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AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

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    AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

    Good mornin? Everyone!

    I guess I?ll get us kicked off this morning. No real teenage drama last evening ? that was a nice change! However, it looks like our carpool partner for our youngest is changing schools so I have 5 days to scramble to find someone else. No idea what we are going to do here ? most of the carpool alliances have already been built. I just had this dropped on my about 8PM last night! AAAAGGGGGG!!!!!! Never a dull moment around here.

    Quick update ? I?m at 15 days AF. Here is my current strategy. Each weekend now I plan a menu for the week. I go to the grocery store on Sunday and get everything I need. Then as soon as I get home I start cooking and drinking peach tea. After I eat any craving I had goes away. Buttttttttt, because I have extra time in the evening after we eat I am sort of ill at easy. I?m thinking I should start walking. What is cool is that I am almost always in bed by 10PM with my Kindle. I drop off at 10:30 and get up at 6:30 with no hangover. I think that is pretty cool. Something else I have noticed ? I can comb my hair in the morning without sweating! Finally, the meals I am planning while taste great, they are health alternatives. I do things like ?baked? country fried chicken with sausage gravy (the sausage is smoked turkey sausage and the gravy is a mixture of Greek yogurt and cornstarch). Tonight I am doing a steak stir fry with very lean strip steak. In the past 15 days I am down 10 pounds! Freaking awesome! I guess I am going to get healthy and become a stud at the same time! :alf:

    Alright, gotta hit the shower and get ready for work. Have a great day everyone and I?ll try to check back in at lunch! I am lovin this sober life!

    What message from me would be complete without the IJM thought of the day? How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?


    AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

    Hi Everyone - On day 14 AF! Really psyched to have hit the 2 week mark. I am having a bit of a hard time with cravings while traveling with my heavily drinking work group. Helping ease them with NA beer while out in the evening and that seems to help. I am on BAC now for 1.5 weeks. SE's are there but managable so far. As I move my dosage up I am a bit worried about my ability to perform at work but will take it as it comes. The great news is that my anxiety has gotten MUCH lower while on the BAC. Since anxiety and worry were a trigger for me it helps me not drink. Also, it is so nice not to be wound up all the time worrying about my kids, husband, mother.... etc. Big hurdle to get by this weekend. My step brother is getting married so big party. I have found that in large social settings I feel like I am coming out of my skin without AL so I need to figure out how to relax and be my real self. Thankful and grateful for this day - another day to feel clear, not guilty, and happy!


      AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

      Well Helooo you guys!.....
      Awsome drop in weight It's Just Me! What a wonderful by product of being AF. If you get out power walking you'll be losing heaps in no time.
      And Getting There-you certainly are getting there! Week two feels great doen't it? Re that wedding. Try visualising yourself looking and feeling great, postive and glowing with health at that event -which you will be if you keep on going!
      Day 22 here. I'm keeping on keeping on with the exercise and eating plan. No refined sugar, lots of vegetables and lean protein, juicing when I can, gym every other day. I've dropped 6 lbs so far.
      And like you guys loving being AF,
      so one thing's for sure today..........
      AF since 11 July 2011
      You can never get enough of what you don't really want


        AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

        Good morning fABbies! Thanks for getting things started today IJM, and good to see you Getting There! Congrats to you both on reaching the 14/15 day marks!!! :yougo::yougo: The early days are the hardest on so many levels. Keep going - freedom from the vice grip of AL is within your reach!

        GT - I used to travel a lot on buiness and heavy drinking was part of that culture for me too. I don't drink AF beer any more, but early in sobriety it was a great tool on occassions where I had to be around others who were drinking. If it's working for you, then AWESOME!!! For some people it turns into a path back to the real thing. The only way to know is to try I think. Worry is a real time and energy waster, isn't it? I think it's something that most, if not all of us have to find some way to reduce. It sounds like the bac is helping you with that - AWESOME! I like to have a well defined plan ahead of time to deal with social situations. Here are the elements of my own plan.

        * Eat before I go.
        * Decide in advance what I WILL drink, and get that in my hand as soon as possible when I arrive.
        * Eat more while I am there.
        * Have an early exit strategy worked out in advance, and if I feel urges I can't handle, I leave.

        That has worked for me for 3 years now. These days, the only reason I leave early is out of boredom. :H But having a strategy in advance helps with that too!

        IJM, walking after dinner sounds like a great idea, you stud muffin. And I say "stud muffin" because you mentioned "hair." In a way that suggests you still have some at 29 years old. Walk off those urges and pounds at the same time, right? You need to start posting recipes for us. And I am always LOL at your question of the day. Indeed - how do they get there???

        It's hair styling day with my Mom. I've been letting my short hair grow out a little. We'll see what mid length something or other she comes up with today. The other things I will be doing today are some book keeping work for the rental dump oops I mean investment property, and furthering the count down to winter. AL has no part in any of it, that one thing is for sure.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

          Hello friends,

          Good job you guys Treya, Getting there and IJM on racking up the AF days! Sounds like you've figured out your triggers and have some great tools to overcome! Developing new habits to replace the old habits is key to getting and staying sober. When I first quit I did a lot more cooking and exercising in the evenings. I tried to have a light snack and something besides alcohol to drink right after work.

          So good to see you back posting here Cindi! I hope you stick around.:h

          IJM--I have a soon to be 17 year old son and a 13 year old son. My oldest does not have a girlfriend and has decided to keep it that way for awhile. Which I totally support because he simply does not need that distraction right now! My husband thinks it's terrible that he doesn't have a GF. Go figure. I'm so happy to hear about your discussion with your kids about your alcohol abuse. Even if they say they don't notice, they really do tend to learn from what they live with. It was hard for me to admit that in the case of alcohol and cigarettes, "do what I say and not what I do" really wasn't going to cut it. My kids didn't think I had a problem either. As a matter of fact, they sometimes wish I would just cut loose once in awhile. I guess I am a little uptight these days.

          This is going to be another one of those days where I run around like a chicken with its head cut off. (I've decided the chickens are going to have to wait until next year) I guess I better get busy.

          Have a great sober day all!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

            Good morning AFers!!

            Yet another day sober in the plans.

            I just wanted to throw out there about diet and exercise and staying AF.

            When I was in my last rehab (geez, that sounds horrible, doesn't it?) they very much pushed exercise as part of recovery. As a matter of fact, we had required exercise daily. The PT was a very nice young man and did not push us to do more than we could but he did push us to do what we could. Daily. By the end of the 8 weeks, I had made tremendous progress physically. We also had a real chef on site who was trained in good nutrition, not just good eats.

            So, I started the Couch to 5K program yesterday and was amazed I could actually get through Day 1 of Week 1!! I love the program.

            I am alternating days with the aerobics of Couch with weight lifting. I am using the same routine I used in rehab.

            Nutrition-wise, I am drinking two high quality protein shakes daily as my source of protein, and supplementing it with veggies and fruits. I do eat a sensible dinner at night with my husband, who is diabetic and needs low carb and good nutrition. I just keep my meet consumption down at that meal and eat the veggies mostly. Lots of fluid, not sodas, etc. In my case decaf iced tea and water. (Okay, okay, drinking a couple of cups of java in the a.m., I simply do not want to try to give up everything all at once!!)

            I have also decided to give the e-cigarrettes a try. I have met a few people who have been using them for months and have been able to reduce/quit. At the very least, I will only get nicotine (and propylene glycol?? Antifreeze?? An ingredient in all of them, but I suppose one doesn't ingest enough to hurt them since so many are using them.) Antifreeze is quite poisonous but I figure if I don't inhale (where have I heard that before?) that I will be minimizing my exposure to it.

            Also, I have added low-dose Baclofen back to my meds regimen. I already take the highest dose of Gabapentin allowed for my cluster headaches. (Unless drinking, in which case I don't do anything because I am too drunk to remember.) This combo may help the cravings. Worth a shot.

            Between the exercise, improved diet, reduced cigarette damage, meds, not traveling every week and just plain old "just do it," I feel like I have a real shot at lasting sobriety.

            As an aside, my husband, probably out of a little guilt for his behavior during my last binge, put together a brand new computer for me. 6 core, 3 gHz processors, 16 Gig Ram plus 1.2 T of DASD (750 of it RAID 5.) I am typing on it right now.

            It is running Windows 7 but I am considering adding Linux to it so I can take some online Linux classes and get certified in Linux. There is Linux work where I live. (There isn't any of the database work where I live, sigh.)

            Okay, this is a tome but wanted to put this all down in writing.

            btw, I did my weights routine already this morning. I am going to take it slow and easy since I have been 29 for many years now. :H:H

            I hope all have a wonderful AF day. I'll check in later.

            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

              Good morning everyone. Hi to IJM, congrats on 14 days to Getting There, Treya, keep going, you are doing really well!! I am always amazed at howmuch better I feel, too. Its wonderful.

              Cinders, quitting smoking is an awesome goal along with saying no to booze. Loved Nancy Reagans plan....Just say No. Simple as that Nance. Right?

              I have had my criminal record check for my trip to the diamond mine done, and my assistant/daughter in case the company we work for cant fill the position, and I am packing to go to the arctic. 3 more days of writing, here (ptoo!) ...then 3 days to get there, then 6 days of helicopter flying over several 100 square miles of rolling tundra, lakes and escarpments, ponds, dunes.... can hardly wait.

              everyone have a great day!


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

                early check-in for garlic breath. wooooooo!

                thanks for the kickstart IJM and mega kudos to you and Getting there on AF times

                words of caution to those dieting: low fat diets are a scientifically proven way to induce depression in human beings. cholesterol is a VITAL macronutrient for the production of a vast array of hormonal/glandular functions that affect brain and body. if losing weight is your goal then dump these foods in this order: alcohol, sugar, fluffy white carbs (bread, pasta, crackers, rice etc) and you'll be well on your way to being lean and mean. For a crapload of info on the subject head over to
                and scroll back quite a ways.

                my dinner partner last night was a drinker, but not a bad one (at least he kept it together in front of me) he just asked once: you don't drink? I said 'nope!' and that was it. piece of cake as usual.
                be well friends,
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily Wednesday 8/3


                  My diet is in no way low fat. I do add fats to my veggies, either real butter or olive oil. Hubby has been following a low carb diet for years. Fats without the carbs are not bad for you. His cholesterol went down purely from eliminating the processed carbs.

                  I cannot fathom trying to follow the Paleo diet. I do need some carbs as my fasting blood sugar is usually around 60-80, very low. But, I try to get my carbs from veggies and fruits.

                  My fruits are usually cantelelopes/melons and berries.

                  I also believe in drinking whole milk. My nutritionist at rehab said that the processing they do to dairy products to remove the fat is worse for you than the fat. I thought that was interesting but never followed up with my own research.

                  I do, however, try to limit my fats to reasonable amounts and try to use the olive oil more than butter. But, sometimes, nothing tastes as good as butter on certain foods.

                  Since my blood work shows low protein due to my gastric bypass, I figure the protein shakes I make kill a couple birds with one stone. It is a very high quality, low carb shake. 2 grams of sugar and 27 grams of protein. My doctor wants to ensure I get 50 grams of protein/day.

                  I mix it with whole milk, so the sugar content goes up from that but so does the fat.

                  I try to keep my carbs below 30 grams/day.

                  Does that sound reasonable?

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

                    sounds very reasonable Cindi, you should do well with that. I don't know why you'd have trouble following Paleo though? there must be a misunderstanding somewhere. lots of fruits and veggies on Paleo.
                    and yes, processed pasturized milk is junk food. however raw organic milk is an incredible food. more at: A CAMPAIGN FOR REAL (RAW) MILK!
                    incidentally you eat less carbs than I do! interesting. I would find it difficult to eat less than 100 grams per day and still be eating veggies and one piece of fruit daily
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

                      Afternoon Abbers!

                      I am profoundly jealous of anyone who has lost weight by eliminating AL. I sure as hell didn't then I gain 13 lbs when I quit smoking & am still working that off

                      Det - the raw milk thing is a nightmare to me.
                      My aunt did contract TB as a kid drinking raw milk & it settled in her spine. She was unable to have kids of her own, had several surgeries, spent most of her life in a horrendous heavy duty back brace - it was awful :no:

                      Have been busy working today :yay: & now must run to the store for meatball ingredients - EB is coming for his favorite dinner

                      Kaslo, may I put an order in for diamonds since you are going to the diamond mind?

                      wishing everyone a wonderful AF Hump Day!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

                        Hi Determinator,
                        I[ve dropped 6 pounds but I'm not on a 'diet' either. I'm eating tons.
                        What I won't eat is sugar, alcohol, bread and potatoes.
                        Otherwise I eat everything in sight. I'm following the principles of food combining which tends to keep my blood sugar remarkably steady and gives me more energy. I think it's closely related to Paleo.
                        AF since 11 July 2011
                        You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                          AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

                          Just a word to say I edited my comments on the glycol derivative. I read it wrong. Should be more careful, sorry.

                          Nod to Lav, here, and BTW I dont want to start a big argument, here, but I grew up on a dairy farm, and the reason milk is Pasteurized and that is to remove the bacteria (Mycobacterium bovis) responsible for tuberculosis (TB) in children, which is still with us onfortunately. If you have an excellent clean source of raw milk, thats fine, but milk is easily contaminated and degrades quickly. I also dont agree that pasteurized milk its junk food, its still an important nutritional source of protien, calcium and vitamins, and in the poor especially it is a critically important and affordable source of those nutrients. Not everyone can afford to buy very fresh raw organic ingredients. And I have seen some of the organic operations in my own country and wonder how clean they are when it comes to actual bacteria and fungi. Believe me, I wish it were that all food was perfect and reasonably priced for all people, but that is just not the case...yet.

                          Occassionally in the Koots here we see a movememnt back to raw milk, but again, there are very good bacteriological reasons for why its pasteurized.

                          I will look at your link though Det.


                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

                            paseurized milk is stripped of the enzyme lactase which helps us metabolize the sugar lactose. without it, we are drinking a dead substance that is on the top 5 list of the most allergenic foods on planet Earth, (hence my calling it junk food). Additionally the quick-heating process (pasteurizing) blows the milk proteins into flattened fragments of their former 3-dimensional form. why is this important? the human body's immune system doesn't recognize the proteins anymore and launches an immune response which is responsible for a great many allergies as well as more serious systemic inflammation.
                            In regards to safety this very recent government study puts the issue to bed for good:

                            Government Data Proves Raw Milk Safe - Press - Weston A Price Foundation

                            real quick summary: WASHINGTON, DC June 22, 2011: Data gleaned from U.S. government websites and government-sanctioned reports on foodborne illnesses show that the risk of contracting foodborne illness by consuming raw milk is much smaller than the risk of becoming ill from other foods, according to research by Dr. Ted Beals, MD, appearing in the Summer, 2011 issue of Wise Traditions, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

                            this is the organic dairy I consume: ORGANIC PASTURES FRESH RAW DAIRY
                            they provide thousands of servings every day which they have done for years with a grand total of ZERO pathogens detected in any of the random FDA inspections and a grand total of ZERO illnesses.

                            furthermore, raw milks beneficial bacteria actually fights off the dangerous microbes:

                            Pathogens are disease causing bacteria and organisms. The four human pathogens that are tested (state mandated) at OPDC include Listeria Monocytogenes, Salmonella, Campylobacter and Ecoli 0157H7. To date, not one of these pathogens have ever been detected by any agency in our “raw milk”. Tests privately performed at OPDC (BSK labs) showed that even when these pathogens were added to OPDC raw milk at extremely high levels (7 logs) they would not grow and die off (test results available upon request).

                            there is inherent risk in all foods. your most likely to get sick from raw fresh vegetables due to their microbial content from thier contact with dirt and fertilizer, and people die in pretty substantial quantities from Ecoli etc from them. yet there is no witch-hunt for veggies. things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily Wednesday 8/3

                              Hey FABbers

                              Hope you don't mind me pitching in on this thread even though I am from the dark Mod side!!

                              I just wanted to back up everything Det is saying. I have been on the Paleo diet for a week now and ALREADY I have noticed any cravings for AL are significantly reduced. This is awesome by itself and it now strikes me as no great surprise that my last big AL binge coincided with the end of the school term when I was existing mainly on toast, peanut butter, potatoes, popcorn, pasta and chocolate!

                              The icing on the Paleo cake....wait, that's not right....steak, I mean, is that I have also lost 4lbs and my mood has balanced out into a stable contentment rather than the usual erratic highs and grumpy lows I was having before.

                              I'm very excited about adopting this as a new lifestyle and the best bit is it's really easy! No measuring, counting, weighing, deprivation - just good ol' healthy eating, the way we were meant to.

                              Gonna go now before I sound too evangelical and let Garlic man keep the crusade going.
                              Good to see you are all doing well.

