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AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

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    AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

    Good morning All ?

    I woke up laughing this morning (better than being hung over). Have you ever had a dream that is so ridiculous that you start laughing and it wakes you up? I take Ambian for sleep and sometimes my dreams are better than watching something on tv! This may not be funny if you are not in the pharmacy industry but the dream was that I had a patient that was looking for hickory flavored cough medicine. So I compounded a mixture of Robitussin and KC masterpiece BBQ sauce. YUCK!

    So these days I am really feeling great. I really feel free being away from AL. The late afternoon?s still get a little hard but all in all ? this is great. I?ve had several stressors (or triggers) at home and work that I would have drowned in a pool of rum. Now I have to deal with them head on. Don?t get me wrong ? these are not life or death issues ? but in the past an issue as little as a hang nail would cause a trip to the liquor cabinet! It is just awesome being clear headed?

    For my techie?s MWO friends? I got a really cool app for my iPhone. It is called Pocket Sponsor. I am not a member of AA. However, this is an AA tool that I think anyone can use. When I am feeling down or an event that signals a drink, I pull up this app and it gives me a few sentences that a AA sponsor might say to me. It is always something really powerful and inspiring. I?m not a meeting person but if all the AA tools are like this, I?m thinking it is a great organization. Amazon also has the book ?Pocket Sponsor?. However, I like the iphone app because the phone is always with me.

    Ok, time to make myself into a stud muffin for work.

    Of course I will end this with the thought of the day: Do siamese twins pay for one ticket or two tickets when they go to movies and concerts?

    Later all!

    AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

    Hi IJM! Thanks for kicking us off today! You are doing great working through your triggers and just riding along on the AF train. I like what you said about life stressors that are not "life and death." I used to drink over all that stuff and I would think "well, if my life wasn't so difficult then I wouldn't drink." (instead of recognizing the obvious signs of my alcoholism!). What a startling revelation to finally see that EVERYONE'S LIFE has those little daily ups and downs. I just failed to appreciate the "ups," and liked to over-dramatize the "downs" as my justification for alcoholic style drinking.

    Nothing life or death going on here so far today either - thank goodness! Thanks for mentioning that iPhone App. I'm gonna check that out. Good for you being open minded about AA tools even though the meeting part of AA is not up your alley.

    It's hysterical that IJM mentioned dreams, and siamese twins in the same post. I was :egad: when I got to the end and the twins part! I too had a strange dream night before last. It was about a set of identical twin girls I knew in high school. One of them dated the football quarterback for junior and senior year. I left town after high school, but years later upon my return, it turns out the OTHER twin was married to said quarterback. OMG!!! Creepy. And why on earth these two were in my dream the other night I have no idea.

    Mr. Doggy was sick again yesterday with that same intense puking and pain. He didn't want to go back to the doctor since he already had whatever meds they gave him last time, and didn't really figure out what it was. (other than the idea that it might be passing of a kidney stone, since he does have some of those) This is scaring me a bit. Glad I'm sober though. Drinking could sure take a situation like this one and make it more difficult!

    One thing is for sure......No AL for me today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

      Hi IJM and all to come.

      What sort of things does your sponsor app say? Sounds interesting. I'm light-years away from a smartphone, though. I have the old fashioned phone/text only variety.

      And DG - hope Mr D gets it sorted out soon. Why are men always so reluctant to go to the doctor?

      I haven't had a chance to check in lately - spending time travelling to vist mum, back to London to work, off visiting again, repeat, repeat, repeat. My girlfriend has moved in with all her stuff and yesterday I got all my windows replaced so my home is in chaos and there's builders' dust everywhere too. Joy. We keep saying we'll have a big clean up and finally sort everything out but neither of us has time to turn around at the moment, it's been so hectic since we got back from holiday.

      Tonight we're ignoring the mess at home and meeting up for dinner after work instead.

      So, my mum's hospice seems very nice. Her room has doors that open onto a patio garden with tables and benches for "residents" to sit in. Mum is pretty much in bed most of the time but we did borrow a wheelchair and take her for a trip out to a nearby park. God, it's difficult to control a wheelchair! She's becoming a bit more "with it" mentally, although my sister and me were discussing whether or not she recognises us and we think sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn't. She thought my sister was her carer one day. But she's comfortable and her pain seems to have lessened a bit.

      Hope everyone is doing well. I'm certainly so glad be going through all the turmoil sober!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

        Hi Marshy!! So glad to hear that your Mom seems to be in less pain and is in a nice and caring environment. And so happy for you that things are moving right along with XNGF.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

          Hi guys!

          IJM that app sounds cool! Thanks for mentioning it.
          DG - hope your hubby feels better soon, it sucks being sick.
          Marshy, good to see you. I have been praying for your mom, I hope she is not in pain.

          My sister and neice stayed over night last night. It was nice, I love having them around since they live so far away. They are going back to Florida in 3 days so I'm glad I got a visit with them before they left.

          I have an appt with my therapist today, grocery shopping to be done and then off to the trailer for the weekend! It looks like rain is in the forecast (which we desperatly need) but I'm hoping that it holds off so we can at least have a nice weekend.

          I'm off to do my meditation and thank my HP for all of my blessings in my life!

          Hope everyone has a great AF day - I know I will!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

            Marshy, glad to hear that your Mom is doing better, and that you were able to get her out for awhile. No matter what, a little sunshine and fresh air will always work wonders... DG, that's a little scary about hubby - hope that things turn out okay and keep a close eye on him.

            Nothing too crazy here today, just trying to wrap up department reviews. We just got the forms at the beginning of the week, and they are due tomorrow, and I feel like all the words are running together (I have 8 of them to do). Oh well, do the best job I can, right?

            Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

              Morning Abbers,

              Absolutely nothing exciting going on here either :H
              Thursdays must be dull days :H

              IJM, my father-in-law was a pharmacist, owned & operated his own store in our hometown for a million years. He did tell me stories about customers & their unusual requests! He did his best

              DG, sorry to hear your husband is not feeling well. Obviously it's not food poisoning, right? Try to get him to see an internist - he shouldn't be suffering like that.

              Marshy, life can be hectic but fun at the same time
              Your Mom sounds like she is in a good place & receiving good care, for that we need to be grateful :l

              Uni, we had some rain here yesterday which we really needed & it's still super cloudy today but at least the extreme heat & humidity are gone. Hope you get a good weekend!

              AA, can you write one review & just change the names on it 8 times? :H
              I always hated paperwork!

              OK, time to get to work!
              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

                Howdy again! Just got to the office and did a quick scan of MWO before getting started for the day. I saw that Marshy had asked about the iphone app. Here is a screen print of what I woke up to today (I really don't use the "day" caption). I downloaded it 4 days ago so I just started at the beginning of the program:

                I'll check in later and say hi to everyone and see what we are all up to.



                  AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

                  Hello friends,

                  Thanks for starting us off today, IJM and dropping the hint that you are a pharmacist. We always love a good professional on board so we can get lots of free advice!!! Who knows, you might be on to something with the BBQ flavored cough medicine??!!!

                  I wanted to give you all the answer you have been dying for about how does the guy that drives the snow plow get to work. Well, you see....the guys that live in town walk to work, get in their snow plows (or in our case motor graders) and plow the roads to our house and then my hubby gets in his 4 wheel drive and goes to work and starts plowing snow. Simple, eh? (Kaslo is rubbing off on me) Sorry, I know it was a joke--welcome to rural America humor. :H

                  Yesterday was busy, yet fairly productive. My cemetery boss/friend says they have assured him nothing will change even though they have advertised his job in the paper. I'm not sure I trust them not to give the job to someone else. He is facing another challenge with his cancer, I'm praying extra hard for them right now.

                  I'm starting to get zucs and beans from the garden. The spinach and lettuce got away from me, go figure. But #2 son weeded for me yesterday and he and hubby picked the beans so we will feast tonight. See, I told you lav that my garden would just be kicking in when yours was done!

                  Marshy, the place where your mom is sounds really nice. I hope it makes a difficult time easier.

                  Uni--it is cool and cloudy with a 40 percent chance of rain--I hope we get some!!

                  DG--I concur that your hubby needs a GI specialist perhaps? Somethin ain't right!

                  Hi AA and all to come today!

                  Have a great sober day! Thursday is my new favorite day of the week.:h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

                    Good Morning AFers!!

                    I wanted to give you all the answer you have been dying for about how does the guy that drives the snow plow get to work. Well, you see....the guys that live in town walk to work, get in their snow plows (or in our case motor graders) and plow the roads to our house and then my hubby gets in his 4 wheel drive and goes to work and starts plowing snow. Simple, eh? (Kaslo is rubbing off on me) Sorry, I know it was a joke--welcome to rural America humor.
                    Having lived in Colorado for 10 years, the answer there is that when snow is predicted, the plow drivers have to get onsite prior to the incoming storm and wait.

                    But, anecdotally, my son used to work at a convenience store where we lived. He told me one night, "Mom, you know how we always follow the plows in the snow storms? Don't do it. Tonight the plow drivers came in and bought a case of beer." He was telling the truth. A scary thought, eh?

                    Meanwhile, things going well here in this neck of the woods. I am still searching for work but have some things I must get through before I can even begin to be able to make a truly cognizant decision.

                    Marshy, I am so glad to hear your mum is doing better.

                    DG, get hubby to the doctor if at all possible. His symptoms do not sound good at all. There are many things that can cause them that could've been missed the first time around. Men, limbs must be falling off before they will go to the doctor.

                    Hope all have a wonderful AF day!!
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

                      good morningh abstinencinkas...i am writinhg thius with a brace on my hand so it might be a tad short nad The shovel ecounter with the base of my thumb has gotten much worse poss due to kayacking...also rote a LONG note for Deter, w/o the brace thus morning first thiung and now I am payin for it.

                      DG please get your hub to an internist. I am willing to bet a case of Canadian beer, except nobody would drink it tjhat its gall bladder prob. and needs attention asap. So skip the beer. Im just sayin

                      IJM I love the idea that you can have a machine be a mentor. sponsor. what ever teh f its called. I co ld use one too. I habe a lonhg story to tell but I cant t ype! Not only that but all we co uld fnd was a brace for the LEFT hand and its held on my right with hockey tape which is twisted and keeps getting caught on the keyboard tray.....

                      Gpoing for an exray and sure hipe this stupid hand gets better soon because I am going to have to leave for NWT (arctic) on the 7th....



                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

                        Kas-I feel for ya! I remember what it was like typing lefty with my right broken and repaired wrist in a brace. Not fun. I did use the speech recognition tool on my laptop afew times and it worked pretty well. Good luck with the xray and for heaven's sake make them give you a right handed brace!!

                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

                          LVT ? Good guess but I am not a practicing pharmacist. I am actually a software designer for pharmaceutical software (retail and clinical). I?ve been working in pharmacy automation for 17 years now and absolutely love it. When I worked retail pharmacy in college I really got dishearten. Gone are the days when a pharmacist compounds drugs. It is all count, pour, lick, and stick. Also, it is near impossible to make a profit as an independent pharmacist due to managed care and all the chain competition?. But I won?t dwell on that. I can bore you to tears on that subject.

                          DG ? while I am not a meeting person, everything that I have read about AA I can certainly align with. This particular tool is extremely helpful. And also speaking of dreams and twins ? I have those dreams as well but in a different kind of dream! :thumbs: Just kidding! Also, if Mr. Doggie is ?ralphing? (I love that word ? when you say it it sounds like the sound you would make) more than a day, you really do need to get him into at least a doc in the box clinic.

                          Marshy ? it?s great that your Mom?s pain is being managed!

                          LVT ? what if the guy in town quit his snowplow business?!?!?!?!

                          Kaslo ? I must have missed it ? What in the world happened to your hand? Guess I need to go reread some posts.

                          Pap ? with this extremely southern accent ? speech recognition software does not work for me. I have hands free in the my truck and when I tell the system a phone number to call it NEVER understands the number I say. I guess the developers of the system never dreamed that there would be a user that used three syllables to say the number ?two???

                          Ok, lunch break over, back to work for me!



                            AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

                            hey all - just whizzing by - af and feeling good. Rational recovery approach working well for me - that means you don't avoid any situation BUT i wouldn't put myself in a 'people just drinking' situation a.g. night at a bar e.g. last night - went to a gig - didn't drive - didn't drink, same at a recent birthday party.

                            I'm changing eating plan I am at my highest ever weight - less carbs overall - not low carb - but smaller amount of unprocessed carbs at each meal and a lot more green leafy veg and snacking on raw veg not fruit.

                            All good here - work mad busy but on top of it - and just getting on with each day.
                            I hope you are all well - I need to catch up on this week.

                            I wouldn't be here/looking into different ways of getting sober if it wasn't for this forum and all of you on it.

                            I know many many of you find AA /AA approach helpful -and it does seem like that is the dominant approach on this group - I really don't and it's not cos I won't try it - it's just not for me. I hope I'm still welcome here with using a different approach.
                            one day at a time


                              AF Daily - Thursday 8/4

                              Marshy, good yer mom is in a hospice, I think they are amazing places.

                              Notice I am typing ever so much better now that I have a proper fitting brace. IJM its an old injury, made worse by repeated bad shovel wangings in ye olde soil pitte examinaysiones of yore. In cluding recent Place du Bisonnes (Yukon gas plant). I fear I hathe disambiguated my Trapezium. Which isnt to be sneeziumed (at), and it definitely is nuisancium. And the kayakia and paddledium have been arrested as of today.


                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

