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AF August Angels-Week 2

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    AF August Angels-Week 2

    Morning...ish All!!

    Chill--Gorgeous pictures!!! They don't even look real to from a magazine!! It is so amazing still to me all the awesome people we get to meet over the internet...and things we get to see through your eyes!! SOOOO cool!!!

    Pap3--good luck with the appraisal and job 3...:thumbs: It's all you baby!!!

    Rustop--Was the cliff walk more beautiful than scary?? I read cliff...I got scared! heehee!
    Of course, SD (on my side) is about as flat as paper!!!

    Lav--I feel for you with all that dog hair...I can't stand it...My dog is a non-shedder...but you go to my parents house and sit on their couch (don't wear black EVER) because you leave with an a$$ full of hair!! YUCK!!! I always sit on a wooden kitchen table chair!!:H

    Rusty--Left for a run and hasn't returned......:H Come back home!!!! LOL!!


    Speed-Realized that I go back to school next week....ahhhh!!! Which is also "our" 2 month anniversary :H.....I didn't realize I went back as well!!! Total high anxiety related to that!!

    Sorry haven't check in for a couple days...since my parents got back we've spent a lot of time over there....when they go to work we spend the days with their foreign exchange student....he's a super neat kid!!! Although, I think his family is VERY well off over in Spain...they will in Astoria I believe....but he talks about going to the beach house, going to the house in the mountains...and then the home where he goes to school??? SO his "hometown" may not be Astoria...I guess I'm not sure. LOL!!! We took him go cart racing...he LOVED that...and was VERY good at it!! His uncle (who was a foreign exchange student here and graduated with me....almost 20 years ago) works for BMW over there and I think drives like a wild he comes by it honestly!!! Today we are taking him to the waterpark...he loves to swim!!

    Well I better go dig out my towels and swimsuit and get the kids to the pool!! Have a great Wednesday everyone...sorry if I missed anyone in my rush.....
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      AF August Angels-Week 2

      Good morning everyone

      SD - Hope you enjoyed the water park. We have had no real summer weather here this year and I miss it. Looks like it is that time of year - going back to school. I got a delivery today of school books. I now need to cover, ugh!! My daughter does not want me to even mention the word school. She is back for a few hours on the 25th.

      We have a few crazy weeks coming up. Big connemara pony show next week - 5 hour drive away. Then the Debs the end of August, 2 weddings, 8 and 10th September (10th one is in Spain so week-end away). After that normality or so I hope.

      Hi to everyone, we seem to be missing lots of people. Check in if you are reading, we miss you :l



        AF August Angels-Week 2

        No fear-I'm here!!

        Phone interview for #3 in a few hours. They know me so well this is very wierd (except for the Dean so he's the one I have to sell myself to).

        Gotta run!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF August Angels-Week 2

          Good morning almost angelic ones :H

          SD, no dogs are allowed on furniture around here - they are all way to big!!!! Hope the water park was fun - haven't been to one of those in years

          rustop, someday when your life gets too quiet you'll look back at these days & wonder how you did it all - believe me

          papmom, keepin my fingers crossed for you today

          I have lots & lots to do in my shop today - busy all of a sudden which is a good thing

          Dewdrop, hope you are well.

          Have a great AF Thursday all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF August Angels-Week 2

            Evening Angels :devil:

            Lav - hoping the house is now defurred. Elle is not allowed on furniture either, she has the most devine sheepskin like bed Im almost jealous when i see her curled up in it. She certainly isnt hard done by.

            Papmom - How did it go? I wrote a post this morning which i lost and didnt have time to redo. I was telling you to stand up during the call, we always command more confidence on our feet. I hope it went well.

            SD - Make suee you get an invite to Spain, beach house or mountain one! I hope you enjoy the remainder of your vacation, you sound like you are in good spirits and having fun.

            Dewdrop - you have been in my thought too, hope all is well with you :l

            I got an email from the Chopra Centre re the next 21 day meditation challenge which strts next week, I did it religiously earlier this year and loved it and want to do it again. Hope some of you will be joining me, I think this will be the link.... Chopra Center Newsletter

            I have managed to get all my chores done and its only 8.30pm so im off for a bath then into my jammies to watch Burn Notice and eat some chocolate
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              AF August Angels-Week 2

              Hi All-Burn Notice tonite followed by Suits!! My fav and pretty much only night of TV.
              Today was day #2 of staying 1 hour late just to try to catch up. Now if only my boss wouldn't think that extra hour is reserved just for his mindless pratter!!

              Thanks for all the good wishes today! Chill, I sat through the whole thing but I meditated for about 10 min before the call. I really have no idea how the interview went. For the most part the questions were great and I thought I did well. There were two I don't think I answered fully but one of them I didn't really understand. I couldn't ask them to clarify because I think I'm supposed to know what the word Metric means in terms of "What goals have you set for yourself, how did you accomplish them and what metric did you use". Huh????? The second one I immediately sent a Thank you emails and expanded on my answer.

              One of the search committee members came by later to ask about one of her recent admits and also snuck in a "I think you did really good." remark. I'm not sure I'm going to be happy with that only because I know she had planned to apply for this position and they put her on the search committee instead, they've been treating her like crap lately, I'm pretty sure she's out of here soon and I don't think her opinion carries any weight. So, if I make it to the final 3 I'll be happy and will then think I have a fighting chance.

              Time for din din and some R&R. TTYL.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF August Angels-Week 2

                where have all the angels gone?!

                Anyway this is for you all :l[/video]]Robbie Williams - Angels [HQ] [Official Music-Video] - YouTube
                Papmom what is TTYL?

                I have a real case of the blues today, feel very homesick for Portugal and my girlfriends. I think im just hormonal as anything could set me off today so im going to be the observer and not get into the emotions of it all. Its my turn for the dark side but as life is a constant we are always moving so I know sunlight is ahead.

                I havent seen Ken since we got back on Monday as he has been away on business so it will be good to see him tonight and we have a lovely weekend planned, just the two of us.

                I LOVED my Chill night last night and realize how important it is to have more nights like that, better time management is required.

                Wishing you all a wonderful Friday :groupluv:
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  AF August Angels-Week 2

                  Good morning kids!

                  I'm still here chill
                  I couldn't see your video - got a message that it wasn't available in this country

                  Full moon coming this week chill - I have been dancing on the dark side of the moon myself lately.....

                  2011 Full Moons

                  Source January: January 19, 2011
                  February: February 18, 2011
                  March: March 19, 2011
                  April: April 18, 2011
                  May: May 17, 2011
                  June: June 15, 2011
                  July: July 15, 2011
                  August: August 13, 2011
                  September: September 12, 2011
                  October: October 12, 2011
                  November: November 10, 2011
                  December: December 10, 2011

                  Now that we know the dates of the full moons maybe we can do something to prepare
                  I'm getting my smudge stick out tonight :H

                  Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF August Angels-Week 2

                    Hi everyone

                    Wrote a long post this morning and lost it, ugh!!

                    Thanks for that Lav, mind you I feel I am under a continuous full moon this whole summer!

                    Chill - this too shall pass. Glad you had a chill night last night, we all need one of those. Very few of us manage to get the balance we want, all we can do is try. Being AF is the most important, after that everything else will fall into place. How did we manage to live in the chaos of our drinking lives?

                    Off chauffering again so have to close. Have a great week-end everyone.



                      AF August Angels-Week 2

                      Good morning to all...

                      Lots of drama in the past week, and I have just not felt like explaining it, so have kept a low profile. I am fine though, and have lurked around.

                      Chill, it is hard to move and leave so much behind. Plus, having to work fulltime is very time consuming and you are right, planning time for exercise, meditation, fun, is a must. I loved the pictures you posted, wow, what a dreamy place to visit. It looked soooo romantic. I would find it hard to be around a bunch of drinkers and not drink. I mean, it would just not be fun for me. Everything gets taken to another level, and you were in a situation where you could not get a way. I always love to have an out. Hope you have a nice weekend, peaceful and refreshing.

                      SD, how fun to be entertaining a young person. I love hearing about your fun. You sound well and more confident as time goes on.

                      Lav, has the weather cooled off for you? It was the most gorgeous day on Friday, 70s, sunny with a breeze. Hopefully some good weather will come your way help your mood.

                      Pap, sounds like you did well, wow the competition for a job these days. I had applied at a university and they turned me down, saying they had 35+ applicants for this one position.

                      Have a great AF day, I am making peach tea with fresh peach slices today. Doesn't that sound good?
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        AF August Angels-Week 2

                        Hi everyone

                        Glad you are ok Star. Sometimes it is good to vent and other times we just need to get on with the everyday stuff. When people stay away it can be that real life takes over but there is always the worry that Al is back in their lives. I am so thankful for this site and this thread in particular. As most of you know I have been a serial relapser/slipper whatever you want to call it. Hubby drinks wine every night so it is always there and when temptation took over it was too easy. Also I was a very highly functioning alcoholic, nobody would guess what was going on. I would get 30, 60 days then choose to drink. This summer is the longest I have ever been AF (except when pregnant and when I was much younger), almost 90 days so I want to say a big thank you to each and everyone of you.

                        Off to the airport soon to collect my daughter from London. Exam results out next Wednesday so will be a tense few days.

                        Enjoy the rest of the week-end.



                          AF August Angels-Week 2

                          Good afternoon all,

                          Tried to but was unable to post this morning not sure what was going on with my internet connection

                          Rustop, congrats to you on your upcoming 90 AF days
                          I still have the occasional 'wouldn't it be nice thought'....... but when all is said & done I know I have to stay away from AL because all it really does is fuel up my depression. I am happier keeping that bastard dormant :H

                          Star, we did have a couple of nice days here & now the rain has moved in - supposed to be very heavy tomorrow, oh well.
                          I hope you can push the drama far enough away from you to come through unscathed but stronger

                          Chill, I did sign up for the 21 day meditation challenge again & I really need it right now.
                          I have two new embroidery designs related to meditation & OMing & am going to try to post pics later

                          Hope everyone finds some peace & relaxation this weekend.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF August Angels-Week 2

                            hey Hey! Back from a gorgeous first outing for dad's new boat. IT's a C&C 25 (in case anyone else is a sailor) and she is VERY cute but needs a ton of TLC. That wasn't really what he was looking for-he is 84 after all and is way past the high maintenance but sometimes what you see ISN'T what you get afterall.

                            Regardless, she sails super nice and super fast! Because of a slight case of memory loss, we had to go back to his place when we were half way there as he had forgotten to put the boat keys on his ring. We could have just sat on the boat in the slip I suppose and had lunch but that really wasn't the whole point of the day. :H

                            We finally got down there, he futszed around a bit and we let go of the lines. That's where the fun began! He had to back out of the slip and do a 180 to get out into the channel. Only the current didn't turn us the way he expected and the motor and tiller didn't work together too well. Remember, this is my dad's maiden voyage with this boat. Next thing I know I am SPRINTING to the bow and pushing us off the boat in front of us with about 1" to spare! I don't sprint. ever. Not even in agility. So we reverse, try to swing around again, put her into forward and yep, headed towards another boat! the motor didn't respond to reverse fast enough so I do another push off. By this time my sis is up on the bow with me and we try to go forward and starboard one more time. This time we were on a collision course with a boat with a much lower profile and not much in the stern to push off of. By now we're both screaming "reverse! reverse!" and we're coming closer and closer to the boat. The guy in the slip next to us is up top by now asking if we need any help and my dad is like, Yeah, got anyway to turn this thing in the right direction?" He was kidding but I think the guy thought we were landlubbers of the worst kind! :H I could see him silently praying: "Please don't hit my boat, Please don't hit my boat!" Meanwhile up on the bow we're coming closer and closer-I lean over as far as I can and finally am able to push against some part of the boat-I'm pushing as hard as I can but we keep moving forward and I'm pushing and pushing and thinking, OH CRAP we're going to crash! At the last minute and I'm talking you probably couldn't get a credit card between the two vessels- our boat finally starts moving backwards. I push with all my might to swing the bow starboard so we can get the hell out of dodge. My goodness!

                            Thankfully the rest of the sail was uneventual and she is safe on a mooring tonite instead of in a slip. All I can say is thank god my dad didn't try to do this himself last week!!! Can you say "Insurance Premium Increase"????

                            It was so great to be out on the water again after a 2 year hiatus. I think this will probably be my dad's last boat so we've all agreed he won't skimp on supplies and mods in order to be safe and comfy. Needless to say we are all set for Christmas and Birthday gifts for him for the next couple of years (West Marine gift cards!). I was very thankful neither he or my sis wanted to go to the local pub after we came ashore. That would have been a HUGE trigger for me and very hard to resist even after all this time. Boating and coctails after are pretty much de rigor.

                            Now all i have to do is figure out a way to combine sailing and agility!!

                            Star-so sorry you've had some major drama this week. Remember, we are all here for you!

                            Chill-totally understandable about the homesickness. Glad Ken was coming by tonite to take your mind off it. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and so glad you found some "Chill" time. :l

                            Rustop-you are doing so well! Keep up the good work andwhat ever is working for you. Life is so much better AF isn't it??

                            Lav-your new embroidery designs sound awesome! Can't wait to see pics!!

                            I love the idea of the meditation challenge but I have yet to get past day 2. I definitely don't have time in the morning or during the day so try to do it before bed but I always fall asleep in the middle!!

                            I've got to go lay down now. I have a case of the "bobbles". Whenever I sit down the rooms bobs as if I'm still on the boat and it makes me nauseous. I've never had this last so long!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF August Angels-Week 2

                              Good morning August Ones!

                              Hope your head & stomach have settled down papmom
                              I love to look at the water but I don't have much desire to be in or on it much anymore - gettin old

                              Dark & damp here this morning, up to 2 more inches of rain on the way today, flash flood warnings, etc. Guess I'll go get the life jackets out for the chickens :H

                              I definitely have a hard time waking & meditating but I really do enjoy the evening meditations. They calm me down, help me get rid of any BS that has built up during the course of the day. That reminds me, I will get pics of those designs today papmom

                              Wishing everyone a good AF Sunday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                AF August Angels-Week 2

                                Good Sunday Morning August Friends,

                                I haven't been posting or lurking much recently....due to keeping my commitment to spend less time at the computer. Balance, trying to achieve balance. This is a challenge for me so I'll keep working at it.

                                Rustop-CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 90 AF DAYS!!!inkele:. I wasn't aware that you were a "serial slipper/relapser" but that isn't important to me. What is important to me is your always positive attitude toward the people on this thread. You're an amazing woman, wife, and mom and a bright star for people here. Thinking good thoughts about your daughter's exam results. I thought of you again, today. I just got a Cash's Ireland catalog in the mail. Lots of Waterford crystal in there....I have Waterford wine and apertif glasses but alas, they are collecting dust in my china cabinet.

                                Papmom-mg...your sailing experience! Wow, I am so glad you and your dad are ok and you didn't crash into the other guy's boat. I was white knuckled just reading about it. Good thinking, skipper. Yup, I used to be a sailor....I used to crew on a J-24. What a lucky woman you are to have a dad who can still sail...but you're right, he shouldn't be sailing by himself. He must be so proud of you for being AF. How did your phone interview go? BTW, I do know what that interviewer meant by asking you about your metric. In my business, I have to ask that question of my clients EVERY day and several times a day. PM me if you want more details/directions....I'm happy to help. I just admire your tenacity.

                                Star-I know what you mean about not wanting to go into detail about the chaos in your life. I hope you have a peaceful day.

                                Lav-I can't wait to see your new designs. PLEASE post them!! I was very interested in asking you if you would design a t-shirt for a friend of mine, but I'm so glad that I decided to wait a bit. She's lost 35 pounds. She quit smoking about 10 years ago and put on 85 pounds. She finally decided to do something about her weight when she was diagnosed with a fatty had nothing to do with AL as she rarely drinks, but had everything to do with her diet. But, I have ideas for embroidery designs for Christmas gits.
                                You'll be hearing from me.. OOPS....I forgot about Halloween. My favorite holiday next to Christmas.

                                Chill-I hope you had a nice weekend with Ken. I am changing your name to Barbie.:H Chill, I also thought of you yesterday. I had a check-up with my doctor and I told her I bought a new bike, and she told me to stick to trails rather than roads. Two of her clients were killed this summer while biking alongside the road in near my house. The third survived but had to be med-flighted to a trauma center. Please, please be careful, and I hope you wear a helmet. I don't know what we would do if something happened to you.

