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AF Daily 8/10

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    AF Daily 8/10

    Good Morning AFers!!

    I seldom start this thread but woke up this a.m. at 4:00 with an excruciating cluster headache. I guess I need to up the Gabapentin. sigh.

    However, a cluster headache will typically subside within a couple hours, whereas a hangover takes a day or two, so I can't complain. No hangover here.

    I am thinking of you, Marshy. If things don't settle down soon, or become more threatening, it may be time to take a small holiday somewhere safe. Please take care. :l

    Leptin intolerance? I will google. (Odd how that word has become a verb.)

    LAV, glad the twins are gone and peace once again reigns in your house.

    DG, is the poison ivy getting any better? Did you try Aveeno Oatmeal bath? I would put it in a sock and bathe using the sock as a wash cloth. It is not a cure but it does help reduce some of the inflammation.

    Det, I just don't think "Let them eat garlic" will work. I recall a similar phrase from Marie Antoinette and look where that got her!! :H

    Jenny, Good to see you.

    M3, What a horrible situation. A young man now has to live with a horrible consequence for the rest of his life. A family has lost a loved one. The only good that can come from this is for others to learn by the example.

    Uni, I am so glad to see you say things like you love sobriety. :l

    LVT, I can't agree more about menopause and teenagers being a bad combo. I had my children young and didn't hit menopause until after they were out of the house. Poor husband has gotten the brunt of it, though. Still, he deserves it.

    Treya, 30 days is awesome!! :goodjob:

    Kas, Travel was such a trigger for me, hotel bars called to me. One of the reasons I quit my job. I admire you for being able to stay sober and travel so much.

    AFM, Keep us posted on yourself. You know you have all of us to talk to as you go through this journey to get healed.

    Greenie, remodeling sucks. Nothing every goes right. This, too, shall pass and you will simply find something else that needs to be done. :H:H

    P3, Sending good thoughts your way on the new position. Odd about requiring a cell phone for the interview, though, wonder if there is some reason they do not want to use the office phone? Kind of odd, if you ask me.

    I am going with daughter and daughter-in-law to help them buy school supplies for their children today. I cannot believe that I am doing this but they have no money. I have scraped together a bit to help them but it is finally time for them to figure out that they need to take care of their families and themselves. I have enabled too long. It is time for my husband and I to take care of ourselves. I love them but enough is enough. We shall have a bit of a discussion today about this while we are out.

    Take care, all of my AF friends, and be well.

    One thing is for sure...

    AF April 9, 2016

    AF Daily 8/10

    Morning Cindi and all to come - Kaslo, we have 2 threads going!!

    I am up early because my daughter is going to Canada's Wonderland with a friend today. She is so excited!

    I am just doing some work around the house today and then going to a women for sobriety meeting tonight. I can't wait, I love those people, they are so nice and refreshing.

    That's it, quick check in - Marshy - take care please, it's insane over there from what we are seeing on the news.

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily 8/10

      Cindi!!! So great to see you early in the morning and starting us off to boot! I am in full agreement with you about the travel. I think my drinking escalated when I was a frequent traveler (before I had kids). I traveled so much that I could upgrade to 1st class and drink to my hearts content. And of course, the hotel bars, etc. I am happy that you are off the road even if it means no job. I am also glad that you are letting your family learn that they need to take care of themselves financially. Too much has been on your back and the costs to you has been very high.

      Kas, you are an adventurous woman. I think I would enjoy shadowing you for a week.

      P3, Job #3 eh? Very strange about teh cell phone yes. Nonetheless, it is good that you have some options.

      Yes, a very horrible situation with my friends son that I posted last night. I knew him when I lived in the area. Nice boy, nice young man. Now he is a criminal. I have been haunted by it. I think of the woman who died and her husband and children who were left behind.

      DG, hope you are waking up with a little less poison ivy.

      Hello to Det, Marshy, Greenie, Treya, Uni, LVT, AA Dglvr, Jenny and all to come
      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily 8/10


        Re the young man. I know a man who at 27 drove drunk and ended up killing a seven year old girl in an accident.

        After seven years in jail, he came out sober and clean. He eventually became a husband and a father. He told me once that every night when he tucks his children into bed, he remembers the child he tore away from a loving family. When he told me that, we both ended up crying.

        Some acts in life are irrevocable.

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily 8/10

          Good morning Abbers & a very happy hump day to one & all :H

          Cindi, I always find myself helping out my grown kids with stuff too - like the $200 carseat I just bought for my's something they have to have as she has outgrown the infant sized seat. What can you do?? Glad you are doing well

          Uni, have a good day all on your own

          M3, very sad about your friend's son. Don't know how he is going to begin to process the whole thing Hope you are packed & ready for vacation :_

          I have enjoyed a peaceful morning without the Twins!
          The dog hair & slobber cleanup begins now.

          Wish I was with Kaslo!
          DG, keep scrubbing that PI - I feel for you!

          Hello to everyone - I will be back.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily 8/10

            Hello friends,

            Congrats Treya on 30 days!!! Keep up the good work!:goodjob:

            Mom3--I can't imagine how your friend must be feeling right now. And Cindi--your friend too. This is something that would be forever life changing to so many people. I've warned my son over and over about driving slower than posted and watching really close. It would be awful to hit a child especially. He still drives too fast.

            And...I hate to say it, there is a possibility he has been drinking this summer. I got a phone call from a friend telling me he was at another friend's house after the wedding reception last weekend. (When I was away) He had come home, checked in with his dad, and then snuck out. His buddy picked him up and they went back to town. Not at all smart on his part, because the home he went to is family/friends. His cousin was there. He was hanging out with his cousin's cousin if that makes sense. He has spent some time at his home unsupervised this summer as well. Anyway, the cousin's cousin apparently has a history of drinking and prescription drug use. His aunt was missing some of her meds (quite a few) and some liquor disappeared from the wedding reception and they think he took it. (The cousin) but since my son was with him of course now he is involved and only he knows how much. When I asked him about it, he admitted to sneaking out--but totally denies drinking--but he also says he didn't know the cousin's cousin was drinking. Regardless, my son's reputation is damaged, and there goes the trust. It makes me very, very sad. And I am really really worried about the cousin's cousin if he is drinking hard alcohol and taking Oxycontin!!! Need to make some difficult phone calls and visits this week to get to the bottom of this.
            My hubby did a pretty good job of staying calm. I told him this was an opportunity to do things right--or really screw it up. As for our son, the rest of his summer is pretty much over. Part of his story that came out was that they did get picked up earlier in the evening evidently, and given sobriety checks--and they were all af. I'm not sure how the cousin's cousin passed as they are saying he was sneaking drinks at this wedding reception. Anyway--why can't life be just a little easier sometimes?
            It's time to get busy. We got a nice rain last night, so that will help in many ways. More bookwork to catch up and we are going to have to do some serious housework this weekend as my in-laws from Missouri will be here.
            Hope your itching stops DG--never had PI--knock on wood. Interesting on the lactose intolerance. Never had that either and hope I never do because I am addicted to ice cream!
            Have a great sober day all!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily 8/10

              Halllllllloooooooo fabbies!

              My printer is unhooked and I need to print a resume at the hole so I looked for a floppy I could use to transport it. This was one of the things I'd saved on it. Very simple story.

              Life's Echo

              A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
              Suddenly, the son falls hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
              To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain:
              "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
              He receives the answer: "Who are you?" Angered at the response,
              he screams: "Coward!" He receives the answer: "Coward!"
              He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"
              The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
              And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!" The voice answers:
              "I admire you!" Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"
              The voice answers: "You are a champion!" The boy is surprised,
              but does not understand. Then the father explains: "People call this Echo,
              but really this is Life. It gives you back everything you say or do.
              Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world,
              create more love in your heart. If you want more competence in your team,
              improve your competence. This relationship applies to everything,
              in all aspects of life. Life will give you back everything you have given to it.
              Author Unknown
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily 8/10

                All quiet on the western front. Shops still replacing windows but other than that my neighbourhood is OK. Fortunately no buildings were set on fire where I am so the damage is fairly easy to repair. Some poor sods have lost their homes and businesses in other areas where buildings were set alight.

                Kaslo - the people waving the brooms were cleaning up their neighbourhood after the rioting, they were not the rioters! Phrases bandied about as an explanation: "Bad parenting" "Disaffection" "Lack of opportunities" "Greed" "Criminality, pure and simple" etc. Take your pick.

                Cindi - I read something you wrote about doing exercise now and it reminded me of an article on Spiritual River that says exercise is so powerful that it is the cornerstone of some recovery systems. Note to self: get back to it!

                DG - Hope the poison ivy is improving (I don't even know what it is, will have to google - verb)

                Lav - glad you got rid of the Twins!

                Hi Greenie, LVT, Uni, Jenny, Mom3 and everyone. Have to dash.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily 8/10

                  hidy ho AB-omatics!

                  Cindi, hope your head feels better soon. I very rarely get headaches thankfully.

                  Marshy, glad your home was spared. out of curiosity what are you legally allowed to do there if someone attacks your house while you are home? are you allowed to use reasonable force to repel them and/or deter them from entering?

                  Leptin intolerance I think may have been a typo, did you mean leptin signalling? leptin works in concert with the hypothalamus to control appetite in respect to your stored body fat percentage. there are a bunch of things that can interfere with this process most notably sugar which in fact sabotages the feedback loop to the brain and keeps you hungry and even worse triggers the body to convert carbohydrates to fat well beyond the body's inherent set-point for doing so.
                  it's a complex subject but as a general rule if you keep insulin levels well regulated then leptin pretty well behaves it'self just fine. IE no alcohol and very little sugar, and watch the simple carbs.

                  jeepers, can a day go by where I don't rant about nutrition? just tell me to STFU .......LOL!

                  can't believe I'm still home, yay!

                  Uni, so great you found a group you like

                  Mom3, LVT, Lavande, IJM, DoggyGirl Greeneys, DogLvr, Treya, AFM, Bear, Jenny et al..... have a good one. sorry if I missed any

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily 8/10

                    Hi fABbies! Still itching and scrubbing with that Z stuff here. I look like a leper. Hopefully I'm turning the corner now to getting better!

                    Jenny - so good to see you. Good that you are at least doing "damage control" and only drinking Fridays. The fact that you don't enjoy it says something big I think. Will look forward to hearing about where you decide to go with that.

                    Lav - interesting about the lactose intolerance. When you are done cleaning the hair and drool at your house, wanna come and do mine??? I should start calling it the Insanity Quads around here.

                    M3 - LOVE almond milk. Mr. Doggy loves it too and always drinks up my stash. I better get a bigger stash now. I can also relate about todays thread aka traveling lots and getting free upgrades and drinking away in planes and hotel bars. That was my life when I was first 29. Ugh...

                    P3 - I am trying to avoid the doc and steroids! Actually, I think this Z stuff is working - I just had it really bad before I knew I had been exposed over 1/2 my body. (DOGS!!!) That is exciting about Job #3!!! I hope the super secret cell phone interview goes well!!! Also good news on the re-fi. I will be sending you high appraisal vibes!!

                    Kaz - 4:30 is not early. That is regular wake up time around here. :H Hope you are traveling safely today.

                    Det - Not Leptin Intolerance. Leptin Resistance. There is a school of thought that it is not a result of insulin resistance, but a precursor to insulin resistance. The schools of thought seem to vary. It's all new enough where there are different interpretations of the research. There has been a LOT of research funded by Big Pharma, who were all hoping that leptin resistance could be "treated" with leptin similar to T2 Diabetes being "treated" with insulin. Similar physiology from the standpoint of it being a receptor problem. (the body produces plenty, but the receptors are resistant). However the only situation where injecting leptin resolves the situation is in a very very very tiny % of cases where the body does not produce leptin. (more like T1 diabetes and insulin) For people who produce plenty and are resistance, Big Pharma has found no "cure." Diet is the only cure.

                    I was anorexic as a teen, and there is some research suggesting that I was set up for leptin resistance back then, most likely. No matter - diet is the only known way to fix it so far. Reverse T3 is one of the markers - I am going to ask for that next time I do blood work with my thyroid doc. In any case, I am generally following the protocol recommended by Jack Kruse. Det - he posts a lot on Mark's Daily Apple. I'm only on Day 4 so will let you know how it goes. So far so good though.

                    Cindi - thanks for starting things off today. I am SO GLAD you are here posting with us!!!! I am so glad you dumped the crazy travel job. That would have killed me had I tried to keep it up.

                    LVT - I hope things turn out OK with this situation with son and cousins. Maybe a positive is that is sounds as though hubby handled things appropriately this time? :l

                    Marshy - I am SO glad you are OK and your neighborhood didn't get burned down!!!! When does XNGF come home?

                    Well, I need to get back to book keeping. Yuk. I hope my lepracy is cleared up before school starts. Vanity? Yes.

                    One thing is for sure...

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily 8/10

                      I have a new grand-nephew!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily 8/10

                        Greenie--loved loved the story!!! printed it out :thanks: And congrats on your grand-nephew!

                        It's weird, I am much more relaxed when my son is grounded. It's like a vacation from worry. Hmmmm... I also had to stop them both and try the best I could to explain what menopause is and what it does and why it was important not to push my buttons right now.
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF Daily 8/10

                          LVT25;1161534 wrote: I also had to stop them both and try the best I could to explain what menopause is and what it does
                          GAAAAAA!!!!!!! OMG, I would be horrified to have to do that!!!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily 8/10

                            Greenie, it's actually easier to explain menopause to your kids than to let them think you're just plain losing your mind :H :H
                            Congrats on the new addition to your family

                            LVT, trust that you have taught your kids well - I'm sure you have :l
                            Our kids are here to test us ~ they're just doing their jobs. My kids pushed the limits with some things I knew of & I'm sure with things I wasn't aware of at the time. Actually there are some things you just don't want to know :no:

                            Ended up having a girls evening here with my daughter, DIL & all the babies! That was nice but now I'm tired.

                            Wishing everyone a good night!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily 8/10

                              Lav, too funny! so much for my insanity plea...
                              crap, I don't even have menopause to blame for my mental 'peculiarities'.

                              DoggyGirl, very interesting material thank you. Robb talks a lot about these fascinating hormone/diet interactions. and Mark Sisson from Mark's Apple is on the latest podcast at along with the one and only Matt 'the Kraken' LaLonde (research scientist extraordinaire) and mentor to Robb.

                              I found a pretty good sized scorpion in the bedroom! actually I stepped on it and it crunched. thank dog I was wearing shoes! totally freaked out about them now and I'm scouring the house with an Ultra-Violet wavelength light (scorpions glow brightly in the presence of UV). no lack of entertainment in la case de garlic.

                              be well peeps. off to check chat
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

