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Day One...thinking about monotony

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    Day One...thinking about monotony

    Hello everyone! I haven't been here in a long time although I've been using the drink tracker. For a while I'll moderate to 2 glasses of wine per evening and then it will creep back up to 3-4 again. I am sick of using wine and food to break the monotony in my life. It's not boredom, just the same old same old and not enough pleasure in it.

    So I use wine, chips and string cheese to break the monotony and give myself some pleasure. I'm sitting here writing this in jeans that were loose a month ago but not they're squeezing me. Yuk! I've been reading a lot here on the abs board and feeling excited to join you. Nice to see everyone here! I am awaiting Campral and would like to start abs today!

    What have you all done to replace your drinking time? I enjoy decorating and gardening but I'm in an rental place right now so cannot do that. I feel lost kinda. Thanks to all.



    Day One...thinking about monotony

    Hi Mags...nice to see you, I don't remember you from first time as I am a newie, 10 days AF, so a new good morning!
    Boredom???I'll tell you what I do to replace the drinking (not the pacing and crying obviously...that would NOT be a positive way for you to embrace AF)...I do all the stuff I never used to do BECAUSE I used to fill all my time drinking...I spend a lot of my 'dark' hours on this site first and foremost...amazing how the time goes when you are chatting to a number of like minded and supportive chums on line (as I write this, it is 2:05 am....normally if I was up at this time, I would be going through my box of wine, now I just let my fingers and brain drift away into the land of MWO). I also walk...sometimes it's hard to even put the shoes on, but once I'm into it, I am always pleased I got out of the house...I also take a picnic with me so I can stop somewhere nice and have a break....wot else...oh yeah, reading, don't know if you are a bookie, but the reading list here can offer some great stuff to pull you in, also cooking...I luuuurve good food, and like to get new ingredients after checking out recipe sites on the internet to make something a bit different (helps if you are a greedy b*ggar like me)...might find something you like enough to replace the cheese strings too that's just a leeeeedle bit healthier...once you start putting the good stuff in, it makes you think twice about over indulging...feeling healthy is such a novelty for me...
    You say you're in a rental, but if you have walls and a garden, this doesn't have to stop you enjoying your hobbies...your landlord might really welcome a tenant who improves his property..outline a few ideas, and see if he'll stump up some cash...I'm a bit of a diy freako, and i also like thrumming through beautiful homes mags for a bit of escapism....check out the fitness forum too...haven't got into a gym prog myself yet, but there are plenty of others who have, see what they have to say about it...course it doesn't have to be etc is good too,'ll get plenty of input from others, so i hope you find whatever yu need to rock your boat and stop that hand reaching for a glass...............good luck Maggie

    Hugs The Melon


      Day One...thinking about monotony


      Good to see you join over here! I know you've been sick of the same pattern for quite a while now. I just started abs too. And Campral. Day 7 now! It sucks at first, sorry, but I'm not gonna lie to you. You and I are very alike though, and day by day, I'm getting somewhere, I think. You will too!!! I know it. I just got exhausted of the "will I, won't I? how much?".... then OH F... I screwed up! Feel like sh*t for DAYS beating myself up. Oh, it's awful.
      You can DO this! Let me know how the Campral goes. I'm on day 3 of that.

      Maggie, you will feel better about yourself. I know you hate the monotony. Let's pick something else to do! I'm busy knitting.... OK, just scarves, and I feel like an old lady a bit, but it's calming, it keeps my hands busy, and it's productive. I gave one to my husband's step mom last night as a Christmas gift and she loved it! Made me feel good. Let's get you going on something, girl.

      Love ya always, Maggie. SO glad you are hanging in here and making this step!

      :l :h


        Day One...thinking about monotony


        Anytime is a good time to start. There has to be a first day, of any decision, and you are one day closer to your goal. Good for you for starting now, rather than waiting for an arbitrary date. Put your shoes on, walk out the door, and have a date with yourself without alcohol. I bet you'll like your blind date.

        Welcome aboard. There are some great folks around here.



          Day One...thinking about monotony

          Good Morning Maggie and Becca, 'the Melon' and all to come..
          I was using alcohol and food as well but have always known the true value of a hobby and creative that I'm at 10 (or is it 11 weeks?) Abs, the simple pleasures I've always known are coming back to me...organizing my drawers, cleaning my jewelry, rearranging a room..reading a good book...all these things help keep me in the moment, help me get off the fast track and gives me a sense of accomplishment..I don't knit, but I'll crochet a scarf, or sew something..I do love to garden but when I started drinking again, I lost the passion for it..that is coming back now. I'm already thinking of the spring and getting a sense of excitement about working in my garden..somehow I know that doing all these kinds of things are the what really feeds my soul and gives me that which I mistakingly sought through the alcohol. Exercise too...I've been trying to do yoga videos at home,'s funny how we resist that which we need the's as if we don't know what to do with the joy it might bring. Can we possibly contain JOY..oh, how unfamiliar that is! Keep it simple is the best advise I've ever heard!

          Kathy, I had my nails done the other day as well...little treats like that are helpful too..

          Yesterday I mixed up several batches of cookie dough..step, I'm looking for baking them...the mess is all cleaned up, the dough is in the everyone here knows, I'm very much convinced that living in the moment is the key to peace..I will enjoy making these cookies today, I won't be doing anything else..I won't be rushing myself and I have blocked the whole day to do it..that, and to finish wrapping gifts..

          so far, so good...the only bad thing this weekend is that we had to drive to Atlanta for a company Xmas husbands..neither of us really wanted to go...I left it up to him to know what time to leave, etc..we ran late because of heavy traffic and when we were almost there, looked at the flyer to find out that we were supposed to be there at 6:30 instead of 7:30! I was so embarrassed and let that stain the evening for a little while, but let it go when I found that everyone was about 3 sheets to the wind and several had been late as at home, keeping it simple...

          have a lovely Sunday friends!


            Day One...thinking about monotony

            Really enjoyed your comments about the simple pleasures Dilayne.....What a lovely relaxing picture you conjour up xoxo


              Day One...thinking about monotony

              Hey Maggie,

              I've found the first week to be a little "monotonous", but that is because I am usually devoting my energy to merely "not drinking". But once it becomes just a little more "normal" not to drink, old pleasures and ideas of what to do will start coming back to you. Dilayne has some great ideas, as do the others. I've been tacking a job long left undone at the moment (uggh!); namely, my office, but even though it's not the most fun, I have more energy for it than I would have otherwise. Also, next it's cleaning out the garage to make space for a simple home gym. After that, I'll move on to some more creative endeavors.

              If you can keep the faith that IT WILL COME, you will find yourself getting more energy to get back to old things that you enjoyed and find new things to enjoy. Getting through the first week is the hardest. Give yourself credit for every single minute, hour and day that you stay alcohol free!


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Day One...thinking about monotony

                Oh thanks so much you guys!

                I just got home. Being out of town today helped. I wasn't home during "wine o clock." So I have completed day one of abs and get to read all these messages now. Nice to see Becca and Kathy here still and on the abs board. And you who I don't know, I plan to get to know you now. Thanks again everyone! Hee Haw. Day one down! :thanks:


                  Day One...thinking about monotony

                  give me monotonty or give me death

                  i think monotony is better than a lobotomy

                  sorry if i ruffled any feathers i'm just in a crazy mood
                  alll the best to you and i'm sure you will prevail over this dreadful condition we have
                  merry xmas


                    Day One...thinking about monotony

                    Welcome Maggie, it really does get much better with just a little time under your belt.

                    Hello all other Abers...

                    Picking up on Di and Kathys's posts... there is something to be said for the clarity and patience I am enjoying now... 21 days AF (wow)! We put up our tree last night, no bottle of wine, no spiked coffees as has been our tradition. And guess what? It was still really nice!! In fact, after getting the ornaments hung, I sat down in the middle of the living room with all five boxes of "stuff" around me and sorted and organized each one... getting it all down to three boxes and each one is nice and neat now. Instead of the jumble that I ususlly thrown into the boxes after Christmas every year (impatient while drinking) I now can look forward to next year when I will know exactly what I have and where it is. Even untangled the Christmas lights without a rise in the blood pressure. What a pleasant surprise!


                      Day One...thinking about monotony

                      That's funny, Olly, I reorganized my boxes of ornaments and lights this year, too!

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Day One...thinking about monotony

                        What's really funny Kathy is how darn good it feels... yikes. But, it does.
                        :l Olly


                          Day One...thinking about monotony

                          I did the same thing!! :0)


                            Day One...thinking about monotony

                            I have visited this site several times over the past 6 months - haven't looked at it in about 2 months. I just registered today after telling myself (for the 30th time) that I cannot moderate. I'm usually good for a while and then go for a doozy. I'm on day 3 of abstinence and hope I can make it day to day. Working out is helping to get rid of the tension. Good luck to everyone else.


                              Day One...thinking about monotony

                              Good luck to you DogLvr. Keep coming back and posting. Let us know about your successes and failures! It really helps! Good work on day three and working out!


                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

