It is not officially Sunday here yet, but for you all East of me it is so....had some venting to do so started the thread early. Hope you don't mind.
Just got home from a big annual social function. Lots of al. None for me, I may have even overdosed on bottled water.
On the way home #1 son commented that several of his classmates heard he was drunk at "so and so" house the other night, etc. etc. This really bothers me. I know small town people gossip. I've lived in a small town my whole life. But I've never really had anyone gossip too much about me, and I certainly haven't had anyone talking about my kids in that way. I am so mad at myself for not talking to our "friends" who are the source of the story as soon as we heard about it. My son screwed up, he snuck out, he was hanging out with the cousin's cousin and went to the cousin's uncles and the cousin admitted he was drinking and my son did not, but the uncle didn't believe him. Instead of calling us, they told them to take a nap. The aunt found her prescription drugs were missing so she called my sister in law, and another friend and who knows who else. It just bothers me that the whole town will think less of my son (and us) because of this. Why they felt the need to share all this personal information with others is beyond me. They consider themselves pretty good Christians and all. I know he brought this all on himself, and I've warned him about guilt by association, but it hurts me that supposed friends would gossip and try to ruin his reputation. For what benefit. So people can shake their head and say, well what do you expect---look at his parents. I know, here I go again worrying about what people think...I've got to quit doing that.
Thanks for the ears. :h I hope hubby will help by talking to the aunt and uncle tomorrow. With or without me.