I hope all is well. I've been making as many meetings as I can. Last night's meeting was big & the sharings were wonderful...a lot of experience, strength, & hope. There was some discussion about the doubts we had when we first entered AA.
-Will I ever have fun wo/alcohol?
-Can I cope w/difficulties wo/alcohol?
-Can I rewire my brain to do wo/alcohol?
I now know the answer is a resounding "yes." Yesterday, we went to our annual Italian cultural club picnic. There was a table of Italian wines...though not nearly enough for alcoholics. I wasn't tempted in the least & noticed most of the bottles weren't even empty when we left. In my drinking days, all I would have been able to concentrate on was how much I could drink.
I'm getting ready to do the 4th step w/my sponsor. I'm looking forward to uncovering some of the character defects that led to my drinking.