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AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

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    AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

    Good morning Abbers!

    9 am & no thread started yet? Really?

    Looking forward to a decent day here weatherwise & hope to be able to get outside later. First I have something called 'work' to do

    Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

    Morning Lav and all to come!

    I am again tired this morning but it is for a good reason. Last night one of the girls who I was in treatment with was really craving and struggling and I was able to help her get through it. I have spoken with her this morning and she is doing well. Feels good that I was able to help.

    Today I have nothing planned. Which is not always a good thing but there is a lot that I can do around here. Cleaning, yardwork etc. It's supposed to be a nice day so I think I will pull some weeds and mow the lawn. Maybe vacuum and clean the floors. We'll see how things go - just a lazy day. I go back out to the trailer on Sunday so I need to get some stuff done around here otherwise when I get home I just feel really overwhelmed.

    I am almost at the 3 month mark which feels good. Glad to be back on track!

    Love and hugs,

    One thing is for sure........
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

      Waz up Dudes?

      Good Morning Lav & Uni ? I was inches away from starting a thread when I saw yours. Everyone but us must be sleeping in!

      I haven?t checked in in a few days. I have been swamped with work and dealing with school stuff for little IJM. I think we are about to get the home front into a rhythm now so things should be calmer.

      So far I am still hanging in ? hit day 24 today. I can?t wait to get to 30 days. I?m still having an issue filling time on the weekends so I need to work on that. Also, I am going to bed majorly early now (10PM) that is early for me. My concentration is still equal to that of a gnat. I sat down last evening and could not even make it through a 30 minute recorded episode of Seinfeld. When I was drinking I could watch 3-4 of them back to back. I also used to love watching just about any documentary. In 23 days I have yet to make it through one!

      Here is something else interesting. I used to be a social butterfly. I loved to entertain. Mrs. IJM and I met some new couples (parents) at little IJM?s school. She suggested we invite them over for a cookout one weekend soon. Internally I flipped out. I really really don?t think I can do that. Or if I did, I don?t think I would enjoy it. I don?t want to socialize with anyone on the weekend ? even the people that we usually socialize with. PERIOD!!! What the heck is wrong with me!?! This is so ?not me?! I might add that most of the people we associate with are lite to non-drinkers ? so it?s not guests? temptations that bother me?.

      As bad as all this sounds, I am really enjoying being AF, no hangovers, remembering conversations, I love reading every single night. But there are parts of the new IJM that I really don?t like too well. AF feelings certainly outweigh drunken feelings. I just wish there was a middle ground! Make sense?

      So, enough about me.

      Greenie- Welcome to my personal little Hell. The wood floors that were put down last fall are being ripped up this weekend and relaid (is that a word). All the dust from last fall has not left yet. Plus I am stuck at home and can't go anywhere. Not that I was planning to but if I suddenly got the urge to go somewhere I would be hosed!

      DG ? I would expect the PI to be gone by now. Are you sure it is not some STD? :H :H :H

      Marshy ? So glad you are safe. Hopefully it will get less and less each night.

      On yesterday?s topic of birds ? the below was photographed yesterday afternoon in my back yard when I got home from work. WTH ????

      Ok, gotta get to work but will check in later. Hello to all and have an awesome day!

      And for the IJM thought of the day: Ever wonder what you call a pocket calculator in a nudist camp?



        AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

        ItsJustMe;1162285 wrote: And for the IJM thought of the day: Ever wonder what you call a pocket calculator in a nudist camp?
        crack math?
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

          Nevermind the peacocks..... how the heck do you have so much nice grass in your back yard?

          And I'm with you on the "who the hell IS this person?" I was telling someone the other day about my lack of interest in socializing lately. Said that being single is sometimes a burden because the soirees I used to attend with enthusiasm are now too much effort because the single person carries the burden of the conversation flow. WTF? Did I REALLY say that??!! I talk to the people in grocery store lines! Where did that remark come from?

          And hey, I was up early.... I was still on yesterday's thread with Marshy. :H
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

            Hi fABbies! I have work to do too now that I'm back from leads group. Stuff I should have done 3 days ago but......well, there is no excuse.

            Marshy and especially Greenie....many :l on the continued construction and subsequent dust woes....

            Lav, the weather is GORGEOUS here to day too. It's like the spring we missed! Can't wait to get my work done and get outside!

            Uni, so very happy for you almost 3 months AF. And also so wonderful that you were able to stay up late and help your friend get through some tough urges. Every time I help someone it seems to just solidify my own committment to sobriety. I hope it's working that way for you too. Can't wait for your 3 month bash around here! :yougo:

            IJM, the topic of socializing and our changes is of real interest to me. I thought at first my lack of desire for the barbeques and porch parties we used to host regularly was all about the booze and not wanting to be around it. Don't get me wrong - I still don't really like being around a lot of booze. But it's more than that. I think I'm only now starting to realize just how UNsocial I maybe really am in my natural state. Maybe I was covering up a lot more than I thought I was getting drunk all the time through all those activities. I'm OK with it though. I'm just trying to go with it, and decide as I move along through sober life what kinds of things I REALLY enjoy, and what kinds of things I DON'T enjoy, and be honest with myself and others (as appropriate, i.e. Mr. Doggy) about it. I drank through so much of my life it's going to take me some time to figure out the REAL me. And I'm cool with that. A much more interesting and fun journey than where the other path was going.

            Um....STD? Isn't sex required for that???? :H

            Nice Peacocks. I hope that is not a subliminal message such as pea cocks or anything.... (back at ya!)

            Crack math... :H

            Kaz - I can't wait to see the pics of this adventure. Thanks Det for the wiki link. It's like we have our own Travel Channel here!

            Well, I'm gonna get some book work done NOW. One thing is for sure...

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

              PS - would someone please expand that damn smilie limit now????!!!!????
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

                I was going to ask about that GREEN grass too IJM :H
                My 2 1/2 acres looks like crap....
                Nice peacocks, I've actually thought about getting a few of them but then you have to provide shelter for them & I don't think my chickens would share their quarters :H

                Uni, congrats on your AF time & being there for your friend - good feeling, huh?

                Not going to say a word about crack math!!!!!!! Hi there Greenie!

                DG, hope the PI is healing - ugh!

                About the socializing thing - I love having the kids & grandkids around (of course) but I really don't have any interest in 'entertaining'. I think, for me it has something to do with aging. I enjoy meeting my GFs once or twice/month for lunch. I guess it boils down to not feeling like I need to impress or influence anyone - if that makes sense I also talk to strangers at the supermarket :H

                OK, UPS just dropped off my blank shirt order so I guess I'll get them put away.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

                  Hi again!! Lav - I'm sorta with you on the socializing I think. ZERO interest in entertaining, impressing, etc. I used to worry a lot about what people thought of me. (so the answer was to get shit faced and make a :moon: out of myself??? )

                  PI is improving. The problem with not knowing I was exposed was that I had plenty of time to spread it everywhere. And of course I have no idea how much new exposure I may be getting from the dogs. Mr. Doggy "took care of it" in terms of a quick fix, but the PI is not permanently destroyed from their area. And no telling how many leaves, etc. remain out there. (not to mention there is all kinds of it on other areas of our property where the dogs have access sometimes!!!)

                  Anyway...I am being very vigilent with wearing long pants around the dogs, washing the towels and sheets daily to keep from re-infecting myself, anything I wear goes directly into the laundry even if it was worn for 4 minutes. And I've been scrubbing 2X per day with that Zanfel stuff that must be made of pure gold for the price. And then putting on various and asundry other anti - itch crap, etc.

                  LOL I dug around in my closet today to find something long sleeve (that I wouldn't suffocate in!) to wear to my leads group meeting so people wouldn't think a leper was amongst them. So much for not caring what people think!


                  Back to work.

                  Wondering how the never ending project is going at :crowned: today...

                  I am also thinking of Jenny and what she said last week about drinking on Fridays but not really enjoying it. Wondering what the choice shall be today. Know that we are all here if you decide to try a sober one. And if you decide to drink, know that all of us will be sitting in the room with you eating popcorn and maybe even passing gas. Det and IJM would be passing gas for sure I bet. So I'm thinking you might NOT want to drink today after all considering your gaseous popcorn eating friends... Hmmm.....

                  One thing is for sure...


                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

                    ahoy AF shipmates! and Aloooooha Friday!

                    Uni, what a sweet post.

                    seems we're missing a few folks here...

                    anyhow, better get my gym stuff together for a workout.

                    tomorrow I'm getting up at 6am and will be in a very intensive training class all weekend in the desert trying not to die of heat stroke. weeeee! so may not be checking in quite so frequently.

                    Marshy, finally you are armed and dangerous thanks to the window repair fellow

                    grass? lawn? we have no such things here in the high desert. and that's the way we like it!

                    ok loves, must run

                    be well
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

                      Found a tiny blue egg in with all the big brown eggs in the nest boxes today. That means one of my youngest hens is now a woman :H
                      I was kind of surprised because they're only 4 1/2 month old!

                      DG, I've noticed the poison ivy rash appears in the very same spots on me each year - my forearms & my neck :wow:
                      Wearing a long sleeved turtleneck in 100 degree weather is just not an option for me :H

                      Deter - keep yourself hydrated this weekend, stay safe

                      I did make a quick supermarket run this afternoon & I did exchange pleasantries with a few 3D people :H
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

                        Lavande;1162553 wrote: I did make a quick supermarket run this afternoon & I did exchange pleasantries with a few 3D people :H
                        :H:H I'll see that and raise you one! I hung out with the drum circle people at the river and did some hula hooping. :H:H
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

                          :H Always a good idea to have your hula hoop in the car ~ you just never know :H

                          Because my life is so exciting my plan is to go get in my jammies soon, make a big bowl of popcorn & hang out on the deck until I see some meteors. I used to do that with my kids, it was fun. Hopefully the full moon won't be too bright.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily ~ Friday 8/12

                            Hopefully the full moon won't be too bright.
                            Why? You scared the chickens will see you in your jammies?

                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

