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AF August Angels-Week 2

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    AF August Angels-Week 2

    good Morning Angels!!

    The bobbing is gone! It's so funny-I don't get seasick on the boat (whale watching yes so I take Bonine)-it's the afteraffects that get me for a few hours until I get back in the swing of things.

    Rusty-thank you so much for the offer about further explanation of Metric. I guess it's too late now. Interview over and I doubt they'll ask that question in the second round (if I make it). But, now I know. Oh well, did the best I could.
    RE: my dad and sailing. He will be do most of his sailing alone. What happened yesterday was a result of never having tested the boat and the outboard together (he just got the boat 2 weeks ago and it just got in the water on Tues after a thorough survey and new rigging installed-nice and shiny!!). Had he tried to get out of that slip earlier in the week by himself I'm sure there would have been a nasty incident. Now he knows what the problem is and can take steps to anticipate and/or remedy. Something about loosening up the motor. Luckily he will be on a mooring more often than not from now on-he's particularily adept at sailing off the mooring when conditions are right. It was so funny-both my sister and I had the same thought late last nite and early this morning: Why the heck didn't we pick up the boat hook that was laying on the forward deck and use that to push off against the piling BEFORE we got that close to the other boats???? Isn't hindsight wonderful???? :H
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF August Angels-Week 2

      Good Sunday Morning August Friends,

      I haven't been posting or lurking much recently....due to keeping my commitment to spend less time at the computer. Balance, trying to achieve balance. This is a challenge for me so I'll keep working at it.

      Rustop-CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 90 AF DAYS!!!inkele:. I wasn't aware that you were a "serial slipper/relapser" but that isn't important to me. What is important to me is your always positive attitude toward the people on this thread. You're an amazing woman, wife, and mom and a bright star for people here. Thinking good thoughts about your daughter's exam results. I thought of you again, today. I just got a Cash's Ireland catalog in the mail. Lots of Waterford crystal in there....I have Waterford wine and apertif glasses but alas, they are collecting dust in my china cabinet.

      Papmom-mg...your sailing experience! Wow, I am so glad you and your dad are ok and you didn't crash into the other guy's boat. I was white knuckled just reading about it. Good thinking, skipper. Yup, I used to be a sailor....I used to crew on a J-24. What a lucky woman you are to have a dad who can still sail...but you're right, he shouldn't be sailing by himself. He must be so proud of you for being AF. How did your phone interview go? BTW, I do know what that interviewer meant by asking you about your metric. In my business, I have to ask that question of my clients EVERY day and several times a day. PM me if you want more details/directions....I'm happy to help. I just admire your tenacity.

      Star-I know what you mean about not wanting to go into detail about the chaos in your life. I hope you have a peaceful day.

      Lav-I can't wait to see your new designs. PLEASE post them!! I was very interested in asking you if you would design a t-shirt for a friend of mine, but I'm so glad that I decided to wait a bit. She's lost 35 pounds. She quit smoking about 10 years ago and put on 85 pounds. She finally decided to do something about her weight when she was diagnosed with a fatty had nothing to do with AL as she rarely drinks, but had everything to do with her diet. But, I have ideas for embroidery designs for Christmas gits.
      You'll be hearing from me.. OOPS....I forgot about Halloween. My favorite holiday next to Christmas.

      Chill-I hope you had a nice weekend with Ken. I am changing your name to Barbie.:H Chill, I also thought of you yesterday. I had a check-up with my doctor and I told her I bought a new bike, and she told me to stick to trails rather than roads. Two of her clients were killed this summer while biking alongside the road in near my house. The third survived but had to be med-flighted to a trauma center. Please, please be careful, and I hope you wear a helmet. I don't know what we would do if something happened to you.

      SD-hey, did you see where the Packers went to the White House. Ohhhh....Obama must have been gritting his teeth that it wasn't the Bears. Did you read his comment..."Where are you going next....Ditka's house?" HILARIOUS! I laughed so hard.

      Ok, off to the gym. I'm glad


        AF August Angels-Week 2

        Good grief - I gained 13 lbs 2+ years ago when I quit smoking & am still working them off - can't imagine 80 lbs Rusty

        What I'm posting here are actually embroidey files so the backgrounds & colors are approximate - The yellow/gold is actually a darker mustard color so let's see:

        Rusty, you know to just email me anytime
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF August Angels-Week 2

          OMG Lav-those are hysterical!! I love them! when I get my fancy new job with the gobs of money, i"m ordering one of each in a sweatshirt!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF August Angels-Week 2

            :H I'm wearing a T shirt with the Self Meditated design on it to bed tonight :H
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF August Angels-Week 2

              Not sure where everyone has been today but thought I'd check in and say goodnite. Not very productive today-computer problems and lack of motivation. Hope I find it tomorrow.
              Nite nite.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!

