Hey Lav-Take a T-shirt that would be tight on the dogs, put one on each dog and see if that makes a dif with the storm anxiety. they actually make Anxiety T-shirts now that sell for around 30 bucks but a tight fitting human T should do the job just as well. BTW-I totally get it about the dentals for the dogs. At at least $400 a pop, i can't afford to do it for any of my kids either. Hell, i can't afford my OWN dental care!!
Greenie-painting trim absolutely sucks. Nothing more to say. Carry on trooper!
My sis said YES! I'm bringing the china over in a few minutes. My DR now looks halfway decent and I think I'm going to try selling the goblets on Ebay. She doesn't want them. I should keep them just cuz they are pink :h but seriously have no excuse to use them. Unless.... should I give away my everyday glasses and just use those? If I ever paint my kitchen gray they might just fit in. Hmmmm........