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    Good Morning abbers,
    Day 25 for me today. Everything is going OK and I feel happy.
    Still marking off my little yellow boxes on Drinks Tracker like Gold stars on an exercise book. Wonder how long till I get fed up with that? In a way I hope it lasts. Don't want to get complacent and take those stars for granted.
    Hope you all have a great AF day-but then any AF day is a great one -right? :goodjob:
    AF since 11 July 2011
    You can never get enough of what you don't really want


    Hey Treya-great job starting us off today!! Congrats on Day 25! I did the Drink Tracker for a few months and then stopped. I'm not a great journaler anyway.

    So, Just when I've made peace with selling the Paphut, my nephew goes and makes this for me:

    Now mind you, he's 19 yo, has a full time summer job, is preparing to go off to a new college in a few weeks and has a very serious GF. And he has time to think of his old Auntie????

    :upset: :h
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!



      Good morning Treya & all Abbers!

      Happy Friday to one & all

      I am grateful to have MWO & Quitnet in my life & don't think I'll get tired of posting on either one anytime soon! This morning in my 50 Something Club on Quitnet someone announced her 5 year anniversary today - how awesome is that?? I hope to be able to post the same thing in another 2 years & 9 months

      I have to get things organized around here today because the Insanity Twins will be arriving tomorrow & we all know what that means for me :H :H

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



        cross post papmom - very nice
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



          Hello friends,

          Thanks for getting the thread started this morning Treya. I loved the drink tracker here--I used it for a long time. Keep up the great work!:l

          DG--glad Mr DG is feeling better. I took a clay print of my Acer's paw before I put him down. That is a nice touch from your vet and/or his assistant I would guess.:l

          Man was I ever in a pissy mood last evening. I guess because I can't seem to get any time at home and get some of the things done that I want to do, it is just building up in me. And then I had a financial discussion with #1 son which is never a good thing. Then when hubby comes in he has obviously managed to get slightly inebriated in the 5 hours after work. Of course he was being his "playful" pick on the boys self until he decided to start in on the stock market situation and how much money was spent on the boys school shoes, etc and how the world as we know it is over. It was almost too much for me and if he wouldn't have quit when I asked him to, I may have blown a gasket. I just get so sick of seeing and hearing him that way so much of the time!

          I really need to find some time to do the things I need to do to make myself happy. That inner child has gotten lost again this summer. I'm pretty sure the menopause is not sneaking up on me, it is hitting me head on. I can't help remember my mom telling me that once she went through the change, she was never really happy again. I know that does not have to be the case with me, so I am going to have to make some changes.

          Life is too short to spend it pissed off half the time!

          I am going to go to Terry's house and visit with my BIL and go to the local town picnic. They are going to auction off a quilt and a painting my sister did. It will be difficult going there for the first time since her memorial service, but I am looking forward to the time away from all the bullshit around here.

          Have a great sober day and weekend all! Thanks for letting me bend your ears. :h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



            Hi Treya and all to come,

            Treya - I used drink tracker when I first started out and thought it was a great tool.

            IJM - I loved your sponsor app message yesterday about not necessarily knowing WHY we drink but knowing HOW to do something to change it. I always wanted to know "why" in the early days but now really believe it doesn't matter - it might well be something that can't be changed anyway. My thinking would be to STOP the behaviour and then figure out why if we really want to (but by then it doesn't seem to matter anyway in my experience because things change so much for the better without alcohol in the picture).

            Nice pix yesterday!

            I've just got into work - it's nice to sit down! Spent all morning cleaning up all the bits of plaster and getting sticky bits of gunk off the floors after having my windows replaced. Still got a couple of rooms to do but they can wait :H The windows look fabulous, though, so it's worth it.

            Kaslo, hope your thumb improves enough so you can go on the trip.

            DG - I missed the passing of Buck. :l

            Have a good day one and all!

            Hi to Papmom (nice pic!), Lav and LVT - you all sneaked in while I was typing!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman



              ((( LVT )))
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF DAILY FRIDAY 5TH AUGUST

                Crossposted with both of you Pap and Lav! Thats what happens when you post a big whine like I do I guess!:H

                Pap--Awwwwww! How thoughtful!

                Lav--I used quitnet when I quit smoking as well. I gave it up since I didn't have time for it and MWO.:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF DAILY FRIDAY 5TH AUGUST

                  Hi guys, quick check in today - at the trailer, a sunny day predicted so we'll be at the pool all day. My daughter has a GF up which is nice for mommy cause it means I get to relax and not be my daughters playmate all day. I know that sounds selfish but hey, I need me time too!

                  Still sober, feeling great!

                  Off to do my meditation and prayer.

                  Love and hugs,

                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF DAILY FRIDAY 5TH AUGUST

                    Good morning Fabstikis and thanks to Treya for starting us are doing SO well. I came here three months after quitting so I didnt use the drink tracker but I checked it out and I think it would have been very useful for me, about 10 years ago in particular when I really struggled. Its much easier to make this journey with help, than without it. In ten days I will be seven months.

                    P3 cute drawing from the nephew. I think if I was considering selling something and someone in my fam did a sweet drawing of it, I'd say awwwwwe.... do you wanna buy it??? ( Hope you dont mind my sense of humour on this one, Papmom3. ) My own nephew and neices nostalgia for my brothers farm have kept him there, even though he really doesnt want to be there any more. And now they have grown up, and just seem to like the IDEA of having a farm to go to.

                    Marshy, do you have a shop or an office you go to for work, have you reno'd it? I am outta the loop. Still relatively knew here. I need an annotated bibliography for the people here. The injured trapezius muscle in my hand is not going to stop me from going to the arctic. Possibly sawing off my hand would not stop me. I am wearing this brace in the hopes that I wont have to dope myself with pain killers whilst flying all day for a week. I put in 12 hour days for that, and its very demanding physically. So I cant be zoned. Its not getting much better, so more ice, I guess. Physical injury and working through it is just a fact for most field biologists I guess. Not exactly an athelete, either. I am a dumpy overweight matron, kinda short and built like a brick shit house.

                    LVT SO sorry you have this unfortunate side effect of MenoGOAWAY. Not just pause, please but feck off entirely.... (ranting myself here). I am after four years of it, and I still have anger issues, some of this is attributable to AL and some to head injuries (Car accident, coma, 17 y.o., badly stored maple board to the head, 56, need I say more). I am starting to see a pattern, in that the disgruntlement does tend to subside over time. I am not getting as many hot flashes as I used to either. It used to be several a day, now its like one or two a week. I am much better with the feeling angry about stuff too. In one respect, stuff that used to make me angry for days only gets to me for a short period. Pretty soon we will both be sweet little old ladies.

                    Good morning to all I have cross posted against, as they have cross posted against me, amen.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF DAILY FRIDAY 5TH AUGUST

                      Kaslo;1158596 wrote:
                      Good morning to all I have cross posted against, as they have cross posted against me, amen.

                      Kaslo, I've had my windows at home replaced. And, no, I don't work at home. I did once and didn't really like it - found it difficult to close the door on work. I much prefer being able to hoppity skip away from the office of an evening and not have to think about it until I'm next there.
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        AF DAILY FRIDAY 5TH AUGUST

                        Good morning Fabstikis and thanks to Treya for starting us are doing SO well. I came here three months after quitting so I didnt use the drink tracker but I checked it out and I think it would have been very useful for me, about 10 years ago in particular when I really struggled. Its much easier to make this journey with help, than without it. In ten days I will be seven months.
                        The help is crucial and that's why this website is so wonderful -not just the advice, articles and discussions but expecially the support of the people themselves most of whom have had experience of giving up. They have walked their walk and nothing beats that kind of coach.
                        So let me say once again I am in awe of you guys who are long termers and eternaly grateful for the on-going support and advice.
                        AF since 11 July 2011
                        You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                          AF DAILY FRIDAY 5TH AUGUST

                          Hi Treya, absolutely this is a wonderful place. I was struggling alone, but I think I finally had come to the realization at the age of 29 (lol!) that I was going to really have a mess on my hands if I didnt knock it off for good. So when I came here, and to another website called 43 things which I really love a lot, and feel like I have people who understand while not judging me. Thats very important. But they are poised to point out where I am bullshitting myself too, which is a good thing.

                          Now that I am past 6 months, I I feel so much better now, and for me, the decision to just forget about moderate drinking, has been the best decision for me.

                          Finding things to fill the void that drinking filled up has been like rediscovering myself. I used to sew, and draw, write and take photographs... etc etc. So as you go, think of all you have ahead of you and it will really fill you with a sense of joy.

                          Hi Marshy, yes working from home is trying in many ways but I dont have much choice, I dont have a real job!

                          back to work for me too.


                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            AF DAILY FRIDAY 5TH AUGUST

                            Me either Kas :H
                            My work from home shop is nice but supremely isolating.

                            Treya, I'm another one who appreciates the good folks here :l

                            Just went back to read yesterday's thread.....

                            DG - glad everything is OK with Mr DG. Has anyone mentioned seeing a Nephrologist - you can do things to tell break up those kidney stones & make them easier to pass
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF DAILY FRIDAY 5TH AUGUST

                              WAZZZZ UP!

                              Good afternoon everybody! I have been majorly busy today at work.

                              Anyway, I needed to take a break and check in with my homies at MWO. So, I have a question for the group. I am now at day 17. AF life is great! However, I can?t make a personal decision to save my life. What is strange is that work decisions come to me like clockwork. I have no problem in that area. However, Mrs. IJM called earlier and wanted to know what the dinner plans are. I have no freaking idea. Do I cook at home or go out. If we go out then where? I couldn?t answer. What?s more is that my mind just sort of overloaded ? I just sort of sat there not saying anything because I couldn?t think of anything to say! This is just one example of how I have felt for several days. It is sort of like I am standing in the middle of a desert. Is this a normal symptom at this point in my AF life or is something else up?

                              Ok, off the heavy stuff.

                              Congrats Treya! I?m still right around the corner behind you.

                              Uni ? Mrs. IJM is off work today and has been at the pool all day as well. I just can?t go there. That is too huge of a trigger for me. We used to spend all day most every Sat and Sun and I was pretty pickled by the end of each day.

                              Doggie ? great news on Mr. DG. Now he can get to the ?rent-o-crap? and get busy!

                              Kaslo ? 6 months is great! It?s good that you could feel the void. I?m having trouble doing that. I have these big ?ol voids every evening and most of the weekend. I need to work on that. M3 has given me the right idea but I need a box of motivation to start running again.

                              Hi to everybody else! I?ll check back later and see how everyone else is doing.

                              The IJM Thought of the Day: When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?


