcome: and :goodjob:

                    I have rededicated myself to abstinence and will be visiting daily. :-)

                    DG, condolences on your beagle. I, too, know the feeling of that loss. But, I also know that having the love they give throughout their lifetime is well worth the pain of their passing. Bittersweet thoughts, here.

                    AFM, I am thinking of you. :l

                    Uni, it does my heart so good to see you at 60+ days!! You and I have been struggling together for so long. I know if you can do it, so can I. :l

                    Everyone else, I hope all have a wonderful AF day.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

                      Hello friends. Cindi, so very happy to have you back here at AF Daily! One day at a time we go.

                      Thank you one and all for your wonderful and kind thoughts about little Buck's passing. So many of you said exactly what I feel in one way or another - that the love we get during their lives more than makes up (X 1000) the pain we experience at their passing. I am so very grateful to be sober and be able to respond in what I think is a mature way. Yes there have been plenty of tears and there is sadness. But there is not hysterical insanity and that is a blessing.

                      I had coffee today with a friend I haven't seen in over 4 months. She had a very difficult relapse and went to inpatient rehab. She is currently living in a 3/4 way house and will be moving home soon. Uni, I thought of you while her and I were catching up. I think this time in treatment, she got some extra help she needed - not just treatment for alcholism but also treatment for some significant underlying issues. She seems so much more at peace with herself and her life. I am happy for her and can't wait for her to be home where we can get together more often. More evidence that drinking is a totally bad idea.

                      IJM, I am so proud of you for having the courage to be honest about yourself with your son. There is no doubt in my mind that will ultimately be a positive. Doesn't guarantee he won't make mistakes. But if/when he does, maybe they won't be as bad as they could be and maybe he will figure it all out sooner than we did. Older women, huh?????? She will make an awesome 29 year old someday!

                      Big hello to everyone else. I'm exhausted right now so I think I'm going to do what MUST be done this afternoon, and then take it easy. Crying really takes it out of me. My eyes felt so heavy this morning and I had a slight headache. Reminded me a bit of a mild hangover. UGGGHHH. How did I function in a worse state than that, every single day of my life???????

                      Loving on the other 4 dogs is definitely on the agenda. Love to all of you too - you are all so incredibly important in my life!! :h:h

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

                        Greetings from yet another hotel room my AF'ing friends!

                        rest in peace Buck. xxxxxxxx to you DoggyGirl.

                        Cindi, always a treat to have you. been doing anything amusing? still travelling lots?

                        well, I wish I could buy you all a copy of this but the best I can do is point you in the right direction and recommend it from the bottom of my heart:

                        Nourishing Our Children - DVD

                        I'm not in any way financially connected to the group, just one of their volunteer crusaders in the quest for food freedom and nutrition truth.

                        going to dinner with a factory rep in about an hour, no idea if he's a drinker but I'm AF no matter what so it really doesn't matter.

                        now the hard part will be finding some 'real food' on the menu...hmmmm.

                        be well everyone
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily Tuesday August 2nd

                          Deter - you are always looking for food :H
                          Hope you were able to find something delectable!

                          Cindi, glad to see you here, hope yo are well!

                          DG, I still have pictures of my favorite dog hanging on the bulletin board above my desk. He passed away seven years ago. He was a Golden, a big PIA but I loved him!

                          Speaking of loves.....
                          YB was here for dinner & gone by 7:30 pm. I was careful to not work up any hopes & it turned out to be a good thing. He was here to eat, talk a little about nothing relevant & mentioned that he's going for his 2nd spinal injection tomorrow. Big deal.

                          On the good news front our niece had a baby boy today. This is the first & probably only grandchild for YB's brother (who lives next door). His son died 8 years ago this month at the age of 18 so the number of granchildren will be limited. I'm actually kind of surprised our niece had this baby because she's been very career oriented - who knows? I know my brother-in-law & his wife are very pleased today.

                          I will look into that DVD Deter - that's something my kids would be interested in

                          I'm playing chicken roulette again :H
                          Trying to move the younger birds one at a time into the bigger flock without anyone getting killed is a challenge
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

