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    How do we know they don't shrink - just a little :H :H

    I am also feeling like I'm standing in the middle of a desert IJM but I know why!
    I thought for sure that my life would get better - happier when I quit drinking. In a lot of ways it did of course, I just didn't expect my spouse to leave me here alone. I think my finding a bit of personal happiness just served to shove him over the edge. Who the hell would have predicted that? Not sure what we are supposed to do about these things ~ waiting to find out I guess
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



      Hey Ho Fabbies!

      Treya;1158481 wrote: any AF day is a great one -right? Abslutely! You're doing a mighty fine job Treya!

      LVT25;1158550 wrote: I really need to find some time to do the things I need to do to make myself happy.
      Me too. I find that since I don't exactly have a full time job, I don't allow myself down time. I feel like I need to be accomplishing something and I'm forgetting that doing nothing or something that is unproductive really IS important. LVT, those boys (all inclusive term here) at your house can do for themselves while you do for yourself, don't you think?

      ItsJustMe;1158724 wrote:
      It is sort of like I am standing in the middle of a desert.
      Me too. But restless at the same time. I don't know what the hell it is.

      Marshy, I feel your pain over builder's dust. I just gave the house a reeeeeeellllly good smudge with copal and lavender. Right while we're having a thunderstorm, which probably doesn't make any difference but in my mind it really clears the air. Hopefully it'll have the same effect on my brain. Do you still use essential oils?

      DG, glad mr doggy is better. Did you say he did or did not have an appendix? I'm still voting for the retrocecal issue if he does.

      P3, that is the sweetest paphut picture! But you need to do whatever you think is best. What an awesome time you had in Maine!! I'm SO glad you went.

      Lav, you are fortunate to be relatively surrounded with fun, loving kids and grandkids and chickens. I wish you didn't feel alone. :l

      Kaz, ouch on the thumb injury. I read where a glass of raw milk every day will cure thumb trap injuries. kidding, couldn't help it :H Seriously, I thought the DMSO idea was a good one. When do you leave for the artic tundra?

      Uni, you sound so nice and peaceful ~ what a joy!

      Shout out to cindi! Glad you're planning to be here every day!

      And sarajane....?

      Hope I didn't miss anyone.

      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



        Hi youse guys. What is DMSO?

        IJM I truly believe that the blank spot left by AL is what often causes relapses, and it due to the nefarious nature of AL that we are left at first thinking there is nothing to take its place. So in time I found work of course filled it, cleaning filled it, gardening filled it, and now reading and photography are starting to work, and I am getting up to about 5 or 6 activities that I can do that make it so I am not triggering all the time.

        I have a pool. Its a gorgeous thing, and of course I used to drink around it and in it, floating about, and I was worried that I would not cope with absence of AL plus pool. Last spring I bought me some soft cider. Ice cold. Damn it, that was just the thing for me. So its friday and it will be hot, and at the end of the work day, if I get there, and Im spared, lol, I will have a soft cider in a nice plastic glass with ice. Delicious, refreshing, no alkihol.

        Now I poke around like i used to, photograph my poolside plants, yap with who ever is there with me, or read by the pool or what ever and I am weaned from poolside AL. It took about ONE day to get through that. I was so relieved.

        Lav its really too bad you are wasted by the marriage taking a hit, and whos to know if it would have happened if you quit or not. All that stuff about things happening for a reason and all that. I dont know. My marraige really suffered when I quit too, I was such a biatch for about .....maybe still am dunno. Anyway, all the things that pissed me off about my husband really became totally intolerable, but now, we seem to have come to an understanding, and I seem to have realized I have to cut the guy some slack. Although I still wanna give him my fondest regards on some days....

        Ha ha greenie, milk indeed.

        Love to all.


        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h




          DMSO: Many Uses, Much Controversy

          We used some DMSO at the vet clinic. Mostly on horses. I had a vet tech friend that used it on her knee during softball and you could hardly stand to smell her in the huddle!:H It is highly absorb able and I can taste it just by smelling it. Some say it tastes and smells garlicky, which is probably why Det recommends it. I also remember my brother saying it is hard on the liver so check out the link and decide for yourself.

          I still don't have hot flashes (grateful for that) but I tell you things that sometimes I just let roll, often times make me grit my teeth and curse. I really also need to get out my basket of supplements.

          Greenie--you are right, as usual. :l:h

          Lav--you and I really need to take a little vacation together!

          I wish I had a pool......that is all.
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



            Just buzzing in for a quicky. Me and Mrs. IJM are about to head out to dinner. But I checked my cool iPhone Sponsor app and the words for this evening are so profound I just had to share them with my MWO family:

            "Sobriety is a grant, not a gift. A gift is something we get to keep forever. A grant is contingent on us doing something to keep it. "

            Jeez, I love this app!

            Have a great evening all!



              Good Evening everyone!

              Busy day today! I walked to the neighborhood bank and filled out my refi application. As long as the appraisal comes in at or above what I owe I should be OK. I also totally cleaned out one of my front yard beds except for the coral azaela bush-that I severely pruned back. The low spreading holly bush came out much easier than I expected so I'm stoked to get going on the other side. Now all I need is my friend to dig up some zebra ornamental grass from her yard and bring it over. 2 of those with the azaela in the middle should make for a nice foundation planting which I can accent with colorful annuals. Hell, I might even like my house again :H.

              Playing around on facebook I came across a cool site: Simple Steps Real Change.

              A member posted this "proverb" on that site yesterday and I thought it was pretty cool and aprapro for us:

              An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil - It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, & ego. The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, & truth." The boy thought about it, and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The old man quietly replied, "The one you feed."

              This is the picture that went with the story:

              Tomorrow I go to WW for the first time in 3 weeks (slap my wrist!!) and it won't be pretty but there are no excuses. I know what I have to do-I just need to believe I can do it-just like going AF. I'm also attending my quilt shop's 20th birthday party. She's so proud and rightly so. 20% off all fabric etc will help tremendously as I need to start getting things together for my nephew's Hobby Quilt (skateboarding, hockey, music, art, writing) and I'm also making my dad a large totebag for the new boat and possibly a couple of pillow cases. He gets a quilt for his birthday in March. She has some fabulous nautical fabrics that will be just right for all 3 projects. I think he will be so thrilled and I'm thrilled I'll be giving him something meaningful and handmade and not just another gift certificate.
              After fabric shopping I'll try to tackle the rest of the front garden but if the weather is bad, my house could use a massive cleaning. How does one small bungelow get so messed up in only 4 days???

              Kas-all I know about DMSO is that it was illegal to use on humans when I was in Sportsmedicine back in the 80's and 90's. Not sure of the status now but I would check out the liver connection thoroughly. Are you sure it's the trapezius muscle? Last I looked that is located in rear neck/shoulder area. Did you mean to say you bruised the Trapezoid Joint of the wrist? The Trapezium bone is at the base of the thumb and that is a biotch of an injury to have. I know because I had the same injury about 15 years ago. I was covering hockey practice and an errant puck hit me right in that spot. I was in an orthoplast splint for 2 months and took very strong Rx NSAIDs for a month. Regular advil/ibuprofin didn't cut it. By the end of the 2nd month I was pretty much pain free and have never had any residual problems. The splint was custom made and allowed me to continue doing what I needed to do for work. I did go to an ortho for treatment so if you haven't done so I would highly recommend you do esp. since you leave for the bush in such a short time. :l

              IJM-you might be suffering from PAWS (post alcohol withdrawal syndrome) which would explain the brain freeze off and on. Give it some time and beef up the supplements. As far as filling the void-that's personal choice of what to do. I had to force myself at the beginning, now I'm so busy my head swims!! As far as the pool goes, if you truly enjoy swimming and it wasn't just about the AL and hanging out, may I recommend Trader Joe's Pomegranite Green Tea? I think I'm in love! I would kill to have a place to swim on a regular basis but after the workout I would want something as refreshing as my light beer or PG was but of course without the side effects!! Sending positive thoughts that you find your muse quickly.

              OK, that's a wrap for the night. da boyz need to be fed and I need some sleep!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF DAILY FRIDAY 5TH AUGUST

                whew! Aloha Friday all you AFer-rooooooos!

                This day ground me to bits like an interminable Monday to end all Mondays, time for another "Whew!"
                but ended with martial arts in the park, so I'm in a much better state.

                Treya, thanks for the nice start and great news

                LVT, dunno what to offer but extra hugs xxxxxxxxxxx

                IJM, whatever is wrong with your brain I've had all my life and still have. Recalling some of the benders I've had it's a wonder I'm not pushing a shopping cart under the bridge. shudder.

                Papmom, I love the drawings!

                I must say I'm feeling pretty nervous about Dx taking off for Burning Man on thursday. I'm going to be home alone for close to a month, which is going to be very hard on me emotionally. I tend to suffer from separation anxiety (I must be a puppy) and have in the past had some chronic benders when she's been gone. I DO feel like I'm going to get through this fine, but taking it very seriously and bracing myself mentally.

                off to check chat

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

